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482 Results for search "Hospitals".

Health News Results - 482

12 Jul
Thousands of Hospital Patients in Oregon May Have Been Exposed to Hepatitis, HIV

Thousands of Hospital Patients in Oregon May Have Been Exposed to Hepatitis, HIV

After an anesthesiologist may have exposed thousands of people treated at several hospitals in Oregon to hepatitis and HIV, those patients are being advised to get tested for the diseases.

Two health care providers in Portland -- Providence and Legacy Health -- have been...

12 Jul
Fake Botox Shots Land 13 Women in Hospital

Fake Botox Shots Land 13 Women in Hospital

Seventeen women in nine states have fallen ill after getting fake Botox shots, with 13 of them landing in the hospital and one requiring a ventilator, a new report warns.

In the report, pu...

10 Jul
Most Americans Would Welcome Hospital Care at Home, Survey Shows

Most Americans Would Welcome Hospital Care at Home, Survey Shows

Many Americans like the idea of receiving hospital-level care at home, believing they'd recover from their ills faster and without safety risks. 

"Patients of course want the best-quality care, but often prefer to be at home, especially if technology allows them to ...

09 Jul
New ER Program Helped More Patients Get Needed Hospice Care

New ER Program Helped More Patients Get Needed Hospice Care

One hospital's push to transition patients who are nearing the end of life from the emergency room to hospice care appears to be working.

After the program went into effect, 54% of ER patients at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston transitioned to hospice care within ...

30 May
Cancer Patients Get Poorer Care at Hospitals Serving Minority Communities

Cancer Patients Get Poorer Care at Hospitals Serving Minority Communities

Cancer patients receive less effective treatment at hospitals that mainly serve minority communities, a new study shows.

More than 9% of cancer patients are treated at hospitals...

30 Apr
1 in 20 ER Visits Involve Homeless People

1 in 20 ER Visits Involve Homeless People

At major medical centers across the southeast, 1 in every 20 visits to emergency departments involve people who are homeless or face "housing insecurity," a new U.S. study finds.

Concerns of suicide was the leading medical reason bringing these types of patients to the ...

04 Apr
Too Many U.S. Women Disrespected, Mistreated During Childbirth

Too Many U.S. Women Disrespected, Mistreated During Childbirth

Childbirth is a harrowing ordeal, and it's being made worse by mistreatment from health care providers during labor, a new study says.

More than one in every eight women are mistreated during childbirth, researchers found.

Most commonly, women's requests for help d...

26 Mar
Urinary Implant Helps Alert When Patients 'Gotta Go'

Urinary Implant Helps Alert When Patients 'Gotta Go'

It's hard for some folks who suffer illness-related urinary incontinence to judge whether they'll be able to hold it until they get home, or if they should rush to a bathroom now.


12 Mar
Shortage of Primary Care Doctors Could Bring Crowded ERs: Study

Shortage of Primary Care Doctors Could Bring Crowded ERs: Study

Americans living in areas where primary care doctors and nurse practitioners are in short supply face a greater risk for emergency surgeries and complications, new research shows.

They're also more likely to wind up back in the hospital after they've left it.


19 Feb
Heavy Sedation Could Drive Hispanic Patients' Higher Death Rate While on Ventilators

Heavy Sedation Could Drive Hispanic Patients' Higher Death Rate While on Ventilators

Hispanic Americans who are hospitalized and placed on ventilators have a higher risk of death than their white peers, and new research may reveal a reason why.

The study found that Hispanic patients in respiratory failure receive heavy sedation at a rate that is five tim...

15 Feb
Half of U.S. Health Care Workers Say They've Witnessed Racism Against Patients

Half of U.S. Health Care Workers Say They've Witnessed Racism Against Patients

Nearly half of health care workers nationwide say they've seen discrimination against patients while on the job, a new report reveals.

While 47% of health workers said they've witnessed discrimination against patients in their facilities, 52% said racism against patients...

12 Feb
Doctor 'Alert' Warnings Helped One Health System Reduce Unnecessary Tests

Doctor 'Alert' Warnings Helped One Health System Reduce Unnecessary Tests

The doctor tapped at his computer, ordering a routine prostate exam for an 80-year-old man, when a dramatic yellow alert popped up on the patient's electronic health record.

"You are ordering a test that no guideline recommends," it warned. "Screening with PSA can lead t...

18 Jan
Non-White U.S. Kids Get Worse Pediatric Care

Non-White U.S. Kids Get Worse Pediatric Care

Pediatric care for kids who aren't white is worse across the United States, a new study finds.

Racial inequities for children of color are pervasive, extending from neonatal care, emergency medicine and surgery to treatment of developmental disabilities, mental health is...

17 Jan
'Default' Orders for Palliative Care Speed Relief for Hospital Patients in Pain

'Default' Orders for Palliative Care Speed Relief for Hospital Patients in Pain

Palliative care is meant to ease suffering at any stage of disease, but too often many patients wait too long for this type of care to be ordered.

Now, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania may have come up with a solution: Make consultations regarding the need f...

03 Jan
Hospital Costs Soared for COVID Patients During Pandemic

Hospital Costs Soared for COVID Patients During Pandemic

The average cost of hospital care for COVID-19 patients skyrocketed during the pandemic, outstripping what might be expected under inflation, a new study shows.

Average hospital costs for COVID patients increased five times faster than the rate of medical inflation throu...

27 Dec
Post-Trauma Support Can Prevent Repeat Hospitalizations

Post-Trauma Support Can Prevent Repeat Hospitalizations

When hospitals support trauma survivors' mental health during and after treatment, patients are less likely to return in crisis, researchers report.

There's no uniform guidance on how to offer mental health services to these patients, noted lead study author

19 Dec
Your Toothbrush Could Be a Life Saver in the Hospital

Your Toothbrush Could Be a Life Saver in the Hospital

A person's toothbrush could be a true lifesaver if they land in a hospital ICU, according to new evidence review.

Regular toothbrushing is associated with lower rates of death in the intensive care unit (ICU), shorter lengths of stay, and shorter times spent on a mechani...

11 Dec
Black Patients Less Likely to Get Home Health Care After Hospital Discharge

Black Patients Less Likely to Get Home Health Care After Hospital Discharge

Nurses are less likely to discharge still-recovering Black patients to home health care than white patients, a new study has found.

About 22% of Black patients are referred to home health care by discharge nurses, compared with 27% of white patients, according to a repor...

09 Nov
Majority of Workers at America's Nursing Homes Unvaccinated Against Flu, COVID

Majority of Workers at America's Nursing Homes Unvaccinated Against Flu, COVID

Health care workers at America's nursing homes are woefully under-vaccinated for both flu and COVID-19, threatening their own health and that of the frail elderly patients under their care, a new report finds.

Looking at 2023 data collected at nearly 14,000 nursing homes...

08 Nov
Black, Hispanic Patients Often Get Worse Hospital Care After Cardiac Arrest

Black, Hispanic Patients Often Get Worse Hospital Care After Cardiac Arrest

Black and Hispanic Americans might be receiving worse hospital care following cardiac arrest than Whites do, a new study reports.

Only about 20% of Blacks and 22% of Hispanics admitted to a hospital after initially surviving cardiac arrest had a positive outcome, researc...

06 Nov
CDC Advisors Recommend Masks in Hospitals Without Naming Type

CDC Advisors Recommend Masks in Hospitals Without Naming Type

Advisors to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have voted to recommend that health providers wear masks during routine care for patients who are thought to be contagious.

Still, health care workers were frustrated that the draft recommendation does not s...

03 Nov
Critics Slam Updated Infection Control Recommendations for Hospitals

Critics Slam Updated Infection Control Recommendations for Hospitals

Advisors to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are expected to approve new draft guidelines for hospital infection control this week, the first update since 2007.

But healthcare workers worry whether the guidelines, which suggest that surgical masks are ...

02 Nov
Simple Antibiotic Switch for Pneumonia Patients Could Prevent Hospital Infection

Simple Antibiotic Switch for Pneumonia Patients Could Prevent Hospital Infection

A new study on Clostridioides difficile infections finds that choosing an alternative antibiotic for high-risk patients with pneumonia can reduce infection risk.

C. diff infections can be deadly, and they are often acquired by hospitalized patients taki...

25 Oct
Many U.S. Health Care Workers Face Harassment, Burnout

Many U.S. Health Care Workers Face Harassment, Burnout

Health workers are experiencing ever-increasing levels of harassment and burnout in the wake of the pandemic, a new federal survey has found.

Reports of harassment on the job more than doubled during the pandemic years, and nearly half of health care workers often experi...

13 Oct
Smaller Blood Draws for Lab Tests Reduce Need for Transfusions

Smaller Blood Draws for Lab Tests Reduce Need for Transfusions

Drawing smaller amounts of blood from patients in the intensive care unit could lead to fewer blood transfusions, according to new research.

The large clinical trial in Canada found that making this small change could save tens of thousands of units of blood each year in...

04 Oct
'Boarding' Patients for Days, Weeks in Crowded ERs Is Common Now

'Boarding' Patients for Days, Weeks in Crowded ERs Is Common Now

When Hannah, a California marketing professional, showed up at her local emergency room in March 2023 for a pregnancy-related complication, she wasn't prepared for what happened next.

"I arrived at 2 p.m. and finally saw the obstetrics team at midnight,"she recalled.

29 Sep
COVID Triggered More Cases of Deadly Sepsis During Pandemic Than Thought

COVID Triggered More Cases of Deadly Sepsis During Pandemic Than Thought

The life-threatening infection sepsis was more common than once thought among COVID-19 patients early in the pandemic.

Massachusetts researchers linked SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, to about 1 in 6 sepsis cases at five Boston hospitals during the pandemic's fi...

27 Sep
Black Patients More Likely to Be Physically Restrained During ER Visits

Black Patients More Likely to Be Physically Restrained During ER Visits

It seemed to some that patients of color were being restrained in the emergency room more often than others, so researchers decided to investigate.

While physical restraints can be used to keep staff and patients safe, they may also cause injury to the patient, including...

20 Sep
Patient-to-Patient Transmission Not to Blame for Most C. Difficile Infections in Hospitals

Patient-to-Patient Transmission Not to Blame for Most C. Difficile Infections in Hospitals

A deadly infection associated with hospitalization may not be the fault of the hospital, but may instead stem from the patients themselves, a new study suggests.

Infection caused by the bacterium Clostridioides difficile, or C. diff, is still common in hosp...

20 Sep
Average Hospital Bed Has a Big Carbon Footprint

Average Hospital Bed Has a Big Carbon Footprint

How big is a hospital bed's carbon footprint?

Pretty big, new research shows.

One hospital bed alone was roughly equivalent to the carbon footprint of five Canadian households, according to researchers studying a British Columbia hospital during 2019. They identif...

11 Sep
Cancer Care Tougher to Access in U.S. If English Second Language

Cancer Care Tougher to Access in U.S. If English Second Language

Much has been made of how a lack of English proficiency can interfere with a patient's ability to interact with their doctor and get the best health care possible.

But language barriers can prevent cancer patients from even getting in the door for a first visit with a sp...

21 Aug
'Time Is Brain': More Americans Waiting Longer for Best Care After Stroke

'Time Is Brain': More Americans Waiting Longer for Best Care After Stroke

When people suffering a stroke need a transfer to another hospital, time is of the essence. But a new study finds that most Americans in that situation face delays.

The study, published recently in the

18 Aug
1 in 10 ICU Patients With Heart Issues Has Illicit Drugs in Their System

1 in 10 ICU Patients With Heart Issues Has Illicit Drugs in Their System

More than 1 out of every 10 patients who land in an ICU with a potentially deadly heart emergency test positive for recreational drug use, a new French study reports.

About 11% of nearly 1,500 patients admitted to a French intensive cardiac care unit for a heart crisis t...

16 Aug
ERs Are Flooded With Kids in Mental Health Crisis, U.S. Doctors' Groups Warn

ERs Are Flooded With Kids in Mental Health Crisis, U.S. Doctors' Groups Warn

America's emergency rooms are being flooded by children suffering from psychiatric emergencies like anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts or attempts, a new joint report from three leading medical associations warns.

This surge in pediatric mental health emergencies...

16 Aug
U.S. COVID Hospitalizations Rise for Fourth Straight Week

U.S. COVID Hospitalizations Rise for Fourth Straight Week

New hospitalizations for Americans with severe COVID are climbing once again.

The number of patients being admitted to hospitals has grown for each of the past four weeks, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

25 Jul
Dementia Patients Wind up in the ER 1.4 Million Times a Year, Study Shows

Dementia Patients Wind up in the ER 1.4 Million Times a Year, Study Shows

Emergency rooms can be a frightening place for people suffering from dementia, yet each year 1.4 million Americans with Alzheimer's or other dementias wind up in crowded, noisy ERs, a new study finds.

Dementia is responsible for nearly 7% of all ER visits for those older...

24 Jul
Major Drug Shortages Not Likely After Tornado Damages Pfizer Plant, FDA says

Major Drug Shortages Not Likely After Tornado Damages Pfizer Plant, FDA says

Tornado damage to a Pfizer drug-making plant in North Carolina is unlikely to trigger drug shortages across the country, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says.

"We do not expect there to be any immediate significant impacts on supply, given the products are current...

13 Jul
Study Delivers More Evidence of a Mental Health Crisis Among Teens, Particularly Girls

Study Delivers More Evidence of a Mental Health Crisis Among Teens, Particularly Girls

Depression, suicidal thoughts and other mental health problems sent record numbers of American kids, especially girls, to emergency rooms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Once there, many waited days or even weeks to be admitted to the hospital, a new study reports.


27 Jun
Infectious Disease Experts Update Rules on 'Superbug' Spread in Hospitals

Infectious Disease Experts Update Rules on 'Superbug' Spread in Hospitals

"Superbug"infections are increasing in U.S. hospitals, and a coalition of medical groups has now issued a set of updated recommendations to protect patients.

These guidelines are meant to prevent the spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, also kn...

12 Jun
Many Hospitals Ignore Directives of Organ Transplant Waiting Lists: Study

Many Hospitals Ignore Directives of Organ Transplant Waiting Lists: Study

Many transplant centers routinely practice "list-diving,"when the top candidate among potential organ recipients is skipped in favor of someone further down the list, new research shows.

The top candidate is ranked that way based on an objective algorithm using age, wait...

07 Jun
An 'AI' Doctor Is Helping Hospitals Predict Readmissions

An 'AI' Doctor Is Helping Hospitals Predict Readmissions

New York University doctors and hospital executives are using an artificial intelligence (AI) computer program to predict whether a newly discharged patient will soon fall sick enough to be readmitted.

The AI program "NYUTron"reads physicians' notes to estimate a patient...

26 May
Are ERs Safe? Patients, Nurses and Doctors Say No in New Survey

Are ERs Safe? Patients, Nurses and Doctors Say No in New Survey

Emergency departments aren't perceived as safe for professionals or their patients, according to an international survey from the European Society of Emergency Medicine (EUSEM).

More than 90% of emergency professionals surveyed said they felt at times the number of patie...

11 May
VA Hospitals Offer Quality Surgical Care: Review

VA Hospitals Offer Quality Surgical Care: Review

While the U.S. Veterans Affairs health system has been criticized for long appointment wait times and limited access to specialists, the quality of care and access to a range of surgical services is as good as or better than at non-VA health centers on several measures, new re...

01 May
Feds Say Two U.S. Hospitals That Denied Emergency Abortion Broke the Law

Feds Say Two U.S. Hospitals That Denied Emergency Abortion Broke the Law

Denying a woman an emergency abortion and risking her life broke U.S. federal law, a federal government investigation contends.

The woman, who went into premature labor after her water broke at 17 weeks was denied the lifesaving procedure last August at two hospitals tha...

25 Apr
Can Patients With Pneumonia Be Weaned Off IV Antibiotics Earlier?

Can Patients With Pneumonia Be Weaned Off IV Antibiotics Earlier?

Patients hospitalized with pneumonia typically stay on IV antibiotics until they're stable, after about three days, but a new study suggests a different option.

Researchers report that more patients who have community-acquired pneumonia could switch sooner to oral antibi...

20 Apr
Many At-Risk Kids With COVID Can Be Cared for at Home

Many At-Risk Kids With COVID Can Be Cared for at Home

A new Australian study found that children who had COVID-19 during the first couple of years of the pandemic could be safely treated at home, taking the burden off hospitals.

Children who had COVID-19 with moderate symptoms or preexisting high-risk conditions could be t...

19 Apr
Is It Time to End Universal Masking in Hospitals, Clinics?  Many Experts Think So

Is It Time to End Universal Masking in Hospitals, Clinics?  Many Experts Think So

Health care facilities remain one of the last places left in the United States with COVID-era mask requirements still in effect.

It's time for that to end, experts say.

A prestigious collection of infection disease experts and epidemiologists say universal masking ...

14 Apr
About 100,000 U.S. Nurses Left Workforce During Pandemic

About 100,000 U.S. Nurses Left Workforce During Pandemic

During the pandemic, nearly 100,000 U.S. registered nurses called it quits, a new survey shows.

Why? A combination of stress, burnout and retirements created a perfect storm for the exodus.

Even worse, another 610,000 registered nurses (RNs) said they had an "inten...

03 Apr
Pope Francis Discharged From Hospital, Leads Palm Sunday Service

Pope Francis Discharged From Hospital, Leads Palm Sunday Service

Pope Francis was back delivering Mass on Palm Sunday, just one day after he was released from the hospital following a three-day stay for bronchitis.

Francis, 86, celebrated in St. Peter's Squ...

29 Mar
Combo Steroid Treatment May Work Best When Sepsis Strikes

Combo Steroid Treatment May Work Best When Sepsis Strikes

Giving patients who have septic shock a combo of two steroids could potentially be a lifesaver, according to a new study.

Researchers found that patients receiving a combination of hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone had lower death rates and discharge to hospice compared...