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Results for search "Stents".

Health News Results - 17

03 May
You May Not Have to Fast Before Catheter-Based Heart Test, Study Suggests

You May Not Have to Fast Before Catheter-Based Heart Test, Study Suggests

Folks undergoing cardiac catheterization procedures to diagnose heart problems may be able to safely skip the traditional pre-op fasting that's now the norm, new research shows.


13 Dec
After Angioplasty, Depression Can Keep Heart Patients From Taking Meds

After Angioplasty, Depression Can Keep Heart Patients From Taking Meds

Patients who undergo angioplasty and stenting to open clogged arteries in and around the heart should also be screened for depression, according to a new study.

Researchers found that depressed patients were less likely than their mentally healthy peers to take their pr...

30 Nov
Black Patients Fare Worse Than White Patients After Angioplasty, Stents

Black Patients Fare Worse Than White Patients After Angioplasty, Stents

Black adults who undergo a common procedure to open up clogged arteries are readmitted to the hospital more often than their white peers. They're also more likely to die in the years after treatment, a new study finds.

Researchers looked at how patients fared follow...

16 Jan
23 Nov
Years of Blood Thinners After Stenting Might Not Be Necessary

Years of Blood Thinners After Stenting Might Not Be Necessary

Folks who've had a clogged artery reopened probably can stop taking blood thinners sooner than previously thought, a new study argues.

Patients are regularly prescribed blood thinners for a year or more after angioplasty. This is to make sure that blood doesn't clot insi...

05 Nov
Study Compares Bypass, Stenting for Patients With Severe Heart Disease

Study Compares Bypass, Stenting for Patients With Severe Heart Disease

Bypass surgery is slightly better overall than stenting to open blocked arteries in people with severe coronary artery disease, new research shows.

But decisions may still need to be made on a case-by-case basis: Stenting appeared more beneficial in some patients, partic...

11 Jun
Smokers, Obese People Need Major Heart Interventions Earlier in Life

Smokers, Obese People Need Major Heart Interventions Earlier in Life

In a finding that confirms healthy habits make for healthy hearts, new research shows that smokers and obese people must have their clogged arteries cleared at much younger ages than nonsmokers or people who are a normal weight.

It found that angioplasty and/or stenting ...

19 May
What Type of Stent Did I Get, Where? Most Heart Patients Don't Know

What Type of Stent Did I Get, Where? Most Heart Patients Don't Know

When someone comes in for a new heart stent, it's critical that the medical team doing the procedure knows several key facts about previous stents the patient has had.

But fewer than half of patients receiving a stent were still carrying the stent card that has those de...

03 Mar
'Rerouting' Brain Blood Flow: Old Technique Could Be New Advance Against Strokes

'Rerouting' Brain Blood Flow: Old Technique Could Be New Advance Against Strokes

Doctors are testing a decades-old surgical technique as a new way to treat certain stroke patients. And the preliminary results look promising, they say.

At issue are strokes caused by intracranial atherosclerosis, where blood vessels within the brain become hardened and...

01 Sep
Smartwatch EKGs Quickly Deliver Crucial Heart Data

Smartwatch EKGs Quickly Deliver Crucial Heart Data

Could a smartwatch app save a heart attack patient's life? Quite possibly, according to Italian researchers.

They found that electrocardiograph (EKG) readings from a smartwatch were nearly as accurate as standard EKGs among patients with suspected heart attacks.


31 Mar
Major Study Casts Doubt on Routine Use of Stents, Bypass

Major Study Casts Doubt on Routine Use of Stents, Bypass

Folks with clogged arteries do as well with medication and lifestyle changes as they do after undergoing invasive procedures to reopen their blood vessels, a major new clinical trial reports.

Bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty and stenting are no better than drugs, ...

20 Feb
Brain Stent Could Cut Odds for a Second Stroke

Brain Stent Could Cut Odds for a Second Stroke

For decades, artery-opening stents have helped prevent heart attacks, and new research suggests they might also help prevent strokes in the brain.

In a new study, the self-expanding, intracranial Wingspan brain stent seems effective over the long term in reducing str...

08 Oct
Recovering From Heart Attack, Sen. Bernie Sanders Says 'Pay Attention' to Symptoms

Recovering From Heart Attack, Sen. Bernie Sanders Says 'Pay Attention' to Symptoms

"I must confess, I was dumb," Sen. Bernie Sanders said Tuesday, referring to his decision to ignore recent signs that he was putting too much strain on his heart.

Sanders left a Las Vegas hospital on Friday after being admitted with chest pains last Tuesday. His doct...

05 Oct
Sen. Bernie Sanders Leaves Hospital; Doctors Confirm He Had Heart Attack

Sen. Bernie Sanders Leaves Hospital; Doctors Confirm He Had Heart Attack

Senator Bernie Sanders left a Las Vegas hospital on Friday after being admitted with chest pains on Tuesday; his presidential campaign is now saying the 78-year-old suffered a heart attack.

Sanders experienced chest pain at a campaign event and received two stents to...

02 Oct
Sen. Bernie Sanders Gets Two Stents for Artery Blockage

Sen. Bernie Sanders Gets Two Stents for Artery Blockage

Senator Bernie Sanders was treated for a blocked artery after suffering chest pain on the campaign trail Tuesday evening.

The 78-year-old presidential hopeful received two stents to open the blockage. He has cancelled public events for the time being, The New York...

03 Sep
After Heart Attack, Stenting More Than the Blocked Artery May Be Best

After Heart Attack, Stenting More Than the Blocked Artery May Be Best

Opening all of a person's clogged arteries after a heart attack can protect their health better than reopening only the one that caused it, a major international clinical trial has concluded.

Opening all blockages and not just the "culprit" behind the attack reduces ...

19 Mar
Stopping Aspirin 3 Months After Stent Is Safe, Study Finds

Stopping Aspirin 3 Months After Stent Is Safe, Study Finds

Heart patients who get a stent to prop open a blocked artery are typically put on a powerful anti-clotting drug and aspirin for a full year after their procedure.

Now, new research suggests these patients can safely drop the aspirin regimen after just three months, a...