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253 Results for search "Pets And Health".

Health News Results - 253

05 Jun
Service Dogs Work Wonders for Veterans With PTSD: Study

Service Dogs Work Wonders for Veterans With PTSD: Study

Military veterans often struggle with their mental health once their service ends, but the first clinical trial of its kind has found that having a service dog helps lower the risk of PTSD for these former soldiers.

Veterans paired with a service dog had 66% lower odds o...

28 May
CDC Warns Again of Salmonella Tied to Backyard Poultry

CDC Warns Again of Salmonella Tied to Backyard Poultry

Backyard chickens are causing outbreaks of salmonella across the United States, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns.

About 109 people in 29 states have gotten sick from salmonella after touching or caring for backyard poultry, the CDC said in a

17 May
Leptospirosis: What Every Dog Owner Should Know

Leptospirosis: What Every Dog Owner Should Know

Mice, rats and other wildlife can pick up bacteria called leptospira from water or soil and excrete it in urine.

If your dog contacts any soil or water contaminated by the germ (especially if they have an open wound) they can easily develop a potentially deadly...

08 May
Dogs Brought to U.S. Must Be Microchipped, Older Than 6 Months: CDC

Dogs Brought to U.S. Must Be Microchipped, Older Than 6 Months: CDC

Dogs brought into the United States from abroad must be compliant with new rules to help fight rabies in this country, according to updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued Wednesday. 

"Starting on August 1, 2024, all dogs entering...

06 May
Avoid Some 'Project Watson' Dog Eye Wipes Due to Infection Danger

Avoid Some 'Project Watson' Dog Eye Wipes Due to Infection Danger

Pets and pet owners who come into contact with Bausch & Lomb's "Project Watson" dog eye wipes could be at risk for infection if the products come from certain lots.

The wipes are used to clean a dog's eyelids, but two specific lots (numbers A09050 and A10055, printed...

29 Apr
Dogs Can Get Lyme Disease, Too

Dogs Can Get Lyme Disease, Too

People worry about contracting Lyme disease from ticks, but they should be concerned for their furry friends as well, veterinarians say.

Dogs throughout the United States are increasingly vulnerable to the tick-borne illness, say experts from the Virginia-Maryland Colleg...

26 Apr
A Stolen Dog Feels Like Losing a Child, Study Finds

A Stolen Dog Feels Like Losing a Child, Study Finds

The emotional turmoil caused by a stolen dog is akin to that of a parent losing a child, a new study finds.

The findings support ...

15 Apr
Pets Are Passing Drug-Resistant 'Superbugs' to Their Owners

Pets Are Passing Drug-Resistant 'Superbugs' to Their Owners

Dogs and cats can pass antibiotic-resistant bacteria to their owners, raising concerns that household pets could be contributing to the world’s antibiotics crisis, a new study says.

Cases of these “superbugs” being passed between sick dogs and cats and their health...

11 Apr
Rare Fungal Infection Reported in Two Cats, Vet Tech

Rare Fungal Infection Reported in Two Cats, Vet Tech

A rare fungal infection has been diagnosed in two cats and a vet tech who treated one of the animals, a new report warns.

The three cases -- discovered in Kansas in late 2022 and early 2023 -- were caused by a fungus called Sporothrix schenckii, researchers from...

02 Apr
Playtime, Being Social Helps a Dog's Aging Brain, Study Finds

Playtime, Being Social Helps a Dog's Aging Brain, Study Finds

As their aging brains shrink, older dogs can suffer the same memory and thinking problems as many older humans do.

But dogs are just like humans in another way -- playtime and social activities can help preserve their brain function, a new study finds.

Exercising, ...

27 Mar
Animals Catch More Viruses From Us Than We Do From Them

Animals Catch More Viruses From Us Than We Do From Them

People worry about deadly viruses leaping from animals into humans, but a new study suggests that wildlife is more at risk than humans are.

Roughly twice as many viruses pass from humans to animals than the other way around, researchers report March 25 in the journal

25 Mar
Your Dog May Understand Words for Certain Objects

Your Dog May Understand Words for Certain Objects

It's well-known that dogs can learn words for spoken commands like “sit,” “stand” and “heel.”

But a new study has found they also can tell their “ball-ball” from their “dolly,” “teddy,” “chewy” or “squeaky squeak.”

Brain scans reveal...

22 Mar
Can I Get Sick From My Pet?

Can I Get Sick From My Pet?

Cuddly, friendly, fun: Your pet brings so much to your life, but experts warn that, in rare cases, they can also bring illness.

The health benefits of pet ownership are many, noted Dr. Stacey Rose, an asso...

19 Mar
FDA Approves First Drug to Treat Yeast Ear Infections in Dogs

FDA Approves First Drug to Treat Yeast Ear Infections in Dogs

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first drug to treat yeast ear infections in dogs.

DuOtic is also the first ear infection medication that does not contain an antibiotic, the FDA said in its

15 Mar
Waterborne Parasite That Can Kill Dogs Is Spreading to U.S. West

Waterborne Parasite That Can Kill Dogs Is Spreading to U.S. West

A parasite that can kill dogs has been found in a portion of the Colorado River that runs through Southern California.

Heterobilharzia americana is a flatworm usually referred as liver fluke. It has never been reported this far west, according to scientists at ...

15 Mar
Pooch Power: 'Relax' Brainwaves  Begin When Folks Play With Dogs

Pooch Power: 'Relax' Brainwaves Begin When Folks Play With Dogs

Playing fetch or grooming Fido isn't just good for your precious pooch -- it also benefits your brain.

Such interactions appear to strengthen brain waves associated with rest and relaxation, South Korean researchers report in the March 13 issue of the journal

07 Mar
Many Labradors Become Obese and Research Shows Why

Many Labradors Become Obese and Research Shows Why

Nearly a quarter of Labrador retrievers are more likely to be obese due to a genetic “double-whammy,” a new study finds.

This gene mutation causes Labradors to both feel hungry all the time and also burn fewer calories, British researchers report.

The mutation ...

04 Mar
Pets Bring People Big Mental Health Boost: Poll

Pets Bring People Big Mental Health Boost: Poll

The vast majority (84%) of Americans with pets say their animal companion brings a positive mental health impact to their lives, a new poll shows.

The poll of more than 2,200 adults conducted early last month also found about two-thirds of respondents calling their pet ...

29 Feb
Service Dogs May Lessen Seizure Frequency in Folks With Epilepsy

Service Dogs May Lessen Seizure Frequency in Folks With Epilepsy

Perhaps by reducing anxiety, a service dog can help reduce seizures in people with tough-to-treat epilepsy, a new study finds.

A group of 25 study participants had an average 31% fewer seizures after months of owning a service dog trained to help people with epilepsy.

19 Feb
What Helps the Homeless Who Have Pets? Study Has Answers

What Helps the Homeless Who Have Pets? Study Has Answers

One in 10 homeless people has a pet, and one-stop health clinics where both can get health care would benefit both, a new study suggests.

The study, published Feb. 19 in the journal Human-Animal Interactions, found that joint people-pet clinics, free veterinary...

29 Jan
Leaving Pets Behind Adds to Trauma, Danger for People in Crisis

Leaving Pets Behind Adds to Trauma, Danger for People in Crisis

Imagine being subjected to domestic violence in your home, wanting to escape -- but there's no place you can go that will accept a beloved pet.

That's the gut-wrenching situation facing too many victims of domestic abuse, according to a new data review spanning 27 years....

26 Jan
Probiotics Might Help Portly Pooches Shed Pounds

Probiotics Might Help Portly Pooches Shed Pounds

If your dog is looking like he needs to drop some weight, a new study shows probiotics might do the trick.

Researchers identified two strains of probiotics that helped obese canines shed pounds.

“The strains we carefully selected demonstrated remarkable success i...

23 Jan
Turns Out Dogs Have Fave Things to Watch on TV

Turns Out Dogs Have Fave Things to Watch on TV

Ever wonder what your dog most likes to watch on TV?

Think nature documentaries, Lassie or good old Scooby-Doo, a new study suggests.

Dogs are most engaged when watching videos that feature other animals, according to a new study published recently in the journal <...

17 Jan
Chihuahua or Great Dane: Your Dog's Size May Affect Their Disease Risk

Chihuahua or Great Dane: Your Dog's Size May Affect Their Disease Risk

The average size of your dog's breed plays a role in which diseases your pet is more apt to develop, a new study has found.

It turns out that larger dogs are more prone to a different set of diseases than small dogs are.

Prior research has found that smaller dogs t...

30 Dec
Your New Year's Eve Safety Checklist

Your New Year's Eve Safety Checklist

Millions of revelers hit the road after New Year's Eve celebrations and the inevitability of impaired drivers make the holiday one of the nation's deadliest.

High blood-alcohol levels are a factor in more than 50% of crashes on New Year's Day, the American Safety Council...

27 Dec
Pets Bring Health Boost to Single Seniors' Brains: Study

Pets Bring Health Boost to Single Seniors' Brains: Study

For the growing number of American seniors who live alone, having a beloved dog or cat by their side could help them maintain a healthy brain.

New research on more than 7,900 people averaging 66 years of age found that those who lived alone were able to stave off losses ...

27 Dec
Anti-Vaxxers More Likely to Skip Vaccinating Their Pets, Survey Finds

Anti-Vaxxers More Likely to Skip Vaccinating Their Pets, Survey Finds

People whose beliefs or concerns make them hesitant to get vaccinated are also likely to forgo vaccinating their pets, new research shows.

That could threaten the health of people and their four-legged friends, researchers said.

“Decreasing pet vaccination rates ...

27 Dec
Blue Ridge Beef Raw Pet Food Recalled Due to Salmonella Risk

Blue Ridge Beef Raw Pet Food Recalled Due to Salmonella Risk

Blue Ridge Beef, a maker of raw pet foods, has announced it is recalling some of its products for kittens and puppies because of possible contamination with salmonella and listeria.

After being notified earlier this month by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture a...

23 Dec
Holiday Foods You Need to Keep Away From Your Pets

Holiday Foods You Need to Keep Away From Your Pets

The holidays are all about treats and most pets are thrilled to partake in the indulging, but some foods you might give them could make them sick or worse.

"Pets tend to get more treats at holiday time -- from their owners or from houseguests -- which can put them at ris...

18 Dec
Fatigued 'Frenchies': Flat-Faced Dogs Get Worse Sleep

Fatigued 'Frenchies': Flat-Faced Dogs Get Worse Sleep

French Bulldogs might be the most widespread breed in the world, but the fancy, flat-faced pooches pay a high price for their popularity, a new study warns.

The shortened skulls and large, round heads that make Frenchies so cute also leads to worse sleep, thanks to breed...

22 Nov
Clues to Mysterious New Sickness Affecting Dogs

Clues to Mysterious New Sickness Affecting Dogs

A new type of bacterial infection could be the culprit behind a mysterious canine respiratory illness that has been infecting dogs from coast to coast, New Hampshire researchers say.

Genetic sequencing of samples from 70 infected dogs from New Hampshire, Rhode Island and...

21 Nov
Hate Driving Your Cat to the Vet? FDA Just Approved a Drug for That

Hate Driving Your Cat to the Vet? FDA Just Approved a Drug for That

If you belong to one of the 46 million American households with a cat, you already know how stressful a trip to the vet can be for your feline -- and you.

Rescue might be on the way: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved a new medicine to help calm cat...

10 Nov
Babies Are Contracting Salmonella After Handling Pet Food, FDA Warns

Babies Are Contracting Salmonella After Handling Pet Food, FDA Warns

FRIDAY, Nov. 10, 2023 (Healthday News) -- Two federal health agencies are investigating a salmonella outbreak linked to dog food that has sickened seven people in seven states, nearly all of them infants.

On Thursday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

26 Oct
Gene Discovery Could Mean Longer Lives for Golden Retrievers, Maybe Humans

Gene Discovery Could Mean Longer Lives for Golden Retrievers, Maybe Humans

New research is shedding light on why one of man's best friends -- the golden retriever -- has high odds for cancer death, although some end up living much longer than average.

This popular dog breed has an up to 65% chance of dying from cancer.

“We assume that t...

20 Oct
A Tropical Skin Infection Spread by Sand Flies Is Spreading in the U.S.

A Tropical Skin Infection Spread by Sand Flies Is Spreading in the U.S.

Climate change is bringing diseases once considered tropical afflictions to the United States, and new research warns that a parasite spread by sand flies may be the latest to join this growing list.

The Leishmania parasite causes several forms of the disease le...

16 Oct
Aging, Mental Health in Dogs: Size Matters

Aging, Mental Health in Dogs: Size Matters

For dogs, body size matters.

That's true in terms of how quickly they age, but also in their mental health, according to a new study comparing big and lit...

09 Oct
Scientists Discover Secrets of the Cat's Purr

Scientists Discover Secrets of the Cat's Purr

Anyone with a cat knows the calm, low rumble of purring, but how does such a small animal make such a low sound?

New research suggests it boils down to a pad embedded in feline vocal cord folds.

That's different than previously thought, which was that purring happ...

09 Oct
A Wolf's Gut Bug Might Boost Health of Domestic Dogs

A Wolf's Gut Bug Might Boost Health of Domestic Dogs

A type of gut bacteria found in wild wolves could help treat domestic dogs who have a common, debilitating gastrointestinal condition.

New research in an Oregon wolf discovered a novel strain of Paenibacillus bacteria that displays the characteristics of a prob...

05 Oct
Going Vegan Healthy for Dogs, Cats -- and the Planet

Going Vegan Healthy for Dogs, Cats -- and the Planet

Should Fluffy and Fido go vegan?

A new study says yes -- for the environment.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization est...

07 Sep
Anti-Vax Trend May Harm Pet Dogs, With Half of Owners Against Immunization

Anti-Vax Trend May Harm Pet Dogs, With Half of Owners Against Immunization

Some people mistrust the safety and effectiveness of human vaccines for COVID-19 and other diseases, a fact that became abundantly clear during the pandemic.

Now, a new survey of 2,200 dog owners shows this mistrust may often extend to canine vaccinations.

The fin...

29 Aug
For Dogs, Gastro & Respiratory Ills Often Connected, Study Suggests

For Dogs, Gastro & Respiratory Ills Often Connected, Study Suggests

Does your dog struggle to breathe, especially at mealtime?

New research suggests the two might often be connected.

The University of Missouri researchers discovered that about 75% of dogs who had respiratory disease and were participating in a swallowing study were...

25 Aug
Shelter Dogs Vulnerable to Diseases Spread by Ticks, Mosquitoes

Shelter Dogs Vulnerable to Diseases Spread by Ticks, Mosquitoes

Warming temperatures may be bringing a new risk for shelter dogs: the spread of tick- and mosquito-borne disease in a broader geographic area, according to a new study.

Bites from these pests can cause serious illness in dogs, including heartworm and Lyme disease.


24 Aug
Dogs Can Tell When You're Talking to Them, and Might Prefer Female Voices

Dogs Can Tell When You're Talking to Them, and Might Prefer Female Voices

Mothers use sing-song language to talk to their infants. Their dogs respond to it, too, according to a new study.

Researchers in Hungary also found that dogs have greater brain sensitivity to the speech directed at them than to adult-directed speech, especially if the w...

17 Aug
Even If Issues Emerge, Folks 'Highly Satisfied' With Shelter Rescue Dogs

Even If Issues Emerge, Folks 'Highly Satisfied' With Shelter Rescue Dogs

When Daniel Cooney and his husband Patrick Key adopted Rothko, a coonhound mix, from a shelter eight years ago, it took time to get used to his quirks.

Rothko doesn't always jell with other pups, which means the dog park is often out of the question.

"There are sev...

16 Aug
Who's Got COVID? Dogs Can Quickly Tell

Who's Got COVID? Dogs Can Quickly Tell

Do you have COVID-19? With a little training, your dog might be more effective at figuring that out than even at-home antigen or sophisticated hospital tests.

Dogs are so good at it, according to a

17 Jul
Pets Don't Help Those With Severe Mental Illness Fare Better

Pets Don't Help Those With Severe Mental Illness Fare Better

It's commonly thought that having a companion animal — be it a dog, cat or bird — is good for the owner's mental health.

A new study suggests that's not so, at least for people with severe mental illness and for pets that aren't trained therapy animals. Pets may, how...

07 Jul
U.S. Livestock, Pet Industries Pose Disease Threat to People

U.S. Livestock, Pet Industries Pose Disease Threat to People

American industry engages in some of the same high-risk practices as other countries in keeping and selling commercial animals that have the potential for triggering outbreaks of disease among humans, a new

05 Jul
Slowed Walking Could Be Sign of Dementia in Dogs

Slowed Walking Could Be Sign of Dementia in Dogs

Like people, dogs slow down as they age.

Researchers wondered whether slowed walking could also signal mental decline. To learn more, they did a series of experiments that included measuring the dogs' speed both on and off leash as well as cognitive testing.


04 Jul
The Vet Says Your Dog Has Cushing's Disease: What Is It?

The Vet Says Your Dog Has Cushing's Disease: What Is It?

Like humans, older dogs can be prone to a variety of health issues.

Among the maladies that middle-aged and older dogs experience is Cushing's disease, when the body produces too much of a hormone called cortisol.

Fortunately, it is possible to test for and treat t...

30 Jun
Air Polluted With Wildfire Smoke Can Harm Animals, Too

Air Polluted With Wildfire Smoke Can Harm Animals, Too

The Canadian wildfires that are burning out of control have brought hazy skies and polluted air to parts of the United States unprepared for it -- and that's affecting not just the people, but their pets and livestock, too.

An animal welfare expert from the University ...