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Results for search "Pepcid".

Health News Results - 2

Could Heartburn Med Pepcid Ease COVID-19 Symptoms?

An over-the-counter heartburn remedy is showing some potential as a symptom reliever for COVID-19, a small study finds.

Famotidine, sold under the brand name Pepcid, appeared to improve symptoms in a group of 10 patients diagnosed with COVID-19, researchers reported online June 4 in the journal Gut.

The patients' self-reported symptoms began to feel better within a da...

Could Heartburn Meds Spur Growth of Drug-Resistant Germs in Your Gut?

Common heartburn meds may foster the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the gut, a new research review suggests.

In an analysis of 12 past studies, researchers found that, overall, the evidence supports a link: People who use acid-suppressing medications -- particularly proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) -- are more likely than nonusers to harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria in th...