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Results for search "Endometriosis".

Health News Results - 20

02 Jul
Ultrasound May Be Unreliable in Spotting Endometrial Cancer in Black Women

Ultrasound May Be Unreliable in Spotting Endometrial Cancer in Black Women

Ultrasound cannot reliably rule out endometrial cancer in Black women given how readings are now assessed, a new study argues.

Transvaginal ultrasound is commonly used to screen for

09 Mar
How to Deal With Endometriosis Pain

How to Deal With Endometriosis Pain

Endometriosis causes crippling pain in women, with some spending up to a month of every year debilitated by it.

“We're talking about pain that's beyond ‘I...

31 Oct
Endometriosis Can Complicate a Hysterectomy

Endometriosis Can Complicate a Hysterectomy

Patients living with endometriosis are more likely to have complications during and after a hysterectomy, new research indicates.

Knowing that, surgeons should be prepared for these problems from the outset, the researchers from University of Texas Southwestern Medical C...

26 Jul
High Cadmium Levels Linked to Endometriosis

High Cadmium Levels Linked to Endometriosis

Women are more likely to develop endometriosis if they have elevated levels of cadmium in their system, a new study reports.

Twice as many women with slightly or moderately elevated levels of the toxic element wound up with endometriosis compared to women with the lowest...

10 Jul
Undiagnosed Endometriosis Can Harm Fertility

Undiagnosed Endometriosis Can Harm Fertility

Women with undiagnosed endometriosis had far fewer babies than their peers in the years preceding their diagnosis, according to new research.

“Our findings suggest that doctors who see women suffering from painful menstruation and chronic pelvic pain, should keep in mi...

03 May
How Fibroids, Endometriosis Affect a Woman's Odds for Ovarian Cancer

How Fibroids, Endometriosis Affect a Woman's Odds for Ovarian Cancer

Having uterine fibroids or endometriosis can increase a woman's risk of developing ovarian cancer, but a new study finds that a hysterectomy can lower that risk for both Black and white women with fibroids.

“Conditions such as endometriosis and fibroids can impact heal...

28 Mar
New Drug Combo Buys More Time for Advanced Endometrial Cancer Patients

New Drug Combo Buys More Time for Advanced Endometrial Cancer Patients

Researchers have discovered that two drugs might be better than one for women who have advanced endometrial cancer.

Combining chemotherapy and immunotherapy or a monoclonal antibody at the same time helped these patients live longer without their cancer progressing, espe...

08 Mar
At-Home Care of Painful Endometriosis

At-Home Care of Painful Endometriosis

Patients with painful endometriosis can help reclaim their lives by managing flare-ups at home and getting medical care, a specialist in women's health assures.

Dr. Kristin Riley, chie...

11 Jan
'Cellular Atlas' Could Be Step Against Endometriosis

'Cellular Atlas' Could Be Step Against Endometriosis

Few good treatment options exist for the millions of women dealing with the intense pain caused by endometriosis, but researchers say a new "cellular atlas" could help.

A team at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles has developed a detailed molecular profile of e...

14 Dec
Amy Schumer Reveals Long Battle With Endometriosis

Amy Schumer Reveals Long Battle With Endometriosis

Comedian and actor Amy Schumer has struggled with numerous health conditions over the years but feels "like a new person" since having surgery to treat endometriosis.

Schumer detailed the experience in the new docuseries "The Checkup With Dr. David Agus."

"I'm fee...

20 Sep
Researchers May Have Noninvasive Way to Diagnose Endometriosis

Researchers May Have Noninvasive Way to Diagnose Endometriosis

Women can suffer for years with the debilitating pain and medical complications of endometriosis without a diagnosis.

Now, researchers believe they may be able to ...

27 Jul
PFAS 'Forever Chemicals' Cost the U.S. Billions

PFAS 'Forever Chemicals' Cost the U.S. Billions

They are called "forever chemicals" because they linger in the human body and can contribute to the risk of everything from cancer to childhood obesity.

Now, new research on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (

20 Mar
Endometriosis: It's Not Just Painful Periods

Endometriosis: It's Not Just Painful Periods

Chronic pelvic pain -- typically during menstruation -- is the most common indication of endometriosis, an incurable inflammatory condition that can cause infertility, an expert says.

About 10% of women have the disorder in which tissue that normally lines the uterus gro...

13 Jan
Immune-Based Drug Fights Advanced Endometrial Cancer: Study

Immune-Based Drug Fights Advanced Endometrial Cancer: Study

A drug used to treat several types of cancer is also an effective treatment for aggressive forms of endometrial cancer, the second most common cancer in women worldwide, a new clinical trial shows. The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus.

"These findings sugges...

14 Sep
Is Hysterectomy Always Needed for a Common, Painful Gynecologic Condition?

Is Hysterectomy Always Needed for a Common, Painful Gynecologic Condition?

A hysterectomy isn't necessarily needed to treat a common women's health problem, researchers report.

Adenomyosis is abnormal tissue growth in the wall of the uterus, which causes cramps and heavy menstrual bleeding. The condition affects as many as one in three women.

30 Mar
What Is Endometriosis, and How Is It Treated?

What Is Endometriosis, and How Is It Treated?

There's no cure for endometriosis, but women have several treatment options for the painful condition, an expert says.

With endometriosis, tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus grows outside of it, where it can reach the fallopian tubes, ovaries, bowel, bla...

04 Dec
Could Tanning Raise a Woman's Odds for Endometriosis?

Could Tanning Raise a Woman's Odds for Endometriosis?

Young women who regularly visit tanning salons may have an increased risk of developing endometriosis, a new study suggests.

Researchers said the findings, from a large study of U.S. women, don't prove that tanning beds help cause the painful pelvic condition.


10 Mar
Endometriosis Risk Can Be Predicted in Young Girls: Study

Endometriosis Risk Can Be Predicted in Young Girls: Study

Taller and thinner girls are more likely to develop the often painful condition known as endometriosis, according to the results of a six-decade study.

The findings could lead to earlier detection and treatment of the common gynecological disease, the researchers sa...

12 Sep
Is Your Pelvic Pain a Sign of Endometriosis?

Is Your Pelvic Pain a Sign of Endometriosis?

Women with pelvic pain should consider the possibility of endometriosis and discuss it with their doctor, an expert in gynecology says.

While pelvic pain can be a sign of many conditions, endometriosis is among the most common. It occurs when cells from the lining of...

23 Jan
Uterus 'Scratching' Technique Won't Boost Fertility Treatment Success

Uterus 'Scratching' Technique Won't Boost Fertility Treatment Success

An add-on procedure sometimes used before in-vitro fertilization won't increase a couple's chances of having a baby, according to a new study.

The technique is called endometrial scratching. A thin plastic tube is inserted into the uterus through the cervix and a sm...