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111 Results for search "Multiple Sclerosis".

Health News Results - 111

16 May
Stroke, Migraine, Alzheimer's: Climate Change Will Likely Make Them Worse

Stroke, Migraine, Alzheimer's: Climate Change Will Likely Make Them Worse

Climate change is likely to make brain conditions like stroke, migraine, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis even worse, a new review warns.


26 Apr
Better Scans Spot Hidden Inflammation in MS Patients

Better Scans Spot Hidden Inflammation in MS Patients

Advanced scanning techniques can find hidden inflammation in the brains of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, a new study shows.

This “smoldering” inflammation detected by positron emission tomography (PET) brain scans could help explain why patients continue to decl...

19 Apr
Blood Test Might Someday Diagnose Early MS

Blood Test Might Someday Diagnose Early MS

An early marker of multiple sclerosis could help doctors figure out who will eventually fall prey to the degenerative nerve disease, a new study says.

In one in 10 cases of MS, the body begins producing a distinctive set of antibodies in the blood years before symptoms s...

29 Mar
Obesity in Childhood Doubles Odds for MS in Young Adulthood

Obesity in Childhood Doubles Odds for MS in Young Adulthood

Children who are obese face double the odds of developing multiple sclerosis later in life, a new study warns.

The overall odds for any one child to develop the neurodegenerative illness remains very low. However, the Swedish researchers believe the link could help expla...

26 Mar
Common Household Chemicals Could Harm the Brain

Common Household Chemicals Could Harm the Brain

Chemicals found in common household products might damage the brain's wiring, a new study warns.

These chemicals -- found in disinfectants, cleaners, hair products, furniture and textiles -- could be linked to degenerative brain diseases like multiple sclerosis and autis...

12 Mar
Christina Applegate Opens Up About the Agony of Fighting MS

Christina Applegate Opens Up About the Agony of Fighting MS

Actress Christina Applegate, who has been battling multiple sclerosis (MS) since 2021, shared her struggles with the debilitating disease on Monday.

“I live kind of in hell. I'm not out a lot, so this is a little difficult, just for my system. But of course, the suppo...

05 Mar
MS Drugs Can Be Safely Taken While Breastfeeding

MS Drugs Can Be Safely Taken While Breastfeeding

Certain drugs used to treat multiple sclerosis appear to be safe for babies if taken by breastfeeding moms, a new study finds.

Breastfed babies whose moms received monoclonal antibody treatments for MS did not develop any more developmental delays than babies not exposed...

24 Jan
Race Matters in MS Progression Among Women

Race Matters in MS Progression Among Women

Young Black and Hispanic women diagnosed with multiple sclerosis are more likely to fare worse than young white women do, a new study shows.

Specifically, they are more likely to have advanced MS and to face greater challenges during pregnancy, according to findings publ...

11 Jan
'Ancient Gene Bank' Gives Clues to Diseases Common to Europeans

'Ancient Gene Bank' Gives Clues to Diseases Common to Europeans

DNA locked in the bones and teeth of more than 5,000 humans who lived in Asia and Europe up to 34,000 years ago are providing vital clues to a myriad of present-day medical conditions.

The descendants of these ancient peoples are living now in Europe and throughout the w...

11 Jan
All Pain Is Not the Same When It Comes to MS

All Pain Is Not the Same When It Comes to MS

Pain can present itself in many forms for people battling multiple sclerosis, and one type can interfere with exercising, new research shows.

One class of pain experienced by MS patients is what the authors of the new study call nociceptive, caused by specific damage to ...

08 Jan
More Insight Into How a Virus Might Cause MS

More Insight Into How a Virus Might Cause MS

There's information emerging on how the common Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) might be crucial to triggering multiple sclerosis (MS).

The virus, which also causes "mono" (mononucleosis) and other illnesses, has gained prominence in recent years as a potential cause of MS. Over...

06 Dec
Mind, Body Symptoms Can Precede MS Diagnosis for Years

Mind, Body Symptoms Can Precede MS Diagnosis for Years

Patients in the earliest stages of multiple sclerosis might develop certain symptoms that offer an early clue to the degenerative nerve disease, researchers report.

Depression, constipation, urinary tract infections and sexual problems are all more likely in MS patients ...

28 Nov
Early Promise for Stem Cell Therapy to Curb MS

Early Promise for Stem Cell Therapy to Curb MS

Stem cells injected into the brains of multiple sclerosis patients appear to protect them against further damage from the degenerative disease, a new study shows.

MS occurs when the body's own immune system attacks and damages the protective sheath around nerve fibers, c...

14 Nov
Low-fat Diets Battle Fatigue for Folks With MS

Low-fat Diets Battle Fatigue for Folks With MS

Researchers have found a remedy for the debilitating fatigue faced by many patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): A low-fat diet.

"The results reinforced what we had seen before," said study leader

13 Nov
Blood Test Might Predict Worsening of MS

Blood Test Might Predict Worsening of MS

One issue hampering the care of people with multiple sclerosis is assessing just how quickly the neurological illness might progress.

Now, a team at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), say they've spotted at test that could help do just that.

Blood ...

27 Sep
Stem Cell Treatment Halts MS for Some Patients

Stem Cell Treatment Halts MS for Some Patients

A new study is strengthening the evidence that stem cell transplants can be highly effective for some people with multiple sclerosis -- sending the disease into remission for years, and sometimes reversing disability.

Researchers found that of 174 MS patients who underwe...

27 Sep
Emotional Issues Could Be Early Sign of MS

Emotional Issues Could Be Early Sign of MS

A newer understanding of multiple sclerosis (MS) suggests that psychiatric conditions like anxiety and depression may emerge long before classic MS symptoms.

“For a long time, it was thought that MS only really began clinically when a person experienced their first dem...

13 Sep
Gene Test Spots Those Vulnerable to Rare but Severe Side Effect of Drugs for MS, Other Conditions

Gene Test Spots Those Vulnerable to Rare but Severe Side Effect of Drugs for MS, Other Conditions

A large number of drugs used to treat everything from multiple sclerosis to blood cancers to rheumatoid arthritis may cause a rare but often-fatal condition called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML).

But a simple genetic test can determine who has a 10-fold...

09 Aug
Fatigue Can Plague People With MS. Exercise May Help

Fatigue Can Plague People With MS. Exercise May Help

Patients with a type of multiple sclerosis (MS) known as relapsing-remitting MS could have less fatigue if they got more active and were in better physical shape, according to new research.

26 Jul
The Earlier MS Is Treated, the Better

The Earlier MS Is Treated, the Better

Patients who get treatment for multiple sclerosis at the earliest signs of disease may have a lower risk of disability later, new research suggests.

Among nearly 600 patients, there were lower odds of disability and progression among people diagnosed and treated within s...

29 Jun
Discovery of MS 'Severity Gene' Could Lead to Better Treatments

Discovery of MS 'Severity Gene' Could Lead to Better Treatments

For the first time, scientists have identified a genetic variant that may make some people with multiple sclerosis (MS) vulnerable to faster progression.

In a study of more than 22,000 people with MS, researchers found that those who carried a particular genetic variant ...

15 Jun
Pregnancy Seems to Ease MS Symptoms, and Research May Show Why

Pregnancy Seems to Ease MS Symptoms, and Research May Show Why

Women with multiple sclerosis temporarily get much better when pregnant, and researchers now think they know why.

Pregnancy causes a downshift in a woman's immune system, and it appears that this unintentionally improves symptoms associated with the autoimmune disorder M...

14 Jun
Black Americans' Risk for MS May Be Higher Than Thought

Black Americans' Risk for MS May Be Higher Than Thought

For years, multiple sclerosis was seen as a disease that largely affects white people. But a new study finds that it's much more common among Black Americans than previously believed.

Researchers found that in 2010, an estimated 3 out of every 1,000 Black Americans were ...

29 May
Stress Across the Life Span Could Worsen MS

Stress Across the Life Span Could Worsen MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that attacks the central nervous system and leaves patients suffering from a host of symptoms, and now new research finds life stressors can make those symptoms even worse.

Poverty, abuse and divorce in childhood and adulthood...

18 May
Scientists May Understand Link Between Common Virus & Multiple Sclerosis

Scientists May Understand Link Between Common Virus & Multiple Sclerosis

It's been known for years that Epstein-Barr virus can trigger multiple sclerosis or drive progression of the degenerative disease, and Swedish researchers think they now understand why.

Some people have antibodies against the common Epstein-Barr virus that mistakenly att...

21 Apr
Used Early, Drug Might Delay MS Symptom Onset

Used Early, Drug Might Delay MS Symptom Onset

Growing numbers of people have MRI brain scans to find out what's causing their headaches, see if they have a concussion or for another reason, when a doctor may spot the tell-tale lesions of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Called radiologically isolated syndrome, this occurs i...

27 Mar
Insomnia, Sleep Apnea Rise in Women With MS

Insomnia, Sleep Apnea Rise in Women With MS

While thinking declines can be a common symptom of multiple sclerosis in women, new research suggests sleep, or lack of it, could be making matters worse.

"Sleep disorders have gained substantial recognition for their role in cognitive [thinking] decline, which affects u...

22 Mar
Similar Processes Could Link MS With Heart Disease

Similar Processes Could Link MS With Heart Disease

Multiple sclerosis (MS) and atherosclerosis both involve an abnormal hardening of body tissue, and recent research suggests they may be linked.

MS is a neurodegenerative disease that attacks the brain and spinal cord. Atherosclerosis is hardening of the arteries.


16 Mar
Fertility Treatments Pose No Danger to People With MS

Fertility Treatments Pose No Danger to People With MS

Women with multiple sclerosis who want to undergo fertility treatment can do so without worry, according to a new study.

Participants who had MS were no more likely to have a flare-up of the disease after receiving fertility treatments than they were before their treatm...

02 Mar
Could the Mediterranean Diet Help People With MS?

Could the Mediterranean Diet Help People With MS?

A Mediterranean diet may help multiple sclerosis (MS) patients ward off damage to their thinking skills.

New research finds that a diet rich in veggies, fruit, fish and healthy fat reduced their risk of developing memory loss as well as losing the ability to concentrate,...

25 Jan
Could Bad Sleep in Teen Years Raise Risks for MS?

Could Bad Sleep in Teen Years Raise Risks for MS?

Teens who regularly fail to get a good night's sleep may face a higher risk for developing multiple sclerosis (MS) as adults, new research suggests.

“We found that sleeping too little or experiencing poor sleep quality [as a teen] increased the risk of later devel...

28 Dec
Stem Cell Therapy May Slow MS Better Than Meds: Study

Stem Cell Therapy May Slow MS Better Than Meds: Study

A new study is adding to evidence that people with multiple sclerosis can benefit from a type of stem cell transplant -- including some patients who are in a more advanced phase of the disease.

The research is the latest look at a potential alternative treatment for some...

16 Dec
Light Therapy Might Ease MS-Related Fatigue

Light Therapy Might Ease MS-Related Fatigue

Extreme fatigue often tops the list of the most distressing symptoms for millions of people who live with multiple sclerosis (MS).

And now, a new study sugg...

02 Nov
Obesity Could Speed Disability When MS Strikes

Obesity Could Speed Disability When MS Strikes

Obesity is never healthy, and that may be especially true for people who also develop multiple sclerosis.

Obese people with MS are likely to see the disability linked to the disease rapidly worsen, said German researchers who followed more than 1,000 patients in a new st...

18 Oct
Selma Blair Exits 'Dancing With the Stars,' Citing MS Health Concerns

Selma Blair Exits 'Dancing With the Stars,' Citing MS Health Concerns

Actress Selma Blair made one last waltz through the “Dancing with the Stars" ballroom on Monday night.

The actress, who has multiple sclerosis

26 Sep
Gut Microbiome Could Play Role in MS

Gut Microbiome Could Play Role in MS

Scientists have been looking to the microbiome, and its numerous gut bacteria, as an area of research with plenty of potential for finding connections to various diseases.

Now, scienti...

31 Aug
Lupus, MS and Other Autoimmune Disorders Raise Heart Risks

Lupus, MS and Other Autoimmune Disorders Raise Heart Risks

Research has linked heart disease to specific autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Now, a huge study shows that autoimmune diseases as a group increase your chances of developing heart ills.

Autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, multiple sclerosis...

25 Aug
New MS Treatment Shows Promise in Trial

New MS Treatment Shows Promise in Trial

An experimental antibody therapy for multiple sclerosis can cut symptom flare-ups by half, versus a standard treatment, a new clinical trial has found.

The drug, called ublituximab, be...

25 Aug
There's More MS in Northern Countries. Now, Researchers Find New Reason Why

There's More MS in Northern Countries. Now, Researchers Find New Reason Why

Vitamin D exposure, or lack of it, has long been thought to influence the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) because the disease is diagn...

11 Aug
Who Fares Worse After Multiple Sclerosis Strikes?

Who Fares Worse After Multiple Sclerosis Strikes?

For people with multiple sclerosis, certain factors early in their disease may determine their quality of life in the years to come, a new study suggests.

In medicine, there are ways to objectively measure a disease's course, such as whether a medication is keeping it un...

14 Jul
Cancer Med Might Be Powerful Treatment for MS

Cancer Med Might Be Powerful Treatment for MS

A drug used "off-label" for multiple sclerosis (MS) is more effective than a standard medication at preventing symptom flare-ups, a new clinical ...

05 May
Hope for 1st Vaccine Against Virus Driving 'Mono,' Cancers and Maybe MS

Hope for 1st Vaccine Against Virus Driving 'Mono,' Cancers and Maybe MS

Two experimental vaccines show promise in protecting against infection with the "mono" virus, which also causes cancer and has been implicated as a potential trigger of multiple sclerosis, a new paper reports.

Tested only in animals so far, the vaccines block two pathway...

02 May
Does Race Affect the Odds of Developing MS?

Does Race Affect the Odds of Developing MS?

Black Americans are as likely to get multiple sclerosis (MS) as their white counterparts, but rates are much lower among Hispanic and Asian Americans, new research shows.

The findings refute the long-held belief that MS is rare in Black people, according to the study aut...

14 Apr
In U.S., Price Tag for MS Care Tops $85 Billion

In U.S., Price Tag for MS Care Tops $85 Billion

In 2019 alone, multiple sclerosis (MS) cost Americans an estimated $85.4 billion, a new study finds.

That amount included over $63 billion in direct medical costs and $22 billion in indirect non-medical costs.

"The findings of this study help underscore the burden ...

03 Mar
Telemedicine Helped Many MS Patients During Pandemic

Telemedicine Helped Many MS Patients During Pandemic

Telemedicine was widely used by Americans with multiple sclerosis (MS) during the pandemic, and many were happy with the results, a new study finds.

"The findings suggest that telehealth services were well liked d...

02 Mar
Could the Keto Diet Help People With MS?

Could the Keto Diet Help People With MS?

The Keto diet is a low-carb lover's dream, but a new study suggests the popular eating plan may also improve some symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS).

10 Feb
Epstein-Barr Virus: It Causes Mono and Maybe MS. Is a Vaccine Near?

Epstein-Barr Virus: It Causes Mono and Maybe MS. Is a Vaccine Near?

The mononucleosis virus, Epstein-Barr, has become a major suspect in the search for what causes multiple sclerosis.

Now researchers are raising the next logical question -- can we stop both MS and mononucleosis by preventing Epstein-Barr infections, which occur ...

01 Feb
Meat-Heavy Diets Might Have Link to MS

Meat-Heavy Diets Might Have Link to MS

If you eat a lot of meat, you may be at increased risk for multiple sclerosis (MS), a new study suggests.

MS is an autoimmune disease in which the...

26 Jan
Scientists Discover How the 'Mono' Virus Might Trigger MS

Scientists Discover How the 'Mono' Virus Might Trigger MS

A one-two punch from science has clearly tagged the mononucleosis virus, Epstein-Barr, as a major cause of multiple sclerosis.

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) appears to trigger multiple sclerosis...

14 Jan
Could the 'Mono' Virus Help Trigger Multiple Sclerosis?

Could the 'Mono' Virus Help Trigger Multiple Sclerosis?

For years, researchers have suspected that the Epstein-Barr virus, best known for causing mononucleois, might also play a role in triggering multiple sclerosis. Now a new study strengthens the case.

The study, of more than 10 million U.S. military personnel, found the ri...