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5 Results for search "Pets And Health".

Health Videos - 5

Vegan Diets Good for Dog, Cats and the Planet

A new study finds removing meat, eggs and dairy from dog and cat diets could spare billions of animals and help save the planet.

People who Adopt Shelter Dogs “Highly Satisfied” Despite Some Behavioral Issues, New Study Finds

Shelter dogs may experience behavioral changes during the first 6 months after adoption, but most owners say the dogs adjust extremely well to their new homes.

Pets Do Not Improve the Well-Being of People with Severe Mental Health Disorders, Study Finds

A new study counteracts the long-held belief that owning a pet improves mental health.

Al igual que los humanos, los perros con demencia pueden sufrir graves trastornos del sueño

Un nuevo estudio revela que los perros con esta forma canina de demencia experimentan cambios en su ciclo de sueño al igual que las personas con Alzheimer.

Just Like Humans, Dogs with Dementia May Suffer Serious Sleep Disruptions

A new study finds dogs with the canine form of dementia experience changes in their sleep cycle like people with Alzheimer’s.