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Manténgase sano!

4 Resultados de su búsqueda "Blood Pressure".

Videos de salud - 4

A Good Night’s Sleep May Be Especially Important for Overweight Adults

A new study finds overweight people who stay awake too late face higher odds of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Caffeine Overload May Cause High Blood Pressure in Otherwise Healthy People

A new study finds heavy caffeine consumption on a regular basis could elevate your risk of heart disease. So how much is too much?

Chemicals Commonly Found in Cosmetics May Raise Risk of High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

A new study links parabens and phenols used in many makeup and sunscreen products to high blood pressure in pregnant women.

Doctors Could Soon Use Your Facial Temperature to Diagnose Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

Researchers say they’ve developed a new technology that may lead to healthier aging and early detection of chronic diseases.