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131 Results for search "Menopause / Postmenopause".

Health News Results - 131

31 May
Could Tough Workouts Trigger a Hot Flash?

Could Tough Workouts Trigger a Hot Flash?

While going through menopause, many women who gain weight head to the gym for intense workouts, but new research suggests that too much exercise may he...

01 May
Major Women's Health Study Supports Hormone Replacement Therapy in Early Menopause

Major Women's Health Study Supports Hormone Replacement Therapy in Early Menopause

Hormone replacement therapy can safely ease middle-aged women’s symptoms during early menopause, data from a major women’s health study show.

Women younger than 60 can use hormone replacement to treat symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats without significantly i...

01 May
Years Prior to Menopause Are Danger Zone for Depression

Years Prior to Menopause Are Danger Zone for Depression

Women approaching menopause appear to be at higher risk of depression, a new review indicates.

Women in the transition period prior to menopause are 4...

02 Apr
Women's Heart Risks Rise Sharply After Menopause

Women's Heart Risks Rise Sharply After Menopause

Menopause may cause a big shift in plaque buildup in women's arteries, quickly bringing their heart risk to levels that equal men's, a new study finds.

“After menopause, women have much less estrogen and shift to a more testosterone-heavy profile,” explained study le...

28 Mar
Hormonal Meds for Birth Control, Menopause Linked to Brain Tumors

Hormonal Meds for Birth Control, Menopause Linked to Brain Tumors

The contraceptive injection Depo-Provera and two drugs used for menopause relief could be linked to a heightened risk for brain tumors in some women, a new study warns.

Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) increased the risk of intracranial meningioma 5.6-fold if u...

13 Mar
Female Whales Undergo Menopause, and Scientists Now Know Why

Female Whales Undergo Menopause, and Scientists Now Know Why

Why humans, five whale species and some chimpanzees are the only known mammals to go through menopause has long been a mystery.

Now, researchers at the University of Exeter in the U.K. think they've found the answer: It's all about survival of the species.

It turns...

12 Mar
Early Menopause Can Mean Earlier Retirements for Women

Early Menopause Can Mean Earlier Retirements for Women

Early menopause influences how working women feel about their ability to do a good job. 

That's the key takeaway from a study of more than 2,600 Finnish women recently published online in the journal

06 Mar
Some Women Escape the Mental Health Effects of Menopause: Study

Some Women Escape the Mental Health Effects of Menopause: Study

Menopause is thought to trigger mood changes among women, with changes in female hormone levels contributing to anxiety, depression and stress.

However, a new study says some women are at more risk than others for menopause-linked mental health issues, and many escape th...

28 Feb
Try Mindfulness, Talk Therapy to Ease Mood, Memory Issues of Menopause

Try Mindfulness, Talk Therapy to Ease Mood, Memory Issues of Menopause

Mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy can help ease the mood and sleep problems associated with menopause, a new review says.

Women experienced statistically significant improvements in anxiety and depression following mindfulness therapy and cognitive ...

26 Feb
Hormone Replacement Therapy Could Ease Depression Around Menopause

Hormone Replacement Therapy Could Ease Depression Around Menopause

Hormone replacement therapy might help women avoid depression as they go through menopause, a new study finds.

Women treated with hormone therapy at a menopause clinic in Ontario, Canada, experienced a reduction in their symptoms of depression, researchers report Feb. 21...

21 Feb
Treating Vaginal Dryness Around and After Menopause

Treating Vaginal Dryness Around and After Menopause

Postmenopausal or peri-menopausal women are often hampered by vaginal dryness, which can put the brakes on a healthy sex life.

It doesn't have to stay that way, experts advised. Numerous products are available to help maintain vaginal lubrication.

"After and around...

14 Feb
Combo of Hot Flashes, Migraine Sends Heart Risks Sky High

Combo of Hot Flashes, Migraine Sends Heart Risks Sky High

As if painful migraines, hot flashes and night sweats weren't bad enough, many women in menopause are facing a significantly bigger threat.

New research suggests that women with both migraines and vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes and night sweats) are significantly more l...

15 Jan
How Art Therapy Can Ease the Transition Through Menopause

How Art Therapy Can Ease the Transition Through Menopause

Art therapy has the potential to help women deal with menopause, a new study reports.

Creative arts therapies combined with nutrition education significantly improved quality of life, stress, anxiety and body image in a group of overweight women who had entered menopause...

10 Jan
Hormonal Changes May Help Trigger Rheumatoid Arthritis in Women

Hormonal Changes May Help Trigger Rheumatoid Arthritis in Women

Women are four to five times more likely than men to develop early-onset rheumatoid arthritis, and a few hormonal factors could be why, new research suggests.

Entering menopause early (before age 45), taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and having four or more kids...

04 Dec
Timing of Menopause Could Affect a Woman's Muscle Loss

Timing of Menopause Could Affect a Woman's Muscle Loss

Women who enter menopause early could be at increased risk of muscle loss in their senior years, a new study suggests.

Conversely, the more extended a woman's reproductive period, the lower the risk of declining muscle mass as measured by handgrip strength.

"This s...

30 Nov
'Couch Potato' Lifestyle Could Raise Women's Odds for Fibroids

'Couch Potato' Lifestyle Could Raise Women's Odds for Fibroids

Women in a Chinese study who sat for more than six hours each day faced substantially higher odds of developing uterine fibroids before menopause, a new study has found.

Overall, more sedentary women had double the risk of developing the often painful and harmful uterine...

04 Nov
Managing Your Heart Health Through Menopause

Managing Your Heart Health Through Menopause

Women can help protect their heart health as they go through menopause.

The American Heart Association (AHA) offers some tips for protecting that most critical organ while hormone levels and body composition change.

“More women in the U.S. are living longer, and ...

27 Oct
Female Chimps May Experience Menopause, Too

Female Chimps May Experience Menopause, Too

New research finds the first proof that wild female chimpanzees experience menopause, similar to humans.

The study was part of two decades of research in the Ngogo community of wild chimpanzees in western Uganda's Kibale National Park.

“In societies around the wo...

20 Oct
Menopause Bring New Risks for Women's Heart Health

Menopause Bring New Risks for Women's Heart Health

The risk of having heart disease grows as a woman ages, so women need to be familiar with their heart disease risk factors, the American Heart Association (AHA) says.

Menopause factors into this risk in several different ways, with age, estrogen, symptoms and other body ...

28 Sep
Estrogen Could Be Key to Women's Brain Health

Estrogen Could Be Key to Women's Brain Health

Being exposed to more estrogen throughout life -- or a longer reproductive life span -- may be good for the brain, according to new research that found a lower risk of cerebral small vessel disease in women who had more cumulative exposure.

Cerebral small vessel disease...

27 Sep
Timing of Hot Flashes Could Give Clues to Alzheimer's Risk

Timing of Hot Flashes Could Give Clues to Alzheimer's Risk

Hot flashes and night sweats top the list of bothersome symptoms for women going through menopause.

Now, a new study suggests that hot flashes, especially during sleep, may be more than a nuisance: They may foreshadow Alzheimer's disease.

And the more hot fla...

27 Sep
More Women Using Cannabis to Help Ease Menopause Symptoms

More Women Using Cannabis to Help Ease Menopause Symptoms

Women over 50 are turning to weed in droves, and menopause symptoms may be one big reason why, new research suggests

These women may not necessarily be getting the results they're looking for, however. That's according to menopause experts who say it's not clear from lim...

14 Sep
Early-Life Removal of Ovaries Could Bring Faster Aging

Early-Life Removal of Ovaries Could Bring Faster Aging

Premenopausal women who have surgery to remove the ovaries (oophorectomy) and fallopian tubes may face chronic medical conditions and a decline in physical functioning, new research warns.

“The study is important because it emphasizes information that we already know, ...

31 Aug
More Stress, Higher Odds for A-Fib in Women After Menopause

More Stress, Higher Odds for A-Fib in Women After Menopause

Postmenopausal women who are stressed, depressed or have trouble sleeping may face an increased risk of a common heart rhythm disorder, new research suggests.

The study, of nearly 84,000 women over the age of 50, found that certain psychological factors were linked to t...

03 Jul
Hormone Replacement Therapy May Raise a Woman's Risk for Chronic Reflux

Hormone Replacement Therapy May Raise a Woman's Risk for Chronic Reflux

Some women take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to combat the hot flashes and night sweats that accompany menopause, but a new study review suggests hormone therapy may increase a woman's risk for developing heartburn.

Women who take or have ever taken hormones are at ...

29 Jun
Hormone Replacement Therapy Might Raise Women's Risk for Dementia

Hormone Replacement Therapy Might Raise Women's Risk for Dementia

THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Women taking hormone replacement therapy to ease symptoms of menopause might face an increased risk of dementia later in life, a new study indicates.

Women who received estrogen-progestin therapy had a 24% increased risk of de...

26 Jun
Menopause & Your Diet: Foods to Choose and Avoid

Menopause & Your Diet: Foods to Choose and Avoid

Menopause, a natural stage in a woman's life, brings a host of changes and challenges. One aspect that is crucial to consider is nutrition.

Eating the right foods and avoiding others can help you navigate this change with vitality and optimal health.

This article w...

23 Jun
When Menopause Comes Early: Symptoms & Treatment

When Menopause Comes Early: Symptoms & Treatment

While women generally understand that at a certain age they will go through “the change,” officially known as menopause, some women find themselves dealing with it much earlier than expected.

Early and premature menopause affect up to 5% of women. What is early meno...

22 Jun
Hot Flashes & What to Do About Them

Hot Flashes & What to Do About Them

Hot flashes are a common -- and uncomfortable -- symptom of menopause.

More than 80% of menopausal women experience sudden, often debilitating bursts of heat that last several minutes...

22 Jun
When Does Menopause Start? What to Expect at Any Age

When Does Menopause Start? What to Expect at Any Age

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life. If you suspect you are experiencing symptoms, you may wonder at what age does menopause start.

Typically, it occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. This article will tell you what you need to know about early and premature...

20 Jun
The Most Common Menopause Medications, Explained

The Most Common Menopause Medications, Explained

Menopause can usher in an array of bothersome symptoms, and finding effective relief becomes a priority for many women. The good news: Medications can help manage these symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.

Read on to learn about the most common menopause me...

19 Jun
Your Sex Life Doesn't Have to Suffer During Menopause

Your Sex Life Doesn't Have to Suffer During Menopause

Let's talk about menopause and its impact on your sex life. We all know that this phase of life can bring about some changes, like a lower sex drive and vaginal dryness. But here's the thing: you don't have to suffer through it. In this article, we will break down how menopaus...

19 Jun
Treating Menopause Symptoms: Medications, Lifestyle & Self-Care

Treating Menopause Symptoms: Medications, Lifestyle & Self-Care

Navigating the changes and discomforts of menopause can be a frustrating experience for many women. Daily life can be significantly affected by symptoms ranging from hot flashes and mood swings to sleep disturbances and vaginal dryness.

Treating those symptoms may requir...

15 Jun
The Most Common Menopause Symptoms You Should Know

The Most Common Menopause Symptoms You Should Know

Menopause, a natural stage of a woman's life marking the end of menstruation, can bring many physical and emotional changes that may leave her feeling bewildered and alone. Hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings can disrupt her daily routine and affect her overall well-bein...

06 Jun
Could a Nitroglycerin Patch Ease Hot Flashes?

Could a Nitroglycerin Patch Ease Hot Flashes?

A new study on using nitroglycerin patches to help women with frequent hot flashes caused by menopause has delivered mixed results.

The benefits of wearing these patches — long used as chest pain medication — were modest. They also were short-lived, with any benefit...

05 Jun
One Form of Menopause Hormone Therapy Might Raise Blood Pressure

One Form of Menopause Hormone Therapy Might Raise Blood Pressure

Women who use estrogen to ease menopause symptoms may see their blood pressure rise — but the way they take the hormone may determine that, a large new study suggests.

The study, of over 100,000 menopausal women on estrogen therapy, found that pills seemed to have a gr...

13 May
FDA Approves First Nonhormonal Drug to Ease Menopause Hot Flashes

FDA Approves First Nonhormonal Drug to Ease Menopause Hot Flashes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved the first nonhormonal medication aimed at easing menopause hot flashes.

The new pill, called Veozah (fezolinetant), is from a class of drugs called neurokinin 3 (NK3) receptor antagonists. It targets a specific bra...

27 Apr
Billions Spent on Easing Menopause Symptoms, Study Finds

Billions Spent on Easing Menopause Symptoms, Study Finds

Menopause symptoms are costly business, with billions spent on treating hot flashes, night sweats and lost sleep, a new study finds.

The research, published Wednesday in the journal

04 Apr
Timing of Menopause Could Influence a Woman's Risk for Alzheimer's

Timing of Menopause Could Influence a Woman's Risk for Alzheimer's

TUESDAY, April 4, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Women are known to be at higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than men, and now a new brain scan study suggests the timing of both menopause and hormone replacement therapy use may play a role in this increased risk.

20 Feb
AHA News: The Connection Between Menopause and Cardiovascular Disease Risks

AHA News: The Connection Between Menopause and Cardiovascular Disease Risks

Hot flashes and night sweats -- they are the hallmark symptoms of menopause.

But there's something else happening to women entering their late 40s and early 50s that they can't see or feel and may not even know about: Their cardiovascular disease risks are rising.


24 Jan
Treating Menopausal Symptoms: An Expert Describes Pros, Cons

Treating Menopausal Symptoms: An Expert Describes Pros, Cons

For women experiencing menopause symptoms with no sign of relief in sight, it doesn't have to be this way.

An expert in women's health offers some suggestions for helping control symptoms during this time of life when menstrual cycles end.

"We sometimes hear the qu...

23 Jan
Why Midlife Can Bring Risk of New Eating Disorders

Why Midlife Can Bring Risk of New Eating Disorders

Most people think of eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia as afflictions of teenagers, but a new study finds that older women are also vulnerable to developing them, especially around menopause.

The main driver of eating disorders in older women? Body dissat...

11 Jan
Menopause Symptoms Can Arise Well Before Menopause: Study

Menopause Symptoms Can Arise Well Before Menopause: Study

Mood swings. Hot flashes. Night sweats. Bad sleep. These are all debilitating symptoms of menopause, but now new research suggests they can start long before a woman stops having periods.

“Women in the late-reproductive stage who are menstruating regularly but noting c...

09 Jan
Sleep Key to Good Mental Health for Older Women

Sleep Key to Good Mental Health for Older Women

Older women who don't stick to a set sleep and wake schedule may be more likely to struggle with feelings of depression and anxiety — even if they get a normal amount of zzzs.

What's more, a postmenopausal woman who goes to bed very early and wakes up very early (an �...

21 Dec
Mood Swings, Memory Troubles: Minding the Mental Toll of Menopause

Mood Swings, Memory Troubles: Minding the Mental Toll of Menopause

Menopause and the years before it may make you feel like you're losing your mind.

Some of those feelings are changes that occur naturally in this stage of life, but other factors contribute, too, according to the

01 Nov
Hormonal Therapy Won't Prevent Chronic Ills After Menopause: Expert Panel

Hormonal Therapy Won't Prevent Chronic Ills After Menopause: Expert Panel

Experts are once again advising doctors and women against using menopausal hormone therapy to ward off chronic diseases -- 20 years after a landmark trial dashed those hopes.

In updated

14 Oct
Night Sweats May Be Even Tougher Than Hot Flashes on Women

Night Sweats May Be Even Tougher Than Hot Flashes on Women

It's not anyone's idea of a fun choice, but researchers recently asked 200 women which part of menopause is worse for them -- hot flashes or night sweats?

Both can significantly affect a...

12 Oct
Years of Diabetes Could Speed Onset of Menopause

Years of Diabetes Could Speed Onset of Menopause

The earlier a woman is diagnosed with diabetes, the sooner she may enter menopause, new research shows.

Rates of diabetes have grown steadily, so researchers wanted to understand the long-term implications of

15 Sep
Abuse Early in Life May Mean Tougher Menopause Decades Later

Abuse Early in Life May Mean Tougher Menopause Decades Later

It's well-known that hot flashes, sleep disturbances and symptoms of depression are common issues du...

25 Aug
Shorter Menstrual Cycles May Affect Timing of Menopause

Shorter Menstrual Cycles May Affect Timing of Menopause

The length of your monthly menstrual cycle may provide clues about the severity of symptoms you'll experience during menopause and when it will start, new research suggests.

In this study of more than 600 women, researchers found that women with short menstrual cycles (l...