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717 Results for search "Depression".

Health News Results - 717

31 May
Suicidal Impulses May Peak During Restless Nights

Suicidal Impulses May Peak During Restless Nights

The wee hours of the morning could be the most dangerous for someone on the brink of suicide or homicide, a new study shows.

There’s a five-fold greater risk for suicide and an eight-fold greater risk for homicide between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. for those

31 May
Night Owls Could Be Upping Their Mental Health Risks

Night Owls Could Be Upping Their Mental Health Risks

People who regularly stay up until the wee hours of the morning could be harming their mental health, a new study finds.

Regardless of whether people were morning larks or a night owls, they tended to have higher rates of mental and behavioral disorders if they stayed u...

30 May
Suicide Rates Among Cancer Patients Are Falling

Suicide Rates Among Cancer Patients Are Falling

Even as suicide rates have risen among Americans generally, one group appears to be bucking that trend: People diagnosed with cancer.

Experts are crediting improved access to counseling and other "psychosocial care" with easing the emotional toll of cancer and keeping m...

15 May
Recent Release From Jail a Big Risk Factor for Suicide

Recent Release From Jail a Big Risk Factor for Suicide

Inmates released from jail have a ninefold increased risk of suicide within the following year, compared to people who’ve never been incarcerated, new research shows.

“Suicide prevention efforts should focus on people who have spent at least one night in jail in the ...

02 May
Economy, Election Spur Rising Anxiety Among Americans in 2024

Economy, Election Spur Rising Anxiety Among Americans in 2024

A looming presidential election, continued economic struggles and the threat of gun violence have a rising number of Americans more anxious this year compared to last, a new p...

02 May
More Evidence Supports Psilocybin's Antidepressant Powers

More Evidence Supports Psilocybin's Antidepressant Powers

The active chemical in magic mushrooms could prove to be a powerful antidepressant, a new review finds.

Psilocybin outperformed a variety of “control” treatments in easing symptoms of depression, researchers reported May 1 in the BMJ.

Those control gro...

01 May
Years Prior to Menopause Are Danger Zone for Depression

Years Prior to Menopause Are Danger Zone for Depression

Women approaching menopause appear to be at higher risk of depression, a new review indicates.

Women in the transition period prior to menopause are 4...

30 Apr
Staying Fit Boosts Kids' Mental Health

Staying Fit Boosts Kids' Mental Health

The benefits of physical fitness for kids spill over into their mental health, new research shows.

Getting plenty of exercise may guard against depressive symptoms, anxiety and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a new study published April 29 in the journal...

24 Apr
Trying 'Magic Mushroom' Drug to Ease Depression? It Has Side Effects

Trying 'Magic Mushroom' Drug to Ease Depression? It Has Side Effects

Many people with tough-to-treat depression may be trying psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, as an alternative to antidepressants.

Thinking that it's a "natural" drug, folks ...

23 Apr
Taking Psilocybin for Depression? Relationship With Therapist Is Key

Taking Psilocybin for Depression? Relationship With Therapist Is Key

Many people dogged by depression are turning to the psilocybin found in "magic mushrooms" to ease the condition, and often reporti...

17 Apr
Most Homeless Americans Are Battling Mental Illness

Most Homeless Americans Are Battling Mental Illness

Two-thirds of homeless people are experiencing some form of mental health disorder, a large, new review of data on the subject.

The analysis found that men who are homeless are more likely to be battling mental illness than women, although rates were high for both gender...

16 Apr
A More Diverse Nature Brings Better Mental Health

A More Diverse Nature Brings Better Mental Health

Want to feel happier?

Live in or near a place with a rich diversity of nature, a new study says.

Environments with plentiful natural features -- trees, birds, plants and rivers -- are associated with better mental well-being than the more spartan landscapes of subu...

15 Apr
'Feeling Like a Burden' Can Be Motivator for Suicide in Preteens

'Feeling Like a Burden' Can Be Motivator for Suicide in Preteens

Quiet preteens who feel they're a burden on others are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and behaviors, a new study reports.

Criticism from parents or caregivers also increased the likelihood of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, researchers found.

Preteen girls ...

15 Apr
Exercise Could Help Your Heart by Calming the Brain: Study

Exercise Could Help Your Heart by Calming the Brain: Study

You know exercise is great for your cardiovascular health, but new research suggests that your brain has a lot to do with it.

It's all about physical activity's ability to lower stress levels within the brain, explained a team at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) ...

10 Apr
Black and Native Americans Hit Hardest by 'Deaths of Despair'

Black and Native Americans Hit Hardest by 'Deaths of Despair'

More middle-aged Black and Native Americans are now falling prey to “deaths of despair” than whites, a new study finds.

These deaths -- from suicide, drug overdose and alcoholic liver disease -- initially had been more common among whites.

But a new analysis ha...

10 Apr
Teens with Anxiety, Mood Disorders Less Likely to Get Driver's License

Teens with Anxiety, Mood Disorders Less Likely to Get Driver's License

Teenagers suffering from anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder are likely to have a tougher time getting their driver's license, a new study finds.

Teens and young adult...

05 Apr
Suicide Rates Have Doubled in 20 Years Among U.S. College Athletes

Suicide Rates Have Doubled in 20 Years Among U.S. College Athletes

Suicides among U.S. college athletes have doubled over the past two years, according to data from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

Suicide is now the second most common cause of death for college athletes after accidents, results show.


03 Apr
Too Often, Postpartum Depression Goes Untreated in Black, Hispanic Women

Too Often, Postpartum Depression Goes Untreated in Black, Hispanic Women

Massive racial disparities exist in the treatment of pregnancy-related mood disorders in the United States, a new study shows.

White women suffering from ...

02 Apr
Big Improvements Seen in Spotting, Treating Mental Health Issues Around Pregnancy

Big Improvements Seen in Spotting, Treating Mental Health Issues Around Pregnancy

Expecting or new mothers are much more likely these days to be diagnosed with anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, new research shows.

29 Mar
Steady Rise in U.S. Suicides Among Adolescents, Teens

Steady Rise in U.S. Suicides Among Adolescents, Teens

U.S. rates of suicide by all methods rose steadily for adolescents between 1999 and 2020, a new analysis shows.

During those two decades, over 47,000 Americans between the ages 10 and 19 lost their lives to suicide, the report found, and there have been sharp increases ...

28 Mar
High Rate of Suicidal Thoughts Among Black Men in Rural America: Study

High Rate of Suicidal Thoughts Among Black Men in Rural America: Study

Suicidal thoughts and contemplation of death haunt the minds of many rural Black men in the United States, a new study reports.

One in three rural Black men said they had such dark thoughts within the past two weeks, University of Georgia researchers found.

These t...

26 Mar
6 in 10 Stroke Survivors Will Struggle With Depression Years Later

6 in 10 Stroke Survivors Will Struggle With Depression Years Later

Six out of every 10 stroke survivors wind up struggling with depression later in their lives, a new study says.

That compares to the 22% depression rate of the general populatio...

21 Mar
Knitting Helps Keep Troubled Minds From Unraveling, Study Finds

Knitting Helps Keep Troubled Minds From Unraveling, Study Finds

Stressed out, anxious or desperately needing to recharge?

Grab some knitting needles and a pretty ball of yarn -- Swedish research shows yarncraft improves mental health without medication.

"Knitters have a creative leisure interest that can also help them cope wit...

21 Mar
As Treatments Ease Anxiety, Heart Risks Also Decline

As Treatments Ease Anxiety, Heart Risks Also Decline

People with heart disease can stay healthier if they address their emotional problems as well as their physical ailments, a new study says.


20 Mar
U.S. Falls Out of Top 20 in 'World's Happiest Countries' List

U.S. Falls Out of Top 20 in 'World's Happiest Countries' List

For the first time, the United States has fallen out of the top 20 spots on the annual world's happiest nations list.

Americans are...

18 Mar
Average Middle-Aged American Is Lonelier Than European Peers

Average Middle-Aged American Is Lonelier Than European Peers

Middle-aged Americans are lonelier than ever, with new research showing they are even more isolated than some of their peers in Europe.

That does not bode well for their health.

"Loneliness is gaining attention globally as a public health issue because elevated lon...

13 Mar
Depression May Be Tougher on Women's Hearts Than Men's

Depression May Be Tougher on Women's Hearts Than Men's

Researchers are zeroing in on the reasons why women who battle depression may be more likely than men to develop heart disease.

A study published March 12 in the journal JACC: Asia underscores the need to tailor prevention and management strategies according to ...

12 Mar
ADHD Meds Cut Odds for Early Death, Especially by Overdose

ADHD Meds Cut Odds for Early Death, Especially by Overdose

People diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) show a marked decline in their two-year risk for death once they start taking medication, new research shows.

That w...

12 Mar
Permissive Gun Laws Linked to Higher Suicide Rates

Permissive Gun Laws Linked to Higher Suicide Rates

When states let gun owners carry a firearm openly without a permit, death rates soar.

Significantly more people died by firearms and suicides in states that have relaxed open carry laws, a nine-year study of death data from all 50 states shows. 

"Our analysis ...

11 Mar
Medical Costs for Kids' Mental Health Jumped 31% in 5 Years

Medical Costs for Kids' Mental Health Jumped 31% in 5 Years

The cost to American families of caring for a child with a mental health condition rose by almost a third between 2017 and 2021, a new report finds, to an average $4,361 per year. 

Overall, American families spent an estimated $31 billion in 2021 on child mental hea...

11 Mar
Kids Battling Mental Health Issues Have Tougher Time Recovering From Concussion

Kids Battling Mental Health Issues Have Tougher Time Recovering From Concussion

Kids struggling with mental health problems have a tougher time recovering from a concussion, a new study finds.

These troubled kids tend to have more emotional symptoms after

11 Mar
Embryo Technology Might Lead to Children With Genes From Two Men

Embryo Technology Might Lead to Children With Genes From Two Men

New technology might soon allow men in same-sex relationships to have a child genetically related to both dads, researchers say.

The technology uses skin cells from one person to alter the genetics of a donated egg, researchers reported March 8 in the journal

07 Mar
Sport Coach's Style Can Boost a Player's Mental Health

Sport Coach's Style Can Boost a Player's Mental Health

Athletes whose coaches are open, authentic and positive are more likely to have better mental health, a new study says.

Athletes feel happier and deal with problems more easily if their coaches adopt an “authentic leadership” style, researchers report in the journal ...

06 Mar
Many Can't Access Mental Health Services that Save Money, Keep People Out of Jail

Many Can't Access Mental Health Services that Save Money, Keep People Out of Jail

When it comes to giving at-risk Americans access to the mental health services they need, prevention is far better than detention, new research confirms.

However, a majority of the 950 U.S. counties surveyed in the report do not offer access to the types of ment...

06 Mar
Some Women Escape the Mental Health Effects of Menopause: Study

Some Women Escape the Mental Health Effects of Menopause: Study

Menopause is thought to trigger mood changes among women, with changes in female hormone levels contributing to anxiety, depression and stress.

However, a new study says some women are at more risk than others for menopause-linked mental health issues, and many escape th...

27 Feb
1 in 5 People Who Attempt Suicide Have No Prior Mental Illness

1 in 5 People Who Attempt Suicide Have No Prior Mental Illness

One out of every five adults who attempt suicide never met the criteria for a mental illness by the time the attempt happened, new research shows.

“This finding challenges clinical notions of who is at risk for suicidal behavior and raises questions about the safety of...

27 Feb
Firsthand Experience of Climate Change Disasters Is Stressing Teens

Firsthand Experience of Climate Change Disasters Is Stressing Teens

Weather disasters driven by climate change are stressing out U.S. teenagers, a new study warns.

Teens with the most firsthand experience of events like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, droughts and wildfires were more likely to show signs of mental distress than peers who ...

26 Feb
Mental Health Issues a Prime Driver of Deaths for New Moms: Study

Mental Health Issues a Prime Driver of Deaths for New Moms: Study

Data from dozens of studies supports the notion that mental health crises are a big factor behind rising rates of maternal deaths during and around pregnancy in the United States.

“We need to bring this to the attention of the public and policymakers to demand action t...

26 Feb
Grief Affects the Body, Not Just the Mind

Grief Affects the Body, Not Just the Mind

Of course grief can ravage your mind, but science shows it can also weaken your body, leaving you open to illness.

“As humans, we are strongly motivated to seek out social bonds that are warm, dependable, friendly and supportive,” explained

26 Feb
Hormone Replacement Therapy Could Ease Depression Around Menopause

Hormone Replacement Therapy Could Ease Depression Around Menopause

Hormone replacement therapy might help women avoid depression as they go through menopause, a new study finds.

Women treated with hormone therapy at a menopause clinic in Ontario, Canada, experienced a reduction in their symptoms of depression, researchers report Feb. 21...

22 Feb
Recognize the Signs of Burnout in Yourself and Others

Recognize the Signs of Burnout in Yourself and Others

Burnout: It's a common enough concept, but how do you know if you're experiencing it at work and at home?

According to experts at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, a myriad of daily pressures placed on individuals can culminate in burnout.

“Burnout is not a ...

20 Feb
Patients With Depression Face Highest Risk for Suicide in Days After Hospital Discharge

Patients With Depression Face Highest Risk for Suicide in Days After Hospital Discharge

People treated at psychiatric hospitals are at highest risk of committing suicide immediately after their discharge if they suffer from depression, a new study reports.

Patients hospitalized for depression are hundreds of times more likely to commit suicide within the fi...

19 Feb
Access to Opioids Could Be Boosting Suicide Rates

Access to Opioids Could Be Boosting Suicide Rates

Increased access to prescription opioids has driven up U.S. suicide rates by making it easier to women to end their lives, a new study claims.

The study also blames a shrinking federal safety net during tough economic times for rising suicide rates.

“We contend t...

16 Feb
More Kids, Teens May Be Taking Multiple Psychiatric Meds

More Kids, Teens May Be Taking Multiple Psychiatric Meds

A study of mental health care in Maryland finds an increasing number of children and teens covered by Medicaid are taking multiple psychiatric meds.

This trend towards "polypharmacy" might be happening elsewhere, prior research suggests.

In the new study, Maryland ...

14 Feb
Could Using Scents in Therapy  Help Depressed Patients Recover?

Could Using Scents in Therapy Help Depressed Patients Recover?

  • Aromatherapy might be able to help people recover from depression by helping them more clearly recall specific, often positive, memories, a new study shows.

    Scents are more effective than words at cueing up the memory of a specific event, researchers report Feb. ...

07 Feb
Late-Life Divorce May Be Mentally Tougher on Women Than Men

Late-Life Divorce May Be Mentally Tougher on Women Than Men

Divorce later in life might be harder on women than on men, based on patterns of antidepressant use in a new study of people aged 50 or older.

Both sexes tended to increase their antidepressant use when going through a divorce, break-up or the death of a partner, researc...

07 Feb
Body Temperature Rises in People Battling Depression

Body Temperature Rises in People Battling Depression

Depression and a rise in body temperature appear linked, although researchers say it's not yet clear which causes which.

Still, the findings offer a hint that manipulating body temperature might be a new form of therapy against depression.

“To our knowledge, this...

06 Feb
Surge in Police Seizures of 'Magic Mushrooms' Mirrors Rise in Psilocybin Use

Surge in Police Seizures of 'Magic Mushrooms' Mirrors Rise in Psilocybin Use

Police seizures of “magic” mushrooms have more than tripled within the past five years, the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse reports.

The total weight of psilocybin mushrooms seized by law enforcement increased from 498 pounds in 2017 to 1,861 pounds in 2022, ac...

06 Feb
Veterans' Study Shows Effectiveness of Ketamine Against Depression

Veterans' Study Shows Effectiveness of Ketamine Against Depression

The former 'party drug' ketamine has gotten some good press recently, with clinical trials suggesting it might be a powerful and fast-acting antidepressant.

Now, one of the first "real-world" studies of ketamine against depression appears to support those findings.

05 Feb
Black Americans Lose Sleep After High-Profile Police Killings

Black Americans Lose Sleep After High-Profile Police Killings

Police killings of unarmed Black people are robbing the Black community of a precious commodity – sleep.

Black adults across the United States suffer from sleep problems after they're exposed to news of killings that occur during police encounters, a new study publishe...