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Results for search "Spina Bifida".

Health News Results - 2

10 Feb
Fetal Surgery Is Changing Lives for Kids With Spina Bifida

Fetal Surgery Is Changing Lives for Kids With Spina Bifida

Spina bifida is a diagnosis no parents-to-be want to hear as they await their child's birth, and the idea of performing surgery on a baby while it is still in the womb can be terrifying. But new research shows that performing the delicate procedure before the baby is born, and...

20 Jun
How Do Birth Defects Affect Childhood Cancer Risk?

How Do Birth Defects Affect Childhood Cancer Risk?

Children with birth defects may be at increased risk for childhood cancer, a new study finds.

Researchers analyzed data from more than 10 million children born in Texas, Arkansas, Michigan and North Carolina between 1992 and 2013.

Compared to children witho...