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137 Results for search "Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)".

Health News Results - 137

17 Jun
Help for Women Battling ADHD & Opioid Addiction in Pregnancy

Help for Women Battling ADHD & Opioid Addiction in Pregnancy

Opioid overdoses in pregnant women are at an all-time high in the United States, and researchers think they've figured out one way to counter this phenomenon.

Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is strongly tied to substance use disorders, which means some wo...

14 Jun
ADHD Patients Could Face Disrupted Access to Meds Following Fraud Case

ADHD Patients Could Face Disrupted Access to Meds Following Fraud Case

The two top officers of a telehealth company that began to distribute ADHD drugs widely during the pandemic have been charged with health care fraud, the U.S. Department of Justice announced Thursday.

The arrests will likely worsen ongoing shortages of Adderall ...

07 Jun
Younger Kids in Class Might Be Misdiagnosed With ADHD, Autism

Younger Kids in Class Might Be Misdiagnosed With ADHD, Autism

If your child is among the youngest in their school grade, it's more likely they'll be mistakenly identified by teachers as having ADHD or autism, a new study confirms.


23 May
1 in 9 U.S. Children Have Been Diagnosed With ADHD

1 in 9 U.S. Children Have Been Diagnosed With ADHD

About 1 in 9 American children have ever received an ADHD diagnosis, slightly more than the number of kids currently being treated for the disorder, a new study shows.

About 7.1 million ...

21 May
For Pregnant Women, Fluoridated Drinking Water Might Raise Risks for Baby: Study

For Pregnant Women, Fluoridated Drinking Water Might Raise Risks for Baby: Study

Fetal exposure to fluoride from a mom-to-be's drinking water might raise the odds for physical and mental health issues in toddlers, new research suggests.

The study, which was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, wasn't designed to prove cause-and-effect. ...

30 Apr
Staying Fit Boosts Kids' Mental Health

Staying Fit Boosts Kids' Mental Health

The benefits of physical fitness for kids spill over into their mental health, new research shows.

Getting plenty of exercise may guard against depressive symptoms, anxiety and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a new study published April 29 in the journal...

25 Apr
Opioids During Pregnancy May Not Raise Psychiatric Risks for Offspring

Opioids During Pregnancy May Not Raise Psychiatric Risks for Offspring

Prescription opioids taken during pregnancy are not associated with a substantial increase in risk of developmental disorders like ADHD in children, a new study has found.

"A slightly inc...

09 Apr
Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy Poses No Risk of Autism, ADHD in Kids

Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy Poses No Risk of Autism, ADHD in Kids

There's no evidence that acetaminophen use during pregnancy increases the risk of childhood autism, ADHD or intellectual disability, the largest study to date on the subject has concluded.


27 Mar
ADHD Meds Tied to Heart Damage in Young Adult Users

ADHD Meds Tied to Heart Damage in Young Adult Users

ADHD stimulant medications like Ritalin or Adderall appear linked to a heightened risk for cardiomyopathy (a weakening of the heart muscle), and the risk grows with time, new research shows.

However, researchers were quick to note that cardiomyopathies are rare in the yo...

20 Mar
One in 10 U.S. School-Age Kids Have ADHD: Report

One in 10 U.S. School-Age Kids Have ADHD: Report

About 1 in every 10 U.S. children ages 5 to 17 has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to the latest government statistics.

The data from the National Health Interview Survey covers the years 2020 through 2022 and came from in-p...

12 Mar
ADHD Meds Cut Odds for Early Death, Especially by Overdose

ADHD Meds Cut Odds for Early Death, Especially by Overdose

People diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) show a marked decline in their two-year risk for death once they start taking medication, new research shows.

That w...

04 Mar
Could General Anesthesia in Pregnancy Raise Behavioral Issues in Kids?

Could General Anesthesia in Pregnancy Raise Behavioral Issues in Kids?

Children exposed to anesthesia in the womb when their pregnant mom has surgery are more likely to suffer from behavioral issues later, a new study finds.

Exposure to general anesthesia before birth was associated with a 31% increased risk of diagnosis with a behavioral d...

19 Feb
Parenting Style Could Influence ADHD Severity in Kids

Parenting Style Could Influence ADHD Severity in Kids

A shift in parenting early in a child's development might help curb the symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), new research suggests.

When a preschooler exhibits an "excitable or exuberant" temperament, dialing down a "controlling" style of parentin...

30 Jan
ADHD Drug Zenzedi Recalled Over Pill Mixup

ADHD Drug Zenzedi Recalled Over Pill Mixup

The maker of a drug used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy has recalled one lot of the medication after a pill mixup was discovered.

The recall

18 Jan
Study Links Use of Acetaminophen in Pregnancy With Child Behavioral Issues

Study Links Use of Acetaminophen in Pregnancy With Child Behavioral Issues

Expecting moms who often turn to acetaminophen for their aches and pains are more likely to wind up with kids who have behavioral issues, a new study warns.

Children between the ages of 2 and 4 were more likely to have attention and behavioral problems if their mothers f...

11 Jan
Pandemic-Era Demand for ADHD Meds is Fueling Shortages Today

Pandemic-Era Demand for ADHD Meds is Fueling Shortages Today

A spike in the use of ADHD medications during the pandemic likely prompted drug shortages that continue to frustrate patients and doctors today, a new study shows.

New prescriptions for stimulants that treat the condition jumped for young adults and women in particular a...

21 Dec
Holidays Can Be Tough on Kids With ADHD, Anxiety: Some Tips for Parents

Holidays Can Be Tough on Kids With ADHD, Anxiety: Some Tips for Parents

Kids with emotional problems or ADHD can find the holidays a very challenging time, as all the routines that provide a sense of order are jumbled in a whirl of activities.

The kids are home from school and restless, their parents are hauling them along to Christmas shopp...

31 Oct
Youngest Kids With ADHD in Class No Less Likely to See Diagnosis Fade

Youngest Kids With ADHD in Class No Less Likely to See Diagnosis Fade

Experts have long wondered whether diagnoses for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the youngest children in a class would hold.

A new study suggests that being the youngest, and possibly most immature, did not appear to make a difference.

"We know ...

30 Oct
Lots of Screen Time Could Be Early Sign of ADHD, Autism

Lots of Screen Time Could Be Early Sign of ADHD, Autism

Kids with a genetic risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are likely to spend hours a day glued to their screens, but researchers say it doesn't mean screen time causes ASD.

The investigators also found that children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)...

17 Oct
Adults With ADHD May Face Higher Dementia Risk

Adults With ADHD May Face Higher Dementia Risk

Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are nearly three times more likely to develop dementia than other adults, a new study suggests.

The results also indicate that treatment with ADHD medication may help reduce their dementia risk. No clear uptick ...

11 Oct
Narcolepsy Drug Might Be New Treatment Option for ADHD

Narcolepsy Drug Might Be New Treatment Option for ADHD

A medication already approved for excessive daytime sleepiness may help ease attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in adults who aren't getting relief from available treatments, according to a small pilot study.

Solriamfetol is a nonstimulant drug...

04 Oct
Seniors With ADHD Face Higher Car Crash Risk

Seniors With ADHD Face Higher Car Crash Risk

While studies of ADHD and driving usually target teens, a new one focused on seniors found they have a significantly higher risk of car crashes.

Older adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were also more likely to slam on the brakes and get traffic ...

18 Sep
ADHD Drug Errors Among Kids Have Quadrupled in 20 Years

ADHD Drug Errors Among Kids Have Quadrupled in 20 Years

Over 3 million American children now take medication for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but new research shows medication errors have spiked nearly 300% in the past two decades for these kids.

The increase in ADHD medication errors parallels the increas...

04 Sep
ADHD: What Parents Need to Know

ADHD: What Parents Need to Know

Lots of children and adolescents have the condition known as ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

What should parents know? A number of treatments exist to help with functioning, including medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


07 Aug
'Brain Zap' Therapy Shows Promise in Quieting Childhood ADHD Without Meds

'Brain Zap' Therapy Shows Promise in Quieting Childhood ADHD Without Meds

A new brain-zapping technology may help ease the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children without some of the side effects stimulant medications can cause, a small, preliminary study suggests.

Marked by trouble concentrating, sitting still ...

02 Aug
Amid Shortages, Federal Agencies Ask Drugmakers to Boost Output of ADHD Meds

Amid Shortages, Federal Agencies Ask Drugmakers to Boost Output of ADHD Meds

While demand for prescription stimulants is surging, a shortage of the drugs persists, so federal officials have stepped in and asked drug companies to ramp up production of the medications.

Officials from both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Drug Enfo...

12 Jul
ADHD Drugs Won't Raise Risk for Illicit Drug Use Later

ADHD Drugs Won't Raise Risk for Illicit Drug Use Later

Teens who use stimulant medication like Ritalin to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do not have an increased risk of illicit drug use later, a new study finds.

This study looked specifically at cocaine and methamphetamine use. High school seniors wh...

06 Jul
Taking ADHD Meds Won't Raise a Kid's Odds for Drug Abuse Later: Study

Taking ADHD Meds Won't Raise a Kid's Odds for Drug Abuse Later: Study

Stimulant medications like Ritalin are commonly prescribed to help treat the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but there have been concerns the drugs may lay the groundwork for later substance abuse.

New research may now set those worries at ease.

14 Jun
For Folks Without the Condition, Taking ADHD Meds to Get 'Smarter' Could Backfire

For Folks Without the Condition, Taking ADHD Meds to Get 'Smarter' Could Backfire

So-called "smart drugs"meant to enhance brain performance are more likely to leave users ineffectually spinning in place, a new study has found.

These stimulants, typically used to treat ADHD, increased study participants' motivation in solving problems.

But the su...

06 Jun
Kids With ADHD, Behavior Issues Have Poorer Trajectories as Adults

Kids With ADHD, Behavior Issues Have Poorer Trajectories as Adults

Kids with poor impulse control -- a common characteristic of ADHD -- may be at higher risk for health, social and criminal problems as adults, a new study indicates.

Researchers found that having attention and behavior problems in childhood was linked to less money, low...

19 May
Signs Your Toddler Might Have ADHD

Signs Your Toddler Might Have ADHD

Spotting ADHD early can ensure children with the condition get the help they need sooner rather than later.

But how can parents know if the behavior they're seeing in their child is a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or merely the mercurial mood and behav...

19 Apr
In Some U.S. Schools, 1 in 4 Kids Said They've Misused an ADHD Drug

In Some U.S. Schools, 1 in 4 Kids Said They've Misused an ADHD Drug

U.S. schools that have a lot of students with prescriptions for ADHD medication also tend to have a lot of students who misuse the drugs, a new study suggests.

Researchers found that among nearly 3,300 U.S. middle schools and high schools, some had a serious problem with...

31 Mar
ADHD Med Prescriptions Spiked Early in Pandemic

ADHD Med Prescriptions Spiked Early in Pandemic

Prescriptions for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new government report shows.

The trend may reflect both greater awareness among adults of ADHD symptoms and increased stress driving people to get the car...

27 Mar
COVID in Pregnancy Might Raise Odds for Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Sons: Study

COVID in Pregnancy Might Raise Odds for Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Sons: Study

Boys born to women who had COVID-19 during pregnancy may be at risk for developmental delays, a new study suggests.

Delays in speech and motor function were the most commonly diagnosed conditions in these children at 12 months. They were seen in boys but not in girls, th...

14 Feb
No Sign That ADHD Meds in Pregnancy Can Raise Odds for ADHD, Autism in Kids

No Sign That ADHD Meds in Pregnancy Can Raise Odds for ADHD, Autism in Kids

Children who were exposed to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications their moms took during pregnancy are not more prone to neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD or autism, researchers report.

The news may be welcome to women who've needed to take...

19 Jan
ADHD Tied to Higher Rates of Anxiety, Depression

ADHD Tied to Higher Rates of Anxiety, Depression

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be an even bigger predictor of depression and anxiety in adulthood than autism is, a new study finds -- highlighting the mental health side of the disorder.

It's known that kids and adults with ADHD often have co-existi...

16 Dec
Youngest Kids in Class More Likely to Get Prescribed ADHD Meds

Youngest Kids in Class More Likely to Get Prescribed ADHD Meds

Kids who are the youngest in their grade may be overmedicated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a Norwegian researcher who studied prescribing data.

Those who were also born preterm were at particular risk of being overmedicated, said

13 Dec
What's Driving the Ongoing Adderall Shortage -- and What Parents Can Do

What's Driving the Ongoing Adderall Shortage -- and What Parents Can Do

Shortages of the ADHD drug Adderall are expected to continue for months, forcing families to scramble for ways to deal with their children's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

The shortage has caused headaches and hassles for parents like San Diego mom Jack...

13 Dec
California's Flavored Tobacco Ban Won't Be Blocked by Supreme Court

California's Flavored Tobacco Ban Won't Be Blocked by Supreme Court

An attempt to block California's flavored tobacco ban was stopped Monday when the Supreme Court declined to hear the case.

That now means the ban will go into effect on Dec. ...

01 Dec
'Virtual' Driver Program Could Make Driving Safer for Teens With ADHD

'Virtual' Driver Program Could Make Driving Safer for Teens With ADHD

A simulator may make driving safer for teens with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by training them to take shorter glances away from the roadway.

Focused Concentration and Attention Learning (FOCAL) is a computer-based program that teaches teens to keep their ey...

13 Oct
FDA Says ADHD Med Adderall Is in Short Supply

FDA Says ADHD Med Adderall Is in Short Supply

People with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or narcolepsy may rely on the drug Adderall, but it is in short supply, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Wednesday.

The Adderall a...

20 Sep
Heart Disease Can Plague Adults With ADHD

Heart Disease Can Plague Adults With ADHD

New research suggests that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may trigger more than just psychiatric complications: Adults...

13 Sep
Pot Use in Early Pregnancy Linked to Long-Term Mental Health Issues in Kids

Pot Use in Early Pregnancy Linked to Long-Term Mental Health Issues in Kids

Using marijuana after the first weeks of pregnancy is linked to mental health issues in children that linger well into early adolescence, a new study shows.

Exposure to cannabis after ...

29 Aug
ADHD Drug Adderall in Short Supply

ADHD Drug Adderall in Short Supply

Labor shortages at Teva Pharmaceuticals have made Adderall, a widely used attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drug, hard to find in some drugstores.

But the U.S. Food and Drug Ad...

16 Aug
Premature Birth Tied to Higher Risk for ADHD

Premature Birth Tied to Higher Risk for ADHD

Children born a little early -- before 39 weeks of pregnancy -- are more likely to have symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), new research suggests.

While birth before 37 weeks' gestation has known links to hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattentio...

29 Jul
Kids With ADHD Have Differences in 'Neural Flexibility,' Brain Study Shows

Kids With ADHD Have Differences in 'Neural Flexibility,' Brain Study Shows

Children with ADHD may have less flexibility in the brain circuitry that allows for seamless "multitasking," a new study suggests.

Research has shown that kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often have more difficulty with so-called

13 Jul
Breastfeeding May Be Key to Letting Preemie Babies Thrive

Breastfeeding May Be Key to Letting Preemie Babies Thrive

Preterm infants who are breastfed do better in school and are less likely to develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), says a new study.

Preemies have a higher risk of doing poorly in math, reading and other academic skills, previous studies have shown. T...

07 Jul
Could ADHD Meds Help Treat Alzheimer's?

Could ADHD Meds Help Treat Alzheimer's?

Could ADHD drugs also treat degenerative brain disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease?

British researchers say there is good evidence that some medications used for attention-deficit/h...

02 Jun
Depression in Pregnancy Tied to Behavior Issues in Kids

Depression in Pregnancy Tied to Behavior Issues in Kids

Children whose mothers had rising levels of depression during pregnancy appear to have an increased risk of behavioral problems, researchers say.

"Our findings suggest that increases in mother's symptoms of depression from preconception to postpartum contribute to childr...

16 May
Various Mental Illnesses Share Same Genes: Study

Various Mental Illnesses Share Same Genes: Study

Many people who get a diagnosis for one mental illness may find they have additional psychiatric conditions, and new genetic research offers an explanation why.

A number of mental illnesses share genetic similarities, researchers found. This discovery helps explain why m...