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Results for search "Cialis".

Health News Results - 4

19 Apr
Men With Heart Disease Can Safely Mix Their Nitrates with ED Drugs

Men With Heart Disease Can Safely Mix Their Nitrates with ED Drugs

Doctors have long thought it dangerous to prescribe erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra alongside chest pain pills containing nitrates.

"It's always been a big red line," said Dr. John Osborne, director of State of the Heart Cardiology in Grapevine, Texas. "You do not...

23 Mar
Could Viagra Help Men With Heart Disease Live Longer?

Could Viagra Help Men With Heart Disease Live Longer?

Those little blue pills were designed to help men experiencing impotence. But Viagra and drugs like it might also lower the risk of dying or experiencing a new heart attack in men with heart disease, according to new Swedish research.

"Potency problems are common in old...

20 Aug
Could Viagra, Cialis Help Boost Colon Cancer Survival?

Could Viagra, Cialis Help Boost Colon Cancer Survival?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra may do more than restore sexual function -- they may also prolong the lives of men with colon cancer.

That's the conclusion of a new Swedish study, which reported that the risk of premature death dr...

26 Mar
Could Viagra, Cialis Work Largely by Placebo Effect?

Could Viagra, Cialis Work Largely by Placebo Effect?

Until the discovery of Viagra, men with erectile dysfunction were largely left with the impression that their sexual problems were all in their head.

That might still be somewhat true, even in this age of little blue pills, a new paper argues.

A good number...