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Results for search "Cancer: Testicular".

Health News Results - 12

05 Jul
Survey Shows Men Need to Do More to Prevent Cancer

Survey Shows Men Need to Do More to Prevent Cancer

American men are blowing their best chance to head off cancer or spot it early, when it's easiest to treat, a new survey warns.

More than 6 in 10 (65%) men in the nationwide survey said they are behind on at least one routine cancer screening, while nearly 1 in 5 admitte...

01 Jul
Common Chemo Drug May Be Linked to Hearing Loss

Common Chemo Drug May Be Linked to Hearing Loss

MONDAY, July 1, 2024 (HealthDay news) -- A 14-year study of testicular cancer survivors suggests that a chemotherapy drug could greatly raise patients' long-term odds for hearing loss.

The drug in question, cisplatin

03 Apr
Men With Testicular Cancer May Have New Treatment Option

Men With Testicular Cancer May Have New Treatment Option

Some patients with early testicular cancer may not need chemotherapy and radiation, researchers report.

Instead, surgery to remove lymph nodes in an area behind the abdomen lining called the retroperitoneum may be enough, according to their new study.

"We found t...

03 Feb
Biden Relaunches Cancer Moonshot Initiative

Biden Relaunches Cancer Moonshot Initiative

President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he is giving a new push to the cancer moonshot initiative that he first led during the Obama administration.

In his announcement, Biden said the program ...

11 Apr
Guys, Take the Lead in Self-Checks for Testicular Cancer

Guys, Take the Lead in Self-Checks for Testicular Cancer

Young men should become familiar with symptoms of testicular cancer and know how to do self-exams, an expert says.

Though testicular cancer accounts for less than 1% of all male cancers in the United States, it typically occurs in men between the ages of 20 and 34. Cure ...

18 Sep
Almost 90,000 Young American Adults Will Get Cancer This Year: Report

Almost 90,000 Young American Adults Will Get Cancer This Year: Report

Nearly 90,000 Americans between 15 and 39 years of age will be diagnosed with cancer this year and more than 9,200 will die, a new report projects.

One hematologist who deals with younger cancer patients said the shock of a diagnosis at this point in their lives can...

17 Sep
Mother and Son Draw Hope, Healing From Shared Cancer Treatment

Mother and Son Draw Hope, Healing From Shared Cancer Treatment

Families bond over lots of shared experiences -- but one Leslie Seigel and her adult son, Josh, never expected to share was battling cancer.

Soon after Leslie finished chemotherapy for an aggressive form of breast cancer, however, Josh found himself waging his own ba...

09 Jan
'Less Is More' When it Comes to Testicular Cancer Chemo, Study Suggests

'Less Is More' When it Comes to Testicular Cancer Chemo, Study Suggests

Treatment with half the typical amount of chemotherapy can still prevent the return of one type of testicular cancer, a new study suggests.

Giving patients with the "non-seminoma" form of testicular tumor just one cycle of chemotherapy was just as effective at preve...

04 Jun
Testicular Cancer Treatment Unlikely to Trigger Birth Defects

Testicular Cancer Treatment Unlikely to Trigger Birth Defects

New research should reassure dads-to-be who've had testicular cancer that treatment with radiation or chemotherapy doesn't raise the risk of fathering babies with birth defects.

"Our research set out to investigate whether treatment for the most common cancer among y...

21 Mar
Baby Monkey May Offer Hope to Preserving Fertility of Kids With Cancer

Baby Monkey May Offer Hope to Preserving Fertility of Kids With Cancer

She's cute, and perhaps a medical breakthrough.

Scientists say they have used frozen testicular tissue to achieve the birth of a healthy baby monkey named Grady -- a success they hope to eventually translate to childhood cancer survivors whose treatment has left them...

26 Feb
Testicular Cancer Treatment Doesn't Always Doom Fertility

Testicular Cancer Treatment Doesn't Always Doom Fertility

Young men diagnosed with testicular cancer often worry that treating the disease may jeopardize their chances of having children, but new research should ease their minds.

In the study, sperm counts rebounded in men who received one course of chemotherapy or radiatio...

02 Jan
Testicular Cancer a Bigger Threat to Young Men

Testicular Cancer a Bigger Threat to Young Men

Testicular cancer occurs most often in young men, and they need to know the signs of the disease, a urologist says.

Testicular cancer is relatively rare -- about 9,000 new cases will be diagnosed this year in the United States -- but it is the most commonly diagnosed...