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Results for search "Motherhood".

Health News Results - 63

27 May
Moms, Even When Kids Reject Your Advice, It's Still Helping Them

Moms, Even When Kids Reject Your Advice, It's Still Helping Them

Does advising your teen sometimes feel like talking to the proverbial brick wall?

Don't fret: New research shows that even when your preteen or teen gives your advice a flat "no way," your counsel is probably having an impact.

It may simply be tucked away by your...

09 Mar
Could Walks in the Park Ward Off Postpartum Depression?

Could Walks in the Park Ward Off Postpartum Depression?

New moms who live on tree-lined streets may be somewhat less vulnerable to postpartum depression, according to a new study -- the latest to link "green space" to better mental health.

05 Jan
Good Parental Leave Gives Big Boost to Moms' Mental Health

Good Parental Leave Gives Big Boost to Moms' Mental Health

Generous parental leave policies at work can do wonders for a new mom's mental health.

This is among the key messages from a new review of 45 studies examining how parental leave policies affect mom and dad's mental health and well-being.

Mothers working for c...

18 Nov
Study Confirms It: Kids Keep Harried Moms From Exercise

Study Confirms It: Kids Keep Harried Moms From Exercise

Something -- or rather, someone -- may be standing between moms and a regular exercise routine: their children.

New research from the universities of Cambridge and Southampton in the United Kingdom suggests that fewer than half of mothers met recommended activity levels...

01 Sep
Half of Moms of Children With Autism Have Depression

Half of Moms of Children With Autism Have Depression

While half of mothers of children with autism suffer symptoms of depression, a new study has di...

22 Aug
Family History of Mental Illness Ups Odds for Postpartum Depression

Family History of Mental Illness Ups Odds for Postpartum Depression

Pregnant women with a family history of any mental health condition may be at increased risk of depression after giving birth, a new research review finds.

In an analysis of 26 studies, researchers found that women with a family history of psychiatric diagnoses were at h...

07 Jul
Motherhood Doesn't Lower Survival for Women Who've Had Breast Cancer

Motherhood Doesn't Lower Survival for Women Who've Had Breast Cancer

Breast cancer survivors who would like to have a baby can take some reassurance from a new study that finds motherhood doesn't lower their future survival chances.

Moreover, survival rates were no worse in younger women, those who had not been pregnant before or those w...

29 Apr
Teen Brain Naturally Tunes Out Mom's Voice

Teen Brain Naturally Tunes Out Mom's Voice

Mom's voice may be music to a young child's brain, but the teen brain prefers to change the station, a new study finds.

Past research using brain imaging has revealed how important a mother's voice is to younger children: The sound stimulates not only hearing-related par...

12 Jan
Breastfeeding May Protect a Mom's Heart Years Later

Breastfeeding May Protect a Mom's Heart Years Later

Chloe Jo Davis is a vocal advocate for breastfeeding.

The Wilton, Conn.-based writer breastfed her three sons for years to make sure they reaped all of the benefits associated with the practice.

"Breastfeeding helps build up kids' immune system and keeps colds, vir...

13 Dec
T-Shirt Study Shows Importance of Mom's Smell to Bond With Baby

T-Shirt Study Shows Importance of Mom's Smell to Bond With Baby

The sound of mom's voice can soothe a fussy baby like nothing else, but now new research suggests that an infant is also calmed by the scent of its mother.

Prior animal studies had already shown that olfaction -- smell -- "is very important, that mother's smell is very c...

17 Nov
Grandmother's Brain In Sync With Her Grandkids': Study

Grandmother's Brain In Sync With Her Grandkids': Study

Grandmothers can have a strong bond with the little children in their families -- and the connection even shows up on brain scans, researchers say.

The investigators embarked on a unique study, looking at the brains of older women -- not for signs of dysfunction, as with...

04 Nov
Breastfeeding by Moms Who've Had COVID May Help Protect Newborn

Breastfeeding by Moms Who've Had COVID May Help Protect Newborn

Moms who had COVID-19 when they gave birth may help stimulate their infant's burgeoning immunity against the virus by breastfeeding, a small study hints.

It's well known that breast milk contains certain maternal antibodies that can help protect infants from infections a...

01 Nov
Financial Stress Burdens More Than Half of New U.S. Moms: Study

Financial Stress Burdens More Than Half of New U.S. Moms: Study

The joys of motherhood may be overshadowed in the United States since as many as 50% of new or expectant moms can't pay their bills, including health care bills, new research suggests.

"Financial hardship is highly prevalent among pregnant and postpartum women," said stu...

18 Oct
Pandemic Grief Can Come Between Mothers and Their Newborns

Pandemic Grief Can Come Between Mothers and Their Newborns

Among the many negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic may be damage to the bond between mothers and their infants, researchers say.

Women who experienced grief and depression due to pandemic-related losses may find it more difficult to form this all-important emotiona...

18 Oct
Pregnancy, Delivery Safe for Women Born With Heart Defects

Pregnancy, Delivery Safe for Women Born With Heart Defects

Women who were born with heart defects may get some reassurance from a new study that finds they face no heightened risk to health during a pregnancy and delivery.

According to the researchers, doctors may often advise these women against getting pregnant due to the pote...

29 Sep
Pot Use by Pregnant Women Rose During Pandemic: Study

Pot Use by Pregnant Women Rose During Pandemic: Study

Marijuana use by mothers-to-be may have increased by as much as one-quarter during the pandemic, a new study suggests.

Researchers found a substantial increase in the number of women in Northern California using pot early in their pregnancies after the pandemic emerged c...

16 Sep
Pandemic Has Many Women Holding Back on Motherhood, NYC Study Finds

Pandemic Has Many Women Holding Back on Motherhood, NYC Study Finds

The COVID-19 pandemic has many women thinking twice about having more kids.

In a survey of close to 1,200 New York City women with young children, one-third of respondents who had been thinking about having another baby before the pandemic but hadn't started trying said ...

06 Sep
Breastfeeding May Strengthen a Baby's Heart

Breastfeeding May Strengthen a Baby's Heart

Breast milk can give preemies' hearts a big boost, a groundbreaking study suggests.

"This study "� adds to the already known benefits of breast milk for infants born prematurely," said study leader Dr. Afif El-Khuffash, a clinical professor of pediatrics at the Royal Col...

25 Aug
For Better Breastfeeding, 'Lactation Consultants' Can Help

For Better Breastfeeding, 'Lactation Consultants' Can Help

Breastfeeding provides a baby with many positive benefits, but it doesn't always happen easily.

When a new mom feels overwhelmed by the challenge, a lactation consultant can help, according to two breastfeeding experts from Penn State Health.

"We're here to make su...

02 Aug
Leading U.S. Ob-Gyn Groups Urge COVID Vaccines for All Pregnant Women

Leading U.S. Ob-Gyn Groups Urge COVID Vaccines for All Pregnant Women

All pregnant women should be vaccinated "without delay" against COVID-19, two leading groups of U.S. obstetric specialists recommend.

That advice -- from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) -- ...

29 Jun
Pandemic Day Care Closures Forced 600,000 U.S. Working Moms to Leave Jobs

Pandemic Day Care Closures Forced 600,000 U.S. Working Moms to Leave Jobs

When child care centers were forced to close in the pandemic's early months, hundreds of thousands of American working mothers lost their jobs, new research shows.

The study is just the latest illustration of the toll the pandemic has taken on working women in the United...

23 Jun
C-Section Babies Miss Out on Mom's 'Microbiome,' But Treatment Can Change That

C-Section Babies Miss Out on Mom's 'Microbiome,' But Treatment Can Change That

When a baby is born, the mother's body provides a pathway into the world, but the journey also exposes them to beneficial bacteria that live in and on their mom. But that critical exchange doesn't happen during a cesarean section delivery.

Now, researchers report that sw...

01 Jun
Mom's Blood Pressure in Pregnancy Could Affect Child's Stroke Risk Decades Later

Mom's Blood Pressure in Pregnancy Could Affect Child's Stroke Risk Decades Later

Expectant mothers' high blood pressure heightens kids' risk of stroke later in life, a Swedish study finds.

"Our findings indicate that hypertensive disorders during pregnancy are associated with increased risks of stroke and potentially heart disease in offspring up to ...

05 Apr
Is Empathy Born in Mom's First Hugs?

Is Empathy Born in Mom's First Hugs?

Show your baby your love, and you'll get a kinder, gentler adult child as your reward, a new study suggests.

More than 20 years ago, researchers in Israel began studying the impact on newborns of time spent in physical contact with their mothers.

The investigators...

26 Mar
OCD May Be More Common in New Moms Than Thought

OCD May Be More Common in New Moms Than Thought

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is more common among new mothers than previously thought, and it's often driven by worries about things that may happen to their newborns, a new study finds.

Many new moms may keep the issue hidden, the Canadian researchers said.

25 Mar
Even a Little Coffee in Pregnancy Could Impact Newborn's Weight: Study

Even a Little Coffee in Pregnancy Could Impact Newborn's Weight: Study

As little as half a cup of coffee each day might be enough to stunt the growth and birth weight of a baby in the womb, a new study claims.

Women who consumed an average 50 milligrams of caffeine per day -- equivalent to half a cup of coffee -- had infants that were 2.3 o...

11 Mar
THC From Pot Lingers in Breast Milk for Weeks: Study

THC From Pot Lingers in Breast Milk for Weeks: Study

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, remains in breast milk for up to six weeks and may be harmful to infants, a new study warns.

The researchers said the finding supports recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and others...

17 Feb
Mom's Heart Health While Pregnant Could Influence Her Child's Health for Years

Mom's Heart Health While Pregnant Could Influence Her Child's Health for Years

In a finding that suggests heart health starts in the womb, a new study shows that the state of a woman's heart during pregnancy may predict her kids' health by the time they reach adolescence.

Researchers found that when mothers' weight, blood pressure and cholesterol l...

11 Feb
Antibiotics in Pregnancy Tied to Higher Odds for Asthma in Kids

Antibiotics in Pregnancy Tied to Higher Odds for Asthma in Kids

Children whose mothers used antibiotics in pregnancy may have a slightly heightened risk of asthma, a new study suggests.

Experts were quick to point out the finding does not prove cause and effect, and the reasons for the antibiotic use -- rather than the drug -- might ...

26 Jan
Treating Mom's Postpartum Depression Could Help Baby's Brain, Too

Treating Mom's Postpartum Depression Could Help Baby's Brain, Too

Talk therapy for new mothers with postpartum depression may also benefit their babies' brains, Canadian researchers say.

"We found that after their moms were treated that their infant's brain activity normalized to the levels seen in our healthy infants," said study co-a...

04 Jan
Fewer Food Allergies in Kids If Mom Drinks Milk While Breastfeeding: Study

Fewer Food Allergies in Kids If Mom Drinks Milk While Breastfeeding: Study

Mothers who drink cow's milk while breastfeeding may reduce their child's risk of developing food allergies, a new Swedish study suggests.

"This is a compelling first step in defining a potential relationship between maternal diet and allergy risk," said Dr. Peter Lio, a...

07 Dec
Too Many, Too Few Babies May Speed Aging in Women

Too Many, Too Few Babies May Speed Aging in Women

Pregnancy can be exhilarating or exhausting, and sometimes both at the same time. It may not come as a surprise to a woman who has experienced pregnancy once, twice or many times, that it can age her.

New research reveals that how many pregnancies a woman has may affect ...

21 Oct
Nurses Can Make the Difference for New Moms' Breastfeeding

Nurses Can Make the Difference for New Moms' Breastfeeding

One key to breastfeeding success? Having enough hospital nurses to ensure that new moms get top-notch care.

Hospitals with higher rates of exclusive breastfeeding had nurses who provided more consistent care, according to a new report.

That care included h...

28 Sep
Most Newborns of COVID-19-Infected Moms Fare Well

Most Newborns of COVID-19-Infected Moms Fare Well

Babies born to mothers with COVID-19 only rarely suffer from effects of the virus, a new study suggests.

These newborns generally do well in the six to eight weeks after birth, but more are admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) if their mothers had COV...

23 Sep
Mom-to-Be's Pot Use Linked With Higher Odds for Kids' Mental Woes

Mom-to-Be's Pot Use Linked With Higher Odds for Kids' Mental Woes

Expectant mothers who smoke pot in pregnancy could increase their baby's risk for mental or emotional problems later in childhood, a new study finds.

Marijuana use during pregnancy was associated with a host of problems in the preteen years, researchers report.


22 Sep
Baby's Heart Rate Reflects Mom's Mental Health

Baby's Heart Rate Reflects Mom's Mental Health

Babies of mothers with anxiety or depression can have significantly higher heart rates than normal, a new study finds.

And this might put them at risk for long-term problems, researchers say.

Mother-infant interaction plays a crucial role in children's heal...

27 Jul
Spanking on the Decline in American Homes

Spanking on the Decline in American Homes

American kids have something to celebrate: Spanking has hit a new low.

About one in three parents said they spanked their kids in 2017 compared to 50% in 1993, new research shows.

"Fewer parents are spanking, and I think it's helpful for people to kno...

17 Jun
Mom's Depression Can Lead to Behavior Problems in Kids

Mom's Depression Can Lead to Behavior Problems in Kids

Children of mothers with long-term depression have an increased risk of behavioral problems and poor development, researchers say.

The new study included nearly 900 Australian mothers and 978 of their children. Levels of depression were examined in the mothers before...

25 May
'Kangaroo Care' Has Big Health Benefits For Preemies

'Kangaroo Care' Has Big Health Benefits For Preemies

Skin-to-skin contact between parents and babies -- often called "kangaroo care" -- provides major benefits to preemies' hearts and brains, Australian researchers say.

They assessed 40 babies born about 10 weeks early with an average weight of 2.9 pounds. Normal birth...

05 May
Breastfeeding May Help Guard Against Diabetes

Breastfeeding May Help Guard Against Diabetes

Breastfeeding is good for more than babies: New research suggests it may protect new mothers from developing diabetes for years after they give birth.

The study included 85 women who breastfed and 99 who did not. They were assessed two months after giving birth and e...

29 Apr
AHA News: Make Mother's Day Last All Year With Wellness and Appreciation

AHA News: Make Mother's Day Last All Year With Wellness and Appreciation

It wouldn't be Mother's Day without flowers and a messy breakfast in bed. But is there more we can do for mom's long-term benefit, and perhaps even for motherhood in general?

There surely is, experts say, and it doesn't have to cost a lot of money. As May 10 approaches...

03 Apr
Mental Health Problems After First Baby Reduce Likelihood of More Children: Study

Mental Health Problems After First Baby Reduce Likelihood of More Children: Study

Women who develop mental health problems after delivering their first child are much less likely to have more, a Danish study finds.

But this is not the case among women whose first child died.

For the study, researchers analyzed data on more than 414,000 w...

28 Feb
Teen Moms at High Risk for Depression, Anxiety

Teen Moms at High Risk for Depression, Anxiety

As if being a teen mom isn't hard enough, two-thirds of young mothers are grappling with at least one mental health issue, researchers say.

And close to 40% of mothers under 21 years of age have more than one issue, including depression, anxiety and hyperactivit...

19 Feb
Common Plastics Chemicals Linked to Autism Traits in Young Boys

Common Plastics Chemicals Linked to Autism Traits in Young Boys

Young boys whose mothers were exposed to chemicals known as phthalates while pregnant may face an increased risk for developing behaviors associated with autism, a new study warns.

Phthalates are chemicals found in many household products, including cosmetics and pla...

04 Feb
Employers Need to Do More to Help Breastfeeding Moms: Survey

Employers Need to Do More to Help Breastfeeding Moms: Survey

Protections may be in place for employees who breastfeed, but the onus is on working moms to seek out the resources they need, according to a University of Georgia survey.

"We know that there are benefits of breastfeeding for both the mother and the infant, and we kn...

06 Jan
Out-of-Pocket Medical Costs Average $4,500 for Many New U.S. Parents

Out-of-Pocket Medical Costs Average $4,500 for Many New U.S. Parents

If you're an expectant parent, you know you're in for some sleepless nights once the baby comes. What you might not expect is almost $5,000 in medical costs.

A new study warns parents-to-be that average out-of-pocket costs for health care during pregnancy, delivery ...

04 Dec
Many Moms-to-Be Turn to Their Moms First for Medical Advice

Many Moms-to-Be Turn to Their Moms First for Medical Advice

Moms trump doctors when it comes to pregnancy advice, a new study suggests.

More often than not, pregnant women rely on guidance from their mothers instead of medical experts, the researchers found.

Many believe their mom's advice is as good or even bette...

08 Nov
Give Newborn to Mom Right Away -- After Moving the Electrodes

Give Newborn to Mom Right Away -- After Moving the Electrodes

Immediate skin-to-skin contact between newborns and their mothers is encouraged, but poses some potential risks in cases of cesarean birth, researchers say.

In a new report, the researchers described two cases where newly delivered babies came into contact with elect...

16 Oct
Moms' Weight-Loss Surgery Tied to Lower Risk of Birth Defects

Moms' Weight-Loss Surgery Tied to Lower Risk of Birth Defects

Weight-loss surgery before pregnancy may lower obese women's odds of having a baby with major birth defects, new research suggests.

For the study, the researchers examined data on more than 33,000 births in Sweden between 2007 and 2014.

Of these, nearly 3,...

30 Sep
Depressed Moms, More Anxious, Troubled Kids?

Depressed Moms, More Anxious, Troubled Kids?

If a mother is depressed, her young children might be at risk for hyperactivity, aggressiveness and anxiety, a new study suggests.

Interestingly, a father's depression only affected kids if mom was also depressed, the researchers found.

"Depression among pa...