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71 Results for search "Human Papillomavirus (HPV)".

Health News Results - 71

24 May
HPV Vaccine Is Also Preventing Cancers in Men: Study

HPV Vaccine Is Also Preventing Cancers in Men: Study

Development and uptake of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine has been crucial in reducing rates of virus-linked cervical cancers in women.

Now, the accumulated data...

22 May
Time Between HPV Tests for Cervical Cancer Might Be Safely Extended

Time Between HPV Tests for Cervical Cancer Might Be Safely Extended

HPV testing to prevent cervical cancer might not have to happen as often as currently recommended, a new study says.

Current standards require women to undergo human papillomavirus (HPV) screening every five years. Nearly all cervical cancers are caused by

15 May
FDA Approves First Self-Test Collection Kit for HPV

FDA Approves First Self-Test Collection Kit for HPV

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a kit that will allow women to collect their own vaginal sample for HPV screening, a move that could increase early detection in those at risk for

01 May
School Entry Rules Boost Kids' HPV Vaccination Rates

School Entry Rules Boost Kids' HPV Vaccination Rates

Getting the HPV shot in adolescence can spare kids a lifetime of risk for cervical and other cancers related to the virus, but only half of American kids are up-to-date on these shots.

Now, a new review suggests that if schools mandate HPV shots as an entry requirement f...

27 Feb
Which Families Are Less Likely to Get Teens the HPV Vaccine?

Which Families Are Less Likely to Get Teens the HPV Vaccine?

Well-to-do American families are more likely than poorer families to increase their children's risk of cervical cancer by skipping the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, a new study has found.

Nearly two-thirds of well-off parents (65%) do not intend to seek out the HPV...

09 Nov
Best Way to Prevent Cervical Cancers: Immunize Boys Against HPV, Too

Best Way to Prevent Cervical Cancers: Immunize Boys Against HPV, Too

The best way to prevent cervical cancer in women is to give HPV vaccines to both boys and girls, a new study argues.

That way, herd immunity could help eradicate the cancer-causing virus, researchers say.

Cancer-related HPV strains declined significantly in Finnish...

28 Aug
Most Cancer Screens Won't Extend Lives, But Reasons to Keep Screening Remain

Most Cancer Screens Won't Extend Lives, But Reasons to Keep Screening Remain

While new research suggests cancer screenings are not extending lives for the most part, the study's authors stressed that there are still good reasons why people should continue with screenings.

Their review of clinical trials looked at six kinds of common cancer tests ...

24 Aug
U.S. Kids' HPV Vaccination Rate Has Stalled

U.S. Kids' HPV Vaccination Rate Has Stalled

For the first time in a decade, the rate at which American adolescents received the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has not increased, new data show.


30 May
HPV: What It Is, Symptoms in Men vs. Women & Treatment

HPV: What It Is, Symptoms in Men vs. Women & Treatment

Talking about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be uncomfortable. But whether you're talking to your partner, child or doctor, these are important conversations to have.


23 May
Parents' Mistrust of HPV Vaccine May Be Growing

Parents' Mistrust of HPV Vaccine May Be Growing

It was a no-brainer for New York City mom Jen L. when a pediatrician suggested that she vaccinate her two sons against human papillomavirus (HPV).

“Before my kids were eligible for the vaccine, I had read up on it to learn about the vaccine and its positives in ge...

17 Apr
Awareness That HPV Causes Cancer Is Ebbing Among Americans

Awareness That HPV Causes Cancer Is Ebbing Among Americans

The sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause a range of cancers, but public awareness of this grim fact is slipping in the United States, a new survey finds.

While nearly 78% of respondents knew that HPV could cause cervical cancer in 2014, that dropped ...

16 Jan
Many Women Over 65 Are Dying of Cervical Cancer. What Needs to Change?

Many Women Over 65 Are Dying of Cervical Cancer. What Needs to Change?

A new study shows that many women diagnosed with and dying from cervical cancer are older than 65 -- a group for whom routine screening is usually not recommended.

Cervical cancer screening has been credited with a sharp drop in deaths from the disease in the decades sin...

02 Jan
Preventing Cervical Cancer: An Expert Answers Your Questions

Preventing Cervical Cancer: An Expert Answers Your Questions

Cervical cancer is preventable, but people often feel uncomfortable talking about it because of its link to the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV).

Don't be embarrassed, a cancer expert advises.

Not only does your doctor want to help you, but the virus...

30 Dec
Only 1 in 7 Cancers Are Caught Through Cancer Screenings

Only 1 in 7 Cancers Are Caught Through Cancer Screenings

Just 14% of all cancers diagnosed in the United States are detected through routine screening, a new analysis finds -- pointing to many missed opportunities to catch cancer early.

"It's surprising, but true," said

29 Dec
Some Young Cancer Survivors Won't Get Cancer-Preventing HPV Vaccine

Some Young Cancer Survivors Won't Get Cancer-Preventing HPV Vaccine

Young cancer survivors face a heightened risk from human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus known to raise the risk of cervical cancer. So why are they getting the HPV vaccine in low numbers?

To find out, researchers analyzed data from a clinical trial of the HPV vaccine amon...

30 Nov
Many U.S. Seniors Get Needless, Pricey Cervical Cancer Screenings

Many U.S. Seniors Get Needless, Pricey Cervical Cancer Screenings

Researchers warn that high rates of cervical cancer screening in women over 65 suggest that some older Americans are being unnecessarily screened.

More health data on these screenings in older women is needed to prevent potential harm and unnecessary costs, said the team...

28 Oct
First Sex Activates Boost in Vaginal Immune Response, Study Finds

First Sex Activates Boost in Vaginal Immune Response, Study Finds

A woman's body appears to go on high alert after she loses her virginity, a new study reports.

Specifically, her immune system ramps up activity in her vagina following her first sexual intercourse, researchers found.

However, researchers can't yet say whether thes...

22 Aug
Vaccines Have Slashed Rates of HPV Infection in Young American Women

Vaccines Have Slashed Rates of HPV Infection in Young American Women

Back in 2006, doctors began recommending the first vaccine for the common sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV), with the...

19 Aug
Cases of Advanced Cervical Cancer Keep Rising Among U.S. Women

Cases of Advanced Cervical Cancer Keep Rising Among U.S. Women

New research points to a conundrum with cervical cancer: While rates of early-stage disease have been dropping in the United States ever since the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine was introduced...

05 Aug
When Treating Cervical Lesions, Adding HPV Vaccine Could Further Curb Cancer Risk

When Treating Cervical Lesions, Adding HPV Vaccine Could Further Curb Cancer Risk

Most sexually active people will contract the human papillomavirus (HPV) during their lifetimes, and about 90% will clear it from their bodies. But some women are susceptible to the cervical lesions that...

22 Jun
U.S. HPV Vaccination Rates Rising, Even Among Boys

U.S. HPV Vaccination Rates Rising, Even Among Boys

More and more of America's teens are getting vaccinated against the human papillomavirus virus (HPV), new research indicates.

Between 2015 and 2020,

17 May
HPV 'Herd Immunity' Now Helping Vaccinated, Unvaccinated Women

HPV 'Herd Immunity' Now Helping Vaccinated, Unvaccinated Women

Vaccination against the virus that causes most cervical cancers has spurred a widespread reduction of infections among young Americans - including those who are unvaccinated, a new government study finds.


12 Apr
Study Finds Just One Dose of HPV Vaccine May Be Enough

Study Finds Just One Dose of HPV Vaccine May Be Enough

A single dose of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine provides as much protection against cervical cancer as the standard three-dose regimen, a new study finds.

"These findings are a game-changer that may substantially reduce the incidence of HPV-attributable cervical canc...

02 Feb
Many Teens Don't Realize STD Risks From Oral Sex: Poll

Many Teens Don't Realize STD Risks From Oral Sex: Poll

Many American teens and young adults underestimate the risk of sexually transmitted infections from unprotected oral sex, and that's especially true of young men, a new survey shows.

Doctors say oral sex can transmit herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV and human ...

08 Jan
You Can Help Prevent Cervical Cancer

You Can Help Prevent Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the only gynecologic cancer that can be prevented, yet there were more than 4,000 deaths in the United States in 2021 and nearly 14,500 new cases, the American Cancer Society says.

The best way to prevent this is to make sure you and your children get ...

23 Dec
HPV Vaccination Could Rid U.S. of Most Mouth, Throat Cancers in Men

HPV Vaccination Could Rid U.S. of Most Mouth, Throat Cancers in Men

How do you prevent nearly 1 million cases of mouth and throat cancers in American men in this century? Find a way to reach an 80% HPV vaccination rate among adolescents, a new study suggests.

HPV vaccination protects against the

21 Dec
Throat Cancers Tied to HPV Are Rising Among U.S. Men, Women

Throat Cancers Tied to HPV Are Rising Among U.S. Men, Women

You might have heard a lot about the human papillomavirus (HPV) and its role in cervical cancer, but this sexually transmitted virus can also cause another type of cancer.

Rates of oropharyngeal cancer, which occurs in the middle part of the throat, are rising rapidly am...

30 Nov
HPV Vaccine Is Reducing Cervical Cancers in Teens, Young Women

HPV Vaccine Is Reducing Cervical Cancers in Teens, Young Women

The first wave of girls to receive the HPV vaccine are much less likely to contract or die from cervical cancer than women just a few years older, a new study reports.

Nearly all cases of cervical cancer are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), for which a vaccine has b...

26 Nov
Could a Single Dose of the HPV Vaccine Be Enough?

Could a Single Dose of the HPV Vaccine Be Enough?

Women getting vaccinated against the cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV) now need two or three shots, but an African clinical trial suggests a single dose is just as effective.

The finding could speed up the immunization process in developing countries with high le...

17 Nov
HPV Vaccination Rises in States That Don't Require Parental Consent

HPV Vaccination Rises in States That Don't Require Parental Consent

When young people are allowed to give their own consent for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, vaccination rates are higher, new research shows.

The new study suggests that allowing teens to consent without parental involvement could be an important strategy for boosti...

04 Nov
HPV Vaccination When Young Cuts Cervical Cancer Risk by 87%

HPV Vaccination When Young Cuts Cervical Cancer Risk by 87%

The sooner girls are vaccinated against human papillomavirus (HPV), the lower their future risk of cervical cancer, a new study finds.

Compared to unvaccinated women, the risk of cervical cancer was 87% lower among those who received the bivalent vaccine Cervarix at ages...

12 Oct
Your Free Cancer Screen Shows Trouble: What If You Can't Afford the Follow-Up?

Your Free Cancer Screen Shows Trouble: What If You Can't Afford the Follow-Up?

Just over a decade ago, the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or Obamacare) made many common cancer screenings free. But a pair of new studies caution that when those free tests turn up signs of trouble, important follow-up tests may be too pricey for some patients.


20 Sep
HPV Infection Tied to Higher Odds of Premature Delivery

HPV Infection Tied to Higher Odds of Premature Delivery

Pregnant women infected with certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) may have a heightened risk of preterm birth, a new study suggests.

HPV is a sexually transmitted disease that can cause genital warts. Most of the time, the immune system clears the infection. But...

19 May
HPV Vaccination Is Lowering U.S. Cervical Cancer Rates

HPV Vaccination Is Lowering U.S. Cervical Cancer Rates

In a finding that offers the first evidence that the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is indeed protecting women from cervical cancer, new research shows cases in the United States have slowly but steadily declined over the last decade and a half.

However, other HPV-re...

30 Apr
Too Few Young Men Have Gotten the HPV Vaccine

Too Few Young Men Have Gotten the HPV Vaccine

The HPV vaccine isn't reaching enough young American men, researchers report.

The vaccine protects against reproductive warts as well as cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States.

Many young wo...

26 Mar
HPV Infections Are Plummeting Due to Widespread Vaccination

HPV Infections Are Plummeting Due to Widespread Vaccination

Fifteen years of widespread vaccination of U.S. children with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is reaping big rewards: A more than 80% drop in new infections has been seen in women and girls under the age of 25.

That could mean an equally big drop to come in a host...

11 Feb
Many Babies Acquire Oral HPV, Probably From Mom

Many Babies Acquire Oral HPV, Probably From Mom

Cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV) is considered a sexually transmitted infection, but a new study shows that many babies are born carrying the virus in their mouths.

"In brief, HPV infection can be acquired at early age or even at birth," said lead researche...

09 Feb
More Parents Balking at Giving Kids Cancer-Fighting HPV Vaccine

More Parents Balking at Giving Kids Cancer-Fighting HPV Vaccine

Although more teens are getting the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, parents' hesitancy is growing, a new study finds.

From 2012 to 2018, more doctors recommended their patients get vaccinated with the HPV vaccine -- from 27% to 49%. But at the same time, the number o...

04 Feb
Vaccines Saved 37 Million Lives, Mostly Children, Over Past Two Decades

Vaccines Saved 37 Million Lives, Mostly Children, Over Past Two Decades

They're medical miracles: A new report finds that vaccines against 10 major diseases prevented 37 million deaths between 2000 and 2019 in low- and middle-income countries worldwide, with young children benefiting most.

Vaccinations are also projected to prevent a total o...

26 Jan
1 in 5 Americans Has an STD: CDC

1 in 5 Americans Has an STD: CDC

According to 2018 data, one in five people in the United States probably carries a sexually transmitted infection, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

On any given day in 2018, nearly 68 million people had a sexually transmitted disease, according ...

12 Jan
Study Outlines Role of Oral Sex in Rare Throat, Mouth Cancers

Study Outlines Role of Oral Sex in Rare Throat, Mouth Cancers

People who began having oral sex at a young age or at greater "intensity" may face an increased risk of a type of throat cancer, a new study finds.

The study, published online Jan. 11 in the journal Cancer, focused on oropharyngeal cancer caused by human papillo...

08 Jan
Facebook Posts Big Drivers in Vaccine Resistance, Study Finds

Facebook Posts Big Drivers in Vaccine Resistance, Study Finds

As Americans await their COVID-19 shot, a new study of a different vaccine shows the power of Facebook posts in fueling "anti-vax" resistance to immunization.

The study included more than 10 years of public Facebook posts on the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. It fou...

30 Sep
HPV Vaccine Proves Its Mettle Against Cervical Cancer

HPV Vaccine Proves Its Mettle Against Cervical Cancer

Girls who are vaccinated against human papillomavirus (HPV) may drastically cut their chances of developing cervical cancer by age 30, a huge, new study finds.

Researchers found that of more than 1.6 million young Swedish women, those who'd gotten the HPV vaccine wer...

14 Sep
HPV Vaccination Rises Among U.S. Kids, But Many Still Unprotected

HPV Vaccination Rises Among U.S. Kids, But Many Still Unprotected

More U.S. kids are getting a recommended vaccine that protects against several cancers -- but there is still much room for improvement, a new study finds.

At issue is the vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV). Certain strains of HPV are sexually transmitted, and...

30 Jul
American Cancer Society Recommends HPV Test for Cervical Cancer Screening

American Cancer Society Recommends HPV Test for Cervical Cancer Screening

An updated guideline from the American Cancer Society calls for more simplified cervical cancer screening, administered less often.

The new guideline calls for an initial cervix screening at age 25, followed by the human papillomavirus (HPV) test every five years, co...

29 Jul
HPV Shots: Safe and Effective, But Many Parents Still Hesitate

HPV Shots: Safe and Effective, But Many Parents Still Hesitate

More than a decade of research has shown that the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine protects against a host of cancers, yet a new study finds that only half of American teens complete the multiple-shot regimen.

Why? Researchers discovered that many parents still ha...

20 Feb
Gay Men Underestimate Their Risks From HPV

Gay Men Underestimate Their Risks From HPV

Young men who have sex with other men don't fully grasp their risk for human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, due to a lack of information from health care providers, researchers say.

Interviews with men in their early 20s who are gay, bisexual or who identify as stra...

10 Feb
One Dose of HPV Vaccine May Protect Against Cervical Cancer

One Dose of HPV Vaccine May Protect Against Cervical Cancer

A single dose of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine works as well as multiple doses to protect older teen girls against preinvasive cervical disease, which can develop into cervical cancer, researchers say.

For the study, the researchers analyzed data on more th...

03 Feb
Cervical Cancer Could All But Disappear in North America by 2040

Cervical Cancer Could All But Disappear in North America by 2040

Vaccination and screening could nearly wipe out cervical cancer in North America in the next 20 years and rid the world of the disease within the next century, researchers say.

In a new study, the researchers assessed the potential impacts of the World Health Organiz...

23 Jan
The Damage of Vaccine Misinformation

The Damage of Vaccine Misinformation

An examination of vaccination trends in Denmark shows just how damaging vaccine misinformation can be.

From 2013 to 2016, negative information about the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine spread widely through Danish media outlets. As a result, thousands of girls did...