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Results for search "Cancer: Laryngeal".

Health News Results - 7

10 Jul
Doctors Perform Larynx Transplant in Cancer Patient

Doctors Perform Larynx Transplant in Cancer Patient

For years, Marty Kedian had been without a voice.

Kedian, who hails from Haverhill, Mass., has undergone dozens of surgeries while being treated for a rare form of laryngeal cancer.

As a result, he was robbed of his voice -- along with the ability to swallow and br...

19 Dec
Race Could Affect Outcomes in Head-and-Neck Cancers

Race Could Affect Outcomes in Head-and-Neck Cancers

Black patients with head-and-neck cancers have twice the death rates of white patients, and a new study suggests race itself underlies those differences.

"What is unique about our study is it strongly supports the conclusion that Black patients seem to respond to therapy...

31 Jan
Most Americans Don't Know Alcohol Can Raise Cancer Risk

Most Americans Don't Know Alcohol Can Raise Cancer Risk

Most American adults don't know that alcohol boosts cancer risk, but a majority support steps to increase awareness of the link, a new nationwide survey shows.

""It is important that people are made fully aware of the potential harms of alcohol so that they may make info...

24 Jun
For People With Heart Failure, Statins May Lower Cancer Risk Too

For People With Heart Failure, Statins May Lower Cancer Risk Too

Many people with heart failure take a cholesterol-lowering statin, and new research suggests those pills might also lower their odds for cancer.

Researchers analyzed data from more than 87,000 people in Hong Kong who had no history of cancer and were hospitalized for hea...

22 Feb
Chronic Heartburn Raises Odds for Cancers of Larynx, Esophagus

Chronic Heartburn Raises Odds for Cancers of Larynx, Esophagus

People with chronic heartburn may face increased risks of several rare types of cancer, a large U.S. government study shows.

Researchers found that among more than 490,000 Americans aged 50 and up, those with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) had about twice the ris...

05 Feb
When Heart Attack Strikes, Cancer Patients Often Miss Out on Lifesaving Treatment

When Heart Attack Strikes, Cancer Patients Often Miss Out on Lifesaving Treatment

Too few cancer patients who have a heart attack are receiving emergency angioplasties that could save their lives, a new study finds.

"This is an important study, which underscores the broader issue in cardio-oncology of cancer patients too often being passed over for po...

01 Feb
Head, Neck Cancers Up Among 9-11 Responders: Study

Head, Neck Cancers Up Among 9-11 Responders: Study

Head and neck cancers among a group of first responders to the 9/11 World Trade Center terrorist attacks are significantly higher than expected, a new study says.

Rutgers University researchers found that diagnoses of these cancers increased 40 percent in a group of ...