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Results for search "Blood Glucose Monitors".

Health News Results - 30

29 Jun
Exercise + Weight Loss Perfect Combo to Fight Diabetes

Exercise + Weight Loss Perfect Combo to Fight Diabetes

Pairing exercise with a 10% weight loss can make a major health improvement in people living with obesity and prediabetes, a new study says.

Building in regular exercise more than doubled sensitivity to insulin compared to just weight loss alone. This has the potent...

15 Jun
Fasting Later in Day Might Be Key to Controlling Blood Sugar: Study

Fasting Later in Day Might Be Key to Controlling Blood Sugar: Study

Intermittent fasting is all the rage due to the lengthy list of health benefits associated with this style of eating.

Now, a new, small study suggests that one type of intermittent fasting -- early time-restricted eating -- may be key for preventing type 2 diabetes...

20 Mar
Your Body Clock Knows When It's Time for Dinner: Study

Your Body Clock Knows When It's Time for Dinner: Study

Do you ever wonder why you typically feel hungry when it's time for dinner?

Researchers say that's not just a habit, but a physiological drive, with the human body able to predict the timing of regular meals.

"We often get hungry around the same time every day, but...

08 Feb
Tying the Knot Could Keep High Blood Sugar at Bay

Tying the Knot Could Keep High Blood Sugar at Bay

Getting hitched could help middle-aged and older folks get a better handle on their blood sugar, a new study reports.

People living with a spouse appeared to be better able to maintain lower blood sugar levels than single folks, according to the findings.

This bene...

31 Aug
Tight Blood Sugar Control Boosts Brain Power of Teens With Type 1 Diabetes: Study

Tight Blood Sugar Control Boosts Brain Power of Teens With Type 1 Diabetes: Study

When teenagers with type 1 diabetes get better control of their blood sugar, their brains may benefit, a new clinical trial shows.

Researchers found that when teenagers started treatment with a newer technology -- often dubbed

18 Aug
Change to Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Helped Women

Change to Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Helped Women

Using a lower threshold to diagnose pregnancy-related diabetes does not seem to reduce the risk of having a big baby, on average -- but some women do benefit, a new clinical trial suggests.


07 Jun
'Open Source' Automated Insulin Delivery Systems Help People With Type 1 Diabetes

'Open Source' Automated Insulin Delivery Systems Help People With Type 1 Diabetes

Open-source automated insulin delivery (AID) systems are an effective and safe way for people with type 1 diabetes to control their blood sugar levels, researchers say.

The AID systems combine a...

07 Jun
Technology Helped Kids With Type 1 Diabetes During Pandemic

Technology Helped Kids With Type 1 Diabetes During Pandemic

High-tech devices and communication helped ease the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on children with type 1 diabetes, researchers said in a new study.

Pandemic shutdowns caused significant disruptions in health care, and previous studies have shown that diabetes patients ha...

20 Jan
'Artificial Pancreas' Can Help Kids With Type 1 Diabetes

'Artificial Pancreas' Can Help Kids With Type 1 Diabetes

Having a child with type 1 diabetes can be a challenging health condition for parents to manage, but new research suggests an "artificial pancreas" system may beat standard treatment in controlling the blood sugar disease in young children.

Forms of the technology -...

30 Sep
What Blood Sugar Levels Best Protect Against Heart Trouble in Those With Diabetes?

What Blood Sugar Levels Best Protect Against Heart Trouble in Those With Diabetes?

For people with diabetes who have a stroke, there may be an ideal blood sugar target to prevent another one or a heart attack, a South Korean study finds.

To determine average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months, the study team used the hemoglobin A1C te...

29 Jun
Which Blood Sugar Meds Work Best Against Type 2 Diabetes?

Which Blood Sugar Meds Work Best Against Type 2 Diabetes?

You have type 2 diabetes, and you are already taking an old standby drug, metformin. But you still need help controlling your blood sugar levels. Which medication would be the best?

New research pitted several diabetes drugs against each other and came up with an answer:...

22 Mar
Some Kids With Type 1 Diabetes Face High Risk of Severe COVID-19

Some Kids With Type 1 Diabetes Face High Risk of Severe COVID-19

Poorly controlled type 1 diabetes significantly increases a child's risk of COVID-19 complications and death, researchers warn.

The risk of complications is 10 times higher in youngsters with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes than in those with well-controlled diabetes, ...

20 Feb
Meeting the Challenges of Type 1 Diabetes in the Teen Years

Meeting the Challenges of Type 1 Diabetes in the Teen Years

Diabetes is never an easy disease to manage, but coping with type 1 diabetes can be a particularly difficult challenge for teens.

The transition from childhood to adolescence can be hard on both kids and parents, the JDRF (formerly the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundati...

08 Jan
Black Patients at Higher Risk When Type 1 Diabetes and COVID Combine

Black Patients at Higher Risk When Type 1 Diabetes and COVID Combine

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted health care disparities in the United States, but a new study puts that issue into sharper focus, finding that Black and Hispanic people with type 1 diabetes who get COVID-19 are much more likely to have serious complications or die.

04 Dec
High Blood Sugar Ups COVID Risks, Even in Non-Diabetics

High Blood Sugar Ups COVID Risks, Even in Non-Diabetics

COVID-19 patients with abnormally high blood sugar are at increased risk for serious illness and death, even if they don't have diabetes, new research shows.

The study included more than 11,300 non-critically ill adults with COVID-19 who were hospitalized in Spain betwee...

28 Aug
Artificial Pancreas Controls Diabetes in Kids 6 and Up, Clinical Trial Shows

Artificial Pancreas Controls Diabetes in Kids 6 and Up, Clinical Trial Shows

An artificial pancreas system is safe and effective at managing blood sugar levels in kids as young as age 6 with type 1 diabetes, according to a new study.

The system uses a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) to track blood sugar levels and automatically delivers insu...

14 Jul
Stressful Days, Worse Blood Sugar Control for People With Diabetes

Stressful Days, Worse Blood Sugar Control for People With Diabetes

When something as routine as grocery shopping might lead to a deadly COVID-19 infection, stress is inevitable -- and that extra tension can make it harder for people with diabetes to manage their disease.

The reason? The stress hormone cortisol is linked to higher b...

13 Jul
COVID-19 May Trigger High Blood Sugar, Raising Death Risk: Study

COVID-19 May Trigger High Blood Sugar, Raising Death Risk: Study

Bodies stressed by severe COVID-19 could produce abnormally high blood sugar levels, even in people without diagnosed diabetes. And that appears tied to a doubling of the odds of dying from COVID-19, Chinese researchers report.

High blood sugar (glucose) levels, meas...

22 Jun
Does COVID-19 Trigger New Cases of Diabetes?

Does COVID-19 Trigger New Cases of Diabetes?

Early in the coronavirus pandemic, doctors learned that people with diabetes face a greater risk of developing serious complications from COVID-19 infections.

What they didn't immediately realize is that the new coronavirus might trigger diabetes in people who didn't...

17 Jun
Continuous Glucose Monitors Help With Type 1 Diabetes at Any Age

Continuous Glucose Monitors Help With Type 1 Diabetes at Any Age

Technology often makes life easier to manage, and new research confirms that's definitely the case for people with type 1 diabetes.

Continuous glucose monitors -- devices that approximate blood sugar levels every few minutes -- can help teens and young adults better...

30 Mar
Blood Sugar Control May Aid Stroke Recovery in Diabetes Patients

Blood Sugar Control May Aid Stroke Recovery in Diabetes Patients

Good blood sugar control can help protect against mental decline after a common type of stroke in people with diabetes, new research suggests.

The study included 942 patients with diabetes who suffered a lacunar stroke -- one caused by a blockage in an artery that pr...

03 Mar
Want to Help Keep Diabetes at Bay? Brush & Floss

Want to Help Keep Diabetes at Bay? Brush & Floss

There's a new, unexpected reason to keep your pearly whites gleaming: avoiding diabetes.

New research found that people who regularly brush their teeth three times a day reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes.

The study also found that people who have denta...

09 Jan
Cluster of Unhealthy Risk Factors Could Raise Odds of Recurrent Blood Clots

Cluster of Unhealthy Risk Factors Could Raise Odds of Recurrent Blood Clots

People with what's known as the "metabolic syndrome" are vulnerable to recurring blood clots, new research shows.

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions, including obesity, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. These factors put peopl...

01 Nov
High-Tech Pacifier Might Monitor Baby's Blood Sugar

High-Tech Pacifier Might Monitor Baby's Blood Sugar

Parents of babies with type 1 diabetes have to prick their child's skin multiple times a day to check their blood sugar. But researchers may have developed a much easier way to check -- a sugar-sensing pacifier.

While baby sucks on the pacifier, it collects saliva, ...

16 Oct
Next-Gen Artificial Pancreas Boosts Blood Sugar Control

Next-Gen Artificial Pancreas Boosts Blood Sugar Control

The latest version of the so-called artificial pancreas system helped people with type 1 diabetes gain even better control of their blood sugar levels than current technology does, a new study reports.

The device combines an insulin pump, a continuous glucose monito...

05 Jun
Tight Diabetes Control Alone May Not Benefit the Heart Long-Term

Tight Diabetes Control Alone May Not Benefit the Heart Long-Term

Type 2 diabetes is a known risk factor for heart disease, and researchers thought that five years of really tight blood sugar control might reduce the risk of heart disease for years to come.

But a new 15-year follow-up study found that was not the case. The finding...

24 May
Good Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar Levels Can Prevent 'Heart Block'

Good Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar Levels Can Prevent 'Heart Block'

Keeping blood pressure and blood sugar levels under control might prevent a common heart rhythm disorder called "heart block."

That's the finding from a new study analyzing data on more than 6,000 people, aged 30 and older, in Finland.

In the study, the U...

16 May
Scientists Spot Unexpected Player in Fibromyalgia

Scientists Spot Unexpected Player in Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a mysterious and misunderstood illness, but researchers may have uncovered at least one key to the disease's origin: insulin resistance.

The new research compared a small group of people with fibromyalgia to two groups of healthy people and noted that...

17 Apr
Buyer Beware When Purchasing Medical Test Strips

Buyer Beware When Purchasing Medical Test Strips

Test strips help millions monitor their health at home, but people should avoid buying strips that are pre-owned or not approved for sale in the United States.

Using such strips could lead to incorrect test results that could put people at risk for serious problems a...

22 Jan
Eating Before Bedtime Won't Send Blood Sugar Levels Soaring

Eating Before Bedtime Won't Send Blood Sugar Levels Soaring

Avoiding food before bedtime probably won't help your blood sugar levels and health, a new study suggests.

Some experts say not eating for two hours before going to bed helps prevent high blood sugar (glucose) levels and related health problems such as diabetes and ...