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Results for search "Ulcers".

Health News Results - 6

28 Sep
Health Issue Has Bruce Springsteen Postponing Shows for the Rest of the Year

Health Issue Has Bruce Springsteen Postponing Shows for the Rest of the Year

Rock star Bruce Springsteen announced Wednesday that he has postponed all of his remaining shows this year as he deals with peptic ulcer disease.

Springsteen said he's continuing to "recover steadily from peptic ulcer disease over the past few weeks and will continue tr...

07 Sep
Bruce Springsteen Postpones Shows Due to Peptic Ulcers

Bruce Springsteen Postpones Shows Due to Peptic Ulcers

Bruce Springsteen has again postponed shows for illness, this time while he is treated for symptoms of peptic ulcer disease.

Springsteen announced Wednesday that he was postponing his September shows in Baltimor...

07 Apr
Stress, Stomach Pain: Diarrhea, Constipation, Ulcers & More

Stress, Stomach Pain: Diarrhea, Constipation, Ulcers & More

You may be struggling with stomach pain and digestive distress without understanding why, thinking it might be something you ate.

Can stress cause stomach pain?

Stress, especially chronic stress, can indeed increase your risk for gastrointestinal (GI) problems.

17 Mar
Could a Yeast Found in Cheese Be Key to Easing Crohn's Disease?

Could a Yeast Found in Cheese Be Key to Easing Crohn's Disease?

A new tissue infection has been identified in Crohn's disease patients, and researchers say their finding could ultimately lead to better treatment of the common inflammatory bowel disease.

Areas of unhealed wounds in the intestines of Crohn's patients have elevated leve...

24 Feb
Diet Change Cured One Woman's Rare Leg Ulcers

Diet Change Cured One Woman's Rare Leg Ulcers

For people who have livedoid vasculopathy, which causes painful ulcers on the feet and lower legs, new research may bring newfound hope.

The disease is a rare medical mystery with no known cause and no commonly accepted cure, according to researchers who outlined the cas...

18 Apr
Microbes in Diabetic Foot Ulcers May Help Predict Treatment Success

Microbes in Diabetic Foot Ulcers May Help Predict Treatment Success

Some strains of Staph bacteria may slow the healing of diabetic foot ulcers, while other types of bacteria may promote healing, according to a new study.

The results suggest that monitoring the bacterial populations (microbiomes) of diabetic foot ulcers may help doct...