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Results for search "Urinary Tract Infections".

Health News Results - 38

25 Apr
FDA Approves New Antibiotic Against UTIs

FDA Approves New Antibiotic Against UTIs

As many patients already know, urinary tract infections (UTIs) can recur despite the use of antibiotics.

So, it's welcome news that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday approved Pivya (pivmecillinam) to fight bacterial

08 Apr
Vaccine-by-Mouth Could Replace Antibiotics in Fighting UTIs

Vaccine-by-Mouth Could Replace Antibiotics in Fighting UTIs

A new oral vaccine could prove a potential alternative to antibiotics for people with recurring urinary tract infections, a new study says.

More than half of patients with recurring UTIs (54%) wound up infection-free for nine years after receiving the oral spray vaccine,...

04 Mar
New Insights Into the Persistent Pain of UTIs

New Insights Into the Persistent Pain of UTIs

People with recurring urinary tract infections frequently have persistent pain, even after antibiotics have cleared the harmful bacteria from their system.

Now, researchers have figured out why this perplexing problem occurs.

It appears that an overgrowth of highly...

10 Jan
Despite Complications After Prostate Cancer Surgery, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Should Fully Recover

Despite Complications After Prostate Cancer Surgery, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Should Fully Recover

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin remains hospitalized while recovering from complications related to a December surgery to treat prostate cancer, the Pentagon

13 Oct
Could Tissue-Zapping Procedure Be Non-Antibiotic Option for Recurrent UTIs?

Could Tissue-Zapping Procedure Be Non-Antibiotic Option for Recurrent UTIs?

For some older women, recurring urinary tract infections -- and the antibiotics typically prescribed for them -- become a fact of life, but a new study offers a novel treatment that may deliver relief.

Called electrofulguration, the minimally invasive procedure essential...

14 Aug
Don't Use Certain Tests for Pregnancy, Ovulation, UTIs, FDA Warns

Don't Use Certain Tests for Pregnancy, Ovulation, UTIs, FDA Warns

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has warned that consumers should not use certain pregnancy, ovulation, urine, UTI and breast milk test kits over concerns that the tests may not be safe and effective.

The tests in question were manufactured by Universal Meditech Inc...

19 Jul
Steer Clear of UTIs This Summer

Steer Clear of UTIs This Summer

Dehydration brings lots of risks -- including urinary tract infections (UTIs).

An expert offers some tips for avoiding these painful infections without sacrificing summer fun.

"Patients can experience more UTIs during the summer due to inadequate fluid intake, esp...

26 Apr
The Data Is In: Cranberry Juice Does Help Prevent UTIs

The Data Is In: Cranberry Juice Does Help Prevent UTIs

Women have heard for decades that cranberry products help prevent urinary tract infections. A new study appears to confirm that longstanding advice.

About 60% of women over age 18 will suffer one or more urinary tract infections in their lifetime. About 30% will hav...

24 Mar
E. Coli From Meat May Be Causing Many UTIs

E. Coli From Meat May Be Causing Many UTIs

E. coli bacteria are an infamous cause of food poisoning, but a new study suggests those same microbes lurking in meat may be behind nearly half a million cases of urinary tract infections (UTIs).

UTIs are very common, affecting more than half of all women at least once ...

03 Jan
Could Estrogen Help Ease the Delirium That Can Come With UTIs?

Could Estrogen Help Ease the Delirium That Can Come With UTIs?

Older women with urinary tract infections (UTIs) often experience delirium along with them, and researchers may have found a solution.

Estrogen, often given as part of hormone replacement therapy after menopause, may prevent these mental changes, according to researchers...

04 Nov
New Type of Antibiotic Could Fight Tough-to-Treat UTIs

New Type of Antibiotic Could Fight Tough-to-Treat UTIs

The world desperately needs new antibiotics to fight infection as bacteria become resistant to existing options.

GSK has developed a new antibiotic to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) that appears to be so effective the pharmaceutical company stopped testing early o...

01 Nov
Combo Drug May Fight Tough-to-Treat UTIs

Combo Drug May Fight Tough-to-Treat UTIs

Doctors could soon have access to a new weapon in the ongoing battle against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

An experimental combination antibiotic appears to offer a new option for doctors treating stubborn drug-resistant urinary tract infections (UTIs), according to new...

10 Sep
As Heat Continues Through Fall, Shield Yourself from UTIs

As Heat Continues Through Fall, Shield Yourself from UTIs

As summer gives way to fall, hot weather isn't likely to let up anytime soon, and that means it's important to stay hydrated to keep urinary tract infections at bay.


22 Jul
Black Nursing Home Residents More Likely to Need Hospital Care

Black Nursing Home Residents More Likely to Need Hospital Care

Black residents in U.S. nursing homes are much more likely than white residents to be repeatedly transferred to hospital care, a new study reports.

Black nursing home residents are likely to be transferred to the hospital and back at least four times in a given year, acc...

14 Jul
Key to Battling UTIs May Lie in 'Good' Germs Within the Bladder

Key to Battling UTIs May Lie in 'Good' Germs Within the Bladder

As more and more superbugs become resistant to antibiotics, scientists are looking to use the good bacteria that live in people's bodies to fight back.

A new study reports o...

09 May
Are Antibiotics the Cause, Not Solution, of Recurrent UTIs?

Are Antibiotics the Cause, Not Solution, of Recurrent UTIs?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common and often easily managed, yet some women are plagued by one infection after another. Now, a new study hints at a culprit: the antibiotics used to treat them.

UTIs can affect anyone, but are particularly prevalent among women. St...

07 Apr
Experimental Pill May Fight Antibiotic-Resistant UTIs

Experimental Pill May Fight Antibiotic-Resistant UTIs

Urinary tract infections are common and usually simple to treat. But for people who become sick enough to land in the hospi...

11 Mar
Drug Could Be Non-Antibiotic Alternative to Treat UTIs

Drug Could Be Non-Antibiotic Alternative to Treat UTIs

Women plagued by frequent urinary tract infections often take daily antibiotics to ward them off. But an old antibiotic alternative might work just as well, a new clinical trial finds.


18 Oct
Bill Clinton Discharged From Hospital After Recovery From Sepsis

Bill Clinton Discharged From Hospital After Recovery From Sepsis

Former President Bill Clinton was released from a California hospital on Sunday after being treated for sepsis.

Clinton, 75, was admitted for care at the University of California Irvine Medical Center, in Orange, last Tuesday after developing sepsis triggered by a urolog...

17 Oct
Bill Clinton Expected to Be Discharged From Hospital on Sunday

Bill Clinton Expected to Be Discharged From Hospital on Sunday

A spokesperson for former President Bill Clinton said late Saturday that the 75-year-old will be discharged from a California hospital on Sunday, CNN reported. Clinton was hospitalized at the University of California Irvine Medical Center, in Orange, earlier in the we...

15 Oct
Bill Clinton Hospitalized for Sepsis

Bill Clinton Hospitalized for Sepsis

Former President Bill Clinton has been hospitalized after developing sepsis that was triggered by a urological infection.

Sepsis occurs when the body has an extreme response to an infection, and it can be life-threatening. Infections that can trigger sepsis most often st...

23 Jul
Are Antibiotics Really the Answer for UTIs in Women?

Are Antibiotics Really the Answer for UTIs in Women?

Urinary tract infections: They're the bane of millions of women, and a new study finds that many sufferers are unhappy that diagnosis and treatments are still limited for this painful condition.

One of the biggest concerns researchers found was that many women think freq...

19 Jun
Women, Take These Key Steps to Good Urological Health

Women, Take These Key Steps to Good Urological Health

Women who try to hold their pee during the day might want to rethink that strategy.

It's time to "get up and go," according to the Urology Care Foundation, which is encouraging women to be proactive about their urological health.

That, of course, means get up ...

06 Apr
Doctors' Group Says Antibiotics Can Be Taken for Shorter Periods

Doctors' Group Says Antibiotics Can Be Taken for Shorter Periods

Millions of Americans have at some point in their lives gotten a long course of antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection. But according to new recommendations from a major U.S. doctors' group, some of the most common bacterial infections can now be treated with shorter cou...

05 Mar
A Vaccine Against UTIs? New Mouse Study Brings Shot Closer

A Vaccine Against UTIs? New Mouse Study Brings Shot Closer

Many women suffer through countless urinary tract infections (UTIs), but a new study in mice offers hope that a vaccine could one day bring their nightmares to an end.

"Although several vaccines against UTIs have been investigated in clinical trials, they have so far had...

01 Mar
Many Women Getting Wrong Antibiotics to Treat a UTI: Study

Many Women Getting Wrong Antibiotics to Treat a UTI: Study

If you've gone to the doctor for a urinary tract infection (UTI), chances are that you've been given the wrong antibiotic or a longer-than-necessary treatment plan.

That's even more likely if you live in a rural area, researchers say.

A new study of private insuran...

19 Feb
Urinary Incontinence a Common Issue for Older Women, But Treatments Can Help

Urinary Incontinence a Common Issue for Older Women, But Treatments Can Help

Nearly 1 in 2 women over the age of 50 deal with the indignities of urinary incontinence, but experts say no one has to suffer in silence.

Frequently considered an inevitable problem of aging, most women never even try to get treatment for the urinary leakage that they e...

08 Jan
Could High Pollen Levels Trigger Pelvic Pain?

Could High Pollen Levels Trigger Pelvic Pain?

Most folks are familiar with the havoc that high pollen levels can wreak on their lungs, but new research suggests they can also exacerbate a painful pelvic condition in some people.

"Our study provides evidence to suggest increased pollen counts may trigger symptom flar...

26 Nov
Quit Smoking, Your Bladder Will Thank You

Quit Smoking, Your Bladder Will Thank You

If you smoke, you significantly increase your odds of developing bladder cancer, experts warn.

"Everyone knows smoking causes lung cancer, but they don't always know about bladder cancer," said Dr. Srinivas Vourganti, a urologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chic...

25 Nov
MS Has Mixed Impact on Patients' Cancer Risk: Study

MS Has Mixed Impact on Patients' Cancer Risk: Study

How does having multiple sclerosis (MS) affect a person's odds for cancer? The answer may depend on the type of cancer, new research shows.

The study found that MS patients do have much greater odds of developing bladder cancer compared to people without the illness. But...

12 Nov
Fish Oil, Vitamin D and Exercise: How Helpful Are They If You're Over 70?

Fish Oil, Vitamin D and Exercise: How Helpful Are They If You're Over 70?

Vitamin D, fish oil supplements and weight training have long been touted for their health benefits, but for healthy seniors, none of them -- either in combination or alone -- boosts physical or mental performance or prevents broken bones, Swiss researchers report.

For t...

20 Jul
HRT Might Help Older Women Ward Off Recurrent UTIs

HRT Might Help Older Women Ward Off Recurrent UTIs

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) might be able to break the cycle of recurring urinary tract infections in some women, a new study reports.

Women taking HRT for symptoms of menopause tend to have a greater variety of bacteria in their urine, including larger amounts...

20 May
Why So Many Older Women Develop UTIs

Why So Many Older Women Develop UTIs

Many older women struggle with urinary tract infections, and researchers now think they know why.

A big reason is because their bladder walls can be invaded by several species of bacteria, a recent study found.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the...

09 Jul
Dangerous UTIs Can Follow Hospital Patients Home

Dangerous UTIs Can Follow Hospital Patients Home

For the sick or elderly, a urinary tract infection (UTI) can prove deadly. With many vulnerable patients developing UTIs post-discharge, a new study suggests that better monitoring is needed after leaving the hospital.

Researchers at Oregon State University explored ...

27 Jun
Infections, Especially UTIs, May Be Triggers for Strokes

Infections, Especially UTIs, May Be Triggers for Strokes

A urinary tract infection might be more than just a painful nuisance for some, with new research suggesting it could raise the risk of stroke in vulnerable people.

The study of over 190,000 stroke patients found that the risk of suffering a stroke was heightened in t...

16 Apr
Kids Can Get UTIs, Too

Kids Can Get UTIs, Too

Adults aren't the only ones susceptible to urinary tract infections, or UTIs. They can occur in kids, even infants, if bacteria get into the urinary tract, often from the bowel.

Any child can get a UTI. But some kids are more prone than others, and girls get them mor...

19 Mar
What Works Best for Women Struggling With a Leaky Bladder?

What Works Best for Women Struggling With a Leaky Bladder?

For women who need relief from bladder control problems, behavioral therapies are a better bet than medication, a new research review finds.

In an analysis of 84 clinical trials, researchers found that overall, women were better off with behavioral approaches to easi...

28 Feb
Seniors With UTIs Need Antibiotics ASAP, Study Says

Seniors With UTIs Need Antibiotics ASAP, Study Says

For older adults with a urinary tract infection (UTI), antibiotic treatment should begin immediately to prevent serious complications, a new British study finds.

Delaying or withholding antibiotics in this age group can increase the risk of bloodstream infection (sep...