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Results for search "Fatigue".

Health News Results - 64

05 Apr
It May Be Fine to Exercise During Long COVID

It May Be Fine to Exercise During Long COVID

People with Long COVID might be able to exercise to improve their health, something that up to now has been discouraged, a new study suggests.

"The World Health Organization [WHO] a...

22 Feb
Scientists May Have Spotted a Key to Long COVID

Scientists May Have Spotted a Key to Long COVID

Infection with the COVID-19 virus triggers the production of an immune system protein that's long been associated with fatigue, muscle ache and depression.

Trouble is, for folks suffering from Long COVID this protein overproduction does not stop, researchers at the Unive...

11 Dec
Over 3 Million Americans Struggle With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Over 3 Million Americans Struggle With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome strikes more Americans than many might think: In a first national estimate, new government data puts that number at 3.3 million.

The condition clearly "is not a rare illness,"and is being fueled in part by patients who now suffer from long COVID,...

09 Aug
Fatigue Can Plague People With MS. Exercise May Help

Fatigue Can Plague People With MS. Exercise May Help

Patients with a type of multiple sclerosis (MS) known as relapsing-remitting MS could have less fatigue if they got more active and were in better physical shape, according to new research.

01 Aug
Biden Administration Launches Office for Long COVID Research

Biden Administration Launches Office for Long COVID Research

As Americans continue to grapple with the effects of long COVID, the Biden administration on Monday announced the creation of a new office focused on research about the condition that will be part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The Office of Long C...

01 May
Could Long COVID Change Brain Activity?

Could Long COVID Change Brain Activity?

Scientists report that brain scans of long COVID patients show abnormal activity in areas related to memory.

The scan results validate the concerns of these patients, who feel like they're experiencing fatigue, trouble concentrating and memory issues, even though their s...

07 Apr
Sleep Troubles Common for Folks With Long COVID

Sleep Troubles Common for Folks With Long COVID

Four out of 10 people who have lingering health issues after COVID-19 infection can count bothersome sleep problems among them.

About 41% of those with so-called long COVID have moderate to severe sleep issues, according to new research from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio....

29 Nov
Long COVID Often Brings Another Issue: Stigma

Long COVID Often Brings Another Issue: Stigma

People with long COVID deal with months or years of punishing fatigue, mind-numbing brain fog or a frightening fight to take each and every breath.

But they can also face the skepticism of others, a new study finds -- employers and doctors questioning whether they're rea...

25 Nov
Exercise Might Ease Side Effects of Breast Cancer Treatment

Exercise Might Ease Side Effects of Breast Cancer Treatment

An exercise program, even if it's not as intense as national guidelines suggest, could help breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy reduce fatigue and have a better quality of life, new research suggests.

Researchers from Edith Cowan University in Australia i...

17 Oct
Is Exercise Getting Tougher for You? Long COVID Might Be to Blame

Is Exercise Getting Tougher for You? Long COVID Might Be to Blame

After COVID-19, resuming regular exercise may be harder, and new research suggests this may be one more symptom of long COVID.

For the study, the researchers ...

12 Aug
Your Brain Gets Tired, and Scientists Now Know Why

Your Brain Gets Tired, and Scientists Now Know Why

Preparing your taxes is a purely mental activity, but one that leaves many exhausted by the end of the effort.

The same goes for reading a dense report, picking apart reams of spreadsheet data, or writing a fact-laden paper.

That feeling of

20 Jun
Neuro Symptoms of Long COVID May Persist for Months

Neuro Symptoms of Long COVID May Persist for Months

Many COVID-19 long-haulers still have neurological symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and memory problems six months later, new research shows.

The findings are the first from an ongoi...

09 Jun
Fever, Fatigue: Scientists Pinpoint the Brain's 'Sickness Center'

Fever, Fatigue: Scientists Pinpoint the Brain's 'Sickness Center'

A small area of your brain triggers the familiar symptoms of fever, chills, fatigue and loss of appetite when you have a viral or bacterial infection, new animal research suggests.

The findings could eventually lead to ways to reverse this process when symptoms pose a ri...

06 Jun
Placebo Pill Eases Cancer-Related Fatigue in Study

Placebo Pill Eases Cancer-Related Fatigue in Study

Patients with advanced cancer often suffer crippling fatigue, but there has been little in the way of relief for them as they battle their disease.

Now, a new investigation may have landed on a surprising solution -- a dummy pill that contains no medication of any kind.<...

02 May
Therapies That Can Help Ease Long COVID Breathlessness, Fatigue

Therapies That Can Help Ease Long COVID Breathlessness, Fatigue

Occupational therapy or low-impact exercise might be the key to relieving long-haul COVID symptoms like extreme fatigue, breathlessness and brain fog, a pair of new studies from Ireland suggest.

The studies reflect two different - in some ways, opposite - approaches to d...

25 Apr
Only 1 in 4 Long COVID Sufferers Fully Recovered One Year Later

Only 1 in 4 Long COVID Sufferers Fully Recovered One Year Later

A year after being hospitalized with COVID-19, only about 25% of people felt fully recovered, a new study shows, and the risk of long COVID was highest among women, obese people and those who were on a ventilator.

There are no specific treatments for

05 Apr
Are Standard Tests Accurate at Spotting Concussion?

Are Standard Tests Accurate at Spotting Concussion?

Outdoor sports season is nearly here, and with rough play comes the risk of concussion.

But one of the most-used tools to assess sports-related

02 Mar
Could the Keto Diet Help People With MS?

Could the Keto Diet Help People With MS?

The Keto diet is a low-carb lover's dream, but a new study suggests the popular eating plan may also improve some symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS).

04 Feb
Pandemic Worsening Americans' Already Terrible Sleep, Poll Finds

Pandemic Worsening Americans' Already Terrible Sleep, Poll Finds

Many Americans are bone-weary following two straight years of pandemic stress, and a new HealthDay/Harris Poll shows that sleeplessness is only part of the problem.

One-third of poll participants said they feel more tired now than they did before March 2020, the...

13 Dec
What Does 'Long COVID' Look Like in Kids?

What Does 'Long COVID' Look Like in Kids?

Long COVID can be tough to diagnose in children, but there are a number of things to look for.

"Many children don't have any symptoms when they have a COVID infection,"said Dr. Sindhu Mohandas, a pediatric infectious disease specialist and attending physician at Children...

08 Dec
Omicron Latest Mental Blow to Americans Exhausted by Pandemic

Omicron Latest Mental Blow to Americans Exhausted by Pandemic

First, the COVID-19 pandemic brought panic, with successive waves of infection and death, including the emergence this year of the Delta variant.

Then vaccines offered the promise of a recovery, with a speed -- and on a scale -- never before seen.

But now, the Omi...

30 Nov
Long-Haul COVID Can Include Chronic Fatigue: Study

Long-Haul COVID Can Include Chronic Fatigue: Study

The often debilitating condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome appears to be common among COVID-19 long-haulers.

That's the key takeaway from a fresh look at patients who continue to struggle with severe fatigue, poor sleep, brain fog, muscle aches and pains long aft...

16 Nov
Better Work Conditions Bringing Better Mental Health to Resident Doctors: Study

Better Work Conditions Bringing Better Mental Health to Resident Doctors: Study

Medical training may be taking less of a mental health toll on young doctors than it used to, but depression remains common, a new study suggests.

Medical residency -- the training that new doctors undergo at hospitals or clinics -- is infamous for its grueling schedule,...

15 Nov
11/15 -- Long COVID Rare in College Athletes

11/15 -- Long COVID Rare in College Athletes

Long COVID is rare in college athletes, but those who have had COVID-19 should see a doctor if they have chest pain during activity, the authors of new study advise.

The extent and effects of persistent symptoms in athletes after COVID-19 infection have been unclear, so ...

05 Nov
No 'Fall Back'? Sleep Experts Argue Against Daylight Standard Time

No 'Fall Back'? Sleep Experts Argue Against Daylight Standard Time

Most folks groan when the time comes to either "spring forward" or "fall back" an hour, with the waxing and waning of daylight saving time.

But that one-hour time shift -- which occurs at 2 a.m. Sunday -- is more than just a minor annoyance, sleep experts say.


27 Oct
Long COVID Can Last a Year; Many Sufferers Quit Jobs

Long COVID Can Last a Year; Many Sufferers Quit Jobs

Patients suffering from "long COVID" can have symptoms that last a year or more, putting their jobs and everyday routines in jeopardy, a new study finds.

Looking at more than 150 people with long-lasting effects from COVID-19, researchers said the patients reported think...

30 Aug
Cluster of Symptoms Common in People First Diagnosed With MS

Cluster of Symptoms Common in People First Diagnosed With MS

A number of symptoms are common among people who are newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a patient survey shows.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an incurable disease in which the nerves' protective layers are damaged,

27 Aug
COVID Symptoms Haunt Nearly Half of Patients a Year Later

COVID Symptoms Haunt Nearly Half of Patients a Year Later

Nearly half of coronavirus patients in a large, new study were still suffering at least one lingering symptom of their illness a full year after being hospitalized for COVID-19.

The latest findings add to a growing pile of evidence that suggests recovery is no easy task ...

10 Aug
Fatigue Before Treatment Starts Might Affect Cancer Survival

Fatigue Before Treatment Starts Might Affect Cancer Survival

Significant fatigue at the start of cancer treatment is associated with a greater risk of severe side effects and shorter survival, a new study finds.

Researchers analyzed data from four clinical trials of lung cancer or prostate cancer treatments that were conducted by ...

16 Jul
More Than a Quarter of Long COVID Patients Still Not Recovered After 6 Months

More Than a Quarter of Long COVID Patients Still Not Recovered After 6 Months

How long can some COVID symptoms linger? New research suggests that more than a quarter of adults who had COVID-19 in 2020 weren't fully recovered six to eight months later.

There's growing evidence that COVID-19 can cause long-term physical and mental health problems. T...

30 Jun
Could the 'Mono' Virus Be Driving Long-Haul COVID?

Could the 'Mono' Virus Be Driving Long-Haul COVID?

Some folks suffering COVID long-haul symptoms might actually be experiencing an attack of fatigue-inducing Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a new study argues.

Two-thirds of a group of 30 COVID long-haul patients had high levels of Epstein-Barr antibodies, suggesting that EBV l...

15 Jun
After COVID, Many Americans Are Struck by New Maladies: Study

After COVID, Many Americans Are Struck by New Maladies: Study

Suffering through a case of COVID-19 unleashed a host of other health problems in hundreds of thousands of Americans participating in the largest study yet of the long-term effects of coronavirus infection.

Tracking the health insurance records of nearly 2 million p...

02 Jun
Sleep Deprived? Coffee Can Only Help So Much

Sleep Deprived? Coffee Can Only Help So Much

You know you've done it -- stayed up too late and relied on coffee to get through the next day -- but new research suggests that caffeine can only do so much.

That cup or cups of coffee may keep you awake the following day, but your performance is likely to be subpar, es...

01 Jun
Long-Haul COVID Symptoms? Getting Vaccine Won't Make You Feel Worse, Study Finds

Long-Haul COVID Symptoms? Getting Vaccine Won't Make You Feel Worse, Study Finds

COVID survivors can relax when it comes to vaccination: A new study shows that getting immunized will not worsen any symptoms that linger long after infection, such as breathing difficulties, fatigue and insomnia.

The encouraging takeaway is based on a small analysis tha...

26 May
7 Out of 10 Hospitalized COVID Patients Will Have Long-Haul Symptoms

7 Out of 10 Hospitalized COVID Patients Will Have Long-Haul Symptoms

If you land in the hospital with a COVID-19 infection, there's a good chance you'll still be suffering symptoms months later, researchers report.

A wide swath of lingering health issues plagued more than 70% of these patients, investigators found.

"Early on, we com...

25 May
Could COVID-19 Trigger Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the Young?

Could COVID-19 Trigger Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the Young?

Although older adults are among the most vulnerable to the ravages of COVID-19, new research warns that young patients can develop long-lasting fatigue and concentration problems, even if their COVID-19 infection was mild.

That's the troubling takeaway from three COVID-1...

24 May
'Brain Fog' Can Linger With Long-Haul COVID

'Brain Fog' Can Linger With Long-Haul COVID

As researchers work to learn more about COVID-19 and so-called long-haulers, a new study suggests "brain fog" can persist and even worsen for those who were infected months before.

Long-haulers continue to have symptoms long after their COVID diagnosis, and these symptom...

20 Apr
What Makes for a Satisfying Work Zoom Meeting?

What Makes for a Satisfying Work Zoom Meeting?

Video conferencing has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, but many workers are developing what some call "Zoom fatigue."

Now, new research suggests a prime factor behind the trend: A lack of inclusion. The study finds that when people feel they're really part of the g...

09 Apr
Stressed, Exhausted: Frontline Workers Faced Big Mental Strain in Pandemic

Stressed, Exhausted: Frontline Workers Faced Big Mental Strain in Pandemic

Doctors, nurses and other frontline health workers in U.S. emergency departments have struggled with significant mental health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new poll reveals.

"As the nation moves into what many believe is a fourth wave of COVID, this study i...

23 Mar
Feeling Rundown?  It Could Raise Your Odds for Severe COVID

Feeling Rundown?� It Could Raise Your Odds for Severe COVID

Groggy during the day? Feeling burned out at work? That could put you at increased risk for COVID-19 and more severe illness, a new study suggests.

"We found that lack of sleep at night, severe sleep problems and high level of burnout may be risk factors for COVID-19" f...

22 Mar
Try 'Microbreaks' for a Real Workday Boost

Try 'Microbreaks' for a Real Workday Boost

If you're feeling tired at work, a "microbreak" could help restore your pep, a new study claims.

Microbreaks are short, unplanned timeouts that include activities such as having a snack, chatting with a workmate, stretching or doing a crossword puzzle, the researchers ex...

17 Mar
Some Long Haul COVID Patients Are Feeling Better After Vaccination

Some Long Haul COVID Patients Are Feeling Better After Vaccination

For many, it's like emerging suddenly from a long, dark tunnel.

Some people who've been laid low for months by so-called "long haul" symptoms after a coronavirus infection say that within days of getting their COVID-19 vaccine, those symptoms nearly disappeared.


23 Feb
'What's Wrong With Me?' Young COVID Survivors Battle Long-Haul Symptoms

'What's Wrong With Me?' Young COVID Survivors Battle Long-Haul Symptoms

It's been nearly a year since David Speal, 38, first fell ill with COVID-19, but a racing heartbeat remains a regular reminder of his brush with the new coronavirus.

Even the littlest thing -- not eating at the right time, not drinking enough water, too much exercise, a ...

19 Feb
A Third of COVID Survivors Have Long-Haul Symptoms, Even After Mild Cases

A Third of COVID Survivors Have Long-Haul Symptoms, Even After Mild Cases

Many patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 could become "long haulers," suffering symptoms months after they clear their non-life-threatening infection, new research shows.

About 33% of COVID-19 patients who were never sick enough to require hospitalization continue to...

09 Feb
Why Your 2nd Dose of COVID Vaccine Is Likely to Feel Worse

Why Your 2nd Dose of COVID Vaccine Is Likely to Feel Worse

His second COVID-19 vaccine shot wiped Dr. Greg Poland out.

Poland, 65, said he suffered five hours of shaking chills, fever up to 101 degrees, severe headache, nausea, ringing in his ears and a sore arm after getting his booster dose of the Moderna vaccine.

"I've ...

11 Jan
Even Mild Cases of COVID Can Leave 'Long-Haul' Illness, Study Shows

Even Mild Cases of COVID Can Leave 'Long-Haul' Illness, Study Shows

Even people with mild cases of COVID-19 may commonly feel run down and unwell months later, a new study suggests.

The study, of patients at one Irish medical center, found that 62% said they had not returned to "full health" when they had a follow-up appointment a few mo...

11 Jan
Six Months Later, Most Wuhan COVID Survivors Still Have Health Issues

Six Months Later, Most Wuhan COVID Survivors Still Have Health Issues

Concerns about "long-haul" symptoms in COVID-19 survivors may be reignited by a new study: It finds that 3 out of 4 patients from Wuhan, China -- where the pandemic originated -- were still suffering at least one lingering health problem six months later.

The study from ...

12 Dec
For Cancer Patients, Holiday Season Can Be a Stressful Time

For Cancer Patients, Holiday Season Can Be a Stressful Time

The holiday season can be difficult for people with cancer, especially with the added stress of the COVID-19 pandemic this year.

As they undergo treatment and cope with symptoms and side effects, they may struggle to get any pleasure from the season, according to the Rut...

19 Nov
Are Statin Side Effects 'All in Your Head'?

Are Statin Side Effects 'All in Your Head'?

Most of the side effects commonly blamed on cholesterol-lowering statins may actually be the product of patients' imaginations, new British research claims.

The finding follows a study of 60 patients who had been taking statins but stopped because of reported muscle ache...

10 Jul
Most Survivors of Severe COVID-19 Report Symptoms Many Weeks After 'Recovery'

Most Survivors of Severe COVID-19 Report Symptoms Many Weeks After 'Recovery'

Even a month after hospital discharge and "recovery," a majority of patients who had survived severe COVID-19 were still dealing with fatigue, shortness of breath and other symptoms, Italian research shows.

The study tracked outcomes for 143 hospitalized patients tre...