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Results for search "Chickenpox".

Health News Results - 6

21 Oct
Chickenpox Vaccine Has Nearly Erased Deaths, Hospitalizations From Virus in U.S.

Chickenpox Vaccine Has Nearly Erased Deaths, Hospitalizations From Virus in U.S.

New government data shows that the chickenpox vaccine has virtually eliminated deaths and severe cases of the virus in U.S. children and teens.

In the analysis, released Thursday b...

23 Apr
Study Confirms Safety, Effectiveness of Children's Vaccines

Study Confirms Safety, Effectiveness of Children's Vaccines

Vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (chickenpox) are highly effective and do not cause autism, say researchers who reviewed 138 studies that included 23 million children.

"In terms of safety, we know from previous studies all around the world that the ...

07 Aug
Vulnerable Preemie Babies Often Behind On Vaccines

Vulnerable Preemie Babies Often Behind On Vaccines

Preemies often lag behind full-term babies in getting routine vaccinations -- and the difference remains at age 3, a new study finds.

Misguided parental "hesitancy" over the safety of vaccines for preemies might be to blame, researchers said.

The study foun...

10 Jun
Chickenpox Vaccine Shields Kids From Shingles, Too

Chickenpox Vaccine Shields Kids From Shingles, Too

Shingles isn't usually considered a kids' disease, but children can get this painful condition. Fortunately, the chickenpox vaccine can also protect them against it, a new study finds.

"The virus that causes chickenpox also causes shingles. It's pretty uncommon in kid...

09 May
Potentially Blinding Shingles of the Eye  on the Rise

Potentially Blinding Shingles of the Eye on the Rise

The virus that gave you chickenpox as a kid can rise again after decades of inactivity and inflict a painful, even blinding, eye infection in old age.

New research reveals that cases of eye-based "shingles" have tripled since 2004.

Exactly what is driving t...

21 Mar
What Drives 'Anti-Vaxxer' Parents? It's a Mixed Bag, Study Shows

What Drives 'Anti-Vaxxer' Parents? It's a Mixed Bag, Study Shows

Anti-vaccination campaigns abound on social media, but the people involved are not necessarily driven by any single motivation, a new study suggests.

Instead, researchers say, people who voice their anti-vaccine sentiments online range from conspiracy theorists to pa...