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Results for search "Exercise: Aerobics Or Calisthenics".

Health News Results - 57

30 Apr
Staying Fit Boosts Kids' Mental Health

Staying Fit Boosts Kids' Mental Health

The benefits of physical fitness for kids spill over into their mental health, new research shows.

Getting plenty of exercise may guard against depressive symptoms, anxiety and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a new study published April 29 in the journal...

14 Aug
What's Your Exercise 'Fat-Burning Zone'?

What's Your Exercise 'Fat-Burning Zone'?

A more personalized approach to exercise may be necessary, claims a new study that found fat burning varied widely between individuals.

Even worse, this rate often does not align with the "fat-burning zone"on commercial exercise machines, the researchers added.


09 Aug
Aerobic Exercise Might Ease Pain for Women Who've Survived Ovarian Cancer

Aerobic Exercise Might Ease Pain for Women Who've Survived Ovarian Cancer

Patients being treated for ovarian cancer often experience peripheral neuropathy, a side effect from their chemotherapy that can cause both pain and numbness for months, or even years.

Now, a new study suggests that six months of aerobic exercise may ease this unpleasant...

13 Feb
Exercise Can Help Shed Dangerous Fat Around the Liver

Exercise Can Help Shed Dangerous Fat Around the Liver

Often, patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease are advised to lose weight, but that can be hard to do and takes precious time.

Now, researchers report they have found another strategy can help lower liver fat in people with this condition, which affects nearly 30%...

26 Jan
Home Workouts Help Your Brain, But Group Exercise May Be Even Better

Home Workouts Help Your Brain, But Group Exercise May Be Even Better

A good physical workout benefits an older brain. So does socializing. Put those two together and the payoff may be even bigger.

Researchers in Japan found that link in a new study that looked at exercising solo and in a group.

"Exercise is manageable for many older...

23 Jan
Five Great Cardio Workouts You Can Do at Home

Five Great Cardio Workouts You Can Do at Home

TUESDAY, Jan. 24, 2023 -- You might have heard that doing cardio, or aerobic, exercise is one of the best ways to keep your heart, lungs and cardiovascular system healthy and strong.

Yet finding the time for the gym or even a trip to the local park can be a challenge wh...

23 Jan
Want to Lose Weight? Here Are the Best Exercises to Shed Pounds

Want to Lose Weight? Here Are the Best Exercises to Shed Pounds

When it comes to picking the best exercise to lose weight, there is no one right answer.

That's because the right answer is variety, mixing and matching types of exercise to keep the body guessing and improving.

"The body adapts to the demands we put on it," said...

13 Dec
Exercise, Mindfulness May Not Boost Seniors' Thinking, Memory

Exercise, Mindfulness May Not Boost Seniors' Thinking, Memory

Exercise and mindfulness are known for their health benefits, but a new study found that didn't extend to boosting memory or thinking skills in healthy seniors.

That doesn't mean these activities wouldn't be beneficial for memory if practiced for a longer period of time...

16 Nov
Aerobic Exercise Reinvigorates the Aging Brain

Aerobic Exercise Reinvigorates the Aging Brain

Regular aerobic exercise improves blood flow to the brain, which should help keep seniors sharper as they age, a new trial has revealed.

At least a half-hour of power walking or jogging four to five times a week promoted better blood flow in and out of the brain among a ...

02 May
Therapies That Can Help Ease Long COVID Breathlessness, Fatigue

Therapies That Can Help Ease Long COVID Breathlessness, Fatigue

Occupational therapy or low-impact exercise might be the key to relieving long-haul COVID symptoms like extreme fatigue, breathlessness and brain fog, a pair of new studies from Ireland suggest.

The studies reflect two different - in some ways, opposite - approaches to d...

03 Mar
Exercise Helps You Sleep, But Which Workout Is Best?

Exercise Helps You Sleep, But Which Workout Is Best?

Folks tussling with lousy sleep often turn to the sidewalk or the treadmill or the bike, figuring that aerobic exercise will earn them a few more minutes of solid snoozing.

They might be better off hefting some weights, a new study argues.

Resistance exercise appea...

28 Feb
Staying Fit May Keep Alzheimer's at Bay

Staying Fit May Keep Alzheimer's at Bay

If there was something you could do to ward off Alzheimer's disease, would you do it?

If so, a new study has a suggestion: Get moving.

Participants who were most physically fit were 33% less likely to develop

26 Dec
Shoveling Snow? Beware of Heart Hazards

Shoveling Snow? Beware of Heart Hazards

Don't let a picture-perfect snowfall turn deadly.

Shoveling snow can cause heart attacks or sudden cardiac arrest in folks with heart conditions and even in those who are unaware that they have heart disease, the

29 Jun
Healthy Living Can Lower Your Odds for Alzheimer's

Healthy Living Can Lower Your Odds for Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease has no cure, but one expert says it may be possible to reduce the risks of developing the disease with healthy lifestyle changes.

There are two different types of Alzheimer's. Early-onset typically affects patients before age 65. Late-onset affects ol...

01 Jun
Tai Chi Equal to 'Regular' Exercise in Trimming Your Tummy

Tai Chi Equal to 'Regular' Exercise in Trimming Your Tummy

Could exercise that uses slow movements and breathing, like tai chi, do as much for trimming belly fat in older adults as aerobic exercise?

It might. A new study found that individuals aged 50 and up who practiced tai chi for 12 weeks lost about as much waist circumferen...

25 Mar
Exercise Boosts Blood Flow to Brain, Keeping it Sharp

Exercise Boosts Blood Flow to Brain, Keeping it Sharp

Regular aerobic exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which may help slow mental decline in older adults, a new, small study suggests.

Researchers from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center looked at 70 men and women diagnosed with mild cognitive impairme...

17 Feb
Heart Attack More Likely to Kill Instantly in People Who Don't Exercise

Heart Attack More Likely to Kill Instantly in People Who Don't Exercise

Heart attack patients are less likely to die on the spot if they have been physically active, according to a new study.

Researchers analyzed data from more than 28,000 people in Europe who suffered a heart attack in order to see how active or more 'couch potato' lifestyl...

10 Nov
Face Masks Won't Hamper Your Workout, Study Says

Face Masks Won't Hamper Your Workout, Study Says

If you want to work out while wearing a cloth face mask, a new study says you can do it safely.

Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada found that wearing a triple-layer cloth face mask during a strenuous workout did not affect exercise performance or h...

17 Sep
A Good Workout Could Boost Your Thinking for Up to 2 Hours

A Good Workout Could Boost Your Thinking for Up to 2 Hours

A few minutes of moderate- to high-intensity aerobic activity -- like running or biking -- can boost young adults' memory and concentration for up to two hours, a new research review shows.

That's the takeaway from 13 studies published between 2009 and 2019. All look...

31 Jul
For a Longer Life, Any Exercise Is Good Exercise: Study

For a Longer Life, Any Exercise Is Good Exercise: Study

Want to live longer? Take the stairs, stretch or toss a volleyball around, a new study suggests.

Those activities were among several tied to lower rates of early death in an Arizona State University study of nearly 27,000 U.S. adults between 18 and 84 years of age. <...

15 May
Get Moving, Seniors: It's Good For Your Brain

Get Moving, Seniors: It's Good For Your Brain

Want to give your brain a boost? Go for a swim, take a walk, or spin your partner on the living room floor.

A new study finds that aerobic exercise can improve older adults' thinking and memory, even if they're longtime couch potatoes.

This type of exercise...

02 Mar
Intense Exercise Can Trigger Heart Trouble in the Unprepared

Intense Exercise Can Trigger Heart Trouble in the Unprepared

For most people, aerobic exercise is great. However, high-intensity exercise like running in marathons and triathlons can pose heart risks for those who have inadequate training.

Sudden cardiac arrest, atrial fibrillation and heart attacks are among these risks, acco...

11 Nov
Exercise Tweaks to Revitalize Your Workout Regimen

Exercise Tweaks to Revitalize Your Workout Regimen

Is your workout routine in a slump? To keep challenging your body, it's important to tweak your regimen every three months or each season.

By aligning these changes to seasonal changes, you can also start the right prep for the next season's sports, such as training f...

06 Nov
Exercise Can Help Prevent Depression, Even for Those at High Risk

Exercise Can Help Prevent Depression, Even for Those at High Risk

Getting more exercise could help ward off depression, even if you have a genetic risk for it, new research shows.

For the study, researchers analyzed data from nearly 8,000 people and found that those with a genetic predisposition were more likely to be diagnosed wit...

06 Nov
Bringing Up the Rear: A Workout for Your Glutes

Bringing Up the Rear: A Workout for Your Glutes

When it comes to sculpting a better booty, here's the bottom line: You need to strengthen your glutes. And more than giving these muscles a toned look, working them also improves the mobility of your hips, helps stabilize your core and eases lower back pain. Here are three to ...

01 Nov
The Secret to Shapelier, Stronger Calves

The Secret to Shapelier, Stronger Calves

When it comes to sculpting muscles, it's easy to overlook your calves. But toning and strengthening your lower legs will make them look and feel great.

What's more, it will make these muscles more effective at their key jobs, which include supporting joints from you...

24 Oct
Quad Training for Knee Support

Quad Training for Knee Support

Whether you're mountain biking, kicking a soccer ball with friends, or just sprinting down the street to catch a bus, your quadriceps are hard at work.

The quads are the large muscles that run down the fronts of your thighs. The stronger they are, the less strain ea...

17 Oct
A Workout to Shape Your Shoulders

A Workout to Shape Your Shoulders

Don't shrug off working your delts, the muscles of your shoulders. Besides assisting with good posture, strong shoulders help you lift and carry items with ease, and create excellent upper body definition for men and women alike.

Deltoid rows work not only you...

11 Sep
Talking Health: The Vocabulary of Fitness

Talking Health: The Vocabulary of Fitness

Doing the right amount of exercise every day is a top health goal. To make sure you're getting all the right types of exercise, you want to get familiar with these key exercise terms. Then you can be sure these activities are all part of your weekly plan.


30 Aug
Even Age 80 Is Not Too Late to Begin Exercising: Study

Even Age 80 Is Not Too Late to Begin Exercising: Study

Even seniors who never exercised regularly can benefit from a workout program, researchers say.

A new study found that men in their 70s and 80s who had never followed an exercise regimen could build muscle mass as well as "master athletes" -- those of the same age wh...

26 Aug
Do More to Strengthen Your Core

Do More to Strengthen Your Core

Developing core strength is essential for fitness and overall health, but it doesn't have to be a drudge. If you're ready to go beyond crunches -- or never liked them to begin with! -- consider these moves that target the muscles in your torso and spine.

The Adv...

23 Aug
Your Dog May Be Leading You to a Healthier Heart

Your Dog May Be Leading You to a Healthier Heart

Your dog might be your heart's best friend, if a new study is any indication.

Researchers found that compared with people who had no pets, dog owners tended to have fewer risk factors for heart disease: They got more exercise, and had healthier diets and lower blood ...

16 Aug
Do You Know Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level?

Do You Know Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level?

You might know your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, but do you know your cardiorespiratory fitness level? Experts at the American Heart Association think this number may be an even better gauge of heart health.

Cardiorespiratory fitness shows how aerobically ...

14 Aug
Speed Stroke Recovery With Exercise

Speed Stroke Recovery With Exercise

Aerobic exercise significantly improves stroke survivors' endurance and walking ability, researchers report.

They analyzed 19 studies that included nearly 500 stroke survivors, aged 54 to 71, who completed aerobic exercise programs similar in structure to cardiac reh...

01 Aug
Could Exercise in Pregnancy Boost Baby's Health, Too?

Could Exercise in Pregnancy Boost Baby's Health, Too?

Women who keep moving during pregnancy may have infants with more advanced motor skills, a small study suggests.

Researchers discovered the difference among 1-month-olds: Those whose moms got regular aerobic exercise during pregnancy tended to have stronger movement ...

26 Jul
Americans Are Spending Even More Time Sitting, Study Shows

Americans Are Spending Even More Time Sitting, Study Shows

The United States has grown a bumper crop of couch potatoes in recent years, a new study reports.

The amount of time people spend sitting around actually increased after the initial release of the federal Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans in 2008, res...

23 Jul
Pec Moves That Go Beyond Pushups

Pec Moves That Go Beyond Pushups

If you're looking for simple yet effective exercises to work chest muscles, put the pec press and pec fly on your list.

Both also target the shoulder muscles, and the press works the triceps of the upper arm.

For the pec press, lie on your back on a w...

19 Jul
Strength-Training Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Strength-Training Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

You don't have to go to the gym to get a great muscle-building workout. You don't even need equipment. There are many bodyweight-only exercises for strength training that you can do anywhere -- at home, when traveling, even at work if you've got a space you can exercise in. He...

26 Jun
TV Watching May Be Most Unhealthy Type of Sitting: Study

TV Watching May Be Most Unhealthy Type of Sitting: Study

Next time you're ready to hit the sofa for an evening of TV, think twice -- it just might kill you.

Though too much sitting has long been linked to health risks, a new study suggests all sitting isn't the same -- and sitting in front of the TV after dinner for long ...

26 Jun
What's The Most Effective Way to Tone Your Biceps?

What's The Most Effective Way to Tone Your Biceps?

The biceps, the very visible muscles in the front of the upper arms, are a target in every comprehensive strength-training regimen, but what exercise is the most effective?

To answer that question, the American Council on Exercise asked scientists from the University...

18 Jun
Is Interval Training the Fountain of Youth?

Is Interval Training the Fountain of Youth?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an exercise technique done by alternating short bursts of all-out effort in an aerobic activity with periods done at a very slow pace.

HIIT has many benefits, not the least of which is being able to get the results of a reg...

13 Jun
How to Get the Jiggle Out: 3 Exercises to Tone Your Upper Arms

How to Get the Jiggle Out: 3 Exercises to Tone Your Upper Arms

Getting your upper arms in shape is a worthy ambition in any season, and the triceps are the muscles to target for a sleek look.

Toning them can be a challenge, but the "triceps extension" and variations of this key strength training move make up the core of an effe...

31 May
Variations on the Plank: Popular Exercise for Your Core

Variations on the Plank: Popular Exercise for Your Core

The plank is one of the most popular exercises, surpassing sit-ups and crunches for effective core work.

Planks are thought of as ergonomic, meaning they're done without going against the natural curves of your body. Planks can be difficult at first, but once you've...

29 May
3 Exercises With a Speedy Payoff

3 Exercises With a Speedy Payoff

Compound strength-training exercises get fast results, because they work many muscle groups at once.

Many of these exercises use just your own bodyweight, such as pull-ups, which engage not only the shoulders and all the muscles of your arms, but also those in your b...

13 May
Weight-Free Strength Training

Weight-Free Strength Training

You don't have to go to the gym for a strength-training workout. With these three moves, your own body weight provides the resistance needed to develop key muscles.

Start with the classic wall sit. Press your back into a wall and slide it down the wall as you ...

19 Apr
Do-Anywhere Upper Body Stretches

Do-Anywhere Upper Body Stretches

Flexibility in your upper body is important for many everyday activities you take for granted, like twisting and turning while backing out of a parking space. Try these three stretches to help keep your upper body agile. They don't require any special equipment and can even be...

05 Apr
The 7-Minute Workout

The 7-Minute Workout

Are you in a time crunch for even a short workout? Experts at the American College of Sports Medicine created a 7-minute plan that can fit into almost anyone's schedule.

The program uses high-intensity training in an exercise circuit, meaning that you quickly progre...

02 Apr
Three Exercises for Stronger, Sleeker Thighs

Three Exercises for Stronger, Sleeker Thighs

Wall sits, leg curls and leg lifts are three effective thigh exercises that don't require any strength-training equipment -- just your own body weight, so you can do them virtually anywhere, even at the office.

Here's how to exercise with proper form.


28 Mar
The Keys to Perfect Lunges and Squats

The Keys to Perfect Lunges and Squats

Want two moves that will effectively develop your lower body? Then add lunges and squats to your strength-training workout.

These exercises primarily use your own body weight to effectively strengthen muscles, and can be adapted for both beginners and more advanced a...

12 Mar
Tone Up Your Triceps With These Top Strength Exercises

Tone Up Your Triceps With These Top Strength Exercises

Working your triceps might not always be top of mind, but toning the muscles that run along the backs of your upper arms is key to the smooth functioning of your elbows and to also give bare arms a sleeker look.

For a study sponsored by the American Council on Exerci...