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Resultados de su búsqueda "Pregnancy".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 529

22 Jul
Prenatal Exposure to Zika Virus Might Affect Child's Immune System

Prenatal Exposure to Zika Virus Might Affect Child's Immune System

Children exposed to Zika virus in the womb might suffer long-term damage to their immune system, a new study warns.

Zika virus is known to cause microcephaly, brain disabilities and other birth defects in about 5% of children whose mothers contract Zika virus while pregn...

16 Jul
Blood Test Shows Promise in Spotting Preeclampsia Before Symptoms Surface

Blood Test Shows Promise in Spotting Preeclampsia Before Symptoms Surface

An experimental blood test could help detect pregnant women at increased risk for preeclampsia, a serious high blood pressure condition that can har...

16 Jul
Safe Pregnancies Possible After Stem Cell Treatment for Blood Cancer

Safe Pregnancies Possible After Stem Cell Treatment for Blood Cancer

Women who've undergone stem cell treatments for blood cancers, or for illnesses such as sickle cell disease, can successfully bring a pregnancy to term, new research shows.

The German findings run counter to the perceived wisdom on this issue: Many such patients...

15 Jul
Most Americans Think Incontinence, Pelvic Pain after Childbirth is Normal -- It's Not

Most Americans Think Incontinence, Pelvic Pain after Childbirth is Normal -- It's Not

Roughly a month after having her second child, Nicole Gerardi-Lukens suddenly felt pressure in her pelvis that was so intense it sent her to the hospital.

When doctors told her bladder had prolapsed -- meaning that it had slipped from its normal position and was bulging ...

09 Jul
Study Shows RSV Vaccine Safe in Late Pregnancy

Study Shows RSV Vaccine Safe in Late Pregnancy

Expectant mothers who get vaccinated to protect their newborns against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are not putting themselves or their babies at risk, new research affirms.

It found that getting the shot during late pregnancy was not associated with increased odds ...

08 Jul

"Love Hormone" May Help Treat Obesity, Postpartum Depression

Researchers have identified a gene that can trigger obesity, behavior problems and postpartum depression when missing or damaged.

The finding could lead to new treatments fo...

05 Jul
Federal WIC Program May Boost Pregnancy Outcomes for Women, Newborns

Federal WIC Program May Boost Pregnancy Outcomes for Women, Newborns

Pregnant women enrolled in a federal aid program have better outcomes than those who are struggling to put food on the table, new research shows.

More than 1 in 10 households nationwide lack access to adequate and nutritious food, U.S. government data show. 


24 Jun
Texas' 2021 Abortion Ban Tied to Rise in Infant Deaths

Texas' 2021 Abortion Ban Tied to Rise in Infant Deaths

Following state legislation passed in 2021 that essentially banned abortion in Texas, the rate of infant deaths rose by almost 13%, compared to a much smaller 1.8% rise nationwide, a new study finds.

The number of Texan babies whose deaths were specifically linked to bir...

24 Jun
Medication Abortion Without Ultrasound Is Safe: Study

Medication Abortion Without Ultrasound Is Safe: Study

Women don't need an ultrasound to have a safe medication abortion, a new study says.

Women who received abortion pills by mail without getting an ultrasound first did just as well as those who were examined and given the drugs in person, researchers found.

"This st...

19 Jun
Depression Around Pregnancy Could Take Toll on Women's Hearts

Depression Around Pregnancy Could Take Toll on Women's Hearts

Depression during or after a pregnancy could be tied to a heightened risk for heart trouble in women decades later, new research warns.

This so-called "perinatal" depression was linked to a 36% higher odds of developing heart disease within the next 20 years, reported a ...

18 Jun
Using Diabetes Drug Metformin Around Pregnancy Won't Raise Birth Defect Risk

Using Diabetes Drug Metformin Around Pregnancy Won't Raise Birth Defect Risk

Two new studies offer reassurance that using the diabetes drug metformin before and during pregnancy is not linked to birth defects.

The latest findings, which apply to men planning to conceive with their partners or women in early pregnancy, contradict a 2022

18 Jun
Is Mom's Fish Intake During Pregnancy Linked to Juvenile Arthritis?

Is Mom's Fish Intake During Pregnancy Linked to Juvenile Arthritis?

Eating fish while pregnant doesn't appear to increase a child's later risk of juvenile arthritis, particularly if the fish is oily like salmon, trout or sardines, new research shows.

"We cannot caution pregnant women against consuming fish solely based on this study in r...

13 Jun
Supreme Court Rejects Case That Would Have Curbed Access to Abortion Drug

Supreme Court Rejects Case That Would Have Curbed Access to Abortion Drug

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday threw out a case that aimed to curb access to the controversial abortion drug mifepristone, saying the plaintiffs who brought the case to the court had no legal standing to do so.


05 Jun
Many U.S. Women Unhappy With  With Maternal Health Care, Poll Finds

Many U.S. Women Unhappy With With Maternal Health Care, Poll Finds

Many women are unhappy with the state of U.S. maternal health care, but a major new poll finds most Americans don't understand how badly the nation lags behind other wealthy countries in this area.

Only about 2 in 5 (42%) women currently pregnant or ever pregnant strongl...

04 Jun
U.S. Maternal Death Rate Remains Much Higher Than Other Affluent Nations

U.S. Maternal Death Rate Remains Much Higher Than Other Affluent Nations

Maternal mortality rates in the United States continue to exceed those in other wealthy nations, with most women dying during pregnancy and childbirth in ways that were preventable, a new report shows.

In 2022, U.S. women had a death rate from complications of pregnancy ...

30 May
Will Epilepsy Meds Taken in Pregnancy Affect a Child's Creativity?

Will Epilepsy Meds Taken in Pregnancy Affect a Child's Creativity?

Newer epilepsy drugs taken while pregnant won't affect the creative thinking of children, an effect that had been observed in older medications, a new study reports...

28 May
Epidurals Linked to Better Outcomes After Childbirth

Epidurals Linked to Better Outcomes After Childbirth

Women who get an epidural during delivery appear to have a marked reduction in serious complications the first few weeks after giving birt...

24 May
Louisiana Votes to Make Abortion Pills Controlled Substances

Louisiana Votes to Make Abortion Pills Controlled Substances

Louisiana has become the first state to pass a law that designates abortion pills as dangerous controlled substances.

Once Gov. Jeff Landry signs the bill into law, as he is expected to do, possession of the drugs

24 May
Most Young Breast Cancer Survivors Can Have Children

Most Young Breast Cancer Survivors Can Have Children

Most young breast cancer survivors can go on to have children despite the effects of their lifesaving treatment, a new study shows.

About 73% of breast cancer surviv...

21 May
For Pregnant Women, Fluoridated Drinking Water Might Raise Risks for Baby: Study

For Pregnant Women, Fluoridated Drinking Water Might Raise Risks for Baby: Study

Fetal exposure to fluoride from a mom-to-be's drinking water might raise the odds for physical and mental health issues in toddlers, new research suggests.

The study, which was funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, wasn't designed to prove cause-and-effect. ...

20 May
In a Shift, Pediatricians' Group Says Breastfeeding Safe When HIV-Positive Mom Is Properly Treated

In a Shift, Pediatricians' Group Says Breastfeeding Safe When HIV-Positive Mom Is Properly Treated

The nation's top pediatrics group has reversed its decades-old position on HIV-positive mothers breastfeeding their infants.

The American Academy of Pediatrics now says it's generally safe for moms with

20 May
Fertility Treatments Safe for Breast Cancer Survivors With Cancer-Linked Genes

Fertility Treatments Safe for Breast Cancer Survivors With Cancer-Linked Genes

Fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other methods don't boost the odds for tumor recurrence in young women who've survived breast cancer and carry the BRCA cancer genes, a reassuring, new report finds.

The issue had been in question because br...

20 May
Could Infertility Treatment Raise Postpartum Heart Risks?

Could Infertility Treatment Raise Postpartum Heart Risks?

Women treated for infertility were twice as likely as those who conceived naturally to be hospitalized with heart disease within a year of deliv...

14 May
About 8,000 Women Per Month Are Getting Abortion Pills Despite Their States' Bans

About 8,000 Women Per Month Are Getting Abortion Pills Despite Their States' Bans

While some states have moved to severely curb women's access to abortion, including abortion pills, over 8,000 women living in those states are getting the pills by mail each month from states without such restrictions.

That's according to new data from a

14 May
Smoking During Pregnancy Could Raise Baby's Odds for Obesity Later

Smoking During Pregnancy Could Raise Baby's Odds for Obesity Later

Women who smoke during pregnancy run a higher risk of their kids becoming overweight or obese, and researchers now think they know one reason why.

Children born of moms who smoked while expecting tend to have gut bacteria that is significantly different from that of kids...

09 May
Tobacco Plus Weed in Pregnancy Could Be Lethal Combo for Baby

Tobacco Plus Weed in Pregnancy Could Be Lethal Combo for Baby

Smoking cigarettes while pregnant has long been known to harm the fetus, but new research shows things get even worse when marijuana is in the mix.


09 May
How Long Does Marijuana THC Linger in Breast Milk?

How Long Does Marijuana THC Linger in Breast Milk?

New mothers who like to smoke marijuana might wind up exposing their babies to THC through their own breast milk, a new study says.

THC, the intoxicating compound in cannabis, dissolves in the fats contained in human milk, researchers found.

Mother's milk produced ...

02 May
U.S. Maternal Deaths Declined in 2022

U.S. Maternal Deaths Declined in 2022

The number of American women who died at or soon after childbirth declined significantly in 2022, the latest government data shows, but the rate is still higher than pre-pandemic levels.

The report from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics found that, in 2022, ...

30 Apr
1 in 4 U.S. Women Will Have an Abortion in Their Lifetime

1 in 4 U.S. Women Will Have an Abortion in Their Lifetime

As the battle over abortion continues to rage in the courts and American politics, a new report estimates that one in every four U.S. women will undergo the procedure during their lifetime.

The study was issued by the Guttmacher Institute, a research and policy org...

25 Apr
U.S. Births Declined in 2023, Marking End to Post-Pandemic Rise

U.S. Births Declined in 2023, Marking End to Post-Pandemic Rise

The short post-pandemic uptick in U.S. births may be over, with 2023 numbers showing a decline in births.

According to provisional data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just under 3.6 million babies were born in America in 2023, about 76,000 fewe...

25 Apr
Opioids During Pregnancy May Not Raise Psychiatric Risks for Offspring

Opioids During Pregnancy May Not Raise Psychiatric Risks for Offspring

Prescription opioids taken during pregnancy are not associated with a substantial increase in risk of developmental disorders like ADHD in children, a new study has found.

"A slightly inc...

24 Apr
Infertility Is Rising Among Young Married Women

Infertility Is Rising Among Young Married Women

The percentage of married American women under the age of 50 who are infertile rose between 2011 and 2019, new government statistics show.

Data from the National Survey of Family Growth show that "the percentage of married women ages 15-49 who were infertile rose from 20...

23 Apr
Women in the Military at Risk for Low-Weight Babies

Women in the Military at Risk for Low-Weight Babies

Active military service appears to increase a woman's risk of having a low birthweight baby, a new review finds.

Nearly two-thirds of studies (63%) conclude that women on active service could be at higher risk of having a baby with low birth weight, researchers reported ...

19 Apr
Screen Pregnant Women for Syphilis, Ob-Gyn Group Advises

Screen Pregnant Women for Syphilis, Ob-Gyn Group Advises

All expecting mothers should get a blood test for syphilis three times during pregnancy, new guidance issued by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends.


19 Apr
Even With Weight Gain, Quitting Smoking in Pregnancy Still Best for Health

Even With Weight Gain, Quitting Smoking in Pregnancy Still Best for Health

Women who smoke and become pregnant may worry that the weight gain that comes with quitting might bring its own harms to themselves or their baby.

However, a new study confirms the health benefits of

17 Apr
Placenta Plays Role in Gestational Diabetes, Study Suggests

Placenta Plays Role in Gestational Diabetes, Study Suggests

The placenta could be one reason why some women develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, a new study finds.

A deficit in the way the placenta expresses the gene for a hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) appears linked to insulin resistance during p...

16 Apr
Complications in Pregnancy Linked to Long-Term Health Risks for Women

Complications in Pregnancy Linked to Long-Term Health Risks for Women

Women who experience common complications during a pregnancy could face heightened odds for early death for decades to come, new research shows.

In the largest such study to date, "women who experienced any of five major adverse pregnancy outcomes had increased mortalit...

09 Apr
Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy Poses No Risk of Autism, ADHD in Kids

Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy Poses No Risk of Autism, ADHD in Kids

There's no evidence that acetaminophen use during pregnancy increases the risk of childhood autism, ADHD or intellectual disability, the largest study to date on the subject has concluded.


09 Apr
Can Pregnancy Accelerate Aging for Women? Study Says Yes

Can Pregnancy Accelerate Aging for Women? Study Says Yes

Pregnancy transforms women's bodies in many obvious ways, but new research suggests it may also accelerate aging.

Women who had been pregnant appeared to be biologically older than women who had never carried a child, the genetic analysis revealed.

Further, more pr...

04 Apr
Too Many U.S. Women Disrespected, Mistreated During Childbirth

Too Many U.S. Women Disrespected, Mistreated During Childbirth

Childbirth is a harrowing ordeal, and it's being made worse by mistreatment from health care providers during labor, a new study says.

More than one in every eight women are mistreated during childbirth, researchers found.

Most commonly, women's requests for help d...

03 Apr
Too Often, Postpartum Depression Goes Untreated in Black, Hispanic Women

Too Often, Postpartum Depression Goes Untreated in Black, Hispanic Women

Massive racial disparities exist in the treatment of pregnancy-related mood disorders in the United States, a new study shows.

White women suffering from ...

02 Apr
02 Apr
Big Improvements Seen in Spotting, Treating Mental Health Issues Around Pregnancy

Big Improvements Seen in Spotting, Treating Mental Health Issues Around Pregnancy

Expecting or new mothers are much more likely these days to be diagnosed with anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, new research shows.

27 Mar
SCOTUS Appears Skeptical of Arguments to Curb Abortion Pill Access

SCOTUS Appears Skeptical of Arguments to Curb Abortion Pill Access

Following oral arguments presented on Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court looked poised to rebuff a legal challenge to women's access to the abortion pill.

Mifepristone is part of a two-drug regimen now used for the&n...

26 Mar
Use of Medication Abortion Rose After Dobbs Decision

Use of Medication Abortion Rose After Dobbs Decision

As the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments Tuesday in a case that could determine nationwide access to the abortion pill, a new study finds requests for the medication made outside the traditional health care system surged after Roe v. Wade was overturned.


21 Mar
Common Epilepsy, Migraine Drug Won't Raise Odds for Autism in Offspring

Common Epilepsy, Migraine Drug Won't Raise Odds for Autism in Offspring

A common antiseizure drug used to treat epilepsy, migraines and bipolar disorder does not appear to increase the risk of autism for kids exposed to it in the womb, ...

20 Mar
Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes Linked to Pregnancy Complications

Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes Linked to Pregnancy Complications

People with autoimmune disorders such as lupus, type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis tend to have fewer children, and women with this class of illnesses often have higher risks for complications of pregnancy, new research shows.

Researchers in Finland compared pregna...

19 Mar
U.S. Abortion Rates Rose After Dobbs Decision, Led by Medication Abortions

U.S. Abortion Rates Rose After Dobbs Decision, Led by Medication Abortions

Following the historic reversal of Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, the number of abortions in the United States has risen to more than a million per year, with medication abortions representing nearly two-thirds of those cases.

The numbers come from a

15 Mar
Teen Pregnancy May Raise Risk of Early Death

Teen Pregnancy May Raise Risk of Early Death

Teen pregnancy can change the trajectory of one's life, but now a new study suggests it could also shorten that life.

Canadian researchers report that women who were pregnant as teenagers were more likely to die before they reached the age of 31.

"The younge...

13 Mar
Study Questions 'Rising' Level of U.S. Maternal Deaths

Study Questions 'Rising' Level of U.S. Maternal Deaths

For years, U.S. health officials have been sounding the alarm over a steady rise in pregnancy-related deaths among American women, with numbers that appeared to far outstrip those of other wealthy nations.

However, the statistics behind those trends could be flawed, rese...