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1478 Resultados de su búsqueda "Psychology / Mental Health: Misc.".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 1478

Women who deliver low-birth-weight babies could be more likely to have memory and thinking problems later in life, a new study warns.

As seniors, these women had brain test scores that indicated one to two years of additional aging in their memory and thinking skills, compared with women who delivered normal-weight babies, according to results published June 12 in the journal

Bipolar disorder doesn't have to be a lifelong challenge, a new study says.

Nearly 1 in 4 people with bipolar disorder wind up achieving complete mental health, researchers found.

Further, more than 2 in 5 become free from bipolar symptoms over time...

Growing public fascination with “magic” psilocybin mushrooms as a trendy treatment for depression had led to increased interest in another type of psychedelic mushroom, a new study reports.

Unfortunately, this second sort of shroom -- known as Amanita muscaria -- can be more toxic than fentanyl, cocaine and PCP, researchers say.

Marketing the two types of mushrooms as e...

Winston Churchill once said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

It's one of countless platitudes claiming that failure leads to success.

But there's strong evidence that such a notion is wrongheaded and can lead to terrible real-world consequences, researchers said in a new report.

In fact, many people do not learn from their fa...

A U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel on Tuesday voted against recommending the psychedelic MDMA for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In a 10-1 vote, the panel determined the evidence amassed so far fails to show the controversial drug's benefits outweigh its risks, the Associated Press reported.

During the meeting, panel members pointed ...

Military veterans often struggle with their mental health once their service ends, but the first clinical trial of its kind has found that having a service dog helps lower the risk of PTSD for these former soldiers.

Veterans paired with a service dog had 66% lower odds of a PTSD diagnosis, compared to a control group of vets still waiting for a service dog, researchers reported June 4 in ...

Maternal mortality rates in the United States continue to exceed those in other wealthy nations, with most women dying during pregnancy and childbirth in ways that were preventable, a new report shows.

In 2022, U.S. women had a death rate from complications of pregnancy and childbirth of 22 deaths per 100,000 live births, researchers found.

That's a rate more than double and sometim...

People who feel lonely and socially isolated might benefit from more sleep, especially if they're a young adult, a new study suggests.

Better sleep is associated with significantly less emotional and social loneliness, researchers report.

Younger adults in particularbenefit ...

Strapping a mask to your face can make for a happier marriage, a new study suggests.

Relationships with partners flourish if a person with sleep apnea starts using a continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) machine on a regular basis, researchers found.


People who regularly stay up until the wee hours of the morning could be harming their mental health, a new study finds.

Regardless of whether people were morning larks or a night owls, they tended to have higher rates of mental and behavioral disorders if they stayed up late, researchers found.

The mental health risk associated with staying up late cropped up regardless of a perso...

Ambulances meant for people having a mental health crisis could help folks get the care they need with less confrontation and friction, a new study says.

People transported to the hospital by a “psychiatric ambulance” required fewer restraints or coer...

America's college students seem to be more stressed than ever, with a new report finding a sharp rise in cases of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder (ASD) on campuses across the country.

In a "national sample of U.S. college students, we found a notable increase in the pre...

Even as suicide rates have risen among Americans generally, one group appears to be bucking that trend: People diagnosed with cancer.

Experts are crediting improved access to counseling and other "psychosocial care" with easing the emotional toll of cancer and keeping more patients from making tragic decisions.

Nevertheless, cancer patients still face elevated risks for suicide, no...

Children exposed to traffic and other noise in their neighborhoods may be at higher risk for anxiety, researchers conclude, while air pollution could raise risks for other mental health woes.

"Childhood and adolescent noise pollution exposure could increase anxiety by increasing stress and disrupting sleep," wrote a team led by

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 29, 2024
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  • Prior studies have suggested that binge eating disorder may not last long, but a more rigorous look at the illness finds that just isn't so.

    “The big takeaway is that binge-eating disorder does improve with time, but for many people it lasts years,” said study first author Kristin Javaras, assistant psychologist in t...

    "Ugh, I'm so busy these days I can barely think straight. It's so crazy."

    No doubt some friend or coworker (maybe even yourself) has moaned about how stressed and overworked they are.

    Sometimes its fully justified, but in many cases folks see it as "stress bragging...

    Does advising your teen sometimes feel like talking to the proverbial brick wall?

    Don't fret: New research shows that even when your preteen or teen gives your advice a flat "no way," your counsel is probably having an impact.

    It may simply be tucked away by your child, ready for use another day.

    “The kids are at an age where they're maturing and wanting to make their own ...

    About 1 in 9 American children have ever received an ADHD diagnosis, slightly more than the number of kids currently being treated for the disorder, a new study shows.

    About 7.1 million kids (11.4%) have ever been diagnosed with ADHD, according to findings published May 23 in the Journal of Clinical C...

    Doctors have long known that excessive marijuana use can trigger psychosis, especially in the young. But new research suggests the link is stronger that ever imagined before.

    Teens who use cannabis face 11 times the odds for a psychotic episode compared to teens who abstain from the drug, new Canadian research contends.

    The teen years may be an especially vulnerable time in this re...

    The Mediterranean diet has already been shown to be great for a person's physical health, but new research finds that following the Mediterranean diet also can lift your mood.

    People on the diet tended to have lower levels of anxiety and stress, researchers reported recently in the journal <...

    People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) face more than triple the odds of bruxism, otherwise known as teeth grinding, a new study finds.

    The small study of 76 Brazilian adults (38 diagnosed with PTSD and 38 without the condition) found much higher incidence of daytime teeth grinding.


    More than 320,000 U.S. children lost a parent to drug overdose during the past decade, according to a new study reported May 8 in JAMA Psychiatry.

    What's more, the death rate accelerated during the period, more than doubling between 2011 and 2021, researchers found.

    About 27 children per 100,000 had a parent die ...

    Parents striving to be “perfect” will never attain that goal, and the aim isn't even healthy for their families, a new study says.

    The risks of striving for perfection are such that researchers have now created a scale to help parents track their burnout and, if necessary, counter it.

    The first-of-its-kind

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 8, 2024
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  • No one knows what caused the liver and kidney disease that led to Ludwig van Beethoven's untimely death.

    But one popular theory – that high lead levels killed the great composer – should be ruled out, researchers argue in the journal Clinical Chemistry.

    Analysis of samples taken from preserved locks of Beethoven's h...

    Parents can be very effective buzzkills for their teens, just by letting kids know they're being closely watched, a new study reports.

    Teenagers are less likely to drink, smoke or use drugs when parents keep tabs on their activities, according to fin...

    Nearly 100,000 U.S. children lost a parent in 2020 to gun violence or drug overdose, a three-fold rise since 1999, according to a new study.

    Overall, these two causes made up nearly a quarter (23%) of parental losses in 2020, almost double the level cited in 1999, according to a team who reported its findings May 4 in the

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 6, 2024
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  • Everyone knows that specific type of sports parent – the over-the-top dad or mom who curses, shouts and even becomes physically aggressive during their kid's match.

    While they might think they're cheering their kid to victory, such poor sports behavior actually can turn a child or teen off to athletics, psychiatrists warn.

    “Some of those behaviors would be setting unrealistic ex...

    The silent symptoms of stress can be easily overlooked, but they're important to recognize to protect one's mental health, experts say.

    Visible symptoms of stress are fairly obvious – irritability, anger, impatience, muscle tension.

    “You may not be able to hide those for a long time. Immediately, people will notice it – family, friends and co-workers,”

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 4, 2024
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  • The active chemical in magic mushrooms could prove to be a powerful antidepressant, a new review finds.

    Psilocybin outperformed a variety of “control” treatments in easing symptoms of depression, researchers reported May 1 in the BMJ.

    Those control groups received either placebo medications, the dietary supplement niacin (vitamin B), or microdoses of psychedelics.

    At what age does loneliness strike adults the hardest?

    A new review maps it out, finding that people are more lonely as young adults, grow less lonely as they approach middle age, and then fall back into loneliness in old age, researchers reported April 30 in the journal Psychological Science.

    “What was striking was how consistent the uptick in loneliness is in older adul...

    The benefits of physical fitness for kids spill over into their mental health, new research shows.

    Getting plenty of exercise may guard against depressive symptoms, anxiety and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a new study published April 29 in the journal J...

    Cancer survivors in the throes of loneliness are more likely to die compared to those with companionship, a new study finds.

    Further, people who are the most lonely are the most likely to die, results show.

    “Loneliness, the feeling of being isolated, is a prevalent concern among cancer survivors,” said lead researcher

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 26, 2024
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  • The emotional turmoil caused by a stolen dog is akin to that of a parent losing a child, a new study finds.

    The findings support the idea that pets truly become family members to their owners, researchers said. When faced with the theft of a pet, ow...

    Most ex-cons are unlikely to receive substance use treatment following their release from prison, even though odds are high they are struggling with addiction, a new study finds.

    National estimates suggest as many as 85% of inmates leave prison with some form of substance abuse problem, researchers said.

    But only 17% of ex-cons on Medicaid in Virginia have been diagnosed with substa...

    Anne Helms is one busy mom, constantly juggling the demands of working from home with parenting two young children.

    Despite that whirl of activity, Helms says she often feels isolated and lonely.

    “I work from home full time and I actually have a job where I'm on camera a lot and I'm Zoom calling people very often,” Helms, who lives in Columbus, Ohio, said in a news release.


    “Dream it, be it” might sound like a cliche, but a new study says there's something to the notion.

    Teenagers who set ambitious goals for themselves tend to be more successful as young adults, researchers reported recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

    Many people with tough-to-treat depression may be trying psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, as an alternative to antidepressants.

    Thinking that it's a "natural" drug, folks might assume it comes without side effects.

    That assumption would be wrong.

    People in a new study who took p...

    Acne, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, alopecia: Any one of these common skin ailments can render a child vulnerable to stigma and bullying at school, new research confirms.

    “These chronic skin conditions can be tremendously life-altering, including shaping psychosocial development,” noted study corresponding author

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • April 24, 2024
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  • A British study finds that beyond the physical pain and turmoil of an mpox diagnosis, many of the mostly gay and bisexual men infected during the 2022 outbreak faced stigma, homophobia and shame.

    Mpox is spread largely through skin-to-skin contact, and the outbreak in Europe and the United States was largely localized to men who have sex with men. Cases were first detected in May of 2022...

    Teenagers are frequently bullied about their weight on social media, and the bullying increases with each hour they spend on these sites, a new study reveals.

    Nearly one in five teens (17%) said they'd experienced weight-related bullying online, a...

    Two-thirds of homeless people are experiencing some form of mental health disorder, a large, new review of data on the subject.

    The analysis found that men who are homeless are more likely to be battling mental illness than women, although rates were high for both genders compared to the general population.

    There are signs that rates of mental illness may be on the rise among homele...

    In a new study, people living with HIV who got standard meds to keep the virus at bay also had much lower rates of Alzheimer's disease -- suggesting the drugs might also lower risks for the brain illness.

    It's early-stage research, but it's possible that mechanisms used by these HIV drugs work at a ...

    Want to feel happier?

    Live in or near a place with a rich diversity of nature, a new study says.

    Environments with plentiful natural features -- trees, birds, plants and rivers -- are associated with better mental well-being than the more spartan landscapes of suburbia, researchers found.

    Further, spending time in areas like this can provide benefits that last up to eight hour...

    Standardized tests put a lot of pressure on teenagers who want to secure their future and make their parents and teachers proud.

    This stress can lead to symptoms like stomach aches, sleep problems, irritability and heightened emotionality, experts say.

    But there are concrete steps students can take to prepare for a standardized test while also keeping their cool.

    Live ...

    Toddlers who grow up near nature are less likely to have emotional issues, even if the green space is just a park or a big back yard, a new study shows.

    The more green space there is within three-fourths of a mile from a child's home, the fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression they'll hav...

    More middle-aged Black and Native Americans are now falling prey to “deaths of despair” than whites, a new study finds.

    These deaths -- from suicide, drug overdose and alcoholic liver disease -- initially had been more common among whites.

    But a new analysis has determined that deaths of despair have skyrocketed for Black and Native Americans over the past decade.

    The deat...

    Overuse of marijuana is increasingly being linked to dangerous bouts of psychosis, and a new study finds that antipsychotics may be needed to keep such patients out of the hospital.

    Psychotic episodes involve a dangerous psychiatric state in which people lose their c...

    A good night's sleep is often hampered by caffeine, hunger, alcohol or chronic pain.

    Now, America has a new cause of poor sleep: the sound of gunfire on city streets.

    New research shows that gunshots are twice as likely to occur at night, mostly affecting the sleep of people in low...

    A rotten work schedule in young adulthood can affect a person's middle-aged health, a new study finds.

    Young adults who worked shifts outside the usual 9-to-5 schedule were more likely to report worse sleep and symptoms of depression in their 50s, researchers discovered.


    Massive racial disparities exist in the treatment of pregnancy-related mood disorders in the United States, a new study shows.

    White women suffering from depression or anxiety during or after pregnancy are nearly twice as likely receive treatment as women of color are, ...