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Results for search "Fat, Dietary".

Health News Results - 32

01 Nov
Does Meat Need Warning Labels on How It Harms Climate, Health?

Does Meat Need Warning Labels on How It Harms Climate, Health?

Adding warning labels to meat about its impact on climate and health could lower its consumption, a new study suggests.

British researchers investigated what adding cigarette-style graphic warning labels to meat in a cafeteria setting might do.

"Reaching net zero i...

26 Jul
Fat Around the Liver Raises Risk for Heart Failure

Fat Around the Liver Raises Risk for Heart Failure

About 30% of adults around the world have a buildup of fat in the liver, a condition called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Now an international team of researchers has linked that condition to a heightened risk of heart failure.

NAFLD, as it is called for shor...

30 Dec
Weight Loss Your Resolution? Experts Look at Fasting, Keto and Whole 30

Weight Loss Your Resolution? Experts Look at Fasting, Keto and Whole 30

Folks who are determined to shed some pounds in the New Year face a bewildering array of fad diets and quickie weight-loss schemes.

Those weighing eating patterns and diet plans such as

20 Dec
Animal Study Suggests Link Between Obesity and Gum Disease

Animal Study Suggests Link Between Obesity and Gum Disease

It is likely a connection few have considered, but new research in mice suggests that obesity may up your risk of gum disease.

Specifically, chronic inflammation caused by obesity may trigger the development of cells called osteoclasts that break down bone tissue -- incl...

12 Nov
Weight-Loss Surgery Slashes Risk of Severe Liver Disease in the Obese: Study

Weight-Loss Surgery Slashes Risk of Severe Liver Disease in the Obese: Study

Weight-loss surgery sliced the risk of severe liver disease or liver cancer in obese people with fatty liver disease, a new study finds.

It included more than 1,100 patients with an aggressive type of fatty liver disease. Patients who had weight-loss (bariatric) surgery ...

09 Nov
Women Feel More Stigma From 'Spare Tire' Around Middle Than Men

Women Feel More Stigma From 'Spare Tire' Around Middle Than Men

Belly fat. No one wants it, but women are much harder on themselves about extra pounds wrapped around their middle than men are, regardless of how much they weigh.

And the more they beat themselves up about their "spare tire," the more likely women are to gain weight in ...

08 Nov
Get Your Dietary Fat From Plants, Cut Your Stroke Risk

Get Your Dietary Fat From Plants, Cut Your Stroke Risk

People who get their dietary fat from olive oil rather than steak may help reduce their risk of suffering a stroke, a preliminary study suggests.

The study, of more than 100,000 health professionals, found that those who favored vegetable oils and other plant foods as th...

06 Jul
Can You Eat Your Way to Fewer Migraines?

Can You Eat Your Way to Fewer Migraines?

Eating lots of fatty fish and cutting out polyunsaturated fats may reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines, a new study suggests.

Omega-3 fatty acids from fish like tuna, salmon, bluefish and mackerel may help manage migraine, especially in tandem with eliminatin...

30 Jun
Delicious & Deadly: Southern U.S. Diet Tied to Higher Odds for Sudden Death

Delicious & Deadly: Southern U.S. Diet Tied to Higher Odds for Sudden Death

Planning to celebrate the Fourth of July with a traditional Southern-style spread of fried chicken, pork rinds, buttermilk biscuits and sweet tea?

Don't make it an everyday habit.

These staples of a regional diet heavy in fried foods, fats and sugary drinks may bo...

17 Jun
How Healthy Are the New Plant-Based 'Fake Meats'?

How Healthy Are the New Plant-Based 'Fake Meats'?

More and more Americans are seeking out healthier, greener and more ethical alternatives to meat, but are plant-based alternatives like the Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat truly nutritious substitutes?

The answer is yes, according to new research funded by the U.S. Nat...

25 Mar
Too Much Restaurant Fare Could Shorten Your Life

Too Much Restaurant Fare Could Shorten Your Life

Whether it's takeout or dining in, lives filled with lots of restaurant fare could turn out to be shorter, new research shows.

The study found that dining out frequently -- two or more meals prepared away from home each day -- is tied to an increased risk of death from a...

23 Nov
Junk Food, Booze Often Star in America's Hit Movies

Junk Food, Booze Often Star in America's Hit Movies

If there was an Oscar for "most unhealthy food in a leading role," many of America's most popular movies would be serious contenders.

That's the conclusion of a new review of food content featured in 250 top-grossing U.S. movies. More often than not, the fictional food c...

26 Oct
Social Media 'Kid Influencers' Are Promoting Junk Foods

Social Media 'Kid Influencers' Are Promoting Junk Foods

Is your kid suddenly clamoring for a fast food meal or a sugary cereal you've never even heard of? He or she may have seen the product featured on a favorite "kid influencer" video.

In a new study, researchers viewed the top 50 kid influencer videos on YouTube and foun...

07 Aug
Pizza Study Shows Body's Resilience to 'Pigging Out'

Pizza Study Shows Body's Resilience to 'Pigging Out'

Ever felt guilty for that occasional binge on high-calorie, fatty foods?

Relax: A new study of folks overindulging on pizza finds that if you're healthy and you don't 'pig out' regularly, your body deals with it just fine.

British researchers looked at th...

05 Mar
More Evidence That Ditching Red Meat Is Good for Your Heart

More Evidence That Ditching Red Meat Is Good for Your Heart

If you want a longer, healthier life, try replacing that steak with beans, vegetables or whole grains -- but preferably not a fast-food veggie burger.

That's according to two preliminary studies by Harvard researchers. They found that people who eat plenty of "high-q...

05 Mar
Olive Oil Could Help Lower Your Heart Disease Risk

Olive Oil Could Help Lower Your Heart Disease Risk

If you love to drizzle a bit of olive oil on your salad, a new study suggests a side benefit to that tasty fat: a lower risk of heart disease.

The research, funded by the National Institutes of Health, found that people who had more than half a tablespoon of olive o...

12 Nov
Ultra-Processed Foods May Fast Track You to Heart Trouble

Ultra-Processed Foods May Fast Track You to Heart Trouble

Grab-and-go foods are an easy option for busy lives, but if you opt for ultra-processed foods a lot, you may pick up something you don't want -- heart disease.

About 55% of Americans' daily calories come from eating ultra-processed foods, a new study found. And ...

13 Sep
What's the Right Balance of Fats and Carbs?

What's the Right Balance of Fats and Carbs?

What is the perfect amount of fats and carbohydrates for a healthy diet? Scientists from McMaster University in Canada analyzed food diaries from more than 135,000 people in 18 countries around the world to find out.

The answer supports the old adage that moderation...

16 Aug
A Fatty Meal Might Affect How You Absorb CBD

A Fatty Meal Might Affect How You Absorb CBD

Having a cheeseburger with that CBD-infused product? A new study suggests that fatty foods might boost the body's absorption of cannabidiol (CBD).

In 2018, CBD capsules received U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for use in patients with seizures, but how fo...

16 Aug
Is Dairy Fat Different?

Is Dairy Fat Different?

Dairy foods have been getting a lot of attention from researchers in recent years, notably from studies done both jointly and separately by scientists at Harvard and Tufts universities. They looked at the relationship between full-fat dairy and the risks for heart disease and ...

05 Aug
Keto Diet May Help Control Type 2 Diabetes

Keto Diet May Help Control Type 2 Diabetes

The keto diet has plenty of weight-loss devotees who swear by the high fat, low-carb plan. Now, new research from India suggests it may benefit people with type 2 diabetes.

The study team found that people following a ketogenic diet for three months saw significant ...

31 Jul
A Healthier Take on Breakfast Sandwiches

A Healthier Take on Breakfast Sandwiches

It's a hard habit to break -- sinking your teeth into a favorite fast-food breakfast sandwich. But your drive-thru addiction could be making a big dent in daily calorie and fat limits without giving you the nutrients needed to fuel your day.

Take these steps for a he...

30 Jul
The 411 on Unsaturated Fats

The 411 on Unsaturated Fats

Doctors may be as confused about what dietary advice to pass on to their patients as the patients themselves -- even when it comes to protecting against heart disease through diet, according to U.S., British and Italian reports.

Part of the problem is the continuing...

22 Jul
The Great Fat Debate: How Much Is Unhealthy?

The Great Fat Debate: How Much Is Unhealthy?

Experts have redefined the role of fat in healthy eating, but before you grab a chunk of cheese or another pat of butter, understand the differences between the various types of fat in your diet.

For decades, guidelines recommended limiting total dietary fat to no mo...

21 Jun
Still Too Much Processed Meat, Too Little Fish in U.S. Diets

Still Too Much Processed Meat, Too Little Fish in U.S. Diets

Americans are eating as much processed meat as they did two decades ago, and have not increased the amount of fish they consume.

That's the bad news from new research on dietary data, which also found one-quarter of U.S. adults eat more than the recommended amount of u...

17 Jun
How Much Fat Do You Really Need?

How Much Fat Do You Really Need?

With all the attention that the very high-fat Keto diet is getting, you might be wondering how much fat is healthy and how much your body really needs every day to thrive.

First, know that some fat is essential for most people. Your body uses fat for many health func...

30 May
Forget Fasting Before That Cholesterol Test

Forget Fasting Before That Cholesterol Test

For folks who hate to fast before getting a blood test to check their cholesterol levels, a new study delivers some good news.

Most people may not have to abstain from everything but water before having the test, the study found.

"We hope this study will be...

13 Mar
The Saturated Fat Debate Rages On

The Saturated Fat Debate Rages On

It's hard to keep up with the findings from studies on the health effects of saturated fat -- you know, the fat typically found in animal foods, from red meat to whole milk. But one thing's certain.

For every study that finds saturated fats unhealthy, there's another...

15 Feb
How to Choose the Right Cooking Oils

How to Choose the Right Cooking Oils

Oils are one of the most widely used ingredients in cooking and are healthy alternatives to butter and margarine.

All cooking oils, including olive, canola and peanut oil, contain 14 grams of total fat per tablespoon, and roughly 120 calories. So measure amounts car...

24 Jan
Too Much Fried Food May Shorten Your Life

Too Much Fried Food May Shorten Your Life

Fried chicken, french fries and chicken-fried steak might be delicious, but treating yourself to such fare regularly could be deadly, a new study warns.

Women who eat more than one serving a week of fried chicken or fried fish have an increased risk of heart disease ...

15 Jan
Junk Food Ads Target Minority Kids: Study

Junk Food Ads Target Minority Kids: Study

Nearly all TV food ads aimed at Hispanic and black children in the United States are for unhealthy products, a new report claims.

In 2017, black teens saw more than twice as many ads for unhealthy food products as white teens, researchers found.

"Food compa...

02 Jan
Cholesterol Levels Spike After Christmas

Cholesterol Levels Spike After Christmas

After indulging in big, rich, holiday meals, cholesterol levels go through the roof, Danish researchers report.

After Christmas, cholesterol levels jumped 20 percent from summer levels among the 25,000 people studied.

Your risk of having high cholesterol b...