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Results for search "Skin Disorders: Dry Skin".

Health News Results - 21

08 Sep
Is It Eczema or Psoriasis? An Expert Offers Advice

Is It Eczema or Psoriasis? An Expert Offers Advice

Eczema and psoriasis are skin conditions that can each affect a person's quality of life.

The best way to know which one you have if you have an itchy rash or burning feeling on your skin is to see an expert.

"Both eczema and psoriasis can impact your sleep, mood a...

09 Aug
Vacations in the Sun Aren't Good for Your Skin's Microbiome

Vacations in the Sun Aren't Good for Your Skin's Microbiome

It's already known that the "healthy glow"of a tan actually represents damage to skin cells.

But a new study of people on vacation has found that sunbathing also can disrupt the skin's microbiome, altering the populations of bacteria that live on the skin in ways that co...

05 Jun
FDA Warns Against Using Bogus Treatments for Skin Condition Molluscum

FDA Warns Against Using Bogus Treatments for Skin Condition Molluscum

It's tempting to treat little skin bumps on your own, but that delays proper diagnosis and treatment that may work better, federal regulators cautioned.

Among the many types of skin conditions a person can contract are a virus called molluscum, which look like white, pin...

20 Mar
California's Wildfires Caused Uptick in Skin Ailments

California's Wildfires Caused Uptick in Skin Ailments

Wildfires are known to have a lot of negative impacts on the environment and the health of the people who live through them.

Yet another is the worsening of skin conditions, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). The group shared strategies to minimize ...

15 Feb
Living Near Busy Road Could Raise Your Odds for Eczema

Living Near Busy Road Could Raise Your Odds for Eczema

How close a person lives to a major road could have an impact on their eczema risk.

New research suggests that folks who live farther from one are less likely to develop the s...

02 Oct
Are Your Hands Just Dry, Or Is It Eczema?

Are Your Hands Just Dry, Or Is It Eczema?

Sometimes that irritated skin on your hands is more than simple dryness.

Hand eczema could be the culprit, with painful dry and itchy skin on all or part of the hand and fingers.

"If your hands are extremely dry and painful, and using moisturizer throughout the da...

22 Feb
Should You Use Antibiotic Creams on Your Skin?

Should You Use Antibiotic Creams on Your Skin?

As winter winds leave your skin dry, cracked and prone to cuts and bleeding, a skin expert says you should resist the urge to use antibiotic creams or ointments.

While it might seem sensible to use antibiotic topicals to combat germs and prevent infection with

13 Feb
Winter Weather Can Bring Dry, Cracked Heels. Expert Offers Help

Winter Weather Can Bring Dry, Cracked Heels. Expert Offers Help

Dry, cracked heels are common in the winter, but there are several ways to prevent and treat the problem, a skin specialist says.

"Cold, dry weather, walking barefoot, and long, hot showers are just some of the reasons why you may have dry, cracked heels this winter," de...

20 Jan
Side Effects From New Cancer Meds Have Silver Lining

Side Effects From New Cancer Meds Have Silver Lining

Skin side effects caused by cancer drugs called immune checkpoint inhibitors may be a telltale sign that the drugs are working, according to a new study.

Immune checkpoint inhibitors, a type of immunotherapy, boost the body's immune response against tumor cells and have ...

31 Oct
Caring for a New Baby's Skin, Hair and Nails

Caring for a New Baby's Skin, Hair and Nails

Caring for a baby's delicate skin, hair and nails can be intimidating, but five simple steps can make it easier, according to an expert from the American Academy of Dermatology.

"With their tiny hands and feet, babies can seem so fragile and vulnerable," said dermatologi...

21 Aug
Want That Healthy Skin Glow? These Foods Can Get You There

Want That Healthy Skin Glow? These Foods Can Get You There

Eating foods high in five key nutrients can help you have soft, glowing, healthy skin, an expert says.

Omega-3s: While they're typically associated with brain and heart health and lower blood pressure, they also "can reduce inflammation and keep your ski...

23 Jun
Rash, Itch After COVID Vaccine Rare & Quickly Resolves

Rash, Itch After COVID Vaccine Rare & Quickly Resolves

Rashes, itchiness and other skin problems can develop after people receive COVID-19 vaccines, but such problems are rare and go away quickly, new research shows.

For the study, the researchers looked at more than 40,000 employees of a Boston hospital system who received ...

22 Apr
Wildfire Smoke Can Trigger Eczema, Study Finds

Wildfire Smoke Can Trigger Eczema, Study Finds

When wildfires choked the air and turned the skies orange throughout the American West in recent years, they caused a variety of health problems from coughs and runny noses to life-threatening heart attacks and strokes.

But eczema and other skin issues were a result of t...

30 Jan
Kiss Chapped Lips Goodbye This Winter

Kiss Chapped Lips Goodbye This Winter

Dry and chapped lips are common during the winter, but there are a number of things you can do to protect them, an expert says.

"Cold, dry weather; sun damage; and frequently licking your lips are just some of the reasons your lips might feel dry and chapped this winter,...

20 Nov
Losing Your Hair Because of Pandemic Stress?

Losing Your Hair Because of Pandemic Stress?

Add stress-related hair loss to the many problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

"I've had patients coming in recently with stress-related hair loss, who tell me they were so worried about dying earlier this year or even that they had COVID-19. But they don't see th...

13 Nov
Eczema More Common Among Black, Hispanic Kids

Eczema More Common Among Black, Hispanic Kids

Black and Hispanic children in the United States have much higher rates of the skin condition eczema than white children, experts say.

These disparities in eczema -- also called atopic dermatitis (AD) -- will be presented at a virtual meeting of the American College of A...

13 Nov
Pre-Op 'Brain Games' Might Prevent Post-Op Delirium

Pre-Op 'Brain Games' Might Prevent Post-Op Delirium

Playing brain games before surgery may reduce your risk of delirium after your operation, a new study says.

Just as you can prepare your body for surgery, you can do the same for your brain by keeping it active and challenged through something called "neurobics," accordi...

21 Oct
How to Care for Your Skin During Radiation Therapy

How to Care for Your Skin During Radiation Therapy

Proper skin care is crucial for cancer patients receiving radiation therapy, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says.

Itchiness, redness, blistering and peeling are among the skin problems that radiation therapy can cause.

"During radiation therapy, ...

21 Aug
Frequent Hand-Washing Tough on Those With Eczema

Frequent Hand-Washing Tough on Those With Eczema

Hand-washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses, but for people with skin conditions like eczema, lathering up frequently can lead to dryness, cracking, itchiness, pain and even an infection.

If you're struggling to balance pa...

03 Jan
Ever Get a Rash from Your Skin Cream or Makeup? Here's Why

Ever Get a Rash from Your Skin Cream or Makeup? Here's Why

Skin creams and cosmetics can sometimes produce rashes instead of a beautiful complexion, but why has been a mystery until now.

A new study suggests that some chemicals in these products remove natural fats in skin cells, which might be why they trigger allergic reac...

27 Feb
Why Do Some Kids With Eczema Develop Food Allergies?

Why Do Some Kids With Eczema Develop Food Allergies?

Researchers have added to a growing body of evidence that skin plays a major role in food allergies.

Their study of 62 children with eczema found that those with food allergies had skin irregularities not present on others.

Those irregularities included a l...