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Results for search "Acne".

12 Oct

Women with Adult Acne Face Harmful Misperceptions, New Study Finds

Women with adult acne are often perceived as less attractive, less successful and less happy, a new study finds.

Health News Results - 26

15 May
Could a Low-Cal Keto Diet Help Ease Acne?

Could a Low-Cal Keto Diet Help Ease Acne?

In a small pilot study, some young women looking to lose weight on a low-calorie keto diet got an unexpected benefit: Their acne began to clear up.

"These findings represent an opportunity to control a skin disease that affects most teenagers and many adults at some poin...

24 Apr
Kids With Common Skin Conditions Face Stigma, Bullying

Kids With Common Skin Conditions Face Stigma, Bullying

Acne, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, alopecia: Any one of these common skin ailments can render a child vulnerable to stigma and bullying at school, new research confirms.

"These chronic skin conditions can be tremendously life-altering, including shaping psychosocial deve...

07 Mar
Carcinogen Benzene Can Form in Some Acne Treatments: Report

Carcinogen Benzene Can Form in Some Acne Treatments: Report

Some acne treatments may may banish blemishes but carry hidden dangers: A new report reveals high levels of the carcinogen benzene can form in products that contain the zit-fighting ingredient benzoyl peroxide.

According to the new 

02 Feb
Dermatologists' Group Offers Latest Guidance on Acne

Dermatologists' Group Offers Latest Guidance on Acne

It might take a combination of treatments to rein in problem acne in teens and adults, updated guidelines from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) suggest.

The guidelines on the all-too-commo...

07 Dec
Acne in Adults Can Bring Stigma at Work and Socially

Acne in Adults Can Bring Stigma at Work and Socially

Acne can be terribly embarrassing for a teenager, but a new study has found that adults' blemishes might have even greater consequences for their social and professional reputation.

People are less likely to want to be friends, have close contact or post a pic on social ...

12 Oct
Women With Acne Bear Another Burden: Stigma

Women With Acne Bear Another Burden: Stigma

Adult acne can significantly change how women are perceived in social settings, a new study finds.

And where the acne is located on the face changes the onlooker's perception.

Researchers tracked eye movements of 245 study participants looking at pictures of women...

31 Jul
One Drug Clear Winner in Treating Acne: Review

One Drug Clear Winner in Treating Acne: Review

Millions of people live with acne, and it can take a dramatic toll on their quality of life, but is any one treatment better than the rest?

Yes, suggests a new review of more than 200 studies. When researchers compared acne treatments, a clear winner emerged: oral i...

13 Sep
TikTok 'Slugging' Trend Has People Coating Their Faces With Grease

TikTok 'Slugging' Trend Has People Coating Their Faces With Grease

To slug or not to slug? That's the question for millions of TikTok users, who turn to the social media giant for tips and information on what amounts to a DIY skin care phenomenon....

18 May
Could Omega-3 Fatty Acids Fight Acne?

Could Omega-3 Fatty Acids Fight Acne?

As many as 50 million Americans deal with acne. The blemishes can be painful and, for some, embarrassing.

Now, researchers may have found a new weapon to fight acne - one without harsh side effects.

A study in Germany has pinpointed omega-3 fatty acids - found in f...

10 Mar
No Sign Common Steroid Spironolactone Can Cause Cancer: Study

No Sign Common Steroid Spironolactone Can Cause Cancer: Study

The often-used steroid spironolactone is not linked to any increased risk of a range of common cancers, according to a new study.

The synthetic steroid is routinely used to manage heart failure, high blood pressure and edema, and also used off-label to treat acne, hair l...

21 Feb
Science Reveals Acne's Secrets, Moving Closer to Better Treatments

Science Reveals Acne's Secrets, Moving Closer to Better Treatments

A type of skin cell that plays a significant role in fighting acne has been identified -- a finding researchers say could lead to new ways to treat the common skin ailment

Hair follicles have been known to be major factors in acne development, but

08 Feb
Acne's Genetic Secrets Could Bring Better Treatments

Acne's Genetic Secrets Could Bring Better Treatments

For countless teens, it's the scourge of adolescence. But researchers say the discovery of new genetic variants associated with acne could help doctors identify people at high risk and perhaps point the way to new treatments.

"Despite major treatment advances in other sk...

17 Jan
CBD and Cannabis Products for Acne, Psoriasis? Buyer Beware, Dermatologists Say

CBD and Cannabis Products for Acne, Psoriasis? Buyer Beware, Dermatologists Say

Growing numbers of folks are turning to CBD or cannabis products to treat skin conditions like acne or rosacea, but researchers warn that the science on their safety and power hasn't kept up with demand.

When more than 500 adults were asked about their use of CBD (cannab...

24 Dec
Men (Santa Included) Need These Facial Hair Care Tips

Men (Santa Included) Need These Facial Hair Care Tips

Healthy looking facial hair starts with healthy skin -- even if you're Santa.

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests some tips to prevent dandruff,

02 Aug
Acne Can Take Big Emotional Toll on Women

Acne Can Take Big Emotional Toll on Women

Acne is more than skin deep.

This is the overarching message of a new study that looked at the mental and psychological toll that acne can take on adult women.

"Some felt that their acne made them appear less professional or qualified at work, and many described th...

20 Nov
Losing Your Hair Because of Pandemic Stress?

Losing Your Hair Because of Pandemic Stress?

Add stress-related hair loss to the many problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

"I've had patients coming in recently with stress-related hair loss, who tell me they were so worried about dying earlier this year or even that they had COVID-19. But they don't see th...

19 Sep
A Guide to Acne Care for People of Color

A Guide to Acne Care for People of Color

Dealing with acne can be especially difficult for people of color, a skin expert says.

Acne affects up to 50 million people in the United States each year. For people of color, acne is often accompanied by dark spots or patches called hyperpigmentation.


05 Aug
Skip the 'Maskne,' Not the Mask

Skip the 'Maskne,' Not the Mask

For most people, wearing a face mask is a harmless inconvenience, but wearing the coverings may cause skin problems for some, one dermatologist explains.

It's been called mask-acne, or "maskne."

Dermatologist Dr. Allison Truong, from Cedars-Sinai Medical Gr...

11 Jun
Milk Chocolate, Dairy and Fatty Foods Tied to Acne in Adults

Milk Chocolate, Dairy and Fatty Foods Tied to Acne in Adults

Are you plagued by acne even though you're way past puberty? A new report might have you avoiding certain foods.

The study of more than 24,000 French adults found that sweet and greasy fare -- especially milk chocolate, sweetened drinks, dairy products, and sugary or...

05 Feb
Is Vaping a Scourge on Your Skin?

Is Vaping a Scourge on Your Skin?

Burns on the face, arms and hands that require skin grafts. Acne boils and ugly rashes. Black hairy tongue and other oral lesions.

These are some of the ways that vaping can do serious damage to someone's skin, a new evidence review shows.

For example, an ...

11 Oct
What Foods Are Most Likely to Cause Acne Breakouts?

What Foods Are Most Likely to Cause Acne Breakouts?

Certain eating habits, high levels of stress and exposure to pollution are among the greatest factors associated with acne, researchers say.

They studied links to acne in more than 6,700 people from six countries in Europe and the Americas. The analysis showed that m...

22 Jul
Some Women Still Getting Pregnant While on Acne Drug Tied to Birth Defects

Some Women Still Getting Pregnant While on Acne Drug Tied to Birth Defects

Hundreds of pregnancies still occur every year among U.S. women taking an acne medication that carries a high risk of birth defects, a new study finds.

"While the number of pregnancies among patients taking isotretinoin is low, even 200 pregnancies is too high," said...

15 May
Curbing a Skin Oil Might Help Curb Acne, Study Suggests

Curbing a Skin Oil Might Help Curb Acne, Study Suggests

Acne is the bane of many teens, and even some adults. Now, researchers say they might have hit on a new approach to easing the condition.

The key lies in a naturally produced skin oil called sebum, explained a research team led by William Esler, a researcher with dr...

04 Mar
Acne Drug Accutane May Not Depress Mood After All

Acne Drug Accutane May Not Depress Mood After All

For years, doctors have debated the safety of the acne drug most commonly known as Accutane, but new research suggests the medication does not boost depression risk among its users.

"The existing literature to date is quite mixed with regards to the issue of whether ...

16 Jan
Dermatologists Cut Back on Antibiotics But Still Prescribe the Most

Dermatologists Cut Back on Antibiotics But Still Prescribe the Most

U.S. dermatologists are prescribing fewer antibiotics overall but are writing more short-term orders for the drugs, a new study finds.

Dermatologists prescribe more antibiotics per doctor than any other medical specialty -- more than 7.1 million prescriptions per yea...

03 Jan
New Acne Treatment Might Spring From Old One

New Acne Treatment Might Spring From Old One

An old acne drug may hold the key to developing a new, safer treatment, a study suggests.

Isotretinoin (Myorisan, formerly branded as Accutane), is a form of vitamin A, and has been prescribed for acne for decades. It works by reducing oil in the skin, thus helping p...

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