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Results for search "Video Games".

Health News Results - 31

20 Jun
Cyberbullying Common in the World of Online Gaming

Cyberbullying Common in the World of Online Gaming

Cyberbullying and sexual harassment are rampant in the world of professional video gaming and online gaming, a new study reports.

Nearly 96% of 145 video game players from 14 countries said they had been targeted online in the previous year.

"It's not just an isola...

22 Dec
Can Too Much Screen Time Raise a Child's Odds for OCD?

Can Too Much Screen Time Raise a Child's Odds for OCD?

Preteens who spend much of their free time watching online videos or playing video games may have a heightened risk of developing obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), a new study suggests.

24 Oct
Video Games May Bring Cognitive Benefits to Kids: Study

Video Games May Bring Cognitive Benefits to Kids: Study

School-age kids who spend hours a day playing video games may outperform their peers on certain tests of mental agility, a new study suggests.

Researchers found that compared with children who never played video games, those who regularly spent hours gaming had higher sc...

11 Oct
Could Video Games Trigger Dangerous Heart Rhythms in Kids?

Could Video Games Trigger Dangerous Heart Rhythms in Kids?

Playing video games may seem sedentary, but it can be enough to trigger life-threatening heart arrhythmias in certain vulnerable children, a new report finds.

Researchers in Australia pulled together reports of 22 children and teens who suffered

29 Jun
Kids Happier, Healthier Away From All Those Screens: Study

Kids Happier, Healthier Away From All Those Screens: Study

New research confirms the dangers of too much screen time for kids and teens: Those who play sports, take music lessons, or socialize with friends after school are happier and healthier than children who are glued to a screen during these hours.


19 May
Could Video Games Boost a Child's Intelligence?

Could Video Games Boost a Child's Intelligence?

Folks often believe that video games rot a kid's mind, but a new study argues the opposite could be true.

Children actually might get a brain boost from playing hour after hour of video games, researchers report.

American kids between 9 and 10 years of age who spen...

23 Dec
Parents Underestimate How Much Time Teens Spent Online During Pandemic

Parents Underestimate How Much Time Teens Spent Online During Pandemic

Parents, think you have a good handle on how much time your teens are spending on social media?

Don't bet on it. New research suggests your best guesstimate is likely way off.

Parents significantly underestimated their teens' social media use -- especially girls' -...

16 Dec
Junk Food Ads Reaching Kids Through Livestream Gaming Platforms

Junk Food Ads Reaching Kids Through Livestream Gaming Platforms

Children and teens who use livestreaming gaming platforms may be bombarded with influencer-endorsed ads for energy drinks, junk food and alcohol, new research shows.

"This type of marketing can normalize high-fat, high-sugar and

17 Nov
FDA OKs Virtual Reality System to Ease Back Pain

FDA OKs Virtual Reality System to Ease Back Pain

A 3-D virtual reality system to treat back pain was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday.

The EaseVRx system is a prescription device for at-home use that combines cognitive behavioral therapy and other behavioral methods to treat patients 18 and ...

08 Nov
No Evidence Violent Video Games Lead to Real Violence: Study

No Evidence Violent Video Games Lead to Real Violence: Study

Will boys fixated on gore-filled video games become violent in real life? Many parents may worry that's the case, but new and reassuring research finds violent video games don't trigger actual violence in kids.

The study included boys aged 8 to 18, the group most likely ...

02 Nov
U.S. Adolescents' Daily Screen Time Doubled During Pandemic

U.S. Adolescents' Daily Screen Time Doubled During Pandemic

As teens dramatically stepped up their screen time during COVID-19 lockdowns, their well-being took a hit, a new study reveals.

Recreational screen time among U.S. teens doubled from before the pandemic to nearly eight hours per day during the pandemic, according to the ...

07 Jul
1 in 20 College Students Has 'Internet Gaming Disorder,' Study Finds

1 in 20 College Students Has 'Internet Gaming Disorder,' Study Finds

Is it possible to become addicted to gaming on the internet?

Yes, warns new research that discovered when young people get too hooked it may trigger sleep difficulties, depression, anxiety and, in some cases, even suicidal thoughts.

Phone interviews conducted among...

14 May
Media, TV Time Doubled for Kindergartners During Pandemic

Media, TV Time Doubled for Kindergartners During Pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic kept young kids indoors, their time spent watching TV and other screens rose dramatically.

That's the finding of a new study that investigated the screen time of kindergarteners from low-income families in Ohio. The researchers found that their...

30 Mar
Even Before Lockdowns, Young Americans Were Having Less Casual Sex

Even Before Lockdowns, Young Americans Were Having Less Casual Sex

Despite being the dating-app generation, young adults are largely saying no to casual sex, and less drinking and more video games are two reasons why, a new study suggests.

Surveys in recent years have been finding that compared with past generations, today's young adult...

19 Mar
Does Too Much 'Screen Time' Have Your Preschooler Acting Out?

Does Too Much 'Screen Time' Have Your Preschooler Acting Out?

Preschoolers who spend a lot of time watching movies and shows on TVs and other screens are more likely to develop emotional and behavioral problems by age 5, a Finnish study warns.

But despite their reputation, video games did not appear to promote any emotional problem...

16 Jun
FDA Approves 'Prescription Video Game' for Kids With ADHD

FDA Approves 'Prescription Video Game' for Kids With ADHD

The first video game to help treat kids with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

EndeavorRx is a prescription-only game designed to help improve attention in 8- to 12-year-olds with ADHD who have...

08 Jun
Video Games May Sabotage Fitness Among College Students

Video Games May Sabotage Fitness Among College Students

Video games often stand in the way of exercise and healthy eating among male college students, a new study shows.

"It's important to understand that video games are a risk factor for poor lifestyle habits that may contribute to poor health," said researcher Dustin M...

01 Jun
Parents Unaware of Young Kids' Smartphone Use: Study

Parents Unaware of Young Kids' Smartphone Use: Study

Preschoolers may spend more time on smartphones or tablets than their parents realize, and some use apps intended for teens and adults, researchers report.

A new study tracked mobile device use among 350 children aged 3 to 5 over nine months and compared their findin...

20 Jan
What Parents Overlook When Their Teen Is a Heavy Gamer

What Parents Overlook When Their Teen Is a Heavy Gamer

Most American parents believe their teens spend too much time playing video games, but many underestimate the actual amount, a new survey shows.

The poll of nearly 1,000 parents with at least one child aged 13 to 18 found that 86% said their teen spends too much ...

16 Jan
Virtual Reality Can Bring Real-Life Pain

Virtual Reality Can Bring Real-Life Pain

From carpal tunnel to a stiff neck, too much time on the computer can cause a slew of health problems. But what if you ditch the keyboard and mouse for virtual reality?

New research from Oregon State University in Corvallis showed that even stepping into virtual real...

24 Oct
More TV, Smartphone Time Means More Sugary Drinks for Teens

More TV, Smartphone Time Means More Sugary Drinks for Teens

Teens who stay glued to screens, be it televisions or electronic devices, are not only getting less exercise -- they're more likely to down too many sugary, caffeinated drinks, according to a new study.

Researchers analyzed data from more than 32,400 U.S. students in...

23 Sep
All That Screen Time Won't Hurt Your Kid's Grades - Maybe

All That Screen Time Won't Hurt Your Kid's Grades - Maybe

Parents can relax a little about how much time their kids spend in front of screens, new research suggests.

A large review of the scientific evidence on the topic concluded that media time overall is not associated with the academic performance of children or teens.<...

18 Sep
Intense Gaming Can Trigger Irregular Heartbeat, Fainting in Some Players

Intense Gaming Can Trigger Irregular Heartbeat, Fainting in Some Players

Video games that guarantee heart-stopping action might come dangerously close to fulfilling that promise in some players.

A handful of video gamers have passed out when intense sessions caused their heartbeat to lapse into an irregular rhythm known as an arrhythmia, ...

02 Aug
Another Video Game Risk to Watch Out For

Another Video Game Risk to Watch Out For

Video games carry labels with an age-related rating, typically based on the level of violence, strong language and sexual content. But that's not the only guideline to consider.

An industry group called the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) sets the ratings....

10 Jul
Addicted to Video Games? This Treatment Might Help

Addicted to Video Games? This Treatment Might Help

Know someone who just can't put down the controller in the middle of online games like Fortnite or League of Legends?

German researchers think they've developed a way to help break the compulsive habit.

In a new study, the research team reported that they'...

27 Jun
Will Video Games Make Your Kid Obese? Maybe Not

Will Video Games Make Your Kid Obese? Maybe Not

To the millions of parents who worry about the extra pounds their child might pile on while playing Xbox all day, rest easy.

A new study suggests that video game-loving kids aren't any heavier than those who aren't into the gaming scene.

Childhood obesity a...

31 May
Violent Video Games, Unlocked Guns a Dangerous Combo for Kids

Violent Video Games, Unlocked Guns a Dangerous Combo for Kids

Shoot 'em up video games might be making your children far too comfortable with how they approach and handle real-life firearms, a new study argues.

Kids who played a version of Minecraft featuring guns were much more likely to handle a happened-upon but unloaded fir...

06 May
Pokeman Characters Linger in Brain Well Past Childhood

Pokeman Characters Linger in Brain Well Past Childhood

Play plenty of Pokemon as a child, and your brain may tuck your favorite characters away in a special place where they are never forgotten.

Researchers from Stanford University believe that's exactly what happened with a small group of adults they tested.


23 Apr
Video Games Don't Hamper Boys' Social Skills, Study Finds

Video Games Don't Hamper Boys' Social Skills, Study Finds

Does playing a lot of video games really jeopardize a boy's ability to make and keep friends?

Maybe not, reports a team of Norwegian and American researchers.

Investigators spent six years tracking the gaming habits and social interactions of nearly 900 Nor...

17 Apr
Can Games and Apps Help Your Kids Learn?

Can Games and Apps Help Your Kids Learn?

Leading health organizations are warning about the possibility of video game addiction.

The World Health Organization has included it in the latest edition of its reference book of health disorders, while the American Psychiatric Association's book offers warning si...

21 Mar
Strengthening Family Ties Through Online Gaming

Strengthening Family Ties Through Online Gaming

Video games provide unlimited entertainment, and interactive ones can even help you burn off calories.

But you may not know that playing games -- either in person or through shared online networks -- can unite family members from many generations in meaningful ways.<...