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Results for search "Genetics".

Health News Results - 349

02 Jul
Some Genes Might Send Girls Into Puberty Earlier

Some Genes Might Send Girls Into Puberty Earlier

A girl’s genetics can indirectly influence the age when she has her first period, by accelerating her weight gain in childhood, a new study finds.

A number of other genes also can directly affect the age of puberty, some with profound effects, researchers added.


20 Jun
Colombian Family's Genes Could Hold Key to Delaying Alzheimer's

Colombian Family's Genes Could Hold Key to Delaying Alzheimer's

A Colombian family’s genetics are shining a spotlight on a gene that might help protect people from the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease.

About 1,200 out of 6,000 family members carry a genetic variant called the “Paisa mutation,” which dooms them to early Alzheime...

17 Jun
Inherited Alzheimer's: Whether It's From Mom or Dad Could Matter

Inherited Alzheimer's: Whether It's From Mom or Dad Could Matter

Genetics can play a role in a person's odds for Alzheimer's disease, and new research suggests differences in that risk are based on which...

03 Jun
Gene-Targeted Immunotherapy Boosts Survival for Some Colon Cancer Patients

Gene-Targeted Immunotherapy Boosts Survival for Some Colon Cancer Patients

There's potential good news for a sizable minority of people battling advanced colon cancer.

Doctors in Britain say that an immunotherapy drug, given before surgery, can help many more patients with a specific genetic profile stay cancer-free long term.

The finding...

03 Jun
Scientists Spot Gene Behind Form of Intellectual Disability Affecting Thousands Worldwide

Scientists Spot Gene Behind Form of Intellectual Disability Affecting Thousands Worldwide

MONDAY, June 3, 2024 -- Mutations in a single newly identified gene are responsible for developmental disorders affecting tens of thousands of people worldwide, a new study claims.

The gene – RNU4-2 – can cause a collection of developmental symptoms that had not prev...

07 May
Gene Discovery Points to a New Form of Alzheimer's

Gene Discovery Points to a New Form of Alzheimer's

People who carry two copies of the gene mutation most strongly implicated in Alzheimer's disease are almost certain to develop brain changes related to the degenerative disorder, a new study says.

A single mutated APOE4 gene has been found to pose the strongest genetics-...

30 Apr
Living Healthy Counters Effects of 'Life-Shortening' Genes

Living Healthy Counters Effects of 'Life-Shortening' Genes

Doctors argue that genetics aren't destiny when it comes to a person's health, and a study appears to support that notion.

A healthy lifestyle can offset the effects of life-shortening genes by more than 60%, researchers found.

People at high genetic risk of a curt...

29 Apr
Scientists Discover Cause of Rare Movement Disorder

Scientists Discover Cause of Rare Movement Disorder

Researchers have conclusively identified the genetic cause of a rare, progressive movement disorder.

A rare extra-long version of a gene appears to cause nerve cells to become poisoned by toxic proteins in people with spinocerebellar ataxia 4 (SCA4), researchers report.<...

24 Apr
Patient Gets First-Ever Pig Kidney Transplant Plus Heart Pump

Patient Gets First-Ever Pig Kidney Transplant Plus Heart Pump

New Jersey native Lisa Pisano was staring down the end of her days.

The 54-year-old had heart failure and end-stage kidney disease, but several chronic medical conditi...

04 Apr
Rare Genes Can Raise Odds for Obesity 6-Fold

Rare Genes Can Raise Odds for Obesity 6-Fold

Two newly discovered genetic variations can have a powerful effect on a person's risk for obesity, a new report says.

Variants in the gene BSN, also known as Bassoon, can increase risk of obesity as much as sixfold, researchers report April 4 in the journal

29 Mar
Mutation Helps Even Carriers of 'Alzheimer's Gene' Avoid Alzheimer's

Mutation Helps Even Carriers of 'Alzheimer's Gene' Avoid Alzheimer's

A genetic mutation that boosts cell function could protect people against Alzheimer's disease, even if they carry another gene mutation known to boost

28 Mar
Stressed? Some Genes Could Raise Your Heart Attack Risk

Stressed? Some Genes Could Raise Your Heart Attack Risk

Folks with genetically-driven stress are more likely to suffer heart attacks after nerve-wracking events or times of unrest, a new study shows.

People with...

21 Mar
Surgeons Implant Pig Kidney Into First Living Human Patient

Surgeons Implant Pig Kidney Into First Living Human Patient

THURSDAY, March 21, 2024 (HealthDay news) -- For the first time ever, doctors have transplanted a genetically edited pig kidney into a human suffering from advanced kidney failure.

Such pig kidneys, altered to lower the risk of rejection and disease, have been successful...

14 Mar
Researchers Find Gene That May Shield Men From Severe COVID-19

Researchers Find Gene That May Shield Men From Severe COVID-19

It only appears to work until age 74, but a new study has identified a gene variant that protects men from from severe illness and death when COVID lands them in the hospital.

The protective gene appears to help tamp down inflammation, researchers say. It is an interleuk...

08 Mar
Look to Your Parents for Your Odds of Obesity: Study

Look to Your Parents for Your Odds of Obesity: Study

Folks worried about becoming flabby in middle age should check out what their parents looked like when they were that age, a new study says.

People are six times more likely to become obese in middle age if both their parents were chubby during that time of their lives, ...

07 Mar
Many Labradors Become Obese and Research Shows Why

Many Labradors Become Obese and Research Shows Why

Nearly a quarter of Labrador retrievers are more likely to be obese due to a genetic “double-whammy,” a new study finds.

This gene mutation causes Labradors to both feel hungry all the time and also burn fewer calories, British researchers report.

The mutation ...

21 Feb
Remains Show Prehistoric Peoples Cared for Those With Down Syndrome

Remains Show Prehistoric Peoples Cared for Those With Down Syndrome

Rare gene-driven defects such as Down syndrome have occurred among human beings for many thousands of years, a new analysis of ancient DNA has revealed.

Not only did the birth defects exist, but these infants were often buried with care by their community. That suggests ...

20 Feb
Preventive Mastectomies May Save Lives of Women With Breast Cancer Genes

Preventive Mastectomies May Save Lives of Women With Breast Cancer Genes

Women who carry certain mutations in their BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes know they are at heightened odds for breast cancer.

Now, Canadian research suggests that for some patients a "risk-reducing" preventive mastectomy may cut the odds of dying from breast cancer later.


20 Feb
Gene-Based Tests Could Predict Your Odds for Common Illnesses

Gene-Based Tests Could Predict Your Odds for Common Illnesses

Accurate genetic tests for 10 common diseases are nearly ready for everyday use in doctor's offices, a new study says.

Gene scans for 10 common illnesses have been honed to the point that they now are being road-tested in clinical research, according to a team at the Bro...

02 Feb
Why Some Folks Get COVID and Others Never Do

Why Some Folks Get COVID and Others Never Do

Everyone knows someone who gets COVID-19 repeatedly, and they probably also have that annoying friend who's never had the illness. What gives?

According to new research, over the long-term it's probably genetics that drives an individual's level of susceptibility to SARS...

23 Jan
Black People Far More Likely to Get Glaucoma, and Genes May Explain Why

Black People Far More Likely to Get Glaucoma, and Genes May Explain Why

Black people are five times as likely as others to develop glaucoma and up to 15 times more likely to be blinded by the degenerative eye disease.

Now, a new study reports that genetics appears to be at least one factor contributing to this increased risk.


11 Jan
'Ancient Gene Bank' Gives Clues to Diseases Common to Europeans

'Ancient Gene Bank' Gives Clues to Diseases Common to Europeans

DNA locked in the bones and teeth of more than 5,000 humans who lived in Asia and Europe up to 34,000 years ago are providing vital clues to a myriad of present-day medical conditions.

The descendants of these ancient peoples are living now in Europe and throughout the w...

05 Jan
Gene Mutation Protects Against Parkinson's Disease

Gene Mutation Protects Against Parkinson's Disease

A rare genetic mutation found in 1% of people of European descent appears to cut their odds for Parkinson's disease in half, a new study finds.

A better understanding of how this bit of DNA works might lead to better prevention and treatment of Parkinson's generally, res...

06 Dec
Folks at High Risk of Heart Disease May Gain From Eating Mackerel, Tuna

Folks at High Risk of Heart Disease May Gain From Eating Mackerel, Tuna

Folks with a family history of heart disease might benefit from eating more oily fish like salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines, a new study finds.

Oily fish contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained from the ...

13 Nov
Two New Studies Point to the Promise of Gene Therapy for High Cholesterol

Two New Studies Point to the Promise of Gene Therapy for High Cholesterol

MONDAY, Nov. 13, 2023 (Healthday News) -- Two new gene-editing treatments that target dangerously high levels of cholesterol in people with a genetic predisposition to the condition were found safe and effective in new, groundbreaking research.

While powerful drugs like ...

08 Nov
Smoking Undermines Human DNA That Would Normally Prevent Cancer

Smoking Undermines Human DNA That Would Normally Prevent Cancer

Everyone knows smoking to be a major cause of cancer.

Now, exactly how tobacco smoke triggers tumor development just got a bit clearer, thanks to new Canadian research.

According to a team at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) in Toronto, smo...

16 Oct
Scientists Spot Genes Linked to Raynaud's Phenomenon

Scientists Spot Genes Linked to Raynaud's Phenomenon

Scientists have discovered two genes that may trigger Raynaud's phenomenon, a condition that can cause fingers and toes to go cold and numb because of the constriction of tiny blood vessels under the skin.

“We identify two distinct genes that point to two distinct mech...

09 Oct
Woman Resistant to Alzheimer's Helps Inspire New Way to Fight the Disease

Woman Resistant to Alzheimer's Helps Inspire New Way to Fight the Disease

Researchers have developed an antibody that can reduce Alzheimer's-like brain damage in lab mice -- inspired by the case of one woman with remarkable resistance to the disease.

The work, by researchers at Mass General Brigham, Harvard Medical School in Boston, and elsewh...

04 Oct
Genes Might Be Driving You to Go Vegetarian

Genes Might Be Driving You to Go Vegetarian

Going vegetarian is trendy and popular, along with being a healthy choice, but a large portion of those who say they want to stick with a plant-based diet don't.

It might come down to your DNA, suggests new research that has uncovered three genes that seem to be strongly...

04 Oct
Largest-Ever Study of Suicide Genetics Gives Clues to Who's at Risk

Largest-Ever Study of Suicide Genetics Gives Clues to Who's at Risk

New research has discovered 12 gene variants that may be tied to an increased risk of attempting suicide.

These genes also may have links with physical and mental health woes, including chronic pain, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), lung conditions and h...

22 Sep
Scientists Spot Gene Mutation Linked to Esophageal Cancer

Scientists Spot Gene Mutation Linked to Esophageal Cancer

Researchers have found a gene mutation linked to esophageal cancer, which could lead to better prevention and treatment strategies.

Investigators from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio found the mutation, potentially helping those at risk of what is a highly letha...

19 Sep
Many Women May Overestimate Risks From Genes Tied to Breast Cancer

Many Women May Overestimate Risks From Genes Tied to Breast Cancer

Women who carry mutations in genes known as BRCA have an elevated risk of breast cancer. But a large, new study suggests that risk may be lower than generally believed -- especially if a woman has no close relative with the disease.

The study, of more than 400,000 Britis...

13 Sep
Gene Test Spots Those Vulnerable to Rare but Severe Side Effect of Drugs for MS, Other Conditions

Gene Test Spots Those Vulnerable to Rare but Severe Side Effect of Drugs for MS, Other Conditions

A large number of drugs used to treat everything from multiple sclerosis to blood cancers to rheumatoid arthritis may cause a rare but often-fatal condition called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML).

But a simple genetic test can determine who has a 10-fold...

07 Sep
Were You a Big Baby at Birth? Your Infant May Be Also, Study Finds

Were You a Big Baby at Birth? Your Infant May Be Also, Study Finds

If you were a big baby -- or your spouse or partner was -- your baby has a good chance of being big, too.

New research shows parents who were large babies are more likely to give birth to a large baby.

Knowing this has the potential to improve prenatal care and int...

05 Sep
Boys Who Smoke Could Be Harming Their Future Children's Health

Boys Who Smoke Could Be Harming Their Future Children's Health

Smoking may not only harm the smoker and those who breathe in the secondhand fumes, but also their future children.

New research suggests that boys who ...

31 Aug
Blood Test Might Help Diagnose Parkinson's Disease Much Earlier

Blood Test Might Help Diagnose Parkinson's Disease Much Earlier

As it stands, no one blood test or brain scan can definitively diagnose Parkinson's disease.

But researchers report this may soon change if a new blood test continues to show promise.

The test measures DNA damage in the mitochondria of cells, which is known to be h...

23 Aug
Scientists Decode the Y Chromosome, Key to Male Development

Scientists Decode the Y Chromosome, Key to Male Development

An international research team has achieved the first complete sequencing of the human Y chromosome, which is closely linked to male development.

This is the last of the human chromosomes to be fully sequenced, an effort that may shed light on everything from fertility t...

18 Aug
Gene Study Reveals Brain's Complex Organization

Gene Study Reveals Brain's Complex Organization

The brain is a complex organ, and a new study — believed to be the largest ever on the brain's genetics — identifies more than 4,000 genetic variants linked to brain structure.

The research, involving some 36,000 brain scans, was led by a team at the University of Ca...

16 Aug
Improved Pig-to-Human Kidney Transplants Mark a Major Advance

Improved Pig-to-Human Kidney Transplants Mark a Major Advance

Genetically engineered pig kidneys are nearing the point where they could provide a government-approved, sustainable supply of organs for sick humans awaiting a transplant, a pair of new studies argue.

A lightly modified pig kidney has continued to function more than a m...

02 Aug
Gene Could Lower HIV Levels in Some People of African Descent

Gene Could Lower HIV Levels in Some People of African Descent

A newly discovered genetic variant might explain why some people of African ancestry have naturally lower viral loads of HIV, an international team of researchers reports.

This variant, carried by an estimated 4% to 13% of people of African origin, reduces their risk of ...

01 Aug
Families With Multiple Cases Give Clues to Autism's Origins

Families With Multiple Cases Give Clues to Autism's Origins

In a study of families that have multiple children with autism, researchers have unearthed new insights into genes that might drive the disorder.

“Study design is critical, and not enough attention has been paid to studying families with more than one affected child,�...

24 Jul
Researchers Identify Genes That Influence What You Eat

Researchers Identify Genes That Influence What You Eat

You've likely heard that "you are what you eat,” but a new study suggests what you eat also has something to do with who you are — genetically speaking.

Researchers have identified nearly 500 genes that appear to directly influence what someone eats. These insig...

19 Jul
Could Your Genes Guard You From the Symptoms of COVID Infection?

Could Your Genes Guard You From the Symptoms of COVID Infection?

In the world of COVID-19 infections, the majority of patients develop symptoms, while about one-fifth mysteriously don't develop a cough, sore throat or other tell-tale signs of illness.

Now, new research finds that these symptom-free super-dodgers are more than twi...

21 Jun
Is Alzheimer's Disease Genetic?

Is Alzheimer's Disease Genetic?

Alzheimer's disease is a devastating diagnosis, and if a close relative has had it you may worry whether you will be next.

According to the National Institutes of Health, it is estimated...

21 Jun
Could Loss of the Y Chromosome Help Speed Cancers in Men?

Could Loss of the Y Chromosome Help Speed Cancers in Men?

It's common knowledge that loss is a part of male aging — loss of hair, loss of muscle tone, loss of vision or hearing.

But men growing older also start losing the very thing that makes them biological males, their Y chromosome, and that can leave them more vulnerable ...

20 Jun
What Causes Alzheimer's? Genes, Environment & Lifestyle Play Roles

What Causes Alzheimer's? Genes, Environment & Lifestyle Play Roles

Learning that your loved one has Alzheimer's disease can be frightening and leave you feeling lost and unsure.

To help you better understand the condition and what you can do to manage it, experts detail what causes Alzheimer's disease. In this guide, you'll learn about ...

14 Jun
Disease That Permanently Bends Fingers Could Have Origins in Neanderthal Genes

Disease That Permanently Bends Fingers Could Have Origins in Neanderthal Genes

The so-called “Viking disease” causes the fingers of many aging northern European men to lock up in a bent position, and researchers now think they know why.

Genetic variants inherited from Neanderthal man appear to be the most powerful risk factors for developing Du...

05 Jun
Scientists Get Closer to a Better PSA Test

Scientists Get Closer to a Better PSA Test

The most common screening test for prostate cancer so often returns a false positive result that it's no longer recommended for men older than 70, and it's offered as a personal choice for younger men.

But researchers think they've found a way to make the blood test for ...

02 Jun
Gene Changes Made This Season's Bird Flu More Severe

Gene Changes Made This Season's Bird Flu More Severe

Genetic mutations caused this latest bird flu season to become more severe, increasing the risk it poses to humans and other mammals, a new study finds.

The H5N1 avian influenza virus gained the ability to severely infect the brains of mammalian test subjects like ferret...

25 May
Alzheimer's Genes Might Also Raise Odds for Epilepsy

Alzheimer's Genes Might Also Raise Odds for Epilepsy

People with a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's disease may have an increased risk of epilepsy, a new study says. And folks with a certain type of epilepsy may have higher odds of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Having Alzheimer's was linked to a 5.3% increased risk...