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Results for search "Prostate Problems: Drugs".

Health News Results - 5

21 Mar
Medication Shortage Means Many With Advanced Prostate Cancer Are Missing Treatments

Medication Shortage Means Many With Advanced Prostate Cancer Are Missing Treatments

An ongoing shortage of a drug for men with advanced prostate cancer is causing some patients to miss months of potentially life-extending treatment.

The drug's maker, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp., has said it can't keep up with demand for the medication, known as Pluv...

25 Aug
Enlarged Prostate Doesn't Raise a Man's Odds for Cancer: Study

Enlarged Prostate Doesn't Raise a Man's Odds for Cancer: Study

Does having an enlarged prostate doom you to prostate cancer?

Far from it, a new study suggests.

Also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the condition may actually provide some protection for men from developing prostate cancer, researchers report.


08 Feb
Could a Common Prostate Drug Help Prevent Parkinson's?

Could a Common Prostate Drug Help Prevent Parkinson's?

While scientists still don't know what causes Parkinson's disease, new research shows an association between a drug that some men take for an enlarged prostate condition and a reduced risk of developing the illness.

A team led by scientists at the University of Iowa, wor...

12 Nov
Could Propecia Up Young Men's Suicide Risk?

Could Propecia Up Young Men's Suicide Risk?

Young men who consider using the drug Propecia to prevent baldness may be putting themselves at risk for depression and suicide, a new study suggests.

Information from the World Health Organization indicates that over the past 10 years, reports of suicidal ideation among...

06 May
Use of Meds for Enlarged Prostate Might Delay a Cancer Diagnosis

Use of Meds for Enlarged Prostate Might Delay a Cancer Diagnosis

Men who take medicines for an enlarged prostate can have years-long delays in their diagnosis of prostate cancer and more advanced prostate cancer when they're diagnosed, a new study finds.

The reason? Drugs in this class -- such as Proscar (finasteride) and Avodart ...