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Results for search "Cirrhosis".

Health News Results - 10

04 Jun
Too Much Sitting Could Be Harming Kids' Livers

Too Much Sitting Could Be Harming Kids' Livers

Kids who spend more than six hours a day on their duffs have a greater risk of severe fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis by the time they're young adults, a new study claims.


20 Jun
Cirrhosis of the Liver: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cirrhosis of the Liver: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cirrhosis of the liver poses a significant health challenge worldwide. With no known cure, it requires comprehensive management to slow liver damage, alleviate symptoms and prevent potential complications.

Cirrhosis is characterized by irreversible scarring of the liver....

02 Jun
Is a Liver Dialysis Device on the Horizon?

Is a Liver Dialysis Device on the Horizon?

A new liver dialysis device might soon be able to save patients on the edge of death from liver failure, early clinical trial results show.

The DIALIVE device safely improved organ function and alleviated symptoms in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure, compared...

02 Jun
Software Bias Misses Lung Problems in Black Men, Study Finds

Software Bias Misses Lung Problems in Black Men, Study Finds

A common test for lung function may be missing lung problems in Black men, leading to under-diagnosis and insufficient care.

A new study from the University of Pennsylvania estimates that as many as 40% more Black male patients would have been diagnosed with breathing ...

15 Dec
Even in Advanced Liver Disease, It's Never Too Late to Quit Alcohol

Even in Advanced Liver Disease, It's Never Too Late to Quit Alcohol

Quitting alcohol can help reduce complications of liver cirrhosis, even in patients who have advanced disease. It can also help them live longer, new research shows.

"Our results clearly show that all patients with alcohol-related liver cirrhosis who maintain sustained ...

20 Jun
U.S. Death Rate From Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis Triples Over Two Decades

U.S. Death Rate From Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis Triples Over Two Decades

Americans may have a collective drinking problem, made worse by the obesity epidemic, new research suggests. The new study found that deaths from alcoholic cir...

14 May
Is Rise in Liver Damage Tied to More Drinking During Lockdowns?

Is Rise in Liver Damage Tied to More Drinking During Lockdowns?

Many people drank more to cope with the stress of the coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions it placed on daily life, and now a new study suggests that all of this drinking is causing a serious spike in alcohol-related diseases.

"Incidence of hospitalizations for alco...

05 Jan
On Waitlist for Liver Transplants, Women Die More Often Than Men

On Waitlist for Liver Transplants, Women Die More Often Than Men

Frailty may explain why women awaiting a liver transplant are more likely than men to become too sick for a transplant or die before transplantation, a new study suggests.

Exercise and a healthier diet may help narrow that gender gap, researchers say.

For the...

29 Jan
Big Gains Against Hep C Possible With Big Investment

Big Gains Against Hep C Possible With Big Investment

Millions of hepatitis C cases and related deaths could be prevented, but it will require a significant investment, researchers say.

In the first study to model such measures worldwide, the authors concluded that sweeping prevention, screening and treatment efforts co...

23 Jan
Liver Transplants Tied to Alcohol Use Doubled Since 2002

Liver Transplants Tied to Alcohol Use Doubled Since 2002

The percentage of U.S. liver transplant recipients with alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD) doubled over 15 years, but significant regional variations remain, a new study finds.

ALD has replaced hepatitis C as the most common reason for U.S. liver transplants. One...