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Results for search "Aspirin".

Health News Results - 48

25 Jun
Despite Falling Out of Favor With Doctors, Daily Aspirin Still Popular

Despite Falling Out of Favor With Doctors, Daily Aspirin Still Popular

For decades, millions of Americans popped a low-dose aspirin each day to lower their heart risks.

Then, accumulated data prompted the nation's two leading cardiolo...

24 Apr
Science Reveals How Aspirin Prevents Colon Cancer

Science Reveals How Aspirin Prevents Colon Cancer

Long-term daily use of aspirin has been known to prevent colon cancer, but up to now it's been unclear why that is.

Now, researchers think they understand how ...

09 Apr
Stopping Aspirin a Month After Stent Implant Helps Heart Patients

Stopping Aspirin a Month After Stent Implant Helps Heart Patients

People who've survived a heart attack and have been given a stent may be better off quitting low-dose aspirin a month after the procedure, a new study finds.

The strategy is "beneficial by reducing major and minor bleeding through one year by more than 50 percent," said ...

08 Mar
Many Older Americans Pop Daily Aspirin, Even Though It's No Longer Recommended: Poll

Many Older Americans Pop Daily Aspirin, Even Though It's No Longer Recommended: Poll

Lots of seniors are regularly taking low-dose aspirin in hopes of preventing heart attacks and strokes, even though updated guidelines often advise against it.

About one in four older adults take aspirin at least three times a week, according to results from the Universi...

22 Aug
Skipping Aspirin After Heart Attack Raises Odds for Recurrence

Skipping Aspirin After Heart Attack Raises Odds for Recurrence

If you've had a heart attack, your doctor likely told you to take a low-dose aspirin daily to stave off a second heart attack or stroke, but most people don't follow through with this advice over the long-term.

Those folks who don't take daily low-dose aspirin consistent...

27 Jul
Daily Baby Aspirin Raises Odds for Brain Bleeds, With No Lowering of Stroke Risk

Daily Baby Aspirin Raises Odds for Brain Bleeds, With No Lowering of Stroke Risk

For years, older adults took a baby aspirin a day to help ward off a first-time heart attack or stroke. Now yet another study is showing the risks are not worth it for most.

Specifically, researchers found the risk of brain bleeding while using low-dose aspirin outweighe...

20 Jun
Low-Dose Aspirin Could Raise Anemia Risks in Older Adults

Low-Dose Aspirin Could Raise Anemia Risks in Older Adults

Taking daily low-dose aspirin increases the risk of anemia in the elderly, a new clinical trial suggests.

Not only does it raise anemia risk by more than 20% in people 70 or older, it is also associated with a decline in blood iron levels, researchers report.


19 Jan
Aspirin OK After Fracture to Help Avoid Blood Clots

Aspirin OK After Fracture to Help Avoid Blood Clots

When people undergo surgery for broken arms or legs, they are often injected with prescription blood thinners to reduce their risk of developing potentially life-threatening blood clots in their lungs and legs.

But a large,

21 Sep
Already Taking a Blood Thinner? Adding Aspirin May Do Harm

Already Taking a Blood Thinner? Adding Aspirin May Do Harm

For many years, doctors have advised taking low-dose aspirin to help prevent first-time heart attacks and stroke. But increasingly, they're doing an about-face.

The latest warnings come from University of Michigan researchers who reported that patients simultaneously tak...

22 Jun
New Guidelines Have Some Stroke Patients Dropping Aspirin. That Could Be Dangerous

New Guidelines Have Some Stroke Patients Dropping Aspirin. That Could Be Dangerous

After decades where millions of Americans who were at risk for cardiovascular trouble were told a daily low-dose aspirin would guard against strokes and heart attacks, new guidelines issued this spring recommend that the strategy is not worth the bleeding risks in those over 6...

26 Apr
U.S. Task Force Rejects Daily Aspirin for Heart Health in People Over 60

U.S. Task Force Rejects Daily Aspirin for Heart Health in People Over 60

It seemed a simple prospect - take a low-dose baby aspirin tablet once a day and reduce your risk of ever suffering a heart attack or stroke.

But new science has shown it's not that simple.

Noting the drug's risk of dangerous bleeding, the nation's leading panel of...

24 Mar
Could Aspirin Cut Death Risk for Hospitalized COVID Patients?

Could Aspirin Cut Death Risk for Hospitalized COVID Patients?

Something as simple as aspirin may help lower the risk of death in hospital patients who are fighting a tough case of COVID-19, a new study found.

George Washington University researchers an...

30 Nov
Certain Blood Thinners Can Raise Risk of 'Delayed' Bleeding After Head Injury

Certain Blood Thinners Can Raise Risk of 'Delayed' Bleeding After Head Injury

Older blood thinners, especially when taken in combination with daily low-dose aspirin, are associated with a higher risk of brain bleeds and death after hospital discharge in patients treated for head injury, new research shows.

The risk fell when patients were taking o...

23 Nov
Years of Blood Thinners After Stenting Might Not Be Necessary

Years of Blood Thinners After Stenting Might Not Be Necessary

Folks who've had a clogged artery reopened probably can stop taking blood thinners sooner than previously thought, a new study argues.

Patients are regularly prescribed blood thinners for a year or more after angioplasty. This is to make sure that blood doesn't clot insi...

19 Nov
Low-Dose Aspirin Won't Affect Dementia Risk in People With Diabetes

Low-Dose Aspirin Won't Affect Dementia Risk in People With Diabetes

Low-dose aspirin neither reduces nor increases the risk of dementia in adults with type 2 diabetes, a new study finds.

"This is reassuring that an increase in the risk of dementia is unlikely for the millions of people worldwide who regularly take aspirin to protect agai...

12 Oct
Expert Panel Backs Off Recommendation for Aspirin to Prevent Heart Trouble

Expert Panel Backs Off Recommendation for Aspirin to Prevent Heart Trouble

Most people shouldn't bother taking daily low-dose aspirin to reduce their risk of a first heart attack or stroke, the nation's leading panel of preventive medicine experts announced Tuesday.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) issued a draft recommendation ...

28 Sep
Low-Dose Aspirin Guards Against Preeclampsia: Task Force

Low-Dose Aspirin Guards Against Preeclampsia: Task Force

Pregnant women at risk for a serious high blood pressure disorder called preeclampsia should take low-dose aspirin after their first trimester, according to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).


08 Jul
Low-Dose Aspirin Cuts Heart Risks in Patients Battling Pneumonia

Low-Dose Aspirin Cuts Heart Risks in Patients Battling Pneumonia

Aspirin has long been taken by heart patients to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, but a new study suggests that it can also guard against cardiovascular trouble in pneumonia patients.

Such complications are common in pneumonia patients and strongly associated ...

22 Jun
Too Many Older Americans Are Taking Daily Aspirin

Too Many Older Americans Are Taking Daily Aspirin

Many older adults are still taking a daily baby aspirin to ward off first-time heart problems -- despite guidelines that now discourage it, a new study finds.

Researchers found that one-half to 62% of U.S. adults aged 70 and up were using low-dose aspirin to cut their ri...

18 May
Low- or High-Dose, Aspirin Brings Similar Protection Against Heart Disease: Study

Low- or High-Dose, Aspirin Brings Similar Protection Against Heart Disease: Study

When it comes to taking a daily aspirin to cut heart patients' risk of heart attack and stroke, a new study finds dosing doesn't matter.

Researchers looked at more than 15,000 heart disease patients at 40 health centers across the United States who took either 81 milligr...

22 Apr
Two Is Not Better Than One When It Comes to Blood Thinners

Two Is Not Better Than One When It Comes to Blood Thinners

It may not be a good idea to take a daily low-dose aspirin if you're also taking a widely used class of blood thinners called direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), researchers caution.

DOACs include drugs such as Eliquis (apixaban), Pradaxa (dabigatran), Lixiana (edoxaban)...

31 Mar
Research Reveals How Aspirin Helps Prevent Colon Cancer

Research Reveals How Aspirin Helps Prevent Colon Cancer

New research offers insight into why regular, long-term use of low-dose aspirin may reduce the risk of death from colon and rectal cancers.

Resarchers found that aspirin prevents blood cells called platelets from producing an enzyme that allows them to clump together. T...

26 Jan
For Women Who've Miscarried, Aspirin Before, During Pregnancy Could Improve Outcomes

For Women Who've Miscarried, Aspirin Before, During Pregnancy Could Improve Outcomes

Could something as simple as taking a low-dose aspirin once a day guard against pregnancy loss among women who have already suffered miscarriages?

New research suggests that's the case, though exactly how low-dose aspirin helps stave off miscarriages is not fully underst...

25 Jan
Daily Aspirin Can Lower Colon Cancer Risk, But Age Matters

Daily Aspirin Can Lower Colon Cancer Risk, But Age Matters

Low-dose aspirin may help some people curb their risk of developing colon cancer -- but not if they wait until age 70 to start, a large, new study suggests.

Researchers found that when people began using aspirin in their 50s or 60s, their risk of developing colon cancer ...

30 Sep
What Foods, Medicines Can Lower Your Colon Cancer Risk?

What Foods, Medicines Can Lower Your Colon Cancer Risk?

Certain nutrients, foods and medicines may help protect you against colon cancer, a large research review suggests.

A team of international researchers led by Dr. Marc Bardou, of Dijon Bourgogne University Hospital in France, reviewed about 80 studies that examined h...

12 Aug
Could Daily Low-Dose Aspirin Hasten Cancer in Seniors?

Could Daily Low-Dose Aspirin Hasten Cancer in Seniors?

Taking a daily low-dose aspirin may speed the progression of cancer in the elderly, a new clinical trial shows.

Daily aspirin doubled the risk that a person 70 or older would die from a stage 3 cancer, and increased the death risk associated with stage 4 cancers by n...

20 May
Women Less Likely to Get Standard Heart Medications

Women Less Likely to Get Standard Heart Medications

It's a myth that heart attacks are a "man's disease." Yet a new research review confirms that women remain less likely than men to get medications routinely recommended for preventing heart trouble and strokes.

Researchers found that across 43 international studies, ...

16 Apr
Low-Dose Aspirin Might Lower Odds for Digestive Cancers

Low-Dose Aspirin Might Lower Odds for Digestive Cancers

Low-dose aspirin may reduce the risk of several types of digestive tract cancers, according to a team of researchers in Europe.

For the new study, the researchers analyzed 113 studies investigating colon/rectal ("bowel"), head and neck, esophageal, stomach, liver, ga...

25 Mar
Daily Aspirin Won't Stop Dementia, Study Finds

Daily Aspirin Won't Stop Dementia, Study Finds

Millions of Americans pop a low-dose aspirin each day to help ward off heart issues, but a new study finds that protection may not extend to dementia.

Although the anti-inflammatory effects of aspirin have been touted as protection against thinking and memory (or "co...

11 Mar
For People With Hepatitis, Daily Aspirin Might Lower Liver Cancer Risk

For People With Hepatitis, Daily Aspirin Might Lower Liver Cancer Risk

People with hepatitis B or C are at greater risk for liver cancer, but a low-dose aspirin a day might significantly lower that risk, a new study suggests.

Over a median of nearly eight years of follow-up, 4% of those taking low-dose aspirin developed liver cance...

13 Feb
Common Drugs Might Help Prevent Death From a 'Broken Heart'

Common Drugs Might Help Prevent Death From a 'Broken Heart'

When someone close to you dies, grief can literally break your heart, but two common medicines may help prevent a heart attack.

"While almost everyone loses someone they love during their lifetime and grief is a natural reaction, this stressful time can be associate...

24 Jan
Low-Dose Aspirin Might Help Prevent Preterm Births

Low-Dose Aspirin Might Help Prevent Preterm Births

A daily baby aspirin helped first-time mothers lower their chances of delivering too soon in a new clinical trial, though it's not clear the practice should become routine everywhere.

The trial, which was run in six lower-income countries, found that giving first-ti...

31 Dec
Vaping, Opioids and 'Anti-Vaxxers' Top Health Stories of 2019

Vaping, Opioids and 'Anti-Vaxxers' Top Health Stories of 2019

The scourge of addiction among Americans young and old made big headlines in 2019, as did one big change in heart health guidelines.

Here are the top health stories of the past year, as compiled by editors at HealthDay.

Vaping takes hold, and new ...

11 Dec
Black Patients May Not Gain Heart Benefit From Low-Dose Aspirin

Black Patients May Not Gain Heart Benefit From Low-Dose Aspirin

The daily use of low-dose aspirin against heart disease may have taken another knock.

New research shows that the practice may not provide black Americans with any lowering of their heart attack risk.

Researchers analyzed 11 years of data from more than 65,...

10 Dec
Sometimes, Aspirin May Be Enough to Ease Migraines

Sometimes, Aspirin May Be Enough to Ease Migraines

A cheap, century-old drug in most Americans' medicine cabinets -- aspirin -- may come to the rescue for people suffering from migraines, a new study finds.

While there are effective prescription medications, many migraine patients in the United States don't have acce...

04 Dec
Low-Dose Aspirin Might Cut Cancer Risk, Especially for Overweight People

Low-Dose Aspirin Might Cut Cancer Risk, Especially for Overweight People

Daily low-dose aspirin might reduce your risk of dying from cancer, particularly if you've packed on a few extra pounds, researchers say.

Taking aspirin three or more times a week is associated with a lower risk of cancer death as well as death for any reason, a new ...

07 Oct
Aspirin, Antihistamines: Kids Often Use OTC Drugs in Suicide Attempts

Aspirin, Antihistamines: Kids Often Use OTC Drugs in Suicide Attempts

More teens are attempting suicide by overdosing on drugs, and new research suggests they are often turning to over-the-counter (OTC) medications like ibuprofen and aspirin in their efforts.

Antidepressants, antipsychotics and antihistamines were also common choices, ...

07 Oct
What Are the Risks of Pain Relief Alternatives to Opioids?

What Are the Risks of Pain Relief Alternatives to Opioids?

With so much attention focused on the dangers of opioid painkillers, it's easy to forget that even "safe" over-the-counter products carry some dangers.

If you don't think twice about reaching for a pill to relieve aches and pains, especially medicines called nonster...

23 Sep
Can Aspirin Help Tackle Some Cancers?

Can Aspirin Help Tackle Some Cancers?

Low-dose aspirin may improve survival odds for patients battling head/neck and lung cancer, two new studies suggest.

The first reviewed data on 460 patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) or early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).


16 Sep
Could Daily Low-Dose Aspirin Still Help Some People?

Could Daily Low-Dose Aspirin Still Help Some People?

Debate over the benefits and drawbacks of daily low-dose aspirin has flared in recent years, with guidelines now generally urging against the regimen to prevent a first heart attack or stroke in healthy people.

But some people with good heart health still might benef...

22 May
Aspirin, Anti-Clotting Meds Safe After Bleeding Stroke: Study

Aspirin, Anti-Clotting Meds Safe After Bleeding Stroke: Study

Taking aspirin or anti-clotting medicines like Plavix won't boost the risk of another stroke if you've already survived a bleeding stroke, a new study suggests.

In fact, they might even help guard against a second brain bleed, the researchers noted.

The fin...

14 May
Brain Bleed Risk Puts Safety of Low-Dose Aspirin in Doubt

Brain Bleed Risk Puts Safety of Low-Dose Aspirin in Doubt

Let's say you're one of the millions of older adults who takes a low-dose aspirin religiously, in the belief that it will guard against heart disease and heart attacks.

Now, a new review suggests your risk of a brain bleed outweighs any heart benefit that a daily asp...

19 Mar
Stopping Aspirin 3 Months After Stent Is Safe, Study Finds

Stopping Aspirin 3 Months After Stent Is Safe, Study Finds

Heart patients who get a stent to prop open a blocked artery are typically put on a powerful anti-clotting drug and aspirin for a full year after their procedure.

Now, new research suggests these patients can safely drop the aspirin regimen after just three months, a...

18 Mar
Docs Back Away From Low-Dose Aspirin for Heart Attack Prevention

Docs Back Away From Low-Dose Aspirin for Heart Attack Prevention

Millions of aging Americans worried about heart attacks and strokes have for years popped a low-dose aspirin each day, thinking the blood thinner might lower their risk.

But new guidelines issued Sunday by two cardiology groups say that, for most adults, the practice...

05 Mar
Low-Dose Aspirin Doesn't Prolong Survival in Prostate Cancer

Low-Dose Aspirin Doesn't Prolong Survival in Prostate Cancer

Will an aspirin a day keep prostate cancer at bay?

Not necessarily, according to new research.

Danish scientists say low-dose aspirin doesn't seem to reduce a man's risk of death from prostate cancer, but it may slow down the disease in some cases.


04 Mar
Daily Aspirin Might Ease COPD Flare-Ups

Daily Aspirin Might Ease COPD Flare-Ups

Many Americans take a daily low-dose aspirin to protect their hearts. Now it appears aspirin may also reduce flare-ups of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

In a study of COPD sufferers, researchers found that aspirin was linked to fewer moderate exacerba...

11 Feb
Aspirin Can Help Prevent Colon Cancer, But Many at Risk Don't Take It

Aspirin Can Help Prevent Colon Cancer, But Many at Risk Don't Take It

People with colon polyps spotted during screening are at higher risk for colon cancer. But while low-dose aspirin could lower the odds for the disease, too few patients adopt the regimen, new research shows.

Advanced colon polyps are a major risk factor for colon ca...

22 Jan
Will Healthy Seniors Benefit From Daily Aspirin?

Will Healthy Seniors Benefit From Daily Aspirin?

Daily low-dose aspirin is recommended for heart attack survivors or people at increased risk, but up to now experts have discouraged the practice for aging individuals in good health.

Now, a new evidence review suggests that some healthy seniors and middle-aged adult...