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Results for search "Artificial Hips".

Health News Results - 27

21 May
What to Expect During Rehab After Hip Replacement

What to Expect During Rehab After Hip Replacement

Hip replacement is a major, arduous elective surgery, and rehabilitation afterwards takes time, according to an expert from Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore.

It'll also take coordinated planning between yourself, your care team and your family and caregivers, said

19 Oct
Extra Antibiotic With Hip, Knee Replacement Won't Prevent Infections: Study

Extra Antibiotic With Hip, Knee Replacement Won't Prevent Infections: Study

Millions of people undergo joint replacement surgery every year. To prevent infection, doctors often give them a second antibiotic -- but new research suggests this can backfire.

Adding a second antibiotic at the time of hip and knee replacement surgery may actually...

29 Aug
Should Folks Get Hip Replacements in Their 90s?

Should Folks Get Hip Replacements in Their 90s?

If you are in your 90s, is hip replacement surgery too dangerous for you?

That depends, new research shows: While elderly patients have more complications and higher death rates after such a procedure, the surgery can be "appropriately considered."

That's because t...

31 Jul
Hip Replacements No Riskier for Folks Living With HIV

Hip Replacements No Riskier for Folks Living With HIV

Hip replacement surgery is safe for HIV patients, a new study shows.

Some surgeons are reluctant to perform total hip replacement surgery on patients with HIV or AIDS, because of concerns about complications, including higher risk of infection, need for repeated surgery ...

30 Jun
Fixing a Painful Joint Problem Won't Ease Mental Health Ills, Study Finds

Fixing a Painful Joint Problem Won't Ease Mental Health Ills, Study Finds

Blaming your ailing knees for feeling down?

Unfortunately, even after physical pain eases, healing or fixing an injured joint often does not improve mental health, research shows.

A new study found that anxiety symptoms only improved when a patient had major improv...

31 May
Low-Dose Colchicine Might Prevent or Delay Knee, Hip Replacements

Low-Dose Colchicine Might Prevent or Delay Knee, Hip Replacements

An anti-inflammatory drug that has been around for over 2,000 years might help delay a very modern problem: hip and knee replacements.

That's the suggestion of a new study finding that older adults who used the drug -- called colchicine -- were less likely to need hip or...

26 Dec
Higher Price Tag Doesn't Guarantee Better Quality Joint Replacement: Study

Higher Price Tag Doesn't Guarantee Better Quality Joint Replacement: Study

The prices that health insurers agree to pay for joint replacement surgery vary widely and are unrelated to conventional measures of the quality of care.

That's the conclusion of a new study that found who is footing the bill is the biggest influence on the price tag.

20 Jun
What Anesthesia Works Best for Hip Fracture Surgery?

What Anesthesia Works Best for Hip Fracture Surgery?

Patients who have spinal anesthesia while doctors repair a broken hip have more pain and need more prescription painkillers afterward than those given general anesthesia, a ...

15 May
Arthroscopy: A Viable Treatment Option for Painful Hip Joints

Arthroscopy: A Viable Treatment Option for Painful Hip Joints

College basketball player Joey Liedel suffered years of debilitating hip pain that limited his ability to play.

As a freshman at University of Detroit-Mercy, he was in constant discomfort. Eventually, the Erie, Mich., athlete underwent hip surgery and took some time off ...

07 May
Having a Hip, Knee Replacement? Some Tips to an Optimal Recovery

Having a Hip, Knee Replacement? Some Tips to an Optimal Recovery

If you're one of the estimated one million Americans having total hip or knee replacement surgery this year, some lifestyle changes might improve your chances of a good outcome, an expert says.

24 Mar
Black Patients Less Happy With Care After Knee, Hip Replacement

Black Patients Less Happy With Care After Knee, Hip Replacement

Recovering from hip or knee replacement surgery can be tough for anyone, but a new study from one hospital showed that Black patients were less likely than white patients to be satis...

19 Jan
Is a Night in the Hospital Necessary After Hip, Knee Replacement?

Is a Night in the Hospital Necessary After Hip, Knee Replacement?

For many people undergoing total hip or knee replacement, same-day surgery is a safe option, new research shows.

Among folks in overall good health, the study of nearly 1.8 million patients found similar post-op complication rates among those who had outpatient joint rep...

13 Dec
Certain Meds Raise Odds for Delirium After Surgery

Certain Meds Raise Odds for Delirium After Surgery

Older adults have a higher risk of delirium after hip and knee surgery if they're taking anxiety, depression or insomnia drugs, researchers say.

"Our findings show that different classes of medicine are riskier than others when it comes to causing delirium after surgery,...

10 Nov
Hip Replacements on the Rise Among the Very Young

Hip Replacements on the Rise Among the Very Young

It may look like bad news, but a new study says it's not: The number of people younger than 21 who had total hip replacement surgery in the United States jumped from 347 in 2000 to 551 in 2016.

The increase wasn't due to a rise in the number of children with inflammatory...

18 May
Beta-Blocker Heart Meds Might Lower Arthritis Risk

Beta-Blocker Heart Meds Might Lower Arthritis Risk

Commonly used beta blocker heart medicine may also reduce the risk of knee and hip osteoarthritis and pain, a new study suggests.

"Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and affects 15% of the general population," said study co-authors Georgina Nakafero and ...

28 Dec
Dislocation Risk After Hip Replacement Higher Than Thought: Study

Dislocation Risk After Hip Replacement Higher Than Thought: Study

Hip dislocations are much more common in people who've had total hip replacements than previously reported, Danish researchers say.

The investigators analyzed data from Denmark and found that the rate of hip dislocations within two years after total hip replacement was 3...

03 Dec
Obesity Ups Women's Odds for Early Hip Fracture

Obesity Ups Women's Odds for Early Hip Fracture

Obese women are more likely to suffer a hip fracture before age 70 than those who aren't obese, a new study finds.

Researchers analyzed data gathered from more than 12,700 women in Finland who were born between 1932 and 1941 and followed them for 25 years.

The Univ...

26 Oct
Knee or Hip Replacements Cut People's Risk for Falls: Study

Knee or Hip Replacements Cut People's Risk for Falls: Study

People who have total joint replacement, or total joint arthroplasty (TJA), experience fewer falls than those who don't undergo the surgery, a new study finds.

"Osteoarthritis (OA) is the degeneration of the cartilage in our joints over the years," said lead author ...

18 Sep
Getting a Hip Replacement? Choice of Hospital Can Be Crucial

Getting a Hip Replacement? Choice of Hospital Can Be Crucial

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown a spotlight on disparities in the U.S. health care system. But the issues are longstanding, and -- as one large study illustrates -- extend into a common elective surgery.

Researchers found that when hip replacement surgery is done at...

03 Aug
Could the First Drug That Slows Arthritis Be Here?

Could the First Drug That Slows Arthritis Be Here?

There are currently no medications that can slow down the common form of arthritis that strikes aging knees and hips. But a new study suggests a powerful, and expensive, anti-inflammatory drug could potentially do just that.

The drug, called canakinumab (Ilaris), is ...

28 Jul
Less Smoking, Drinking Means Fewer Hip Fractures for Americans

Less Smoking, Drinking Means Fewer Hip Fractures for Americans

In a rare bit of good health news for Americans, a new government study finds that hip fracture rates have fallen substantially since the 1970s.

Between 1970 and 2010, broken hips dropped by two-thirds among Americans in a decades-long health study. The likely reason...

09 Jul
In Many Cases, Hip Replacement Also Eases Back Pain

In Many Cases, Hip Replacement Also Eases Back Pain

If you have a bad hip and lower back pain, a new study suggests that hip replacement surgery may solve both issues at once.

Researchers at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City focused on 500 patients who underwent hip replacement surgery and followed up ...

17 Jun
People Die When Hospital Bed Shortages Force Patients Out

People Die When Hospital Bed Shortages Force Patients Out

When patients are pushed out of the hospital after hip surgery to make room for others, the odds of dying increase, according to a recent study from Norway.

When beds are in short supply, patients are forced out, researchers say. Fridays, the day before holidays and...

27 May
A New Hip or Knee Can Do a Marriage Good, Study Finds

A New Hip or Knee Can Do a Marriage Good, Study Finds

After people have a hip or knee replacement surgery, doctors expect these patients will get relief from joint pain, get around easier and once again enjoy the activities they love.

Now, a new study shows that patients' partners -- and thereby their marriage -- also ...

20 Nov
Study Spots Ties Between Rheumatoid Arthritis, Other Diseases

Study Spots Ties Between Rheumatoid Arthritis, Other Diseases

People with inflammatory bowel disease, type 1 diabetes or blood clots may be at increased risk for rheumatoid arthritis -- and people with rheumatoid arthritis are at added risk for heart disease, blood clots and sleep apnea, researchers say.

Their findings could im...

15 Oct
Steroid Shots for Painful Joints May Make Matters Worse

Steroid Shots for Painful Joints May Make Matters Worse

Corticosteroid shots are often used to ease arthritis pain, but a new study suggests they may be riskier than thought.

Researchers found that among patients who had the treatment at their center, 8% had complications. Most often, that meant a worsening in cartila...

19 Feb
Most Hip, Knee Replacements Last Decades, Study Finds

Most Hip, Knee Replacements Last Decades, Study Finds

If you need a new hip or knee, take heart: The vast majority of these joint replacements last decades, new research shows.

The conclusion stems from an exhaustive review of several hundred thousand joint replacements in Australia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and...