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Teenagers Are Quitting HS Sports Due to Body Image Concerns Driven by Social Media

More teens are quitting HS sports saying they don’t look right for the sports based on what they see in the media and social media, according to a new study.

COVID-19 Linked to Increased Risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a Rare but Serious Autoimmune Disorder, New Study Finds

In a new study, participants recently infected with COVID-19 were six times more likely to develop Guillain-Barré syndrome, where the immune system attacks the nerves.

Adult ADHD Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia

A new study finds adults with ADHD are nearly 3 times more likely to develop dementia compared to those without the condition.

11 Jun
Expert Panel Develops New Definition of Long COVID

Expert Panel Develops New Definition of Long COVID

A new proposed definition for Long COVID could help patients get the help they need, a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine says.

Long COVID is a chronic condition that occurs after COVID-19 infection and is present for at least th...

11 Jun
Space Travel Can Upset Human Immune Systems

Space Travel Can Upset Human Immune Systems

Astronauts orbiting the Earth tend to suffer from immune system problems such as infections and the reactivation of dormant viruses, even on short-term space flights.

That appears to be because a lack of gravity causes the immune system to go awry during space travel, a ...

11 Jun
FDA Advisors Support New Alzheimer's Drug

FDA Advisors Support New Alzheimer's Drug

A U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted unanimously on Monday to recommend that the benefits of a new drug for Alzheimer's outweigh its harms, which can include brain swelling and bleeding.

Eli Lilly's donanemab did slow declines in thinking skills in pa...

11 Jun
Many Louisiana Residents May Be Exposed to Sky-High Levels of Toxic Gas

Many Louisiana Residents May Be Exposed to Sky-High Levels of Toxic Gas

Many Louisiana residents are being exposed to a cancer-causing toxic gas that’s used in industrial settings, researchers report.

A cutting-edge mobile air-testing lab found dangerous levels of ethylene oxide along large stretches of Louisiana, sometimes at levels a tho...

11 Jun
FDA Warns of Paralyzing Poison Danger From Pacific Northwest Shellfish

FDA Warns of Paralyzing Poison Danger From Pacific Northwest Shellfish

Seafood lovers should steer clear of shellfish from Oregon and Washington state because of possible contamination with a paralyzing toxin, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has warned.

In an advisory, the FDA told consumers to avoid oysters and bay clams harvested fr...

11 Jun
FDA, DOJ Form Task Force to Fight Illegal Vapes

FDA, DOJ Form Task Force to Fight Illegal Vapes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Monday that it has joined up with the Department of Justice and several other federal agencies to do more to stop the sale of illegal e-cigarettes in this country.

In launching the newly created task force, the FDA aims "to...

11 Jun
Failure's 'Benefits' Might Be Overrated

Failure's 'Benefits' Might Be Overrated

Winston Churchill once said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

It’s one of countless platitudes claiming that failure leads to success.

But there’s strong evidence that such a notion is wrongheaded and can lead ...

11 Jun
Taking a GLP-1 Medicine? Here's What Experts Say You Should Eat

Taking a GLP-1 Medicine? Here's What Experts Say You Should Eat

Folks using a weight-loss drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy or Zepbound still have nutritional requirements for good health, even if they’re eating less.

A new set of nutritional recommendations are expected to help people remain healthy even as they shed unwanted pounds, res...

11 Jun
Glowing Dye Helps Surgeons Track & Destroy Prostate Cancer

Glowing Dye Helps Surgeons Track & Destroy Prostate Cancer

British retiree David Butler was surprised to find that he had prostate cancer, and that it had spread to the lymph nodes and other places near the prostate.

“I had literally no symptoms apart from needing to pee more quickly whenever I did go to the toilet,” Butler,...

11 Jun
Another Study Finds Lung Cancer Screening Saves Lives

Another Study Finds Lung Cancer Screening Saves Lives

TUESDAY, June 11, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Lung cancer patients who underwent screening were more apt to be diagnosed at earlier stages and have better outcomes than patients who were not screened, new research shows.

The findings — from a study of close to 58,000 pat...

10 Jun
Just 18% of People Who Need Lung Cancer Screening Get It

Just 18% of People Who Need Lung Cancer Screening Get It

Only a fraction of Americans are getting recommended lung cancer screenings, new research shows.

While rates overall are up slightly, fewer than 1 in 5 people who are eligible for screening are up-to-date with it, according to the American Cancer Society-led study. ...

10 Jun
Study Supports Safety of High-Dose General Anesthesia

Study Supports Safety of High-Dose General Anesthesia

Older adults who avoid surgery because they fear general anesthesia will cause thinking declines need not worry, researchers report.

A study of more than 1,000 patients who had heart surgery at four hospitals in Canada found that the amount of anesthesia used did not aff...

10 Jun
FDA Gives Nod to RSV Vaccine for People in Their 50s

FDA Gives Nod to RSV Vaccine for People in Their 50s

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday has for the first time approved the use of a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for people in their 50s who are at increased risk for the illness. 

Drugmaker GSK's Arexvy vaccine, as well as vaccines from Pfizer...

10 Jun
People Sickened in 4 States After Eating Diamond Shruumz Microdosing Chocolate Bars

People Sickened in 4 States After Eating Diamond Shruumz Microdosing Chocolate Bars

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning Americans to avoid Diamond Shruumz-brand Microdosing Chocolate Bars, after numerous people have been made sick after consuming them.

Eight severe illnesses related to the edibles have been reported as of Friday in Arizona ...

10 Jun
Moderna Announces Good Results From Trial of Combo COVID/Flu Vaccine

Moderna Announces Good Results From Trial of Combo COVID/Flu Vaccine

An experimental vaccine that could offer one-stop prevention for both COVID-19 and influenza is showing positive results among older adults in trials, maker Moderna announced Monday.

The shot — for now called mRNA-1083 — "has met its primary endpoints, eliciting a hi...

10 Jun
What Is the Planetary Health Diet, and Can It Extend Your Life?

What Is the Planetary Health Diet, and Can It Extend Your Life?

MONDAY, June 10, 2024 (HealthDay News) — A plant-based eating regimen designed to save the Earth also saves people's lives, a large study confirms.

"Shifting how we eat can help slow the process of climate change," said corresponding author Dr. Walter Willett, a profe...

10 Jun
Could AI & a Blood Test Help Spot Lung Cancers Early?

Could AI & a Blood Test Help Spot Lung Cancers Early?

MONDAY, June 10, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Researchers have shown that artificial intelligence (AI) can identify people who are at risk for lung cancer based on genetic markers in their blood.

"We have a simple blood test that could be done in a doctor's office that woul...

10 Jun
Experimental GLP-1 Med Might Be Breakthrough Against Fatty Liver Disease

Experimental GLP-1 Med Might Be Breakthrough Against Fatty Liver Disease

An experimental 'supercharged' form of popular GLP-1 weight-loss meds could help ease fatty liver disease, a new trial suggests.

The drug under development, survodutide, helped up to 83% of patients gain real improvements in markers of fatty liver disease, a widespread ...

10 Jun
Microneedle Patch Might Restore Hair Growth After Alopecia

Microneedle Patch Might Restore Hair Growth After Alopecia

Researchers have developed a novel way to promote hair growth in people who have the autoimmune disease alopecia areata.

It's a skin patch that delivers immune-system controllers through an array of tiny needles.

In alopecia, the body's own T-cells mistakenly attac...

10 Jun
Two-Drug Treatment Could Curb Meth Addiction

Two-Drug Treatment Could Curb Meth Addiction

MONDAY, June 10, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Though overdose deaths continue to surge, there is no approved medication to treat methamphetamine use disorder.

Now, an experimental two-drug therapy has yielded promising results, UCLA researchers report.

"These findings...

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