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Results for search "Athlete's Foot".

Health News Results - 2

05 Jun
Experts Warn of Drug-Resistant  Jock Itch, Athlete's Foot

Experts Warn of Drug-Resistant Jock Itch, Athlete's Foot

Drug-resistant fungal infections are appearing in the United States, resulting in highly contagious and tough-to-treat cases of ringworm, also known as jock itch or athlete's foot, experts warn in a pair of reports.

The two fungi reported are among a group that cause ski...

12 Feb
Smart Steps for Healthy Feet

Smart Steps for Healthy Feet

Are your feet something you think about only when they hurt? Simple steps can protect them from common problems, some of which are hard to get rid of.

The first step is to wear shoes, such as water slip-ons, in moist environments like indoor swimming pools and commun...