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Teenagers Are Quitting HS Sports Due to Body Image Concerns Driven by Social Media

More teens are quitting HS sports saying they don’t look right for the sports based on what they see in the media and social media, according to a new study.

COVID-19 Linked to Increased Risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a Rare but Serious Autoimmune Disorder, New Study Finds

In a new study, participants recently infected with COVID-19 were six times more likely to develop Guillain-Barré syndrome, where the immune system attacks the nerves.

Adult ADHD Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia

A new study finds adults with ADHD are nearly 3 times more likely to develop dementia compared to those without the condition.

14 Jun
ADHD Patients Could Face Disrupted Access to Meds Following Fraud Case

ADHD Patients Could Face Disrupted Access to Meds Following Fraud Case

The two top officers of a telehealth company that began to distribute ADHD drugs widely during the pandemic have been charged with health care fraud, the U.S. Department of Justice announced Thursday.

The arrests will likely worsen ongoing shortages of Adderall ...

14 Jun
FDA Tells Vaccine Makers to Target New COVID Variant for Fall

FDA Tells Vaccine Makers to Target New COVID Variant for Fall

COVID vaccine makers will be advised to update their shots to target the KP.2 variant, an offshoot of the JN.1 variant that spread widely last winter, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday.

It's a turnaround for the agency: The new recommendation follo...

14 Jun
Poll Finds Many Young Workers Feeling Stressed, Isolated

Poll Finds Many Young Workers Feeling Stressed, Isolated

Many younger workers feel stressed, isolated and unappreciated at their jobs, a new survey has found.

The 2022 Work in America survey, conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), found that young adults are struggling in the workplace:

  • Nearly...

14 Jun
GLP-1 Meds May Help Extremely Obese Qualify for Weight-Loss Surgery

GLP-1 Meds May Help Extremely Obese Qualify for Weight-Loss Surgery

Taking a cutting-edge weight-loss drug could help extremely obese patients drop enough pounds to be eligible for bariatric surgery, a new study shows.

Patients with extreme obesity -- a BMI of 70 or more -- are at higher risk of complications from surgery compared to peo...

14 Jun
Dolphins Off Florida, Georgia Have High Levels of Mercury

Dolphins Off Florida, Georgia Have High Levels of Mercury

Dolphins living off the coasts of Georgia and Florida have elevated levels of mercury in their bodies, new research shows.

That could have implications for people, said a team led by Colleen Bryan, a research biologist at the National Institute of Standards and Technolog...

14 Jun
Even Temporary Loneliness Can Harm Physical Health

Even Temporary Loneliness Can Harm Physical Health

You don't consider yourself a lonely person generally, but sometimes have days where feelings of loneliness set in.

If you're one of those people, even that transient loss of connection with others could be impacting your physical health, a new study finds.

“A ...

14 Jun
Just 1 in 20 Animal Studies Yield Treatments That Make it to Humans

Just 1 in 20 Animal Studies Yield Treatments That Make it to Humans

Animal studies are often considered a first step in finding new drugs and treatments for human diseases, but a new review has discovered that precious few actually produce real-world therapies.

Only 5% of therapies tested in animals wind up being approved by regulators f...

14 Jun
New Form of Psychotherapy Might Help Ease Chronic Pain

New Form of Psychotherapy Might Help Ease Chronic Pain

A new form of psychotherapy appears to work even better at treating chronic pain in older adults than gold-standard cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a new study finds.

U.S. veterans who received emotional awareness and expression therapy (EAET) experienced a longer an...

13 Jun
Diphtheria-Like Germ Can Be Passed Between People and Pets

Diphtheria-Like Germ Can Be Passed Between People and Pets

The first two cases of a diphtheria-like illness being transmitted in the United States between people and their pets have been reported in Utah and Colorado.

The respiratory illnesses occurred in 2022 and 2023 and involved the Corynebacterium ulceran bacterium...

13 Jun
Supreme Court Rejects Case That Would Have Curbed Access to Abortion Drug

Supreme Court Rejects Case That Would Have Curbed Access to Abortion Drug

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday threw out a case that aimed to curb access to the controversial abortion drug mifepristone, saying the plaintiffs who brought the case to the court had no legal standing to do so.

In a unanimous vote, the nine judges ruled that a group ...

13 Jun
As Women Gain More Equality, Men Eat More Meat

As Women Gain More Equality, Men Eat More Meat

In countries where gender equality is becoming more of a reality, men's meat consumption tends to rise relative to women's, a new study shows.

The phenomenon was seen mainly in richer countries in North America and Europe, and was not seen at all in large but less afflue...

13 Jun
'Dual Mutant' Seasonal Flu Virus Could Make Some Treatments Ineffective

'Dual Mutant' Seasonal Flu Virus Could Make Some Treatments Ineffective

Two human cases of "dual mutant" strains of H1N1 flu have been reported by U.S. health officials.

Unfortunately, the genetic changes appear to render the leading flu antiviral, Tamiflu, less effective, researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preven...

13 Jun
Climate Change Brings Worse Heart Health to People Worldwide

Climate Change Brings Worse Heart Health to People Worldwide

Climate change is harming the heart health of people around the world, a new review warns.

Extreme temperatures, hurricanes and other dangerous weather events all contribute to an increased risk of heart disease and heart-related death, researchers reported June 12 in th...

13 Jun
Pairing Up Shelter Dogs Can Raise Their Odds for Adoption

Pairing Up Shelter Dogs Can Raise Their Odds for Adoption

Shelter dogs do better with a buddy, a new study finds.

Dogs show fewer signs of stress and are adopted more quickly if paired up with another canine rather than housed by themselves, researchers found.

“Despite being a social species, dogs are often housed alone...

13 Jun
Robotic Procedure Helps Treat Macular Degeneration

Robotic Procedure Helps Treat Macular Degeneration

Robot-guided radiation therapy can improve treatment for age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss and blindness among American seniors, a new study shows.

Precisely targeted radiation treatment reduced by a quarter the number of routine injectio...

13 Jun
Could Moms of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Face Higher Dementia Risk Later?

Could Moms of Low-Birth-Weight Babies Face Higher Dementia Risk Later?

Women who deliver low-birth-weight babies could be more likely to have memory and thinking problems later in life, a new study warns.

As seniors, these women had brain test scores that indicated one to two years of additional aging in their memory and thinking skills, co...

13 Jun
People Are Living Longer With Type 1 Diabetes

People Are Living Longer With Type 1 Diabetes

People with type 1 diabetes are 25% less likely to die early now than they were in 1990, a new global tally finds, and the number of people who've lived into their senior years with the autoimmune illness keeps rising.

The new findings suggest that type 1 diabetes "is n...

13 Jun
Nearly 1 in 4 People With Bipolar Disorder Achieve Complete Mental Health

Nearly 1 in 4 People With Bipolar Disorder Achieve Complete Mental Health

Bipolar disorder doesn't have to be a lifelong challenge, a new study says.

Nearly 1 in 4 people with bipolar disorder wind up achieving complete mental health, researchers found.

Further, more than 2 in 5 become free from bipolar symptoms over time, results show.<...

13 Jun
Secondary Tumors After CAR-T Cancer Therapies Are Rare: Study

Secondary Tumors After CAR-T Cancer Therapies Are Rare: Study

CAR-T cell therapy to treat blood cancers is safer than previously thought, with little risk that the immunotherapy will create secondary cancers, a new study finds.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning in November 2023 about a risk of secondary cancer...

12 Jun
9/11 Responders May Face Higher Odds for Dementia

9/11 Responders May Face Higher Odds for Dementia

After helping America through one of its worst tragedies, some responders to the events of 9/11 may now face another foe: Heightened risks for dementia.

A new study looks at the health of thousands of firemen, construction workers and others who worked at the World Trad...

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