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Results for search "Drug Imports".

Health News Results - 3

08 Jun
Cancer Centers Say Drug Shortages Are Impacting Patient Care

Cancer Centers Say Drug Shortages Are Impacting Patient Care

A new survey of cancer centers find that chemotherapy shortages are affecting most of them, prompting last-minute changes in treatment for numerous types of cancer.

About 93% of the centers surveyed said they were experiencing shortages of the drug carboplatin, while 70%...

23 Mar
Drug Shortages Rose by 30% in 2022, U.S. Senate Report Shows

Drug Shortages Rose by 30% in 2022, U.S. Senate Report Shows

Americans are facing shortages of drugs critical for cancer treatment, breathing problems and more -- shortages that increased nearly 30% between 2021 and 2022, a new report shows.


31 Jul
Trump Administration Announces Plan to Allow Cheaper Drug Imports From Canada

Trump Administration Announces Plan to Allow Cheaper Drug Imports From Canada

Americans could import less expensive prescription drugs from Canada under a plan being developed by the Trump administration.

"Driving down drug prices requires a comprehensive approach and we must continue to look at all innovative solutions to this challenge," U.S...