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Results for search "Cancer: Stomach".

Health News Results - 22

10 May
Oral Rinse Might Alert Doctors to Stomach Cancers

Oral Rinse Might Alert Doctors to Stomach Cancers

A quick swish at the doctor's office could someday provide early detection of stomach cancer, the fourth-leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, a new study reports.

Researcher found distinct differences in bacteria samples taken from the mouths of people with stomach ...

06 Feb
Country Music Star Toby Keith Dies of Cancer at 62

Country Music Star Toby Keith Dies of Cancer at 62

Country singer Toby Keith, best known for chart-topping hits like "Who's Your Daddy?"and "Made in America," has died at 62 from stomach cancer.

His death was announced on his website. Keith...

17 Jan
U.S. Cancer Death Rates Are Falling, But News Isn't All Good

U.S. Cancer Death Rates Are Falling, But News Isn't All Good

Cancer deaths continue to decline in the United States, with more than 4 million deaths prevented since 1991, a new report shows.

But more people are developing cancers than ever, making the dreaded disease a continued threat to human health, according to the

12 Jun
Antibody Treatment Could Fight Rare But Deadly Bile Duct Cancers

Antibody Treatment Could Fight Rare But Deadly Bile Duct Cancers

Patients with bile duct cancer might soon have an additional treatment available to them, thanks to a newly discovered tumor target.

Some bile duct cancers are driven by a mutated HER2 gene, which has also been implicated in cancers of the breast, esophagus and prostate,...

12 May
More Evidence That Obesity Raises Odds for Gastrointestinal Cancers

More Evidence That Obesity Raises Odds for Gastrointestinal Cancers

Maintaining a healthy weight may be important for reducing the risk of gastrointestinal cancer, a new study suggests.

The research adds to the evidence that excess weight and weight increases in adulthood increase the risk for colon and other gastrointestinal (GI) cance...

11 Apr
Black Cancer Patients Frailer Than Their Peers

Black Cancer Patients Frailer Than Their Peers

Older Black American cancer patients have higher rates of frailty and disability than their white peers, which may help explain why Black patients also have higher cancer death rates, new research suggests.

The researchers noted that Black patients are more likely to die...

03 Feb
Biden Relaunches Cancer Moonshot Initiative

Biden Relaunches Cancer Moonshot Initiative

President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he is giving a new push to the cancer moonshot initiative that he first led during the Obama administration.

In his announcement, Biden said the program ...

04 Jan
More Than 10 Million People Died of Cancer Worldwide in 2019

More Than 10 Million People Died of Cancer Worldwide in 2019

Cancer remains a major killer, with 10 million deaths reported worldwide in 2019.

More than 23 million new cases were documented globally in 2019, according to researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

By comparison, in 2010 there were 8.29 m...

25 Nov
What You Need to Know About Stomach Cancer

What You Need to Know About Stomach Cancer

New treatment options are giving hope to patients with stomach cancer.

Also known as gastric cancer, the disease is the world's sixth most common cancer with 1.09 million new cases in 2020, according to the World Health Organization.

It's an abnormal growth of cell...

23 Sep
Cancer in Hispanics: Good News and Bad

Cancer in Hispanics: Good News and Bad

Hispanic people in the United States have lower cancer rates than white people, but they are much more likely to develop certain preventable cancers.

"The good news is that overall cancer rates are lower in Hispanic people, but we are seeing very high rates of infectious...

10 May
Obesity Raises Odds for Many Common Cancers

Obesity Raises Odds for Many Common Cancers

Being obese or overweight can increase the odds of developing several types of cancers, new research from the United Kingdom reveals.

But shedding the excess pounds can lower the risk, researchers say.

Reducing obesity cuts the risk for endometrial cancer by 44% a...

04 Feb
Breast Cancer Surpasses Lung Cancer as Leading Cancer Diagnosis Worldwide

Breast Cancer Surpasses Lung Cancer as Leading Cancer Diagnosis Worldwide

Breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer as the world's most commonly diagnosed cancer.

In 2020, there were an estimated 19.3 million new cancer cases and nearly 10 million cancer deaths worldwide, according to the Global Cancer Statistics 2020 report from the American Ca...

23 Jul
Blood Test Might Spot Cancer Years Earlier

Blood Test Might Spot Cancer Years Earlier

Scientists are working on a blood test that may catch five common cancers years sooner than current methods.

The blood test, which is still experimental, hunts for certain genetic "signatures" associated with tumors. Researchers found that it can detect five types of...

21 Jul
Keep Flossing: Study Ties Gum Disease to Higher Cancer Risk

Keep Flossing: Study Ties Gum Disease to Higher Cancer Risk

Want to avoid cancer? Consider brushing and flossing more often.

Why? Folks with bad gums might be at higher risk of developing certain types of cancer, new research suggests.

A history of gum disease appears to increase the risk of stomach cancer by 52%...

14 Jul
Tough Decisions as COVID-19 Causes Cancer Surgery Delays

Tough Decisions as COVID-19 Causes Cancer Surgery Delays

Many cancer patients have faced delays to their health care during the coronavirus pandemic, but with what consequences?

Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston analyzed 15 years of data to determine how long surgery for certain types of cancer ...

16 Apr
Low-Dose Aspirin Might Lower Odds for Digestive Cancers

Low-Dose Aspirin Might Lower Odds for Digestive Cancers

Low-dose aspirin may reduce the risk of several types of digestive tract cancers, according to a team of researchers in Europe.

For the new study, the researchers analyzed 113 studies investigating colon/rectal ("bowel"), head and neck, esophageal, stomach, liver, ga...

31 Mar
Blood Test Could Spot 50 Different Cancers

Blood Test Could Spot 50 Different Cancers

A simple blood test for dozens of cancers is in the works.

Researchers say their test can detect more than 50 kinds of cancer at early stages and pinpoint their location in the body.

"If these findings are validated, it will be feasible to consider how thi...

31 Dec
Stomach Cancer Appears Different in Younger Patients

Stomach Cancer Appears Different in Younger Patients

Stomach cancer among many people under 60 appears more deadly than when it occurs to older people, a new study finds.

This new form of cancer is genetically different from other stomach cancer and grows and spreads faster. It is also resistant to the usual chemother...

13 Nov
Cancer Risk May Rise After Heart Attack

Cancer Risk May Rise After Heart Attack

Here's some worrisome news for folks who manage to survive a heart attack: New research suggests they might be far more vulnerable to developing cancer down the road.

People who suffered a heart health scare -- a heart attack, heart failure or a dangerously erratic h...

23 Oct
Obesity May Be Upping Rates of Pancreatic Cancer Worldwide

Obesity May Be Upping Rates of Pancreatic Cancer Worldwide

Rising rates of obesity and diabetes could be pushing up rates of pancreatic cancer across the globe, a new report suggests.

Global rates of colon cancer are also on the rise, although fewer cases are now proving deadly, researchers said.

Colon cancer rates...

14 Aug
America's Obesity Epidemic May Mean Some Cancers Are Striking Sooner

America's Obesity Epidemic May Mean Some Cancers Are Striking Sooner

Since the turn of the century, American obesity rates have skyrocketed. And now a new study indicates that as the nation's waistlines expand, cancers long linked to obesity are striking the middle-aged more than ever before.

The finding follows a review of data on mo...

05 Apr
Researchers Seek Firefighters for Data on Cancer Risk

Researchers Seek Firefighters for Data on Cancer Risk

Learning more about firefighters' increased risk for certain cancers is the aim of a voluntary registry being created by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

It's seeking more than 1.1 million firefighters to participate in the Nati...