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Results for search "Hernia".

Health News Results - 7

16 Jun
Pope Francis Leaves Hospital 9 Days After Surgery

Pope Francis Leaves Hospital 9 Days After Surgery

Pope Francis is now "better than before"after his release from a Rome hospital Friday following surgery on June 7 to repair a hernia and remove scarring.

The 86-year-old pope joked that he was "still alive," as he was met by reporters while leaving the Gemelli Polyclinic...

08 Jun
Pope Has Hernia Repaired During 3-Hour Surgery

Pope Has Hernia Repaired During 3-Hour Surgery

After three hours of surgery on Wednesday, Pope Francis was recovering at Gemelli hospital in Rome on Thursday.

Pope Francis had a hernia in his abdominal wall repaired, along with the removal of scar tissue in his intestine that had created a partial blockage and was ca...

07 Jun
Pope to Have Hernia Surgery, Stay in Rome Hospital for Several Days

Pope to Have Hernia Surgery, Stay in Rome Hospital for Several Days

Pope Francis will be hospitalized for several days after a planned surgery to repair a hernia that is causing him "recurrent, painful and worse...

15 Jan
What Are Hernias, and How Are They Treated?

What Are Hernias, and How Are They Treated?

Moving a heavy object or even coughing can result in a medical condition known as a hernia.

While it's common, many people don't know what a hernia is, according to an expert at Penn State Health, who offered details on causes, symptoms and treatment.

"While we typ...

27 Aug
What Do You Know About Your Risk for Hernia?

What Do You Know About Your Risk for Hernia?

Could you be at risk for a hernia?

One expert gives the lowdown on hernias, who is most at risk for ...

01 Mar
Had Hernia Surgery? You May Need Another

Had Hernia Surgery? You May Need Another

If you've had hernia repair surgery and you think you've solved your medical issue for good, you might be wrong.

A hernia occurs when an internal organ pushes through a weak region of muscle or tissue, often creating a noticeable bulge. Hernias typically do not improve w...

10 Jan
Foot Stools Move Human Stool Along

Foot Stools Move Human Stool Along

A simple potty stool under your feet might help cure constipation, researchers say.

"These toilet stools became popular through things like viral videos and social media, but there was really no medical evidence to show whether or not they are effective," said resear...