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Results for search "Fatherhood".

Health News Results - 24

23 Jun
Dad Facts: What Men Need to Know About Their Fertility

Dad Facts: What Men Need to Know About Their Fertility

SUNDAY, June 23, 2024 (HealthDay News) — When a couple can't get pregnant, the focus is often on the prospective mom, but that needs to change, a Houston urologist says.

"Both partners need evaluation," said

12 Jun
Dad Plays Role in His Infant's Microbiome

Dad Plays Role in His Infant's Microbiome

Dads appear to make a small but important contribution to a newborn baby's gut health, a new study discovers.

Many microbes found in babies throughout their first year of life originate in the father rather than the mother, researchers report June 12 in the journal <...

30 May
Being a Dad May Take Toll on Men's Hearts

Being a Dad May Take Toll on Men's Hearts

The old joke holds that fatherhood causes a man's hair to go prematurely gray.

Whether or not that's true, being a father does appear to put men at greater risk of poor

20 Oct
A New Dad's Postpartum Depression Can Be Tough on His Kids

A New Dad's Postpartum Depression Can Be Tough on His Kids

It's well known that mothers can suffer postpartum depression, a condition that affects not only their well-being but also their child's development.

Now, new research finds that fathers can also experience depression after the births of their babies and this doubles the...

06 Oct
New Dads Might Also Need Screening for Postpartum Depression

New Dads Might Also Need Screening for Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is commonly thought of as something new moms experience, but fathers can also suffer from these feelings when entering this phase of life.

A pilot study from the University of Illinois Chicago suggests new dads should also be screened for the condit...

25 Sep
Playtime With Dad Brings Kids Better Grades at School

Playtime With Dad Brings Kids Better Grades at School

Most parents want to help their kids do well in school, and for dads the answer may be found in something simple and fun.

A new study from the United Kingdom finds that kids do better in elementary school when their fathers regularly spend time interacting with them thro...

05 Sep
Boys Who Smoke Could Be Harming Their Future Children's Health

Boys Who Smoke Could Be Harming Their Future Children's Health

Smoking may not only harm the smoker and those who breathe in the secondhand fumes, but also their future children.

New research suggests that boys who ...

31 Aug
First-Time Dads Often Experience Dip in Relationship Satisfaction

First-Time Dads Often Experience Dip in Relationship Satisfaction

Most fathers experience a decline in relationship satisfaction that can last for years after the baby is born, new research shows.

“A good couple relationship during the transition to parenthood is important for parents' mental health, involvement in parenting and bond...

21 Jul
Dad's Mental Illness Raises Risk of Premature Birth

Dad's Mental Illness Raises Risk of Premature Birth

It's not only a mother's mental health that is tied to the risk for preterm birth — the father's matters, too.

New research found that the risk of premature birth was higher for infants whose mothers or fathers had a psychiatric diagnosis than for those whose parents d...

16 Jun
Dads Can Play Big Role in Baby's Nutrition, Safe Sleep

Dads Can Play Big Role in Baby's Nutrition, Safe Sleep

Jeremy Davis made sure his wife, Chloe, got lots of support when she was breastfeeding each of their three sons.

“When she'd been up nursing all night, I'd take over with the baby in the mornings so she could get extra sleep,” the Wilton, Conn., man recalled. Davis a...

04 Oct
Babies Might Trigger Brain Changes in New Dads

Babies Might Trigger Brain Changes in New Dads

When men become parents, a lot changes in their lives -- less sleep and more time devoted to taking care of their children come to mind -- but new research now suggests that distinct changes also unfold in a new father's brain.

Researchers scanned the brains of new fathe...

14 Jul
Snuggling With Dad: Fathers' Contact Can Help Preemies Thrive

Snuggling With Dad: Fathers' Contact Can Help Preemies Thrive

Decades of research have shown the power of skin-to-skin contact between preemies and their moms, but would the same technique, dubbed "kangaroo care," work with fathers?

Yes, claims a new...

23 Aug
Age Can Impair a Man's Odds for Fatherhood: Study

Age Can Impair a Man's Odds for Fatherhood: Study

It's no surprise to hear that women's fertility wanes as their biological clock ticks away.

But do men have a biological clock, too?

New research shows it's not exactly the same, but their likelihood of fathering a child does appear to decline, even with assisted r...

18 Jun
On Father's Day, Give Dad Tips to Keep Healthy

On Father's Day, Give Dad Tips to Keep Healthy

Men tend to put their health care last, but Penn State Health offers some tips this Father's Day for ensuring guys stay healthy in the future.

"Men tend to take care of their cars more frequently than they do themselves. But when men wait to see the doctor once their 'ch...

18 Jun
Dads of 'Preemie' Babies Can Be Hit by Depression

Dads of 'Preemie' Babies Can Be Hit by Depression

Postpartum depression strikes fathers of premature babies more often than previously thought, and it can linger longer in fathers than in mothers, a new study finds.

The researchers screened for depression in 431 parents of premature infants in a neonatal intensive care...

14 Jan
Sperm Samples May Help Predict Autism Risk in Offspring

Sperm Samples May Help Predict Autism Risk in Offspring

Biomarkers in sperm may help identify men at risk of fathering children with autism, researchers say.

For the study, investigators examined sperm epigenetics -- the molecular processes that affect gene expression -- in 13 men who fathered sons with autism and 13 who had ...

23 Dec
Dads' Health Linked to Odds of Pregnancy Loss in Moms-to-Be

Dads' Health Linked to Odds of Pregnancy Loss in Moms-to-Be

A large new study suggests that men who plan to be fathers should try to get themselves in shape first.

Researchers found that when fathers-to-be had health conditions like high blood pressure or obesity, the odds that their partner might experience miscarriage or stillb...

21 Dec
Involved Dads Make a Difference for Disadvantaged Teens

Involved Dads Make a Difference for Disadvantaged Teens

Dads matter: New research shows how attentive, involved fathers can really boost the mental well-being and behavior of teens from low-income families.

The study looked at 5,000 U.S. children born between 1998 and 2000, and their fathers' involvement with them between ag...

27 Jul
Spanking on the Decline in American Homes

Spanking on the Decline in American Homes

American kids have something to celebrate: Spanking has hit a new low.

About one in three parents said they spanked their kids in 2017 compared to 50% in 1993, new research shows.

"Fewer parents are spanking, and I think it's helpful for people to kno...

14 Jun
Best Gift From Dad for Kids: More Time Together

Best Gift From Dad for Kids: More Time Together

Father's Day is a once-a-year celebration of the bond between Dad and his kids, but cementing that bond takes a year-round commitment.

A new study suggests the type of involvement (caregiving vs. play) and the timing (workday vs. weekend) make a difference.


14 Jun
'Daddy-Do-Overs': Men Increasingly Getting Plastic Surgery

'Daddy-Do-Overs': Men Increasingly Getting Plastic Surgery

A face-lift for Father's Day, anyone?

It could happen: A new report finds many more men are taking advantage of the same plastic surgeries that have long been associated with women.

The midlife decision by men to try a face-lift or other procedure has been ...

12 Jun
'Dad Shaming' Is Real, Survey Shows

'Dad Shaming' Is Real, Survey Shows

It's not just Moms: Just ahead of Father's Day, a new survey finds that about half of American dads say they've been criticized about their parenting styles.

The way they enforced discipline topped the list of things naysayers called them to task on, with two-thirds...

21 May
Older Dads' Sperm Isn't What It Used to Be

Older Dads' Sperm Isn't What It Used to Be

Just because a guy can make babies later in life doesn't mean it's risk-free.

The partners and children of men who become fathers at an older age are at increased risk for health problems, a new study finds.

"While it is widely accepted that physiological c...

25 Mar
Smoking Around Expectant Moms Can Harm Babies' Hearts

Smoking Around Expectant Moms Can Harm Babies' Hearts

Fathers-to-be who expose their pregnant partners to secondhand smoke put their babies at risk of heart defects, researchers warn.

For the new study, investigators in China reviewed 125 studies that included a total of nearly 9 million prospective parents and more tha...