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6 Resultados de su búsqueda "Sleep Problems: Misc.".

Videos de salud - 6

Night Owls More Likely to Have Unhealthy Lifestyle, Increasing Their Risk of Diabetes, Study Finds

New research finds night owls engage in more unhealthy behaviors than morning people, raising their risk of diabetes by 72%.

Sleep Apnea Treatment May Also Relieve Nighttime Heartburn, Study Finds

Regular use of CPAP machine helps relieve nighttime heartburn and other respiratory symptoms that cause suffering for many sleep apnea patients, researchers say.

Blue-Light Blocking Glasses Won’t Protect Your Eyes from Computer Overload, New Study Finds

After reviewing the evidence, researchers say blue-light filtering glasses probably won’t prevent digital eye strain or improve your sleep quality.

Your Heart Takes a Hit When You Don’t Sleep and Weekend Slumber Sessions Won’t Protect You, New Study Finds

A new study finds men who don’t get enough sleep during the week experience an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Trying to catch up on your ZZZs over the weekend doesn’t appear to help.

Insomnia May Raise Your Risk for Stroke, New Study Finds

People who have insomnia symptoms, such as trouble falling asleep and waking up in the middle of the night, may face greater odds of stroke, according to researchers.

Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Tips To Improve Your Sleep Cycle

Getting a good night’s sleep could add years to your life. Are you getting enough sleep?