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291 Results for search "Marijuana".

Health News Results - 291

22 May
More Americans Now Use Marijuana Each Day Than Alcohol

More Americans Now Use Marijuana Each Day Than Alcohol

Reflecting changing times and legislation, Americans are now more apt to light up a joint or pop a weed gummy on a daily basis than they are to raise a glass of wine or beer, new research shows.

Among folks who said they used either marijuana or alcohol each day, marijua...

22 May
Teen Cannabis Users' Risk for Psychosis May Be Stronger Than Thought: Study

Teen Cannabis Users' Risk for Psychosis May Be Stronger Than Thought: Study

Doctors have long known that excessive marijuana use can trigger psychosis, especially in the young. But new research suggests the link is stronger that ever imagined before.

Teens who use cannabis face 11 times the odds for a psychotic episode compared to teens who abst...

21 May
Cannabis Edibles Are Triggering Poisonings Among Older Users

Cannabis Edibles Are Triggering Poisonings Among Older Users

The legalization of cannabis and the popularity of its edible versions is having an unexpected effect: More seniors landing in emergency departments with overdoses.

A new Canadian study found "cannabis poisonings" in the province of Ontario tripled among older users afte...

17 May
U.S. Justice Department Moves to Reclassify Weed as Less Risky Drug

U.S. Justice Department Moves to Reclassify Weed as Less Risky Drug

The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday moved to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, setting the stage for a significant shift in the nation's drug policy.

In a proposed rule...

09 May
Tobacco Plus Weed in Pregnancy Could Be Lethal Combo for Baby

Tobacco Plus Weed in Pregnancy Could Be Lethal Combo for Baby

Smoking cigarettes while pregnant has long been known to harm the fetus, but new research shows things get even worse when marijuana is in the mix.


09 May
How Long Does Marijuana THC Linger in Breast Milk?

How Long Does Marijuana THC Linger in Breast Milk?

New mothers who like to smoke marijuana might wind up exposing their babies to THC through their own breast milk, a new study says.

THC, the intoxicating compound in cannabis, dissolves in the fats contained in human milk, researchers found.

Mother’s milk produce...

08 May
Big Rise in Emergencies Involving Synthetic Weed Among Kids, Adults

Big Rise in Emergencies Involving Synthetic Weed Among Kids, Adults

Calls to U.S. poison centers regarding so-called synthetic cannabis jumped 88% between 2021 and 2022, as use of these legally sold products rose, research shows.

Synthetic cannabis contain varying forms of the active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): d...

01 May
Biden Administration Could Reclassify Marijuana as Less Risky Drug

Biden Administration Could Reclassify Marijuana as Less Risky Drug

The Justice Department has recommended that marijuana be reclassified as a less dangerous drug, a move that signals a significant shift in U.S. drug policy.

The proposal, first reported Tuesday by the Associated Press, still has a long way to go before it become...

05 Apr
Antipsychotics Help Ease Episodes of Marijuana-Induced Psychosis

Antipsychotics Help Ease Episodes of Marijuana-Induced Psychosis

Overuse of marijuana is increasingly being linked to dangerous bouts of psychosis, and a new study finds that antipsychotics may be needed to keep such pa...

18 Mar
Weed Plus Cigarettes Takes Toll on High Schoolers' Grades

Weed Plus Cigarettes Takes Toll on High Schoolers' Grades

High school students who use tobacco and cannabis products miss more school and have lower grades than classmates who use them individually or not at all.

That's the conclusion of a study by researchers at UC Davis Health.

"Substance use is a main predictor of educ...

12 Mar
Use of Legal 'Delta-8-THC' Is Rising Among Teens - Is it Safe?

Use of Legal 'Delta-8-THC' Is Rising Among Teens - Is it Safe?

They're cheap, easy to buy and now new research shows they have become the buzz of choice for American teens.

Delta-8-THC products, which include gummies and vapes, are legal in 22 states and Washington, D.C. There is no federal minimum age requirement for buying them, a...

29 Feb
Using Marijuana to Ease Stress? Focus on CBD, not THC

Using Marijuana to Ease Stress? Focus on CBD, not THC

Folks hoping to quell their anxiety would do best to use cannabis products that don't get them high, a new clinical trial has found.

The non-intoxicating marijuana compound CBD appears to help manage anxiety better than THC, the chemical in weed that gets people high, re...

28 Feb
Daily Marijuana Use Greatly Raises Odds for Heart Attack, Stroke

Daily Marijuana Use Greatly Raises Odds for Heart Attack, Stroke

Folks who use marijuana have a greater risk of heart attack and stroke, with the odds rising even higher when they partake every day, a new study finds.

Both daily and non-daily marijuana users had an increased risk of heart attack and stroke compared to non-users, resea...

23 Feb
Young Workers' Injuries Rise After Recreational Marijuana Sales Made Legal

Young Workers' Injuries Rise After Recreational Marijuana Sales Made Legal

After states legalize the sale of weed for recreational use, on-the-job injuries rise among younger workers, new research shows.

U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics for 2006 through 2020 show that legal “recreational marijuana sales were associated with a 10% increase in w...

29 Jan
High School Kids Who Use Weed, Alcohol Face Higher Risks for Suicidal Thoughts

High School Kids Who Use Weed, Alcohol Face Higher Risks for Suicidal Thoughts

High school students who smoke, drink or use weed are more likely to be emotionally troubled and have suicidal thoughts, a new study finds.

Teens who turn to nicotine, alcohol or marijuana are more likely to think about suicide, feel depressed or anxious, have psychotic ...

29 Jan
Marijuana Use Could Raise Asthma Risks

Marijuana Use Could Raise Asthma Risks

Marijuana has a reputation for being harmless, but frequent tokers are more likely to suffer from asthma, a new study shows.

Asthma is more common among U.S. adults who've used weed within the past 30 days, researchers reported recently in the journal

18 Jan
Seniors Who Smoke Weed & Drive Are Road Hazards: Study

Seniors Who Smoke Weed & Drive Are Road Hazards: Study

Many studies have found that getting high on weed and then getting behind the wheel is dangerous for young drivers, and now new research finds it's no different for seniors.

In a driving-simulator experiment, seniors who were long-term marijuana smokers were weaving in a...

16 Jan
Marijuana Has No Role in Taking Up or Quitting Opioids: Study

Marijuana Has No Role in Taking Up or Quitting Opioids: Study

There's no link at all between weed use and a person's use of illicit opioids, one way or the other, a new review concludes.

Cannabis isn't a gateway drug that can spark a person's desire to try narcotics, results show.

On the other hand, weed also isn't effective ...

15 Jan
FDA Review Supports Reclassifying Marijuana as Less Risky Drug

FDA Review Supports Reclassifying Marijuana as Less Risky Drug

Scientists from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration conclude in newly released documents that marijuana has less potential for abuse than other drugs with the same restrictions and it should be reclassified as a less dangerous drug.

Not only that, the review found ther...

11 Jan
Could Medical Marijuana Be Bad for Heart Patients?

Could Medical Marijuana Be Bad for Heart Patients?

Medical marijuana might help ease chronic pain, but it also slightly increases a patient's risk of a dangerous abnormal heart rhythm, a new study says.

Patients treated with medical cannabis had a nearly 1% increased risk of being diagnosed with a heart rhythm problem th...

08 Jan
Will Weed Help Your Workout?

Will Weed Help Your Workout?

Using marijuana can help folks better enjoy a good workout, but it's not going to boost their athletic performance, a new study has found.

A small group of runners reported greater enjoyment and a more intense “runner's high” when they exercised after using marijuana...

27 Dec
Marijuana Use Increasingly Linked to Addiction, Psychosis

Marijuana Use Increasingly Linked to Addiction, Psychosis

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 27, 2023 (HealthDay news) -- A rising tide of cannabis-related mental health problems is resulting from the widespread legalization of recreational weed in the United States, warns a new evidence review.

Nearly one in five Americans aged 12 and older used...

26 Dec
Many Young People at Risk for Psychosis Are Torn About Using Marijuana

Many Young People at Risk for Psychosis Are Torn About Using Marijuana

Even after they've experienced episodes of psychosis, many young people who use marijuana are unsure they want to quit the drug, new research shows.

Cannabis has long been linked to a heightened risk for psychosis -- a dangerous psychiatric state in which people lose the...

14 Dec
Using CBD & Other Hemp Products? You're Not Alone, Study Finds

Using CBD & Other Hemp Products? You're Not Alone, Study Finds

The market for cannabidiol (CBD) and other products derived from the hemp plant is now wide open in the United States, but that could bring danger to consumers, the authors of a new report warn.

Many people may not realize it, but there's a largely legal market for produ...

13 Dec
Why Teens Use Marijuana: Study Finds It's Not Just About Getting High

Why Teens Use Marijuana: Study Finds It's Not Just About Getting High

Teens who avidly use weed typically use it either for enjoyment or to cope, but both uses have a dark side to them, new research finds.

Teenagers who use marijuana for enjoyment or to forget their problems have more demand for it, meaning that they are willing to both co...

12 Dec
Using Marijuana While Pregnant Raises Complications Risk

Using Marijuana While Pregnant Raises Complications Risk

Marijuana use by expecting moms is associated with unhealthy pregnancy outcomes, especially low birth weight babies, a new study finds.

Further, heavier weed use is associated with higher risks for the pregnancy, the researchers added.

“Cannabis use is not safe,�...

28 Nov
Smoking Tobacco Plus Weed Greatly Raises Odds for Emphysema

Smoking Tobacco Plus Weed Greatly Raises Odds for Emphysema

Folks who smoke weed along with cigarettes are doing serious damage to their lungs, a new study warns.

People who do both are 12 times more likely to develop emphysema than nonsmokers, due to the damage they're doing to the lung's air sacs, researchers report.


17 Nov
First Asthma-Linked Death Highlights Hazards at Marijuana-Processing Plants

First Asthma-Linked Death Highlights Hazards at Marijuana-Processing Plants

A young woman working at a Massachusetts cannabis-processing facility who developed new-onset asthma and later died of a fatal asthma attack is the first such fatality in the burgeoning industry, a new report finds.

Researchers believe large amounts of allergen-laden dus...

16 Nov
Cannabis Use During Pregnancy Ups Risk of Premature Birth, Low Birth Weight Babies

Cannabis Use During Pregnancy Ups Risk of Premature Birth, Low Birth Weight Babies

THURSDAY, Nov. 16, 2023 (Healthday News) -- Using cannabis during pregnancy may not be as benign as some think, with a new review showing it raises the risk for both premature and low birth weight newborns.

In turn, that raised the chances of these infants winding up in ...

06 Nov
Marijuana Use Could Raise Odds for Heart Attack, Heart Failure

Marijuana Use Could Raise Odds for Heart Attack, Heart Failure

People who regularly smoke medical marijuana may be increasing their risk for a heart attack, heart failure or stroke, new research suggests.

One study found that cannabis use among older patients increases the risk of heart attack or stroke by 20%. The second study foun...

23 Oct
Georgia To Be First State to Let Pharmacies Sell Low-Dose Cannabis

Georgia To Be First State to Let Pharmacies Sell Low-Dose Cannabis

Four years after the state of Georgia approved the distribution of low-dose THC, medical marijuana may be sold at local pharmacies.

That will make Georgia the first U.S. state where pharmacies sell medical cannabis, CNN reported.

By year's end, patients wh...

23 Oct
Drug-Linked Disciplinary Actions by Schools Spiked After Oregon Legalized Marijuana

Drug-Linked Disciplinary Actions by Schools Spiked After Oregon Legalized Marijuana

New research suggests a link between middle school students being disciplined for marijuana use and legalization of recreational weed, particularly when schools are close to dispensaries that sell the drug.

Researchers studied this in Oregon, where recreational marijuana...

28 Sep
Heavy Marijuana Use May Harm the Heart

Heavy Marijuana Use May Harm the Heart

People who abuse marijuana may be setting themselves up for heart problems down the road, Canadian researchers report.

The new study found that people with so-called cannabis use disorder may have a 60% higher risk for a heart attack, stroke or other major heart-related ...

27 Sep
More Women Using Cannabis to Help Ease Menopause Symptoms

More Women Using Cannabis to Help Ease Menopause Symptoms

Women over 50 are turning to weed in droves, and menopause symptoms may be one big reason why, new research suggests

These women may not necessarily be getting the results they're looking for, however. That's according to menopause experts who say it's not clear from lim...

26 Sep
Buying Marijuana Online Easy for Minors, Study Finds

Buying Marijuana Online Easy for Minors, Study Finds

The lax enforcement of age limits by many online marijuana dispensaries makes it easier for minors to buy weed, claims new research that looked at online weed sales in 32 states.

“It is imperative to require strict age-verification procedures prior to cannabis purchase...

17 Sep
Using a CBD Product? Be Sure to Tell Your Doctor

Using a CBD Product? Be Sure to Tell Your Doctor

Cannabinoid products may interfere with some prescription medications, so people who use them should add these to the list of supplements they tell their doctors about.

This interference could have serious health consequences, according to Penn State Health, which offere...

13 Sep
Depression Risk Rises in Folks Who Use Both Marijuana & Tobacco

Depression Risk Rises in Folks Who Use Both Marijuana & Tobacco

Using both tobacco and marijuana is tied to significantly higher odds for depression and anxiety, a new study suggests.

Among nearly 54,000 U.S. adults, those who used both substances experienced anxiety or depression at nearly twice the rate of nonusers, researcher...

07 Sep
Booming Sales of Legal Marijuana Linked to More Car Crashes

Booming Sales of Legal Marijuana Linked to More Car Crashes

Emergency room visits for injuries related to driving under the influence of cannabis skyrocketed in Canada after the drug was legalized there, a new study reports.

In October 2018, Canada became the second country to nationally legalize recreational or nonmedical cannab...

04 Sep
Marijuana Edibles Are Sending Kids to the ER: Here's Tips to Keep Them Safe

Marijuana Edibles Are Sending Kids to the ER: Here's Tips to Keep Them Safe

Drugs and children don't mix, so it's important to keep little ones safe by storing any marijuana edibles out of reach from small hands.

The New Jersey Poison Control Center is offering warnings that can apply anywhere, after aiding in the medical treatment of 30 childre...

31 Aug
Marijuana Should Be Moved to Lower-Risk Drug Category, U.S. Health Officials Say

Marijuana Should Be Moved to Lower-Risk Drug Category, U.S. Health Officials Say

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has asked the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug under the Controlled Substances Act, a move that could potentially expand acceptance of the drug.

The DEA confirmed receiving an A...

30 Aug
Higher Levels of Toxic Metals Found in Blood, Urine of Regular Marijuana Users

Higher Levels of Toxic Metals Found in Blood, Urine of Regular Marijuana Users

Marijuana users may be building up high levels of toxic metals in their blood, a new study suggests.

According to researchers, people who use marijuana exclusively have significant levels of lead and cadmium in their bodies. These are the same toxic metals found in some ...

30 Aug
1 in 5  Marijuana Users Struggle With Dependency on the Drug

1 in 5  Marijuana Users Struggle With Dependency on the Drug

Cannabis use disorder is a very real problem for a significant percentage of people who use marijuana, new research suggests.

About 21% of those who use weed struggle with dependency, including recurring problems socially and with work, the study published Aug. 29 in the...

28 Aug
It Only Takes a Bite of a Marijuana Edible to Send a Child to the Hospital

It Only Takes a Bite of a Marijuana Edible to Send a Child to the Hospital

Brightly colored "edibles" can be tempting for young kids and are more widely available now that many U.S. states have legalized cannabis for recreational and medical use.

Unfortunately, it doesn't take much of an edible to make a small child very sick, new research...

28 Aug
Are Cannabis-Based Medicines Safe for Children With Cancer?

Are Cannabis-Based Medicines Safe for Children With Cancer?

Nineteen scientific studies have failed to answer a big question: Are cannabis-containing products safe or effective for kids with cancer?

A new analysis of the studies found the evidence just isn't there to determine dosing, safety and efficacy of medical marijuana or c...

21 Aug
Los estadounidenses de mediana edad usan marihuana y se dan atracones de bebida a niveles récord

Los estadounidenses de mediana edad usan marihuana y se dan atracones de bebida a niveles récord

Los atracones de bebida y el consumo de marihuana han alcanzado niveles históricamente altos entre los adultos de EE. UU. de 35 a 50 años, anunciaron el jueves los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH) de EE. UU.

Entre estos adultos de mediana edad, las drogas favori...

18 Aug
Middle-Aged Americans Are Using Marijuana, Binge-Drinking at Record Levels

Middle-Aged Americans Are Using Marijuana, Binge-Drinking at Record Levels

Binge-drinking and marijuana use have reached historically high levels among U.S. adults aged 35 to 50, the U.S. National Institutes of Health announced Thursday.

For these middle-aged adults, the drugs of choice are marijuana, hallucinogens and alcohol, with nearly...

14 Aug
More Americans Than Ever Believe Marijuana Smoke Is Safer Than Cigarette Smoke. They're Wrong

More Americans Than Ever Believe Marijuana Smoke Is Safer Than Cigarette Smoke. They're Wrong

As cannabis use has become legal in many U.S. states for medical or recreational use, Americans' views on the drug may have gotten rosier.

In fact, a new report finds that over 44% of adults now believe smoking weed each day is safer than inhaling tobacco smoke.


03 Aug
Marijuana Use by Youth: After Legalization, Education Seems to Matter

Marijuana Use by Youth: After Legalization, Education Seems to Matter

After their U.S. states legalize marijuana, young adults who aren't in college are more likely than college kids to use the drug and progress to cannabis use disorder, a new study finds.

Prior to legalization, 23% of non-college young adults reported using cannabis ...

27 Jul
With Marijuana's Legalization, Cannabis Poisonings Are on the Rise

With Marijuana's Legalization, Cannabis Poisonings Are on the Rise

In recent years, the legalization of both medical and recreational marijuana has become the new normal across much of North America.

The problem: New research finds that as legalization has spread, so have cases of cannabis poisoning.

“We did a systematic re...

11 Jul
Strong Marijuana Habit Could Raise Odds for Complications During Surgery

Strong Marijuana Habit Could Raise Odds for Complications During Surgery

Using marijuana regularly might increase the risk for complications during and after surgery, and doctors should address this when planning operations, a new study suggests.

People with a cannabis use disorder are 20% more likely to have serious complications, such as s...