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Results for search "Bipolar Affective Disorder".

Health News Results - 53

11 Jul
New Type of Brain Stimulation Could Shorten Treatment Time for Bipolar Disorder

New Type of Brain Stimulation Could Shorten Treatment Time for Bipolar Disorder

Powerful magnetic stimulation can help treat people with bipolar disorder, according to results from a small trial.

The therapy, called accelerated intermittent theta burst stimulation, involves magnetic waves delivered to specific regions of the brain using an electroma...

13 Jun
Nearly 1 in 4 People With Bipolar Disorder Achieve Complete Mental Health

Nearly 1 in 4 People With Bipolar Disorder Achieve Complete Mental Health

Bipolar disorder doesn't have to be a lifelong challenge, a new study says.

Nearly 1 in 4 people with bipolar disorder wind up achieving complete

31 May
Amsterdam's 'Psychiatric Ambulance' Could Be Advance For Those in Mental Health Crisis

Amsterdam's 'Psychiatric Ambulance' Could Be Advance For Those in Mental Health Crisis

Ambulances meant for people having a mental health crisis could help folks get the care they need with less confrontation and friction, a new...

23 Apr
Physical Ills Often Plague People With Schizophrenia, Bipolar

Physical Ills Often Plague People With Schizophrenia, Bipolar

Severe mental illness can contribute to a decline in a person's physical health, with many chronic conditions slowly eroding their wellness, a new review finds.

People with schiz...

17 Apr
Most Homeless Americans Are Battling Mental Illness

Most Homeless Americans Are Battling Mental Illness

Two-thirds of homeless people are experiencing some form of mental health disorder, a large, new review of data on the subject.

The analysis found that men who are homeless are more likely to be battling mental illness than women, although rates were high for both gender...

10 Apr
Teens with Anxiety, Mood Disorders Less Likely to Get Driver's License

Teens with Anxiety, Mood Disorders Less Likely to Get Driver's License

Teenagers suffering from anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder are likely to have a tougher time getting their driver's license, a new study finds.

Teens and young adult...

06 Mar
Many Can't Access Mental Health Services that Save Money, Keep People Out of Jail

Many Can't Access Mental Health Services that Save Money, Keep People Out of Jail

When it comes to giving at-risk Americans access to the mental health services they need, prevention is far better than detention, new research confirms.

However, a majority of the 950 U.S. counties surveyed in the report do not offer access to the types of ment...

31 Oct
Metformin May Help Young Patients With Bipolar Disorder Avoid Weight Gain

Metformin May Help Young Patients With Bipolar Disorder Avoid Weight Gain

Taking the drug metformin -- typically used for type 2 diabetes -- can help counter weight gain in young people who are taking medication for bipolar disorder, according to a new trial.

While second-generation antipsychotic medications (SGAs) that treat bipolar disorder ...

25 Oct
Blood Test Could Speed Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder

Blood Test Could Speed Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder

Researchers say they have developed a simple blood test that can spot biomarkers associated with bipolar disorder, potentially easing diagnosis.

For the study, British researchers used both an online psychiatric assessment and a blood test to diagnose the condition. Many...

10 Aug
Extended Use of Antidepressants May Help People With Bipolar Depression

Extended Use of Antidepressants May Help People With Bipolar Depression

Modern antidepressants could be effective for long-term treatment of some patients with bipolar disorder, a new trial suggests.

Current guidelines discourage use of antidepressants in these patients, over concerns that the drugs will trigger a manic episode.

But bi...

19 Jul
Bipolar Disorder Ups Early Death Risk by Sixfold

Bipolar Disorder Ups Early Death Risk by Sixfold

People who have bipolar disorder may have a higher risk of dying early, according to new research.

Finnish investigators say this is due to a combination of external causes -- such as suicide, accidents and violence -- and physical health issues, with alcohol a big contr...

17 Jul
Pets Don't Help Those With Severe Mental Illness Fare Better

Pets Don't Help Those With Severe Mental Illness Fare Better

It's commonly thought that having a companion animal -- be it a dog, cat or bird -- is good for the owner's mental health.

A new study suggests that's not so, at least for people with severe mental illness and for pets that aren't trained therapy animals. Pets may, howev...

07 Jul
Fewer Kids Are Being Prescribed Antipsychotic Meds

Fewer Kids Are Being Prescribed Antipsychotic Meds

The use of antipsychotic medication in children is continuing to plummet, likely because of better policies and education, new research shows.

The study found a 43% drop in antipsychotic prescriptions for Medicaid-enrolled children in 45 states, a stark contrast from the...

26 May
Heavy Marijuana Use Might Raise Risk of Bipolar Disorder, Depression

Heavy Marijuana Use Might Raise Risk of Bipolar Disorder, Depression

Heavy users of marijuana might face an increased risk of bipolar disorder and depression, a new study suggests.

The analysis of more than 6.6 million Danish individuals found that having cannabis use disorder doubled or even tripled the odds for most forms of depression ...

23 May
'Complex' Genetic Links Between Marijuana Use, Psychiatric Ills

'Complex' Genetic Links Between Marijuana Use, Psychiatric Ills

A subset of people may be at high risk for both psychiatric disorders and for using marijuana, based on their genetics, according to a new study.

Researchers from the University of Oslo in Norway have found that some of the genetic variants associated with cannabis use ...

16 May
Bipolar Disorder: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatments

Bipolar Disorder: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatments

More than 10 million people in the United States are living with bipolar disorder, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illn...

28 Mar
Rate of Kids Hospitalized in Mental Health Crisis Keeps Rising

Rate of Kids Hospitalized in Mental Health Crisis Keeps Rising

Children with mental health problems are flooding America's hospitals.

A new study of 4.8 million pediatric hospitalizations between 2009 and 2019 found that the number of acute care hospitalizations for kids with mental health problems increased significantly. In 2019, ...

28 Mar
AHA News: Irregular Sleep Schedule Linked to High Blood Pressure

AHA News: Irregular Sleep Schedule Linked to High Blood Pressure

People with irregular sleep patterns may face substantially higher odds of high blood pressure than those who stick to a schedule, even when they get the recommended amount of sleep each night, new research suggests.

The study, published Tuesday in the journal Hypertensi...

02 Mar
Smoking Plus Mental Illness Can Send Caffeine Intake Soaring

Smoking Plus Mental Illness Can Send Caffeine Intake Soaring

One group of Americans drinks more caffeinated beverages than all others.

That's people who smoke cigarettes and also have serious mental illness, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, according to new research.

While Americans overall are drinking more c...

28 Dec
Long Stays Common for Kids Who Visit ERs in Mental Health Crisis

Long Stays Common for Kids Who Visit ERs in Mental Health Crisis

It's a scenario no parent would ever want to witness: Their child suffers a mental health crisis and is taken to the emergency room, only to have to wait 12 hours or more for the right medical care.

Sadly, it is what 1 in 5 of these young patients now face, new research...

17 Oct
Too Few Young People Get Mental Health Follow-Up After ER Visit

Too Few Young People Get Mental Health Follow-Up After ER Visit

When teens and young adults go to the emergency room or are hospitalized for critical mental health issues a staggering number are not receiving quick follow-up care, new U.S. research finds.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts looked at more than 100,00...

17 Aug
Too Few Psychiatric Beds: Psychiatrists' Group Takes Aim at Ongoing Crisis

Too Few Psychiatric Beds: Psychiatrists' Group Takes Aim at Ongoing Crisis

Amid a stark shortage of psychiatric beds that only worsened for millions suffering from mental illnesses during the pandemic, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) is rolling out a new model that can help communities determine exactly how many beds they need.


27 Jul
Could a Common Diabetes Drug Ease Bipolar Disorder?

Could a Common Diabetes Drug Ease Bipolar Disorder?

A half-century-old diabetes drug appears to help treat bipolar disorder by reversing patients' insulin resistance, according to a small-scale clinical trial.

Bipolar patients who responded to the drug

16 May
Various Mental Illnesses Share Same Genes: Study

Various Mental Illnesses Share Same Genes: Study

Many people who get a diagnosis for one mental illness may find they have additional psychiatric conditions, and new genetic research offers an explanation why.

A number of mental illnesses share genetic similarities, researchers found. This discovery helps explain why m...

20 Apr
Mental Illness Linked to Higher Risk of Deadly Heart Issues

Mental Illness Linked to Higher Risk of Deadly Heart Issues

People with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other severe mental illnesses are at increased risk of death from heart problems, a large research review finds.

"Our systematic review and meta-analysis of over 100 studies has confirmed a strong association between severe...

18 Apr
Mental Health Issues Linked to Higher Risk of Breakthrough COVID Infections

Mental Health Issues Linked to Higher Risk of Breakthrough COVID Infections

People with substance abuse disorders, depression and other mental health conditions may be at higher risk for COVID-19 -- even when they are fully vaccinated, new research suggests.

"Individuals with psychiatric disorders, and especially older adults with psychiatric di...

09 Mar
Heart Risks Double for People With Bipolar, Schizophrenia

Heart Risks Double for People With Bipolar, Schizophrenia

People with serious mental illness have up to double the risk of heart disease, and should have their heart health monitored from a young age, a new study finds.

Specifically, those mental health issues are bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.

11 Feb
When Psychiatric Care Is Far Away, Telehealth Fills the Gap

When Psychiatric Care Is Far Away, Telehealth Fills the Gap

Telehealth took off during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a new study shows even people with serious mental health conditions can benefit from online appointments.

The findings are good news for rural folks who live miles away from psychiatrists and psychologists.


19 Jan
Conservatorships Keep the Homeless in Psychiatric Wards Too Long: Study

Conservatorships Keep the Homeless in Psychiatric Wards Too Long: Study

Homelessness is difficult enough, but when it's compounded by serious mental health issues the result can be an inability to function at even the most basic level.

Sometimes that leads to round-the-clock involuntary hospitalization, and when that happens a state-appointe...

23 Nov
Singer Selena Gomez to Launch Mental Health Platform

Singer Selena Gomez to Launch Mental Health Platform

A new mental health media platform meant to connect people with educational resources and reduce the stigma around mental illness is planned by pop star Selena Gomez and her partners.

Wondermind is set to launch in February 2022 and will include mental health experts sha...

30 Sep
AHA News: Severe Mental Health Disorders May Increase Risk of Death in Men With Heart Failure

AHA News: Severe Mental Health Disorders May Increase Risk of Death in Men With Heart Failure

Men with heart failure have worse long-term survival rates if they have severe depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, according to a new study that urges doctors to change the way they treat people with mental disorders.

Previous research shows people with these ...

24 Jun
Body's 'Signals' May Feel Different in People With Anorexia, Depression

Body's 'Signals' May Feel Different in People With Anorexia, Depression

The brain interprets physical signals differently in people with depression, anorexia and some other mental health disorders, new research shows.

British scientists examined "interoception" -- the brain's ability to sense internal conditions in the body -- in 626 patient...

15 Jun
Many U.S. Mass Shooters Had Untreated Mental Illness: Study

Many U.S. Mass Shooters Had Untreated Mental Illness: Study

A new study finds that many mass shooters in America suffered from a mental illness that wasn't being treated when they committed their crime.

"Without losing sight of the larger perspective that most who are violent are not mentally ill, and most of the mentally ill are...

27 May
Having OCD May Triple a Person's Odds for a Stroke

Having OCD May Triple a Person's Odds for a Stroke

Adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder, a common mental health condition known as OCD, may have more than triple the risk of having a stroke, according to a new report from Taiwanese researchers.

As to why, the study authors aren't sure.

The investigators specu...

19 May
6 Reasons Bipolar Patients Don't Take Their Meds

6 Reasons Bipolar Patients Don't Take Their Meds

Not taking prescribed medications can lead to relapse, hospitalization and increased risk of suicide for people with bipolar disorder, yet many who have this condition do not take their medicines as prescribed.

A new study examines why this happens, finding six key facto...

18 May
Major Gene Study Looks at Origins of Bipolar Disorder

Major Gene Study Looks at Origins of Bipolar Disorder

Scientists report they have pinpointed 64 regions in the DNA of humans that increase a person's risk of bipolar disorder, more than twice the number previously identified.

The researchers, who called this the largest investigation of bipolar disorder to date, also discov...

19 Feb
Many Psych Meds Trigger Weight Gain, But New Research Points to Better Options

Many Psych Meds Trigger Weight Gain, But New Research Points to Better Options

Scientists may have uncovered the reason critical medications for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder cause weight gain and diabetes -- findings they hope will lead to better drugs.

The medications, known as antipsychotics, help control the hallucinations, delusions and c...

20 Jan
Pot Use Ups Odds for Suicide in Young People With Bipolar Disorder

Pot Use Ups Odds for Suicide in Young People With Bipolar Disorder

Marijuana addiction increases the risk of death by suicide, homicide and other causes (such as car crashes) in youth and young adults with mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, a new study warns.

For the study, the researchers reviewed data on nearly 205,000 young peo...

19 Oct
What's Best for Treating Bipolar Disorder?

What's Best for Treating Bipolar Disorder?

Combining medication with group or family-based therapy gives patients struggling with bipolar disorder their best shot at living stable lives, a new review suggests.

"People with bipolar disorder have significant mood swings, from periods of depression to mania," ex...

25 Sep
Is Shock Therapy Making a Comeback Against Bipolar Disorder?

Is Shock Therapy Making a Comeback Against Bipolar Disorder?

Over the years electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) -- commonly known as "shock therapy" -- has gotten a bad rap.

But new research out of Italy suggests that reputation may be unwarranted. Investigators found that among bipolar patients who fail to respond to standard tre...

23 Sep
Severe Mental Illnesses Often Overlooked at Hospital Admission: Study

Severe Mental Illnesses Often Overlooked at Hospital Admission: Study

Severe mental illness diagnoses often get missed in patients hospitalized for physical health problems, according to a new study.

Researchers analyzed data from nearly 13,800 U.K. adults who were diagnosed with severe mental illness, including bipolar disorder and sc...

08 Jul
Streetlights Could Be Harming Your Teen's Sleep, Mental Health: Study

Streetlights Could Be Harming Your Teen's Sleep, Mental Health: Study

New research is suggesting links between street lights, neon signs and other forms of nighttime outside lighting and sleeplessness and mood disorders among teens.

The study of more than 10,000 American kids aged 13 to 18 couldn't prove cause and effect. However, it f...

20 Jan
Family Therapy Best for Youth at Risk for Bipolar Disorder

Family Therapy Best for Youth at Risk for Bipolar Disorder

Therapy for the entire family might help kids and teens vulnerable to bipolar disorder stay healthy longer, new research suggests.

Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, the University of Colorado and Stanford University studied 127 young people ...

13 Jan
Can Pot Bring on Psychosis in Young Users? It May Be Happening, Experts Say

Can Pot Bring on Psychosis in Young Users? It May Be Happening, Experts Say

The idea of marijuana causing a psychotic breakdown sounds like something out of the camp film classic "Reefer Madness," but many experts argue it's not that far-fetched.

As legalization of recreational marijuana spreads across the United States, more people are show...

12 Dec
Chyler Leigh of 'Supergirl' Battles Bipolar Disorder

Chyler Leigh of 'Supergirl' Battles Bipolar Disorder

Chyler Leigh has taken on some challenging roles in her career, including helping keep the world safe from alien threats on the TV show "Supergirl" and learning to be a surgeon as Lexie Grey on "Grey's Anatomy." But her most demanding task has been learning to manage bipolar d...

01 Nov
ADHD Rates Doubled Among U.S. Adults Over 10 Years

ADHD Rates Doubled Among U.S. Adults Over 10 Years

If the latest statistics are any indication, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is no longer an issue for children only.

Over a 10-year period, ADHD rates more than doubled among American adults, new research shows.

However, the rate among chil...

24 Sep
Mental Ills May Put Veterans at Higher Odds for Heart Trouble

Mental Ills May Put Veterans at Higher Odds for Heart Trouble

Veterans who suffer from depression, anxiety, psychosis or bipolar disorder are more likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke or die from heart disease, a new study finds.

Those who have most severe mental health problems, such as schizophrenia, are at greatest risk....

12 Jun
1 in 5 People Living in Conflict Areas Has a Mental Health Problem

1 in 5 People Living in Conflict Areas Has a Mental Health Problem

About 22% of people who live in conflict areas suffer from mental health problems, a new study review finds.

Common problems include depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, according to the World Health Organizatio...

23 May
Bipolar Disorder a Risk Factor for Parkinson's?

Bipolar Disorder a Risk Factor for Parkinson's?

Struggling with bipolar disorder is hard enough, but now a new study from Taiwan suggests these patients are seven times more likely to develop Parkinson's disease.

But U.S. experts cautioned that the absolute risk of developing Parkinson's -- an incurable movement ...

07 May
Shame Around Mental Illness May Be Fading, Survey Shows

Shame Around Mental Illness May Be Fading, Survey Shows

Stigma regarding mental health could be disappearing in the United States, a new survey finds.

In the online poll of more than 1,000 adults, 87% said a mental disorder is nothing to be ashamed of, and 86% said they believe that people with such disorders can ...