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Results for search "Parenting".

25 Sep

Playtime with Dad Helps Boost Kids’ Grades Significantly, New Study Finds

Fathers who regularly read, play and draw with their young children give them an educational advantage, according to new research.

Health News Results - 923

02 Jul
How Handing a Child a Screen During a Tantrum Could Backfire Long-Term

How Handing a Child a Screen During a Tantrum Could Backfire Long-Term

When your preschooler pitches a fit, handing them a smartphone or tablet is probably the fastest -- and the worst -- way to stop it, a new study suggests.

"If parents regularly offer a digital device to their child to calm them or to stop a tantrum, the child won't learn...

29 Jun
Tips to Safely Helping Your Baby Through Teething Pain

Tips to Safely Helping Your Baby Through Teething Pain

Tending to a teething baby is tough: Parents want to help, but might not be sure how.

Teething typically begins around 4 to 7 months of age, as the 20 or so "baby teeth" that will emerge by the age of 3 begin to form.

The usual signs of teething include "mild irri...

27 Jun
Sports Injuries: Your Guide to Helping Your Child Heal

Sports Injuries: Your Guide to Helping Your Child Heal

Youth sports are important for the development of children and teenagers, but there’s no sure way to ensure a youngster doesn’t get hurt while competing.

That’s why it’s important for parents to spot and appropriately respond to their children’s sports injuries...

26 Jun
Could Mom's Smartphone Use Affect Baby's Language Development?

Could Mom's Smartphone Use Affect Baby's Language Development?

Mothers tend to speak less to infants when they’re on their smartphones, a new study finds.

Moms talked 16% less to their babies when they were fiddling with their phone, researchers found.

Shorter 1- to 2-minute intervals of phone use interfered with mom-baby in...

17 Jun
Trouble Getting Your Kids to Sleep? You're Not Alone, Poll Finds

Trouble Getting Your Kids to Sleep? You're Not Alone, Poll Finds

Nearly 1 in 4 parents struggle to get their child to sleep, a new poll reports.

Some of this is related to poor sleep hygiene, but some also is due to dark worries harbored by...

14 Jun
Loaded, Unlocked Guns Common in American Homes, Study Finds

Loaded, Unlocked Guns Common in American Homes, Study Finds

In half of American homes containing a loaded gun, that gun is kept unsecured and ready for potential use, often with children in the home, new research shows.

The finding is especially troubling given the link between gun accessibility and accidental child deaths, as we...

07 Jun
Younger Kids in Class Might Be Misdiagnosed With ADHD, Autism

Younger Kids in Class Might Be Misdiagnosed With ADHD, Autism

If your child is among the youngest in their school grade, it's more likely they'll be mistakenly identified by teachers as having ADHD or autism, a new study confirms.


06 Jun
Close-knit Family, Community Key to Teens Delaying Sex

Close-knit Family, Community Key to Teens Delaying Sex

Teenagers who are part of close-knit neighborhoods and families are less likely to have sex at a young age, a new study has found.

On the other hand, teens' schools have less influence on their sexual behavior, researchers report.

“Our results echo other studies'...

05 Jun
Two Key Steps to Curbing Your Tween's Screen Time

Two Key Steps to Curbing Your Tween's Screen Time

Parents frustrated with kids who are seemingly glued to their phones, take heart: New research finds you can tear them away from their devices.

Two approaches seem to work best: Limiting screens during meals or bedtime, and modeling good screen behaviors yourself, accord...

05 Jun
Drug-Linked Infant Deaths Doubled in U.S. in 4 Years

Drug-Linked Infant Deaths Doubled in U.S. in 4 Years

As an epidemic of drug abuse cuts it way through America, none are left unharmed, even the very young.

New data finds that the rate of infants dying from drug-related reasons more than doubled between 2018 and 2022.

In 2018, 10.8% of all deaths to babies under 1 ye...

03 Jun
FDA Warns of Bacterial and Other Dangers From Recalled Infant Formula

FDA Warns of Bacterial and Other Dangers From Recalled Infant Formula

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning parents about a goat milk infant formula potentially tainted with a bacterium that's very dangerous to babies.

Crecelac brand formula, already under recall since May 24, could contain Cronobacter, which "can cause...

31 May
U.S. Deaths Linked to ATVs Rose by a Third in One Year

U.S. Deaths Linked to ATVs Rose by a Third in One Year

In just one year, U.S. deaths linked to the use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) jumped by a third, according to the latest

27 May
Moms, Even When Kids Reject Your Advice, It's Still Helping Them

Moms, Even When Kids Reject Your Advice, It's Still Helping Them

Does advising your teen sometimes feel like talking to the proverbial brick wall?

Don't fret: New research shows that even when your preteen or teen gives your advice a flat "no way," your counsel is probably having an impact.

It may simply be tucked away by your...

23 May
Parents' Vaping Might Help Spur Eczema in Kids

Parents' Vaping Might Help Spur Eczema in Kids

A mom or dad who vapes at home might be setting their child up for eczema, new research suggests.

In a study involving data from over 35,000 U.S. households, children with a parent who used e-cigarettes had a 24% higher odds for

23 May
TikTok: Ground Zero for Vaping Sales to Kids

TikTok: Ground Zero for Vaping Sales to Kids

TikTok is full of fun memes, pranks, dances and challenges -- and illicit vaping product sales targeting teenagers, a new study reports.

Advertising a...

22 May
Teen Cannabis Users' Risk for Psychosis May Be Stronger Than Thought: Study

Teen Cannabis Users' Risk for Psychosis May Be Stronger Than Thought: Study

Doctors have long known that excessive marijuana use can trigger psychosis, especially in the young. But new research suggests the link is stronger that ever imagined before.

Teens who use cannabis face 11 times the odds for a psychotic episode compared to teens who abst...

20 May
1 in 4 Parents Say Their Teen Drinks Caffeine Daily

1 in 4 Parents Say Their Teen Drinks Caffeine Daily

Many teens are spending their days buzzed on caffeine, with their parents mostly unaware of the potential risks, a new national poll says.

A quarter of parents reported that caffeine is basically part of their teen's daily life, according to the University of Michigan He...

17 May
The More Kids Use Social Media, The More They're Likely to Vape

The More Kids Use Social Media, The More They're Likely to Vape

Kids and young adults who use social media for seven or more hours per day have double the risk of taking up vaping or smoking or both, new research shows.

The study is based on a survey of almost 11,000 young British people ages 10 to 25 who were tracked from 2015 throu...

17 May
Is Your Child Ready for Summer Sleepaway Camp?

Is Your Child Ready for Summer Sleepaway Camp?

Sleepaway camp can be a lot of fun for kids, but only if they're ready for the experience.

And that's the tough part -- figuring out as a parent when a child is ready to stay away from home, and what they'll need while they're at camp, said

08 May
More Than 321,000 U.S. Kids Lost a Parent to Drug ODs in a Decade

More Than 321,000 U.S. Kids Lost a Parent to Drug ODs in a Decade

More than 320,000 U.S. children lost a parent to drug overdose during the past decade, according to a new study reported May 8 in JAMA Psychiatry.

What's more, the death rate accelerated during the pe...

08 May
Drive to Be 'Perfect' Parent Isn't Healthy, Survey Finds

Drive to Be 'Perfect' Parent Isn't Healthy, Survey Finds

Parents striving to be “perfect” will never attain that goal, and the aim isn't even healthy for their families, a new study says.

The risks of striving for perfection are such that researchers have now created a scale to help parents track their burnout and, if nece...

08 May
How Bad Was Beethoven's Lead Poisoning?

How Bad Was Beethoven's Lead Poisoning?

No one knows what caused the liver and kidney disease that led to Ludwig van Beethoven's untimely death.

But one popular theory – that high lead levels killed the great composer – should be ruled out, researchers argue in the journal

08 May
Study Finds Heart Damage in 'Couch Potato' Kids

Study Finds Heart Damage in 'Couch Potato' Kids

Children and young adults who are couch potatoes could wind up with enlarged hearts, increasing their risk of heart attack, stroke and early death.

Sedentary behavior contributed as much as 40% to the total increase in heart size between the ages of 17 and 24,

08 May
Helping Your Child Make Friends With a Child With Autism

Helping Your Child Make Friends With a Child With Autism

Kids are very likely to make the acquaintance of a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at some point, whether they know it or not.

An estimated 95% of children with disabilities enroll in regular schools, experts say.

“Given the rates of autism dia...

07 May
A Parent's Watchful Eye Does Keep Kids From Drugs, Alcohol: Study

A Parent's Watchful Eye Does Keep Kids From Drugs, Alcohol: Study

Parents can be very effective buzzkills for their teens, just by letting kids know they're being closely watched, a new study reports.

Teenagers are less likely to drink,

06 May
Parental Deaths to Guns, Drugs Harmed Nearly 100,000 U.S. Kids in 2020

Parental Deaths to Guns, Drugs Harmed Nearly 100,000 U.S. Kids in 2020

Nearly 100,000 U.S. children lost a parent in 2020 to gun violence or drug overdose, a three-fold rise since 1999, according to a new study.

Overall, these two causes made up nearly a quarter (23%) of parental losses in 2020, almost double the level cited in 1999, accord...

06 May
Parents of Infants With Cystic Fibrosis Often Feel Confused, Unsupported: Survey

Parents of Infants With Cystic Fibrosis Often Feel Confused, Unsupported: Survey

Parents of newborns diagnosed with cystic fibrosis often are confused about both the disease and their next steps, a new national survey has found.

In fact, about half of new parents don't even know that newborns are routinely screened for the genetic disorder, the poll ...

06 May
How 'Unruly' Sports Parents Harm Their Kids' Mental Health

How 'Unruly' Sports Parents Harm Their Kids' Mental Health

Everyone knows that specific type of sports parent – the over-the-top dad or mom who curses, shouts and even becomes physically aggressive during their kid's match.

While they might think they're cheering their kid to victory, such poor sports behavior actually can tur...

02 May
Day Care Pick-Up Often Involves Sugary Snacks, Study Finds

Day Care Pick-Up Often Involves Sugary Snacks, Study Finds

Giving your kid a drink, snack or small bag of fast food on the way home from day care might distract them during a busy commute, but it's not doing their

01 May
School Entry Rules Boost Kids' HPV Vaccination Rates

School Entry Rules Boost Kids' HPV Vaccination Rates

Getting the HPV shot in adolescence can spare kids a lifetime of risk for cervical and other cancers related to the virus, but only half of American kids are up-to-date on these shots.

Now, a new review suggests that if schools mandate HPV shots as an entry requirement f...

01 May
For Parents of Kids with Food Allergies, Social Media Can Bring Support -- and Stress

For Parents of Kids with Food Allergies, Social Media Can Bring Support -- and Stress

Having a child with food allergies isn't easy to manage, and now new research shows that most of these parents turn to social media for medical advice.

When they do, some of the advice is good and some is not, researchers report. 

In the study, published recen...

24 Apr
There's an 'Epidemic' of Loneliness Among U.S. Parents, Poll Finds

There's an 'Epidemic' of Loneliness Among U.S. Parents, Poll Finds

Anne Helms is one busy mom, constantly juggling the demands of working from home with parenting two young children.

Despite that whirl of activity, Helms says she often feels isolated and lonely.

“I work from home full time and I actually have a job where I'm on ...

22 Apr
Pandemic Had Only Minor Effect on Young Kids' Development

Pandemic Had Only Minor Effect on Young Kids' Development

The pandemic caused only “modest” delays in developmental milestones for infants and toddlers, a new study has found.

Previous research has reported that pandemic-related lockdowns disrupted the lives of many people, including families with young children.


22 Apr
Many Parents Cook Special Meals for Little Picky Eaters: Poll

Many Parents Cook Special Meals for Little Picky Eaters: Poll

Parents too often wave the white flag when it comes to young picky eaters, a new survey finds.

Three out of five parents say they're willing to play personal chef and cobble up a separate meal for a child who balks at the family dinner, according to a national poll from ...

20 Apr
Parents, Coaches: Help Young Athletes Avoid Summer Heat Hazards

Parents, Coaches: Help Young Athletes Avoid Summer Heat Hazards

Another broiling summer looms, along with another season of kids' summer sports.

It's a potentially harmful, even lethal combination. But experts at Nationwide Children's Hospital (NCH) have advice for kids, parents and coaches on how to keep young athletes safe when the...

18 Apr
Teens Often Bullied Online About Their Weight: Study

Teens Often Bullied Online About Their Weight: Study

Teenagers are frequently bullied about their weight on social media, and the bullying increases with each hour they spend on these si...

15 Apr
'Feeling Like a Burden' Can Be Motivator for Suicide in Preteens

'Feeling Like a Burden' Can Be Motivator for Suicide in Preteens

Quiet preteens who feel they're a burden on others are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and behaviors, a new study reports.

Criticism from parents or caregivers also increased the likelihood of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, researchers found.

Preteen girls ...

13 Apr
Planning Safe Summer Camp Fun for Kids With Allergies & Asthma

Planning Safe Summer Camp Fun for Kids With Allergies & Asthma

Preparing a kid for summer camp is already a daunting task, and it's even more complicated if your child has allergies or asthma, experts say.

“Kids with allergies and asthma need an extra layer of protection when they head off to summer camp,” said allergist

12 Apr
Parents, You Can Ease a Teen's Stress Around Standardized Tests

Parents, You Can Ease a Teen's Stress Around Standardized Tests

Standardized tests put a lot of pressure on teenagers who want to secure their future and make their parents and teachers proud.

This stress can lead to symptoms like stomach aches, sleep problems, irritability and heightened emotionality, experts say.

But there ar...

11 Apr
Parents Tending Backyard Poultry Can Pass Along Dangerous Salmonella to Infants

Parents Tending Backyard Poultry Can Pass Along Dangerous Salmonella to Infants

A days-old newborn in Oregon was sickened with salmonella that may have been transmitted from parents who tended infected poultry located 150 miles away, a new report finds.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has

11 Apr
Parks, Forests Boost Preschoolers' Mental Health

Parks, Forests Boost Preschoolers' Mental Health

Toddlers who grow up near nature are less likely to have emotional issues, even if the green space is just a park or a big back yard, a new study shows.

The more green space there is within three-fourths of a mile from a child's home, the fewer symptoms of

05 Apr
Suicide Rates Have Doubled in 20 Years Among U.S. College Athletes

Suicide Rates Have Doubled in 20 Years Among U.S. College Athletes

Suicides among U.S. college athletes have doubled over the past two years, according to data from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

Suicide is now the second most common cause of death for college athletes after accidents, results show.


29 Mar
Steady Rise in U.S. Suicides Among Adolescents, Teens

Steady Rise in U.S. Suicides Among Adolescents, Teens

U.S. rates of suicide by all methods rose steadily for adolescents between 1999 and 2020, a new analysis shows.

During those two decades, over 47,000 Americans between the ages 10 and 19 lost their lives to suicide, the report found, and there have been sharp increases ...

25 Mar
Many Kids Worry About Missing School Due to Illness: Poll

Many Kids Worry About Missing School Due to Illness: Poll

Most parents are torn about letting their middle or high school students take a sick day.

"In some cases, the decision to keep kids home from school is clear, such as if the child is vomiting or has a high fever," said

25 Mar
Tally of Infant SIDS Deaths Shows Many Unsafe Sleep Practices

Tally of Infant SIDS Deaths Shows Many Unsafe Sleep Practices

Babies who die unexpectedly in their sleep often are subjected to many hazards that could have contributed to their deaths, a new study reports.

Multiple unsafe sleep practices are at play in three-quarters (76%) of Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID), according to a ...

18 Mar
Household Foods Get Less Healthy as Babies Age Into Toddlers

Household Foods Get Less Healthy as Babies Age Into Toddlers

Over the first few years of a child's life, foods found in a family's fridge and cupboards tends to get less healthy, new research shows.

“We found significant changes in several food categories over time," said study lead author

13 Mar
Youth Baseball Can Lead to Overuse Injuries: What Parents Need to Know

Youth Baseball Can Lead to Overuse Injuries: What Parents Need to Know

Baseball season is near, and one orthopedic surgeon is warning young players and their coaches and parents about the very real danger of overuse injuries.

11 Mar
Medical Costs for Kids' Mental Health Jumped 31% in 5 Years

Medical Costs for Kids' Mental Health Jumped 31% in 5 Years

The cost to American families of caring for a child with a mental health condition rose by almost a third between 2017 and 2021, a new report finds, to an average $4,361 per year. 

Overall, American families spent an estimated $31 billion in 2021 on child mental hea...

11 Mar
How After-School Programs Can Harm Teens' Mental Health

How After-School Programs Can Harm Teens' Mental Health

Days clogged with numerous after-school activities are detrimental to the mental health of over-scheduled high school students, a new study finds.

Researchers also found that these "enrichment' activities -- tutoring, sports, school clubs and even homework -- are unlikel...

08 Mar
U.S. School Shootings Have Risen 12-fold Since 1970

U.S. School Shootings Have Risen 12-fold Since 1970

During the past half-century, the United States' annual number of school shootings has increased more than twelvefold, a new study finds.

What's more, children are now four times more likely to be a school shooting victim, and the death rate from school shootings has ris...

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