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Results for search "Neurology".

Health News Results - 767

Toxic Lead Found in Cinnamon Product, FDA Says

An additional cinnamon product sold in the United States has been found to contain high levels of lead, health officials are warning.

In a health alert issued Thursday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said the ...

Shingles Vaccine Could Lower Dementia Risk

Older people who avail themselves of the newest shingles vaccine could reap a hidden benefit: A significant drop in their odds of developing dementia.

One expert applauded the new findings.

"Dementia isn’t an inevitable part of aging; it’s caused by diseases like Alzheimer’s," said

Where Your Body Stores Fat Could Affect Odds for Parkinson's, Alzheimer's

Finding yourself packing on the pounds around your waist and arms? If so, you might be at heightened risk for neurological illnesses like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, new research suggests.

There was one other physical characteristic that lowered the odds, however: muscle strength. Stronger ...

New Insights Into How Sleep Apnea Affects the Brain

Millions of Americans deal with the sleep deficits brought on by sleep apnea, and many turn to one of the few treatments out there, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines.

But what if new neurochemical targets in the brain could lead to new, less cumbersome therapies for sleep apnea?

That's what a team at the University of Missouri-Columbia are working on in their lab....

Scientists May Have Spotted Way to Predict Seizures

The risk of seizures within the next 24 hours can be predicted by watching for abnormal brain activity patterns in people with epilepsy, a new study finds.

The storm of brain activity that characterized a seizure is presaged by abnormal communication between specific areas of the brain, researchers discovered.

They say they can forecast seizure risk by analyzing just 90 seconds of t...

New MS Drug Kesimpta May Help Keep Symptoms at Bay

A new monoclonal antibody treatment called Kesimpta (ofatumumab) appears to improve on an older drug in pushing multiple sclerosis (MS) into remission, a new trial shows.

Funded by Kesimpta's maker, Novartis, the trial compared the new therapy against teriflunomide (Aubagio), an immune-...

Could Contact Sports Raise Risks for a Parkinson's-like Disorder?

Autopsies of deceased boxers and pro football players have long confirmed that repeat head injuries can lead to a devastating brain condition known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

Now, research supports the notion that contact sports can also raise the odds for a Parkinson's-like disease, called parkinsonism, in athletes already affected by CTE.

In the new study, "subject...

Brain Changes Seen in Kids With Conduct Disorder

Defiance, tantrums, aggression: All signs of a condition called conduct disorder, which Mental Health America says affects up to 16% of boys and 9% of girls.

Now, research is revealing real differences in the brain structure of children and...

Science Helps Make 'Space Food' More Appealing

Food tends to taste bland in space, astronauts have reported, making it tough for them to eat enough to stay healthy.

Focusing on foods' smell might help overcome this problem, a new study says.

Aroma plays a big role in the flavor of food, and researchers found that certain scents might be more powerful in the cramped confines of a spacecraft.

Vanilla and almond aromas were m...

Prosthetic Legs Controlled by Person's Own Neural System Bring Natural Gait

"Smart"prosthetic legs can help amputees achieve a natural walking gait, but it's done through robotic sensors and algorithms that drive the limb forward at predetermined rates.

A better way would be to give people full control over the limb through their nervous system -- and that's just what an MIT research team says it's done.

An experimental surgical procedure combined with a cu...

Migraine Prevention Med Might Stop 'Rebound' Headaches, Too

It's a nasty cycle: Chronic migraine sufferers who use too much pain medication sometimes get smacked with rebound headaches.

But new research suggests that a medication commonly used to prevent migraines may also help fend off rebound headaches. 

The study of ...

Anti- Seizure Meds Are Crucial, But Can Trigger Severe Reactions

Specific steps can be taken to reduce the risk of potentially fatal reactions to anti-seizure medications, researchers report in a new review.

Performing blood tests, asking patients about risk factors and modifying dosages all can reduce reaction risk for drugs that millions of Americans take for

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 24, 2024
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  • What Makes for Resilient People? The Brain & the Gut Hold Clues

    Can you trust your gut?

    UCLA researchers have shown that people who rank high in resilience -- meaning they accept change positively and follow their instincts -- have the bacteria living in their bellies in part to thank for it. 

    Their new study looked at the brains and gut microbiomes of people who cope effectively with different types of stress, including social isolation an...

    Certain Prostate Meds Might Help Prevent Dementia

    Prostate medications might help reduce the risk of a specific type of dementia, a new study suggests.

    People were less likely to develop Lewy body dementia when taking drugs designed to treat urinary symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate, researchers reported June 19 in the journal Neurology.


    Could Blood Pressure Meds Help Prevent Adult Epilepsy?

    A class of blood pressure medications appears to also help lower seniors' risk of developing epilepsy, a new study finds.

    The drugs, called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), might prevent epilepsy in people at highest risk of the disease, researchers reported June 17 in the...

    Smartphone Face-Screening Tool Could Help Paramedics Spot Stroke

    A new smartphone tool could help paramedics identify a stroke in seconds by scanning the patient's face.

    The AI-driven tool analyzes facial symmetry and specific muscle movements to detect subtle signs of stroke, researchers explained.

    "One of the key parameter...

    Scientists Uncover Links Between MS and Epstein-Barr Virus

    The discovery that the Epstein-Barr virus might be a major driver of multiple sclerosis has re-energized research into the autoimmune disease.

    Now, investigators in the U.K. and Sweden believe they might be closer to understanding how the virus, which also causes mononucleosis, might help spur MS.

    "The discovery of the link between Epstein-Barr Virus [EBV] and multiple sclerosis ha...

    Could a Blood Test Predict Parkinson's Years Before Symptoms?

    A new blood test might be able to predict Parkinson's disease up to seven years before symptoms of the movement disorder surface, researchers said.

    The test correctly predicted a high risk of Parkinson's in 16 patients who went on to develop the disease, results show.

    If validated, the ...

    Adults' Phobias Show Up as Differences in the Brain

    Adults' phobias can be correlated with changes in the structure of their brains, a new study finds.

    What's more, the neurological differences seen in adults with phobias are more extensive than those observed in people with other forms of anxiety.

    Phobia is the most common anxiet...

    Inherited Alzheimer's: Whether It's From Mom or Dad Could Matter

    Genetics can play a role in a person's odds for Alzheimer's disease, and new research suggests differences in that risk are based on which parent had the illness.

    In a study of 4,400 people still "cognitively unimpaired," there was higher buildup of am...

    Dolphins Off Florida, Georgia Have High Levels of Mercury

    Dolphins living off the coasts of Georgia and Florida have elevated levels of mercury in their bodies, new research shows.

    That could have implications for people, said a team led by Colleen Bryan, a research biologist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Charleston, S.C.

    "As a sentinel species, the...

    Animal Studies Suggest New Treatment Target for Spinal Cord Injury

    Spinal cord injuries can cause the body to go haywire, with misfiring nerves causing dangerous "fight-or-flight"responses.

    This makes typical and normally harmless problems like having a full bladder prompt life-threatening complications like heart attack, stroke and severe infections like

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 14, 2024
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  • Could Moms of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Face Higher Dementia Risk Later?

    Women who deliver low-birth-weight babies could be more likely to have memory and thinking problems later in life, a new study warns.

    As seniors, these women had brain test scores that indicated one to two years of additional aging in their memory and thinking skills, compared with women who delivered normal-weight babies, according to results published June 12 in the journal

    Depression Could Take Toll on Memory With Age

    Depression and memory declines may be closely linked in older people, new research suggests.

    "Our study shows that the relationship between depression and poor memory cuts both ways, with depressive symptoms preceding memory decline and memory decline linked to subsequent depressive symptoms," said senior study author Dr. Dorina Cada...

    Tips to Making Your Home Safer for People With Alzheimer's

    Bright lights, loud sounds and trip hazards can make a person with Alzheimer's uncomfortable in the home and even pose real dangers.

    The Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) says a few easy fixes can change all that.

    "Every family caregiver's...

    Could Brain 'Overgrowth' Contribute to Autism?

    Severe forms of autism could be linked to overgrowth of the brain's outer layer that starts while a baby is in the womb, a new study finds.

    Toddlers with autism have cerebral cortexes -- often referred to as "gray matter"-- that are roughly 40% larger than those of children without the developmental disorder, researchers reported recently in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • June 7, 2024
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  • Nerve Surgery May Help Some Battling Severe Migraine

    Nerve surgery can reduce the number of headache days for people who suffer frequent migraines, a new review finds.

    The procedure also can decrease the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks, according to results published in the June issue of the journal

    Scientists Spot Gene Behind Form of Intellectual Disability Affecting Thousands Worldwide

    MONDAY, June 3, 2024 -- Mutations in a single newly identified gene are responsible for developmental disorders affecting tens of thousands of people worldwide, a new study claims.

    The gene"RNU4-2"can cause a collection of developmental symptoms that had not previously been tied to a distinct genetic disorder, researchers report.

    The discovery is significant because it represents on...

    What Is a Cerebral Aneurysm? What Are the Signs?

    Cerebral aneurysms: For most people, the word signals a sudden, fatal brain bleed that seemingly comes out of nowhere.

    However, an expert at Penn State Health says that in many cases these brain blood vessel ruptures are spotted early, before they rupture. And even when they do occur, they are not uniformly fatal.

    What is a cerebral aneurysm?

    "An aneurysm is l...

    Caffeine Affects Dopamine Function in Parkinson's Patients

    Caffeine has been associated with a reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease, but a new study says a coffee jolt might not be good for people already diagnosed with the brain disorder.

    Consuming caffeine appears to blunt the brain's ability to use dopamine, the hormone that lies at the h...

    Doctors Used See-Through Plastic 'Window' to Monitor Injured Man's Brain

    California skateboarder Jared Hager has become the first person to receive a transparent skull replacement, which allows doctors to better view the function of his brain.

    The window has allowed doctors to both monitor his progress and test new and better scanning methods for assessing brain health.

    Hager, 39, of Downey, Calif., sustained a traumatic brain injury from a skateboarding...

    Scientists May Have Spotted Stuttering's Origins in the Brain

    Stuttering is a neurological condition, not a psychological one, and scientists in Finland now believe they've found the disrupted network in the brain that may cause it.

    "These findings explain well-known features of stuttering, such as the motor difficulties in speech production and the significant variability in stuttering severity across emotional states," said senior study author

    Will Epilepsy Meds Taken in Pregnancy Affect a Child's Creativity?

    Newer epilepsy drugs taken while pregnant won't affect the creative thinking of children, an effect that had been observed in older medications, a new study reports.

    Researchers found no difference in creativity scores at age 4 between kids of mothers with epilepsy and those of...

    'Moving Forward': Battling Parkinson's, He's Rowing His Way to Paralympic Games

    For decades, Todd Vogt has been dedicated to the sport of rowing, believing he was in peak physical condition. Then, a series of symptoms began to emerge, turning his life upside down.

    "My left arm stopped swinging, and I felt incredibly fatigued," Vogt, 49, recalled. "Eventually,...

    Ultra-Processed Foods Could Be Harming Your Brain

    Ultra-processed foods are bad for more than your waistline: New research shows they seem to raise the risk of stroke and dementia-related memory or thinking problems.

    A 10% increase in the amount of ultra-processed foods a person eats is associated with a 16% higher risk of cognitive problems, researchers f...

    'Climbing the Ladder' in Life Could Stave Off Dementia

    Have you been socially and economically "upwardly mobile" through your life? If so, you may be doing your brain health a big favor, new Japanese research suggests.

    Folks who scored high in terms of "climbing the ladder" tended to avoid dementia or develop it years later than folks whose lives weren't on such a successful track, reported a team led by

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 22, 2024
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  • New Blood Test Could Spot  Dangerous Type of Stroke

    MONDAY, May 20, 2024 -- When a stroke hits, "time is brain," doctors say, with neurons beginning to die off in minutes.

    Quickly figuring out which type of stroke a patient has been hit with is crucial. Now, an experimental blood test might speed that process along.<...

    Stroke, Migraine, Alzheimer's: Climate Change Will Likely Make Them Worse

    Climate change is likely to make brain conditions like stroke, migraine, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis even worse, a new review warns.

    The potential effects of a changing climate is likely to be substantial on a range of neurological conditions, researche...

    Dreams Might Help You Process Bad Experiences

    A good night's sleep helps clear the cobwebs from your mind, and researchers now think they've figured out how dreaming helps.

    A night spent dreaming appears to help people better process extreme events in their lives, as well as clear daily mundane things from their memory, according to results published recently in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 16, 2024
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  • Neuropathy Nerve Damage Often Goes Undiagnosed

    Though it is a widespread disorder, neuropathy often goes undiagnosed, new research shows, leaving many people at risk of falls, infection and even amputation.

    Neuropathy is nerve damage that causes numbness and pain in feet and hands. 

    A study of 169 people treated at an outpatient clinic in Flint, Mich., found that 73% had neuropathy. Three-quarters had not been diagnosed.

    Spinal Cord 'Wraparound' Device Could Help Treat Paralysis

    A tiny, flexible device that wraps around the spinal cord could be a breakthrough in the treatment of spinal injuries.

    The device, developed by a University of Cambridge team, can record 360-degree information and provide a complete picture of spinal cord activity, researchers report in the journal Science Advances.

    The device ...

    Scientists May Have Located Your Brain's 'Neural Compass'

    Researchers say they've identified a human "neural compass"-- a pattern of brain activity that helps prevent humans from becoming lost.

    For the first time, the internal compass humans use to orient themselves and navigate through the environment has been pinpointed in the human brain, researchers reported May 6 in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 7, 2024
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  • ERs Often Missing Epilepsy in Kids With 'Non-Motor' Seizures

    Two-thirds of kids who suffer a subtle type of epileptic seizure go undiagnosed when they seek emergency room treatment, new research shows.

    "We do not know how many people are walking around with seizures that they are unaware of, and we are unaware of," said researcher Jacqueline French, a professor of neurology...

    EPA Earmarks $3 Billion to Replace Lead Pipes Nationwide

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said it will spend $3 billion to help states and territories identify and replace lead water pipes.

    "The science is clear, there is no safe level of lead exposure, and the primary source of harmful exposure in drinking water is through lead pipes," EPA Administrator Michael Regan sa...

    Sleep Apnea Linked With Late-Life Epilepsy

    Add one more damaging consequence of sleep apnea to the list: New research suggests it's related to late-life epilepsy.

    Late-onset epilepsy is defined as seizures that tend to begin only after the age of 60.

    The condition might be related to underlying heart or brain illnesses, noted study co-author Dr. Rebecca Gottesman, chie...

    Better Scans Spot Hidden Inflammation in MS Patients

    Advanced scanning techniques can find hidden inflammation in the brains of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, a new study shows.

    This "smoldering"inflammation detected by positron emission tomography (PET) brain scans could help explain why patients continue to decline even though imaging shows no brain changes, researchers reported recently in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 26, 2024
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  • Taking Psilocybin for Depression? Relationship With Therapist Is Key

    Many people dogged by depression are turning to the psilocybin found in "magic mushrooms" to ease the condition, and often reporting success.

    Now, new research suggests much of the credit for that success lies in the relationship between th...

    Repeat Blasts Can Damage Soldiers' Brains, Study Confirms

    Soldiers can suffer brain injury if they are repeatedly exposed to explosive blasts, a new study shows.

    Further, the more frequently a soldier is exposed to explosions, the greater their risk for brain injury, researchers reported April 22 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    Based on this, researchers intend to develop a diagnostic test to detect blast b...

    Antipsychotics May Do Great Harm to People With Dementia: Report

    Antipsychotics can substantially increase dementia patients' risk of many serious health problems, a new study warns.

    Dementia patients prescribed antipsychotics have increased risk of stroke, blood clots, heart attack, heart failure, bone fractures, pneumonia and kidney damage, researchers re...

    Could Some HIV Meds Also Fight Alzheimer's?

    In a new study, people living with HIV who got standard meds to keep the virus at bay also had much lower rates of Alzheimer's disease -- suggesting the drugs might also lower risks for the brain illness.

    It's early-stage research, but it's possible that mechanisms used by these HIV drugs work at a ...