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Resultados de su búsqueda "Hormones: Misc.".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 94

16 Jul
Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer May Lower Dementia Risk

Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer May Lower Dementia Risk

Hormone therapy for breast cancer might reduce a woman's later risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, a new study finds.

Overall, hormone therapy is associated with a 7% lower risk of...

26 Jun
Cortisol Might Play Role in Tough-to-Treat Diabetes

Cortisol Might Play Role in Tough-to-Treat Diabetes

The stress hormone cortisol appears to play a role in tough-to-treat type 2 diabetes, a new study finds.

About 1 in 4 people (24%) with tough-to-trea...

26 Feb
Amy Schumer Reveals Cushing's Syndrome Diagnosis

Amy Schumer Reveals Cushing's Syndrome Diagnosis

Comedian Amy Schumer has disclosed that she has been diagnosed with Cushing's syndrome, a condition that arises when there is too much cortisol in the body.

In an interview published Friday in the

29 Jan
Was Alzheimer's Transmitted Through Cadaver-Sourced Growth Hormone Given to Kids?

Was Alzheimer's Transmitted Through Cadaver-Sourced Growth Hormone Given to Kids?

Five of eight British children who received human growth hormone from the pituitary glands of deceased donors went on to develop early-onset Alzheimer's disease many decades later, researchers report.

Researchers at University College London (UCL) suspect that the growth...

28 Nov
Testosterone Therapy for Transgender Patients May Be Safer Than Thought

Testosterone Therapy for Transgender Patients May Be Safer Than Thought

Transgender people transitioning to male (transmasculine) identity typically take testosterone therapy as part of the process.

There have been worries that the treatment might spur erythrocytosis, an abnormally high concentration of red blood cells in blood that could pr...

18 Oct
Obesity Raises Odds for Recurrence in Breast Cancer Survivors

Obesity Raises Odds for Recurrence in Breast Cancer Survivors

Many breast cancer survivors take a hormonal drug after cancer treatment to stave off a recurrence, but new research suggests these drugs may be less effective in women who are obese.

Breast cancer cells in hormone-positive breast cancers are fueled by the female se...

20 Jun
Hormonal Therapies Boost Mental Health of Transgender People, and Few Stop Treatment

Hormonal Therapies Boost Mental Health of Transgender People, and Few Stop Treatment

In the face of an ongoing and widespread legal assault on transgender rights -- one that threatens to cut off access to critical aspects of trans health care -- a pair of new studies suggest that gender-affirming medical care is a lifesaving treatment for those who need it.

06 Jun
Injected Birth Control Could Be Game-Changer to Curb Stray Cat Populations

Injected Birth Control Could Be Game-Changer to Curb Stray Cat Populations

Millions of stray cats roam the world over, and surgical sterilization has long been the primary method of population control.

But a small new study shows promising results for a one-and-done contraceptive injection.

Researchers say this first-of-its-kind appr...

07 Feb
Kisspeptin: Is Injected Hormone the Remedy for Flagging Libido?

Kisspeptin: Is Injected Hormone the Remedy for Flagging Libido?

If you are one of the millions of people distressed by low libido, help may be on the way in the form of a new hormone shot.

Two new British studies suggest that injections of the hormone kisspeptin could boost sexual desire in men and women. When folks with low sex...

31 Jan
Is Oxytocin Really the 'Love Hormone'? Rodent Research Raises Doubt

Is Oxytocin Really the 'Love Hormone'? Rodent Research Raises Doubt

The "love hormone" oxytocin might not play the critical role in forming social bonds that scientists have long believed, a new animal study suggests.

Prairie voles bred without receptors for oxytocin display the same monogamous mating, attachment and parenting behaviors ...

19 Jan
Hormonal Therapies Are Boosting the Mental Health of Trans Youth

Hormonal Therapies Are Boosting the Mental Health of Trans Youth

As numerous U.S. states move to restrict transgender health care, a new study shows that such care can substantially improve teenagers' mental health.

The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, followed transgender and nonbinary teenagers who r...

21 Oct
Almost All Adolescents Who Begin Gender-Affirming Hormones Continue Into Adulthood: Study

Almost All Adolescents Who Begin Gender-Affirming Hormones Continue Into Adulthood: Study

When young adolescents strongly identify with a gender that does not match their gender at birth, one option is to offer a reversible treatment that can delay the onset of puberty.

If the desire to transition endures, that delay can be followed with a second step: hormon...

01 Sep
In Small Study, Hormone Boosts Thinking Skills in Men With Down Syndrome

In Small Study, Hormone Boosts Thinking Skills in Men With Down Syndrome

Men with Down syndrome may think and remember better when treated with a brain hormone normally associated with f...

23 Aug
Dogs Do Cry When Reunited With Owners

Dogs Do Cry When Reunited With Owners

Humans and dogs undoubtedly share a powerful bond, but can dogs cry when overcome with emotion?

According to a recent study, possibly the first to try to answer that questi...

28 Jul
Does Your Cat Play Well With Others? Hormones Might Be Why

Does Your Cat Play Well With Others? Hormones Might Be Why

While cats often prefer to be alone and closely guard their territory, some seem to thrive on togetherness even at a crowded shelter.

Chalk it up to chemistry.

That's the takeaway of a

25 Apr
Hair of the Dog: A Quick, Painless Stress Test for Pooches

Hair of the Dog: A Quick, Painless Stress Test for Pooches

The strange smells and sounds at an animal shelter can stress out even the most placid pup, and invasive tests to see if they need medicine to calm down only add to the anxiety.

So there's some good news for Fido in

31 Mar
'Love Hormone' Turns Lions Into Placid Pussycats

'Love Hormone' Turns Lions Into Placid Pussycats

The "love hormone" oxytocin may be able to turn highly territorial lions into social sweethearts, researchers say.

Lions typically guard their turf fiercely, which can be a problem when they're on reserv...

28 Feb
Medical Treatments for Trans Youth Cut Rates of Depression, Suicidal Thoughts

Medical Treatments for Trans Youth Cut Rates of Depression, Suicidal Thoughts

Although Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has deemed it "child abuse," access to "gender-affirming" services cuts the odds of severe depression and maybe even suicide among transgender teens, a new study finds.

Investigators came to that conclusion after tracking the mental health...

08 Feb
Getting a COVID Vaccine Won't Affect Your Ability to Exercise

Getting a COVID Vaccine Won't Affect Your Ability to Exercise

Worried that a COVID-19 vaccine might hamper your workout? New research suggests you can hit the gym with minimal effects.

In a study of 18 healthy people who received a COVID-19 vaccine, the participants were monitored while they did cycling workouts before and two...

03 Feb
Could the 'Love Hormone' Help Drive Sex Addiction in Men?

Could the 'Love Hormone' Help Drive Sex Addiction in Men?

Men compelled to find myriad new partners and ways to have sex may be driven by high levels of the so-called "love hormone," oxytocin, new research suggests.

Oxytocin, which is produced by the...

01 Feb
Melatonin's Popularity Rises, Along With Hidden Dangers

Melatonin's Popularity Rises, Along With Hidden Dangers

Americans have tossed and turned their way through the pandemic, and a new study shows they are increasingly turning to melatonin in an attempt to get some good rest.

But the researchers also issued a warning, because some folks are using amounts that pose a risk to thei...

18 Jan
Newer Hormone Treatments for Prostate Cancer May Raise Risk of Depression

Newer Hormone Treatments for Prostate Cancer May Raise Risk of Depression

TUESDAY, Jan. 18, 2022 (HealthDay Now) -- Advanced forms of hormone therapy are very effective at keeping prostate cancer in check, but they also can double a man's risk of falling into depression, researchers have found.

Prostate cancer patients treated with the latest ...

14 Jan
For Transgender People, Starting Hormone Therapy in Teens Helps Mental Health

For Transgender People, Starting Hormone Therapy in Teens Helps Mental Health

Transgender people get greater mental health benefits if they start gender-affirming hormone treatment when they're teens instead of waiting until they're adults, a new study finds.

"This study is particularly relevant now because many state legislatures are introducing ...

05 Jan
'Benign' Adrenal Gland Tumors Might Cause Harm to Millions

'Benign' Adrenal Gland Tumors Might Cause Harm to Millions

Millions of people are at increased risk of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure and don't even know it, due to a hidden hormone problem in their bodies.

As many as 1 in 10 people have a non-cancerous tumor on one or both of their adrenal glands that could cause the g...

17 Dec
Chemicals in Hair, Beauty Products May Interfere With Hormones During Pregnancy

Chemicals in Hair, Beauty Products May Interfere With Hormones During Pregnancy

Pregnant women who use hair dyes or straighteners may have relatively lower levels of pregnancy-supporting hormones, a recent study suggests.

Researchers found that amon...

03 Dec
Could Pollution Help Decide Your Baby's Sex?

Could Pollution Help Decide Your Baby's Sex?

A boy or a girl? New research suggests that the air pregnant women breathe or the water they drink could play a role in their baby's sex.

The finding stems from t...

15 Nov
Drug Used to Prevent Miscarriage May Raise Lifetime Cancer Risk in Offspring

Drug Used to Prevent Miscarriage May Raise Lifetime Cancer Risk in Offspring

People who were exposed to a particular hormonal medication in the womb may have a heightened risk of cancer later in life, a new study suggests.

Researchers found the increased cancer risk among adults whose mothers had been given injections of a synthetic progesterone ...

10 Nov
Could Estrogen Help Shield Women's Brains From Alzheimer's?

Could Estrogen Help Shield Women's Brains From Alzheimer's?

A key to reduced Alzheimer's disease risk in women could be how much of the hormone estrogen they're able to stockpile over the years, new research suggests.

Certain lifetime choices -- such as having more children, taking hormonal birth control or taking hormone th...

14 Oct
'Feel Good' Hormone Won't Help Ease Kids' Autism, Study Finds

'Feel Good' Hormone Won't Help Ease Kids' Autism, Study Finds

Despite hints of promise from early research, a new clinical trial finds no evidence that kids with autism benefit from nasal sprays containing the "love" hormone oxytocin.

Researchers called the findings disappointing.

But they said the study also offers important...

13 Oct
Testosterone Levels Matter for Men's, Women's Sex Lives

Testosterone Levels Matter for Men's, Women's Sex Lives

What launches guys on serial sexual conquests and prompts solo activity among women?

It's testosterone, of course.

As the primary male sex hormone, it plays a leading role in the sexual development of guys. But folks often overlook the role it plays in female sexua...

13 Oct
Lengthening Menstrual Cycles Near Menopause Could Predict Heart Health

Lengthening Menstrual Cycles Near Menopause Could Predict Heart Health

The length of a woman's menstrual cycle as she nears menopause could reflect her future risk of heart disease, researchers report.

Some women's menstrual cycles become longer as they approach menopause, while others' cycles remain stable. This new study found that the wo...

23 Sep
Common Hormone Disorder in Women Costs U.S. $8 Billion a Year

Common Hormone Disorder in Women Costs U.S. $8 Billion a Year

Treating polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) -- the most common hormone disorder in women of child-bearing age -- is costly.

In 2020, diagnosing and treating this disorder cost an estimated $8 billion in the United States, according to a

03 Sep
Transgender People Face Twice the Odds for Early Death: Study

Transgender People Face Twice the Odds for Early Death: Study

Transgender people have double the odds of dying early compared to folks whose identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth (cisgender), a long-term study finds.

And the added risk did not decrease over time, according to an analysis of data collected from more t...

03 Aug
HRT Could Raise Odds for Asthma

HRT Could Raise Odds for Asthma

Millions of women who take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to ease their transition through menopause may be unknowingly upping their risk for asthma.

The concern follows a study that spent more than two decades tracking a potential link between HRT and late-onset asth...

12 Jul
Could Men's Testosterone Play Role in COVID Survival?

Could Men's Testosterone Play Role in COVID Survival?

Men with low testosterone levels have a much higher risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19, a new study from Italy finds.

The study included nearly 300 symptomatic male COVID-19 patients who arrived at the emergency department and were admitted to San Raffaele Un...

26 May
Testosterone Might Influence COVID Severity in Men

Testosterone Might Influence COVID Severity in Men

Low testosterone levels may increase men's risk of severe COVID-19, according to a new study.

On average, men fare worse with COVID-19 than women.

"During the pandemic, there has been a prevailing notion that testosterone is bad. But we found the opposite in men," ...

26 Apr
Closely Monitor Heart Health in Cancer Patients Who Get Hormonal Therapies: AHA

Closely Monitor Heart Health in Cancer Patients Who Get Hormonal Therapies: AHA

If hormones are part of your treatment for breast or prostate cancer, your heart health should be closely monitored, according to a new American Heart Association scientific statement.

Hormonal therapies for breast and prostate cancer increase the risk of heart attack an...

19 Apr
Hormone Treatments May Raise Blood Pressure in Transgender People

Hormone Treatments May Raise Blood Pressure in Transgender People

Monitoring blood pressure is important for transgender people, according to new research, which found changes in systolic blood pressure after the start of gender-affirming hormone therapy.

Transgender men and transgender women have a higher burden of heart attack, strok...

14 Apr
A Woman's Exposure to DDT Could Affect Her Granddaughter's Health Today

A Woman's Exposure to DDT Could Affect Her Granddaughter's Health Today

A long-banned pesticide may be having health effects that ripple across generations, a new study suggests.

At issue is DDT, a once widely used pesticide that was banned in the United States in 1972. That ban, however, was not the end of the story.

DDT is a per...

24 Mar
Drug Used to Prevent Miscarriages May Be Upping Cancer Rates Decades Later

Drug Used to Prevent Miscarriages May Be Upping Cancer Rates Decades Later

Kids born to moms who took a drug widely used to prevent miscarriages in the 1950s and 1960s may be twice as likely to develop cancer in adulthood.

The drug in question, hydroxyprogesterone caproate, also known as OHPC or 17-OHPC, is a man-made version of the hormone pro...

22 Feb
New Drug Combo Could Be Advance Against Uterine Fibroids

New Drug Combo Could Be Advance Against Uterine Fibroids

A new combo pill can substantially reduce bleeding caused by uterine fibroids -- possibly offering some women yet another alternative to surgery, a new trial finds.

The once-daily medication, which combines a drug called relugolix with estrogen and progestin, is not yet ...

19 Feb
Many Psych Meds Trigger Weight Gain, But New Research Points to Better Options

Many Psych Meds Trigger Weight Gain, But New Research Points to Better Options

Scientists may have uncovered the reason critical medications for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder cause weight gain and diabetes -- findings they hope will lead to better drugs.

The medications, known as antipsychotics, help control the hallucinations, delusions and c...

16 Feb
Gene Study Probes Origins of Addison's Disease

Gene Study Probes Origins of Addison's Disease

Gene variants associated with a rare autoimmune disorder called Addison's disease have been pinpointed, according to researchers.

"By studying the single largest collection of samples from patients with Addison's disease, we've been able to carry out the first genetic st...

18 Jan
Estrogen Taken During Gender-Affirming Surgeries Won't Raise Blood Clot Risk: Study

Estrogen Taken During Gender-Affirming Surgeries Won't Raise Blood Clot Risk: Study

Most transgender women can safely continue their estrogen treatments during gender-affirming surgery, a new study finds.

Estrogen therapy and surgery can increase the risk of blood clots, so experts have suggested that transgender women stop taking the hormone when havin...

28 Dec
Toxic Metals Might Affect Pregnancy, Study Finds

Toxic Metals Might Affect Pregnancy, Study Finds

Exposure to metals may disrupt pregnant women's hormones and boost the odds of complications such as preeclampsia, preterm birth and low birth weight, according to a new study.

Metals such as nickel, arsenic, cobalt and lead have been associated with pregnancy complicati...

14 Dec
Sugary Drinks' Effect on Hormones Could Spur Weight Gain: Study

Sugary Drinks' Effect on Hormones Could Spur Weight Gain: Study

It could be more than just added calories: New research gives insight into why sugary drinks are a leading cause of obesity.

Sugar-sweetened drinks are the largest source of calories from added sugar for U.S. adults, and researchers now report that the drinks also hinder...

09 Dec
Some Older Breast Cancer Patients Can Safely Cut Down on Chemo

Some Older Breast Cancer Patients Can Safely Cut Down on Chemo

More women with early-stage breast cancer may be able to safely skip chemotherapy after having surgery, according to initial results from a major clinical trial.

The trial, conducted in nine countries, found that adding chemotherapy to hormone-blocking drugs brought no a...

24 Nov
Could the Pill Reduce Asthma Attacks?

Could the Pill Reduce Asthma Attacks?

Women with asthma may suffer fewer severe symptom attacks if they are on birth control pills, a large new study suggests.

The study of more than 83,000 women with asthma found that those who used birth control pills for at least three years tended to have fewer severe fl...

12 Nov
Transgender People Often Have Heart Risks: Study

Transgender People Often Have Heart Risks: Study

Many transgender people who take hormone therapy have unaddressed risks for heart disease and stroke, a new study finds.

These patients often have undiagnosed high blood pressure and high cholesterol, even in young adulthood, researchers found.

"Previous research h...

09 Oct
'Love Hormone' Could Hold Key to Treating COVID

'Love Hormone' Could Hold Key to Treating COVID

The so-called love hormone, oxytocin, may be worth investigating as a treatment for COVID-19, a new study suggests.

One of the most serious complications of infection with the new coronavirus is a "cytokine storm," in which the body attacks its own tissues.