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Manténgase sano!

Resultados de su búsqueda "Hormones: Male".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 56

04 Sep
Common Plastics Chemical Could Harm Boys' Development

Common Plastics Chemical Could Harm Boys' Development

Phthalates are commonly used in plastics, and researchers have now tied them to developmental issues in toddler boys who were exposed to the chemical in the womb.


29 Aug
Men, These Factors Could Lower Your Testosterone As You Age

Men, These Factors Could Lower Your Testosterone As You Age

Men's testosterone levels remain pretty steady until age 70. After that, production of the male sex hormone starts to decline, new research indicates.

This begs the question: Is testosterone loss among seniors really a function of the normal aging process? Or might ...

16 Jun
Testosterone Therapy Safe for Low-T Men at Risk of Heart Trouble

Testosterone Therapy Safe for Low-T Men at Risk of Heart Trouble

Testosterone replacement therapy is safe for most men with heart problems who also have been diagnosed with a low testosterone disorder, a new clinical trial has concluded.

The trial found that testosterone replacement did not raise these patients' incidence of heart att...

02 May
Young Men Are Using Banned 'SARM' Supplements to Bulk Up, With Harmful Results

Young Men Are Using Banned 'SARM' Supplements to Bulk Up, With Harmful Results

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is once again warning consumers to avoid muscle-building "supplements" that are anything but a safe alternative to steroids.

In an

08 Dec
Buying Testosterone on the Internet Comes With Dangers: Study

Buying Testosterone on the Internet Comes With Dangers: Study

With more American men turning to testosterone therapy as a way to boost energy levels, build muscle and tackle erectile dysfunction, it's no wonder that web-based merchants have stepped into the breach, seeking to grab market share away from doctors and pharmacies.

05 Sep
Low Testosterone Levels Tied to More Severe COVID in Men

Low Testosterone Levels Tied to More Severe COVID in Men

Men with low testosterone levels may be more likely to have more severe illness when infected with COVID-19, according to a new study.

Treating men who have low testosterone with hormone therapy may reduce their risk of serious illness from COVID, researchers said, but i...

27 Jul
Prostate Cancer Treatment May Raise Heart Risks

Prostate Cancer Treatment May Raise Heart Risks

Hormone therapy is a common treatment option for prostate cancer, but it may increase the risk of death from heart disease, especially in older men, a new study finds.

Dr. William Dahut, a prostate cancer researcher and chief scientific officer for the American Cancer So...

09 Jun
No Sign 1 Year of Testosterone Supplements Cause Heart Trouble: Study

No Sign 1 Year of Testosterone Supplements Cause Heart Trouble: Study

One year of testosterone therapy for men with low levels of the hormone does not appear to increase their risk for heart problems, British researchers found.

"We were unable to find evidence ... that testosterone increases risks of mortality or cardiovascular and/or cere...

19 Apr
Estrogen, Testosterone Deficiencies May Raise Risk of Rotator Cuff Tears

Estrogen, Testosterone Deficiencies May Raise Risk of Rotator Cuff Tears

Lower levels of sex hormones might be tied to tears of the shoulder's rotator cuff in men and women, a new study suggests.

Among women with low levels of estrogen, researchers...

28 Feb
Medical Treatments for Trans Youth Cut Rates of Depression, Suicidal Thoughts

Medical Treatments for Trans Youth Cut Rates of Depression, Suicidal Thoughts

Although Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has deemed it "child abuse," access to "gender-affirming" services cuts the odds of severe depression and maybe even suicide among transgender teens, a new study finds.

Investigators came to that conclusion after tracking the mental health...

18 Jan
Newer Hormone Treatments for Prostate Cancer May Raise Risk of Depression

Newer Hormone Treatments for Prostate Cancer May Raise Risk of Depression

TUESDAY, Jan. 18, 2022 (HealthDay Now) -- Advanced forms of hormone therapy are very effective at keeping prostate cancer in check, but they also can double a man's risk of falling into depression, researchers have found.

Prostate cancer patients treated with the latest ...

14 Jan
For Transgender People, Starting Hormone Therapy in Teens Helps Mental Health

For Transgender People, Starting Hormone Therapy in Teens Helps Mental Health

Transgender people get greater mental health benefits if they start gender-affirming hormone treatment when they're teens instead of waiting until they're adults, a new study finds.

"This study is particularly relevant now because many state legislatures are introducing ...

15 Nov
Drug Used to Prevent Miscarriage May Raise Lifetime Cancer Risk in Offspring

Drug Used to Prevent Miscarriage May Raise Lifetime Cancer Risk in Offspring

People who were exposed to a particular hormonal medication in the womb may have a heightened risk of cancer later in life, a new study suggests.

Researchers found the increased cancer risk among adults whose mothers had been given injections of a synthetic progesterone ...

13 Oct
Testosterone Levels Matter for Men's, Women's Sex Lives

Testosterone Levels Matter for Men's, Women's Sex Lives

What launches guys on serial sexual conquests and prompts solo activity among women?

It's testosterone, of course.

As the primary male sex hormone, it plays a leading role in the sexual development of guys. But folks often overlook the role it plays in female sexua...

24 Sep
Weight Loss in Childhood May Protect Boys Against Future Infertility

Weight Loss in Childhood May Protect Boys Against Future Infertility

Obese boys who lose weight may avoid fertility problems in adulthood, a preliminary study suggests.

Even short-term weight loss might partially reverse weight-related alterations in reproductive function, the researchers said.

Childhood obesity can have serious eff...

03 Sep
Transgender People Face Twice the Odds for Early Death: Study

Transgender People Face Twice the Odds for Early Death: Study

Transgender people have double the odds of dying early compared to folks whose identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth (cisgender), a long-term study finds.

And the added risk did not decrease over time, according to an analysis of data collected from more t...

29 Jul
Testosterone's Ties to Success May Be a Myth

Testosterone's Ties to Success May Be a Myth

Higher levels of testosterone don't give men or women an edge in life, claims a new study that challenges a common belief.

"There's a widespread belief that a person's testosterone can affect where they end up in life. Our results suggest that, despite a lot of mytholog...

12 Jul
Could Men's Testosterone Play Role in COVID Survival?

Could Men's Testosterone Play Role in COVID Survival?

Men with low testosterone levels have a much higher risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19, a new study from Italy finds.

The study included nearly 300 symptomatic male COVID-19 patients who arrived at the emergency department and were admitted to San Raffaele Un...

22 Jun
Animal Study Suggests COVID-19 Can Infect Testes

Animal Study Suggests COVID-19 Can Infect Testes

The new coronavirus infected the testes of hamsters in a study that adds to growing evidence that COVID-19 strikes more than just the lungs.

The findings could have important implications for men's health, the researchers said, although research in animals does not alway...

26 May
Testosterone Might Influence COVID Severity in Men

Testosterone Might Influence COVID Severity in Men

Low testosterone levels may increase men's risk of severe COVID-19, according to a new study.

On average, men fare worse with COVID-19 than women.

"During the pandemic, there has been a prevailing notion that testosterone is bad. But we found the opposite in men," ...

19 Apr
Hormone Treatments May Raise Blood Pressure in Transgender People

Hormone Treatments May Raise Blood Pressure in Transgender People

Monitoring blood pressure is important for transgender people, according to new research, which found changes in systolic blood pressure after the start of gender-affirming hormone therapy.

Transgender men and transgender women have a higher burden of heart attack, strok...

10 Mar
Anabolic Steroids Could Do Long-Term Harm to Testicles: Study

Anabolic Steroids Could Do Long-Term Harm to Testicles: Study

Men who use anabolic steroids may be doing serious damage to their testicular function, new research warns.

And the damage may last long after they stop.

Illegal use of the drugs is not uncommon among athletes seeking to increase muscle size and strength and look m...

23 Feb
Guys, Exercise Will Boost Your Aging Hearts, Testosterone Won't: Study

Guys, Exercise Will Boost Your Aging Hearts, Testosterone Won't: Study

Testosterone levels tend to fall in older men, but a new study shows that exercise -- and not supplemental testosterone -- is the way to rejuvenate the aging male heart.

Australian researchers found that without exercise, testosterone replacement therapy offered patients...

20 Nov
Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer May Raise Heart Risks

Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer May Raise Heart Risks

Hormone therapy can be a lifesaver for men with prostate cancer, but it also appears to put some at increased risk of heart problems, a new study reports.

Long-term androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) increased the risk of heart-related death nearly fourfold in a group of...

12 Nov
Transgender People Often Have Heart Risks: Study

Transgender People Often Have Heart Risks: Study

Many transgender people who take hormone therapy have unaddressed risks for heart disease and stroke, a new study finds.

These patients often have undiagnosed high blood pressure and high cholesterol, even in young adulthood, researchers found.

"Previous research h...

15 Jul
Guys, Going Vegetarian Won't Lower Your Testosterone

Guys, Going Vegetarian Won't Lower Your Testosterone

Images of burly cavemen bringing home meat may have men thinking that steaks and burgers are key to masculinity.

It's just not true: New research shows that testosterone levels in men who eat vegetable-heavy diets are similar to those in men who wolf down meat.


17 Jun
AHA News: Hormone Therapy No Cure-All For 'Low T' In Aging Men

AHA News: Hormone Therapy No Cure-All For 'Low T' In Aging Men

Testosterone therapy ads promise to help aging men recapture their vitality, decrease body fat and enhance libido. But hormone treatments – while medically necessary for some men – aren't meant to be a fountain of youth, and experts warn more research is needed to ...

29 May
Prostate Cancer Drug Could Be 'Game Changing,' Researchers Say

Prostate Cancer Drug Could Be 'Game Changing,' Researchers Say

For men with advanced prostate cancer, a new hormone therapy pill works better than standard injections -- and carries a much lower risk of heart attack or stroke, a clinical trial has found.

The drug, called relugolix, is not yet approved by the U.S. Food and Drug A...

08 May
Drug Might Curb Dangerous Urges in Pedophiles: Study

Drug Might Curb Dangerous Urges in Pedophiles: Study

A testosterone-lowering drug can reduce male pedophiles' risk of sexually abusing children, according to a new Swedish study.

The drug, called degarelix, is used to treat prostate cancer and turns off production of testosterone. It's given by injection every three mo...

07 May
Could Lower Testosterone Help Men Ward Off COVID-19?

Could Lower Testosterone Help Men Ward Off COVID-19?

Many drugs are being tested to fight COVID-19, but now researchers report that blocking testosterone might help prevent the infection in men.

Italian men with prostate cancer on androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) were less likely to get infected with COVID-19 and ha...

29 Apr
COVID-19 Continues to Strike Men Harder Than Women

COVID-19 Continues to Strike Men Harder Than Women

New research adds to a growing body of evidence that suggests men are far more vulnerable to severe COVID-19 than women are.

Although both genders fall ill in the same numbers, men are 2.5 times more likely to get severe disease and die, the study from China showed.<...

16 Mar
Exercise Helps Men During Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer: Study

Exercise Helps Men During Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer: Study

Exercise benefits prostate cancer patients who undergo hormone-reducing therapy, a small study suggests.

The treatment -- called androgen suppression therapy or androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) -- uses drugs or surgery to reduce the level of androgen hormones, whic...

21 Feb
Can Men Dine Their Way to Higher Sperm Counts?

Can Men Dine Their Way to Higher Sperm Counts?

Listen up, guys: A healthy diet is good for your brain and heart, and also your sperm, new research suggests.

In a study of more than 2,900 Danish men, median age 19, those whose diet was rich in fish, chicken, vegetables, fruit and water had higher sperm counts tha...

10 Feb
High Testosterone Levels Have Different Health Impact for Men and Women

High Testosterone Levels Have Different Health Impact for Men and Women

High levels of the sex hormone testosterone may trigger different health problems in men and women, a new study reveals.

In women, testosterone may increase the risk for type 2 diabetes, while in men it lowers that risk. But high levels of testosterone increase the ...

27 Jan
Is Suppressing Puberty the Right Course When a Child Questions Their Gender?

Is Suppressing Puberty the Right Course When a Child Questions Their Gender?

Suppressing puberty in a child who's questioning their gender identity might seem extreme, but the therapy is relatively safe and could significantly lower their risk of suicide, a new study reports.

Adolescents who wanted and received puberty suppression were 60%...

07 Jan
Testosterone Supplements Won't Help Most Men, Doctors' Group Says

Testosterone Supplements Won't Help Most Men, Doctors' Group Says

Testosterone therapy is no fountain of youth for older men, though it might help some who are impotent.

That's according to new guidelines from the American College of Physicians -- the first from the group to address the issue of treating age-related "low T."


12 Nov
Testosterone Supplements Double Men's Odds for Blood Clots: Study

Testosterone Supplements Double Men's Odds for Blood Clots: Study

Testosterone therapy appears to double a man's risk of suffering a potentially life-threatening blood clot, a new study warns.

Men had twice the risk for a deep vein blood clot if they'd been receiving testosterone during the previous six months, researchers reported...

16 Oct
Can Testosterone Make Women Better Runners?

Can Testosterone Make Women Better Runners?

A little bit of testosterone cream might help women run faster longer, a new study suggests.

Some female athletes have naturally high testosterone levels that are similar to men, and there is controversy over whether it's fair to allow them to compete against female ...

17 Sep
Doubt Over Long-Term Use of Hormone Rx for Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Doubt Over Long-Term Use of Hormone Rx for Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Running contrary to current guidelines, new research suggests that use of hormone-suppressing treatment over the long term may not help some men battling recurrent prostate cancer, and may even cause harm.

In fact, the study found that long-term hormone therapy was t...

26 Aug
Concussions May Leave Former NFL Players With Another Issue: Impotence

Concussions May Leave Former NFL Players With Another Issue: Impotence

Low testosterone is not something most people typically associate with NFL players.

But repeated concussions from professional football appear to be damaging the sex life of players, causing erectile dysfunction and lowering their levels of the male hormone, a new st...

13 Aug
Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Might Harm the Heart: Study

Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Might Harm the Heart: Study

When men have both advanced prostate cancer and heart disease, treatment may pose a dilemma: Newer hormonal therapies that can slow the cancer down might also be risky for their hearts, a new study finds.

Once prostate cancer spreads beyond the gland, one of the main...

26 Jul
Testosterone May Rejuvenate Older Women's Sex Drive

Testosterone May Rejuvenate Older Women's Sex Drive

Many older men take testosterone to boost their sex drive, but new research suggests that postmenopausal women who struggle with a sagging libido might want to follow suit.

Applied topically, the hormone appears to increase women's sexual function and satisfaction, a...

23 Jul
Testosterone Therapy May Threaten the Heart

Testosterone Therapy May Threaten the Heart

Taking testosterone might sound like a good idea for an older man, but a new study suggests the treatment might be bad news for his heart.

Men who took it showed a slightly increased risk of heart attack and stroke in the first few years.

"Our findings show...

08 Jul
Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer Linked to Heightened Alzheimer's Risk

Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer Linked to Heightened Alzheimer's Risk

Soon after a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer, drugs that lower levels of testosterone are often offered as treatment, since testosterone fuels the cancer's growth.

But a major new study suggests that this approach might have an unwanted side effect: Higher odds...

06 May
Testosterone Supplements Not All They're Cracked Up to Be

Testosterone Supplements Not All They're Cracked Up to Be

SATURDAY, May 4, 2019 (HealthDay News) -- Buyer beware: When it comes to testosterone supplements, men should know a new study finds there is precious little evidence to support claims they will boost testosterone levels, sex drive, strength and overall energy.

To c...

06 May
Does Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Raise Dementia Risk?

Does Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Raise Dementia Risk?

When men with prostate cancer have to take drugs that block the testosterone fueling their tumors, they can suffer a host of side effects that include impotence, bone loss, heart trouble and obesity.

But new research uncovers yet another possible downside to the trea...

03 May
About 1 in 1,000 Babies Born 'Intersex,' Study Finds

About 1 in 1,000 Babies Born 'Intersex,' Study Finds

Cases in which a newborn's genitals make it unclear whether the child is a boy or girl may be more common than once believed, researchers say.

One example of what's known as ambiguous genitalia is a baby girl with an enlarged clitoris that looks more like a small pen...

01 May
Male-Hormone Gene May Help Cause Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Male-Hormone Gene May Help Cause Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common cause of infertility and type 2 diabetes, but little is known about its origins. Now, new research suggests a gene involved in male hormone production plays a big role in the disorder's development.

"We're starting to make headw...

27 Mar
Supplemental Steroids, Testosterone May Lower Men's Sperm Counts

Supplemental Steroids, Testosterone May Lower Men's Sperm Counts

Men who abuse hormones such as testosterone or steroids for bodybuilding can have declines in sperm and testosterone production, researchers say.

The good news: these changes seem to reverse once men stop hormone overuse.

While the use of nonprescribed male...

27 Mar
Opioid Overuse Can Lower Hormones to Harmful Levels

Opioid Overuse Can Lower Hormones to Harmful Levels

Add one more issue to the growing list of harms from opioid abuse: Long-term use may lead to hormone deficiencies that affect a man's health.

Researchers reviewed the latest medical evidence and found that about two-thirds of men using opioids for more than six month...